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Posts posted by Eddbopkins.2630

  1. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > How was it fixed?


    After a very ahort while after making this poat and i was loading into thebmist over and over again from the character select screen. But the last time the entire game closed out on me and dis alittle client update. Then the game was fixed.

  2. I have the pvp map selection box that takes but about 50% of my screen from center out on all game modes....loging out and back in does not do anything. Switch game modes doesnt do anything. What is the fix for the problem. Been likebthis for a solid 15+ min now. Plwase help asap.


    Edit:fixed now. Disregarde this thread...sry for the troubles.

  3. > @"Tuchanka.5148" said:

    > Suggestion to make offseason interesting:



    > Celebrate them like a LW Release just for the competitive players! Not everything listed has to happen all the time during an offseason.

    > But sometimes change is good and needed.



    > OFF SEASON BALANCE Patch -> Change runes amuletts skills, sigills all that stuff

    > Class Reworks!

    > New Map Rotations

    > New Map Betas

    > Special Event Weeks

    > 1v1 2v2 3v3 10v10 Queues + ATs





    > NEW SEASON BALANCE PATCH -> React to player feedback,

    > Adjust the "degen. play" builds

    > No random full class "reworks"( Let Mesmers live-duh!)

    > Show Rewards(like Weapons/Armors/more Lamas?)





    > during a season:

    > Let the players enjoy and play the game and their class.

    > Necessary Hotfixes

    > Bug squashing!




    > What do you think?

    > Maybe it's just wishful thinking .

    > No system is perfect.





    These are all great, fun and intresting ideas. But it takes man hours and time to implement anything youve suggested and i just dont think anet is that dedicated to pvp. But hay if they do even one of your ideas id be astonished and excited for pvp.

  4. I feel if ur stealthed ur damage should be reduced by 50%...u already have the advantage of undetection/unseen garrenteed hit. Why should invis players also be able to play without risks at all.

  5. Guild wars 2 should never of taken the title of guild wars... Gw2 is more like the world of tyria, or gods and dragons, or something along the lines of tyrian adventures...anything other then the title of GUILDwars would suit this game better.


    Edit: Not once ever in my 7years of gw2 did i ever think o im doing a GUILD wars fight against another guild. Not once did that thought ever cross my mind. Not once.

    What ever small scale 10v10 i had in the past doesnt reflect the fact that is game doesn't promote any kind of guildVSguild gameplay. Such as it predecessor gw1 did like guild leaders boards and guild tournaments on the daily.

  6. Nothing weaver/ele does is anything spectacualar in terms of damage and or sustain. If ur having a problem fighting them l2p man. They can be EASILY cought and bursted if you are patient and know what to dodge and what to interupt....ele/weaver doesnt get stabiltity that easily so if u cant interupt a single heal skill that on you.....l2p...god it feels good saying that after every mesmer/holo/necro/gaurd/ect... Say that all day long.


    Sword weaver is 200 range....u dont need to stand on point with it to kill it. Let it decap let it get a half cap but keep ur distance and ull kill it. Get the 5 points take it outa the game and get the cap. If ur going toe to toe against any condispam class thats ur fault....condi clears vs condi application is wak atm.

  7. I wouldnt say condi damage is overpowered. When fighting a condi peraon is a fight of attrition condi clears vs condi application. For me amyway.

    I do find that condi application out ways condi clears on almost every fun bursty build i come up with...you should be able to dodge a tick of the condi damage away. Just like u can dodge power hits all day, once condi is on u that it end game. Got 11k life got only 1-2 condi clears...well ur screwed.

    My honest opinion is that condi damage should NOT be in pvp at all. Its a handicap damage application that benifits the build and not the players skills in the game.

  8. > @"Sampson.2403" said:

    > > @"Eurantien.4632" said:

    > > > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

    > > > > @"Sampson.2403" said:

    > > > > I actually think it's hilarious that someone would do that. And i even have more respect for them because they can.

    > > > >

    > > > > If u dont like it then get better at the game than them and it won't matter how many alt accounts they have.

    > > >

    > > > I don't think you understand man

    > > >

    > > > The alt accounts are used to manipulate games so the main accounts can climb without worry.

    > > >

    > > > Duoq+1 solo on an alt. All three in comms. Only accept games that pop for all 3 of you at the same time.

    > > >

    > > > If alt is on the enemy team they can throw making the game a 4v5

    > > >

    > > > If alt is on your team you try hard with 3 in comms. If the game is a loss, alt logs so the main accounts don't lose rating.

    > > >

    > > > Skill has nothing to do with it. Ever see a core ele or mes in a p2 game? Guess which team wins or how that match was rigged.

    > >

    > > I don't think anyone does this, havent experienced or heard of it.

    > >

    > > What does happen is

    > > 1. people only queue on their main with their optimal duo partner. Said duo partner plays on an alt with a low rating. This causes their other 3 teammates average MMR to be higher in rating than it would be if they both queued on their high ranking mains. This makes those games easier to win.

    > > 2. Queue on the 2 same class you want to see on the other team. If 2 duos queue necro, the matchmaking makes sure at least one necro is on the other team. And then the 2 duos swap off necro and now have something easy to kill (and create a snowball) while their team probably has no necros now.

