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Posts posted by Eddbopkins.2630

  1. Heres a question for the mesmer players....why is it that every play style requires endless spam of clones.....name one build one play style that mesmer doesn't use clones? You cant cuz its a baaaaaaaaaaadly designed class that has very strong abilities compaired to other classes. Id love to see a build for mesmer that doeant require endless clone spamage. Out of 2 specializations and 7 years the only play style for mesmer is clone creation and useage. Idk do something else maybe?

  2. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > I dont think they need a nerf persay in terms of damage. But there ability to teleport and there mobility is to much.

    > > Jaunt does to much. Damage, condi clear, and a leap finisher.

    > > The last part doesnt make sence to me. How is a teleport a leap finisher. If jaunt is a leap finisher, so should the ele teleport.


    > There are some mesmer players who feel the class is lacking in mobility lol


    Exactly "mesmer players" baised based people that cant compair there class to what other classes can do. And only want there class to rain supreme.

    Those people are juat used to the overpowered abilities of mesmer and cant see the whole picture of gw2

  3. I dont think they need a nerf persay in terms of damage. But there ability to teleport and there mobility is to much.

    Jaunt does to much. Damage, condi clear, and a leap finisher.

    The last part doesnt make sence to me. How is a teleport a leap finisher. If jaunt is a leap finisher, so should the ele teleport.

  4. Gw2 or gw3? Mm....what ever has more then one game mode for pvp is what i want....as it is right now gw2 only has one game mode after 7 years. To me thats a abandoned game mode by the development team. So i dont really care what they do as long as its pvp related. But that is just a dream i would like from anet....and what makes it a dream is there lack of results/development after 7 years.

    Gw1 had pretty much every lind of pvp mode u could think of.

  5. I don't think the current gw2 is anything what she talks about and explains. After 7 years, shouldn't it have evolved and grown? However i see it as the opposite. Gw2 has shrucken and diminished from its glory days of pvp in gw1 and has never even come close it. In terms of popularity, and diversity. Diversitiy in game modes, maps, and builds. Gw2 pvp has fallen so short of it predecessor that i find it embarrassing it shares the same name.....im sorry to say this but this is my honest opinion.



    Edit: yet i play this one single pvp game mode almost everynight. I really hope for more game modes and viable build diversity so badly.

  6. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > Re: the matchmaker not keeping high rated players in queue longer: The reward for getting better at the game can't be, "You don't get to play anymore."

    > Re: Duo queue - We thought about this for a long time. In the end, we decided it's just not fun to not be able to play with your friends. Additionally, removing a feature is a poor reward for getting better at the game. It also motivated all sorts of bad behavior, which I won't go into.


    The 2 people in legendary shouldn't beable to que together. What ever game they go into will be skewed in their favor 100%of the time. They should be pitted against each other to give each team equal competitive fairness. Im only a g3 player at best 350+points away from the 1st and 2nd NA players. And yet i have had a few games against them. But still it was a total waist of my time participating in that game.

  7. > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > Some how the devs have made a game where your are forced to repeat the same content over and over and over again.....who ever thought this was a good idea needs to go. Im not a robot and im not a time traveler that repeats the same day/events over and over again. I will never game or even atempt to get the skyscale.

    > > Its repetitive, skillless, and a time sink.


    > Which devs forced you to repeat same content over.. I never saw any forcefulness to make me do this.. maybe it's just players forcing themselves to rush the skyscale and then find they got bored after a few map runs and scream unfairness nasty devs force us.. meeehhhh.


    > Actually maybe they should do away with fractals, WvW, PvP and everything PvE cos I feel forced I have to do any amount of each , each time I log into the game.. bad show ANET bad, bad show forcing me to repeat a World Boss or an Auric Basin Meta!!

    > If you cant get 250 map currency in a month then sorry, GW2 is just not something your ever going to enjoy.


    I guess forced is the arong word.....cuz im not doing it at all. A game should be fun, and by forced what i really mean is its a chore. For me doing the same content usually more then 3-5 times becomes a agonizing chore, that i wouldcrather read my books then play it again.

    World bosses are different there quick usually 10 minute fights with giant ass colorfull awesome looking monster. But doing the same heart everyday, plant the seeds kill the drakes get the 3 factions talking everyday? Id just rather do something else productive then repetitive.


    And how many hours a day is that for a month? 2-4 hours day times 30? Nahhh i wont be putting 50-120 HOURs of life into repetitive npc gameplay.

  8. Some how the devs have made a game where your are forced to repeat the same content over and over and over again.....who ever thought this was a good idea needs to go. Im not a robot and im not a time traveler that repeats the same day/events over and over again. I will never game or even atempt to get the skyscale.

    Its repetitive, skillless, and a time sink.

  9. 5 people to 4 people...mmm......this could be really interesting......fights to me always seem capable and underatandable from 2v2 to 4v4...but once that 5th person joins the fight....usually a meamer that creats garbage/visual clutter clones, or a 1500 range pew pew ranger, or a invisible backstab thf or a spamy p/p thf. The match just becomes practically un-understandable.

    Id be real intrested in a weekend of 4v4 conquest.

  10. > @"DoomNexus.5324" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > > It’s a pve game, anything else is there cause it would look bad if didn’t had pvp.

