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Posts posted by Eddbopkins.2630

  1. What are the developers goals, ideas, plans, hopes, and dreams for pvp in 2019.

    In 2018 it was to release swiss and that didnt happen.

    Im wondering what there goal for the new year of 2019 will be.

    Any improvments or new game modes like a 2v2, and or a 3v3 system?


    Or are we to expect the 7th year of gw2 to be the same as year 1-6 (5v5conquest only)?

  2. > @"BadMed.3846" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > > @"BadMed.3846" said:

    > > > I heard they all came back since they got duo queue. Thats what they said last season.

    > >

    > > Not all, not even close. Maybe only like 25% of the people that left came back with the duo q at most...with out a 5 man q you will never see the numbers pvp had in its esport era.


    > They need to get their act sorted out then. They made big noise to get duo queue last season and got it. All lies, I guess then. Wrecking our games for no reason.


    > Tbh - I'd rather have them gone as natural attrition and see new good players emerge over time.


    Id like to see gw2 over take its predecessor in terms of pvp content and build diversity. But that probably wont happen in gw2 life span. If u take the dodge mechanic and put it into gw1 i feel that game can make a biiig comback.

  3. What made me stop playing pvp is the lack of content after 6 years. You know how many pvp/gvg game modes we're in gw1? More then you can count on one hand....the only constant content update for pvp in the past 6 years is balance updates every 3-4 months. For me that is not acceptable. And it wasnt acceptable for the esport scene either. A few teams actually quit matches that just started like 100-50 becuase of the devs refusal to do balance changes between tournaments. The bunker meta for the esport scene was terriblely not fun to watch.

    The lack of attention is what drove me away from pvp and as far as pve goes, i dont really care for there story of dragons and gods.

    So i just dont play gw at all any more. I loged on real quick a few days a go thinking one of my rl buddies might want to have a duo quo but in the end conquest is OLD and boring and we decided other games are more attractive then the 6 year old one trick pony/game mode that is gw2.. There is nothing in gw2 that screams play me.

    And it brakes my heart i LOVED gw1 its pvp was top teir topest of teirs back in the day. And the devs promise at launch of gw2 having what gw1 had was a 100% lie. Alittle regret for falling for the developers tricks and lies, yes i have it.


    Its called guild wars, not tyran wars, or world of tyria. And compairing that to gw1 the devs really dont understand that i feel from day one.

  4. > @"Fortus.6175" said:

    > > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

    > > Rip


    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:


    > > Mmm getting ele to top leaders boards usually implys u main it at least 75% of the time. Mm it seems u took that picture on your scapper so idk if you really got that rank on ele. Playing your last what ever games at the end of the season on anything other then ele to get a better ending placement means u do not main ele at all.


    > I wrote a couple of comments above this one, give it a read, it explains why you misinterpreted the screenshot, give it a read if you guys care.


    > You will see me very active in the ele subforum since beta, I play almost nothing but ele almost every single season. I have suffered all metas and this is perhaps the worst eles have ever been on.


    > tl;dr the screenshot shows my **OTHER** 4 teammates, not me. This season I played eles about 85-90% of the time easily, and 10-15% on DH.


    I apologise.

  5. Theres obvious reasons why i hate fighting mesmers.

    Clones that keep reapearing, like is that its only mechanic in 2 specializations and a core? Creating clones endlessly? If that wasnt a visual cluster mess they also have multiple detargeting skills along with the clones makes retargeting a nightmare.


    But thats not all, this one is the one that pisses me off the most. Confusion. There is no internal cool down on it so if you ever want to attack the mesmer u just end up killing your self in the processes. This may not be a problem for the heavy hitters in this game like warrior holo necro ranger classes, but for the quick casting light low health classes like fa ele, thf, gaurd, 12+ stack of confusion will drop us in 2 seconds or less.


    Im pretty sure in gw1 mesmer had more then 1 mechanic. Like it could specialize in hp negativity or mp negativity, cc master, or be duff master and more

    But here its juat clones clone clone come one come all spam then clones till enemy is a dead man.

    Heres a list of former gw1 mesmer builds vs the clonage that is now.

    Build:Me/A JQ Wastrel's Capper

    Build:Me/A Wastrel's Mesmer

    Build:Me/any Arenas Arcane Languor

    Build:Me/any FA Migraine's Demise

    Build:Me/any FA Psychic Chaos

    Build:Me/any FA Shutdown

    Build:Me/any GvG Air of Disenchantment

    Build:Me/any GvG June Domination Mesmer

    Build:Me/any HA Panic Mesmer

    Build:Me/any HA Psychic Distraction Mesmer

    Build:Me/any November Energy Surge

    Build:Me/any November Power Block

    Build:Me/any Power Block Mesmer

    Build:Me/any RA ESurge

    Build:Me/any RA Migraine Mesmer

    Build:Me/any RA Power Block

    Build:Me/any RA Psychic Distractor

    Build:Me/any Tease Mesmer November Flux

    Build:Me/E FA GoR Shutdown

    Build:Me/E JQ GoR Chaos Storm

    Build:Me/N FA May Flux

    Build:Me/Rt GvG E-Surge Spike Mesmer

    Build:Me/Rt GvG Non-Wastrel's Psychic Instability

  6. > @"Fortus.6175" said:

    > I made it to rank 88 with tempest:

    > https://imgur.com/YMl0cXZ


    > Staff tempest and D/D tempest. While ele's are extremely weak right now, as long as you have good muscle memory and can play the map, you can make it to plat. Do keep in mind that Anet hates eles in PvP and will continue to nerf our defenses and damage, leaving only self-healing troll builds who can only stall a point (when we have other classes like soulbeast, mirage, holo, spellbreaker who can not only stall 1-2 people, but kill MANY builds in 1v1).