    > > 3. When not able to duo they queue on alt accounts to snipe other players trying out climb the ladder. Since the alt account is lower than their main account, just like number 1, this means their teammates have higher MMRs than they would if the player had queued on their main account. Therefore, the person trying to climb has a harder time. And they can do this with no risk to their main account.

    > > 4. Duos trying to climb will queue dodge other Duos by waiting until they're in a match. Then Duo 1 will queue knowing most of the good players are in Duo 2's game. Allowing for both duos to climb easier than just constantly taking rating from each other.

    > >


    > ^ that is what i call some respectable strategy. You're fighting for an individual rank in a 5 man team game, so if you really wanna be at the top, you should be trying your best to massage the environment of your matches. That's some ninja thinking there.


    > If you just keep hitting the que button randomly without any strategy as to with whom and when, then may i also recommend slot machines in vegas. There are plenty of them waiting for you. I hear they give out free booze too!


    > EDIT: i mean you should be doing this if you really care about being at the top. I randomly que without thought of with whom or when, but that's justified by the fact that i don't give a kitten


    Why should the competitive eleader board operate like a slot machine? Because the top tier populace MAKES that happen apperently. With such manipulation u think thats brakes some kind of tos and should be banned for manipulating the leader boards for a few seasons.

  9. > @"Sampson.2403" said:

    > I actually think it's hilarious that someone would do that. And i even have more respect for them because they can.


    > If u dont like it then get better at the game than them and it won't matter how many alt accounts they have.


    If u dont see the unfair opportunities or lack there of that youve and the rest of the top 10 have created then its really is time to quit gw2. Like why play a game where the best of the best have created a win trading escapade where they trade off play times so they can play aginst lower teir people and not each other....also they duo q with a way lower rank so they get placed in easier games. Why bother giving those people fun with your time on the line. I rather not play this game then perpetuate the cycle.

    Ill come back when theres more games modes so i can diversify my time and not meet/ play anyone in the top 10.

  10. What about classes that have 11k hp? Dont you think they should have a little protection when u can be k-o juat by one skill not a burst rotation...but a single arce slice or a single head but or a single statter or a single back stab or a single transversal. Dont u think alittle safty net to extend the game play makes it alittle more fair for the toons that have the lowest hp and lowest armor in game?

  11. People been asking for this since day one....thats why we had the 2v2 tournament last November.why they havnt brought it back is only because they dont care about this side of the game(pvp). If they did the proff would be in the game and well have access to 2v2/3v3 and more.

    Im convinced that the developers all of them just dont care about pvp and if they could get ride of pvp they would..the proff is in the developemnt of pvp it self.

  12. Build needs and balancing isnt not the reason why im taking another brake....its the lack of game modes...doing the same 5v5 conquest 3point cicle jerk for the past 7 years makes me feel like im really waisting my life in gw2. We need new game modes new automated tournaments. Back in gw1 there were 3 tournaments aday and i dont ever remeber then braking/bugging ever. 2v2s, 3v3s, 12gv12g needs to happen. If anyone who has commented on this thread defended the state of gw2 pvp, you probably never played gw1 or was never really into it as we pvpers are into it.


    Besides what do pvers have to compain about. They get it all new maps, new story, events, the developers deveopment time.

    What do pvpers get? One new map every 2 years thats hated cuz we dont want maps we want game modes. No new development at all for 7 years like game modes and choices. Instead were given the BARE minimum. 1 game mode, and a half as-sed 5v5 ladder system for 7 years since day 1. Nothing has changed for pvp in 7 years is my point. While pve get new shit every 3-6 months.. So please stop defended pve, and relize that you get all the attention.


    Sry i got no positivity for a 7 year old game., that has less development and growth then a rotting corpse.

  13. > @"phokus.8934" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > > @"phokus.8934" said:

    > > > August 30th will reveal more details about pvp, wvw, and pve.

    > >

    > > Why August 30th?


    > That's when they're having their Season 5 reveal.


    Oo i see....unforutnitly i give zero fks about pve. Dont care about there story of dragons and gods.

    Im in it for the combat system and class mechanics.

  14. > @"asmariya.1096" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > Hearing this makes me so sad...i dont really like any other class. I never tried a raid, but if i did id go ele, and hearing that they are the garbage of raids is really dissapointing to hear.



    > If you can commit to the class and learning the proper rotations, Weaver offers some of the highest damage in the game.


    Been playing ele since year 2. Learning a rotation isnt the problem. Its the community that only wants perfection and if it isnt then u just get kicked from the group these days. Like i hate condi. I will never play condi on my ele.. So that there is a no go for me.

  15. Elementalist:

    Love: master of the elements

    Hate: being tied to one weapon set. I would love to be able to set 2 attunments to each weapon set. For instance, fir and air would use scepter/dagger, and water earth would be using dagger/focus. This would allow for us to use and have at our disposal like everyother class...4 weapon sigils. And not stuck with a. gim ped set of 2. Doesnt matter if theres cd is for each attunment. The lack of options for another set of 2 sigils weakens that class more then you know.

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