    > > >

    > > > Anything besides pve is forced content and mechanics.

    > >

    > > Have u ever played gw1? Gw2 predecessor? I feel you are lacking understanding of what made gw1 what it was. And that the dev team for gw2 have completely dropped the ball for anything that gw2 pvp related.


    > yes indeed and it hurts me.. a lot.. gw1 pvp was so good and so diverse with lots of different pvp modes, some even came with expansions.. and now? in GW2? all that's important is a new raid wing and a fractal every now and then and LiViNg StOrY..

    > another thing Anet was really famous for - in my opinion-.. in gw1 they constantly changed skills (of which there were A LOT more than GW2 has btw..) and now everything we get is like a hand full of skills for each class slightly changed every few months after being broken for 5 balance patches.

    > I really don't understand all those design choices Anet did right in GW1 and then threw out of the window for GW2.. like just take resetting traitlines. In gw1 you also had to pay for your attribute resets, it got removed and rightly so.. just to be reintroduced to gw2?! and again, get removed.. why not just leaving it out to begin with after the predecessor already made that 'mistake'? Or the skill split for different game modes. Anet just started to split them a few years ago after constantly avoiding it even tho this was already very common practice in gw1. why? nobody understands.

    > It just really annoys me how they completely ignore everything they've done right with their previous game. Honestly if gw1 wasn't already completely dead (especially pvp - I tried it again a few weeks ago.. RIP Fort Aspenwood) and maybe had some smoother controls, I would instantly turn my back on gw2.


    > Also I just hate this argument @"Aeolus.3615" iT's A pVe GaMe.. do you really think anet would've gone through the hassle of developing WvW (which I imagine was a real challenge for the dev team) and even make an eSport League for sPvP if they never cared about PvP content? It just annoys me that Anet somehow stopped caring quite a while ago.


    If they made a dodge system for gw1, and the ability to cast while moving, that game be #1 again in no time at all.

  11. > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > It’s a pve game, anything else is there cause it would look bad if didn’t had pvp.


    > Anything besides pve is forced content and mechanics.


    Have u ever played gw1? Gw2 predecessor? I feel you are lacking understanding of what made gw1 what it was. And that the dev team for gw2 have completely dropped the ball for anything thats gw2 pvp related.

  12. > @"rwolf.9571" said:

    > Been playing alot of Silver 2 this season, and the botting is far more obvious than if you were in gold 2 to plat 1.

    > I even broke 2 bots pathing by simply shadow stepping...




    You doing anets work for them...keep it up. Maybe on day they will want to do some of there own work and ban these people permanently.

    Us as players shouldnt have to creat a post about bots and cheaters almost everyweek. It super embarrassing i feel for this kind of activity to be happening in there own game/backyard is un acceptable for as long as it been happening.

  13. > @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

    >I guess the "I just want to play with >friends" excuse has been replaced >with "It's an mmo" excuse now.



    Its not an excuse. Its our reasoning and its very understandable if you have the proper idea of a 5v5 team based game mode in mind.

    And thats the problem with solo quers there selfish and lack the fundamental ideology of a team based 5v5 game mode.




  14. This is a TEAM based 5 man vs 5 man game. The fact that they took out TEAM play out of a team based game goes against the idea of the 5v5 team based game mode.....if solo quers want a solo q then there should be a 1v1 ladder for all the people that want to play solo. This is a mmo massive multiplayer...

    Not solo rpg.

  15. > @"Mbelch.9028" said:

    > > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

    > > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > > Is there a reason why most of them like polys and accessory infusions mostly do not work?

    > >

    > > If you've ever seen what stacking [phospholuminescent infusion](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Phospholuminescent_Infusion "phospholuminescent infusion") looks like, you'll understand why.

    > >

    > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/o16CaoW.jpg "")

    > >

    > > It can get really preposterous. If that was allowed in PvP, it would be nearly impossible to see tells.


    > I almost always agree with ya, but I have for a long time wanted infusions to work at the least in the PvP lobby. In addition, I think if the following things are done, they should even be let in PvP matches, so long as standard models respect a "no infusion on standard models" policy:


    > 1. Implement an "infusion effects" slider to the game, that way you can turn all infusions on or off, or find some middle ground.

    > 2. Decrease the amount of stacking that is possible so that visual clutter is reduced.


    > Some folks pay 17k for a chak infusion, and I think it should be visible across the board :)


    This makes great sence.....i really like the idea of infusions working in the pvp lobby at the very least.

  16. I feel hp and armor should be standardized between all classes in pvp. lets say 14000hp and armor 2000. Then each person gets a set number of points to distribute however they please. This will create some intresting specs and make it so everyone is on a even playing feild when it comes to standards or equality between classes like a necro that has a starting hp of almost 30k with full ahroud and a ele with 11.9k, and a warrior that has 20k hp and 2.5k armor and a thf that has 11.6k hp and 1.9k armor. This inequality between classes further separates the competitive nature of this game.

  17. > @"LegendPlayer.2418" said:

    > once ESL quitted from this game it was the end of competetive pvp tournamets to be honest .. :pensive:

    > bring back ESL tournies !


    Its wasnt there desision to stop esl tournys. The ESL droped them. There will never be another esl tourny again.

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