    > But if you love eles and hate yourself, do play tempest, it IS fun but know that you are extremely weak in almost all scenarios when pitted agaisnt players with similar skill level.


    Mmm getting ele to top leaders boards usually implys u main it at least 75% of the time. Mm it seems u took that picture on your scapper so idk if you really got that rank on ele. Playing your last what ever games at the end of the season on anything other then ele to get a better ending placement means u do not main ele at all.

  7. > @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

    > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > Their low health pool makes them easy to 2 shot on anything with good DPS if you coordinate the strikes during stability downtime or just boon removal/CC trains.

    > Before you can '2shot' them ,they have 2 arcane shields that explode for a lot. They pop you faster than this charges run out... OP !111


    The most arcana sheild pops for is 3k. Its nothing to write home about.

  8. > @"Jski.6180" said:

    > At the end of the day Aeromancer's Training is stronger dmg and def now then Stormsoul anet dose understand this i hope.


    Exactly, so why in a bazzilion years ever use stormsoul? It obvious they dony understand this, hense the creation of stormsoul in the first place. Lets hope it gets changed in another 3-4 months. Till then we have to just deal with the terribleness they created.

    But we stick around for the excellent combat system they created. I Give created where its do. Its just the little things that need changing like skills and with more interactions with the developers we can stop none sence of redundtant and useless traits. Im almost positive that the player has voiced there thoughts idea and opinions on this form many many times. What we are missing is the developer contribution on this forum. I hope they will be better in 2019.

  9. I wouldnt call this op of any kind but it is the build that i use. It has some very nice burst if you do it right and some decent survivability with 2 stone resonance and the trait. If used correctly it can bolster your hp 15k to absorb almost any burst that comes its way but you have to use it preemptively. Witch takes some kind of psychic powers to use effectively becuase its 1k barrier per tick for 5 ticks. And i belive if u have poision on u it will make the tick even worse. But it all ele has for survivability soo i use what the devs give me. It doesn't have much in long term fighting but if u can manage to land ur burst it will scare/or kill what ever it touches. It is really weak to condi but with the teleport you should be able to clear the distance quick enough to disengage and retarget to something else to surpise burst on.


  10. > @"Tom.8029" said:

    > I think you guys are forgetting about the damage buff for Stormsoul. You're still getting increased damage from every disable.


    Tempest defence also had the 10% damage modifier on disabled foes so saying that this is a new improved feature is 100% wrong. Stoemsoul vs TD is a complete slap in the face nerf.

  11. > @"JohnWater.5760" said:


    > Blind and Immobilize count as CC too. Blind isn't a instant damage but can decrease.

    > Scepter 3

    > Dagger 3

    > Warhorn 5

    > Staff 3 and 4 I guess

    > This is what I remember.



    Where does it say blind and immob count as cc? The populace call it soft cc but its not really cc at all.

  12. > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > Passive endure pain doesnt block cc and it doesnt block condi tickage. So i dont see a big problem with it. Elixer whatever blocked it all. That was alittle unbalanced compaired to its counter part.


    > Well, Ele got it's passive shocking aura removed, which was strong, but I wouldnt say it was stronger than auto endure pain, and per ANETs previous statement that was I think over the summer? When they said they don't want defensive passives to be too strong, I think endure pain falls into that category, same with the ranger signet of stone.


    Ele shocking aura (tempest defence) was not strong what so ever. It never stoped any kind of damage, and against ranged targets it was 100% useless. All TD did was stop follow up MELE (whitch with the lowest hp and the lowest toughness was needed) attacks. It was a balanced trait. It was only usefull in certain sitchuation and completely useless in others. It was in no way shape or form over powered. And you can not compair it to a skill like endure pain that is an invul. Like come on an invuln vs a skill that doesn't stop any damage from hitting you.

  13. > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > The question is how the hell did you allow warrior to hit you with bull's charge, whirl wind, Rush, and Arcing Slice in that order?

    > * Bull charge = "Look at me I am going to hit you, I also make a noise so you better dodge in 3, 2, 1"

    > * Whirl wind = "Oh he use whirl win, I better dodge so i get hit only once"

    > * Rush = "how cute this warrior, let me count 3,2,1 dodge"

    > * Arcing Slice = You were already dead and he hit you when you were down.


    > the warrior did not have cooldown on GS and yet you did not even dodge a single attack?

    > Bull charge = hit

    > Whirl wind = hit X 3

    > Rush = hit

    > Arcing slice = hit


    > You have serious L2P issues boy!


    I was already at the end of my survivial in a team fight. I wasnt 1v1ing the war at all. More like 4v4 and i had the war on me the entire time, thats what he managed to hit me with after a prolonged fight. How ignorant u gotta be to assume it was a 1v1 sitchuation. The answere is very.

  14. For some classes damage is to high for others its not enough. Gaurds, Warrios, Necros, Mesmers, Holos, are all putting out enormous damage right now. so much so that any light class just gets eaten in seconds.

    I main fa ele, and any holosmith, warrior, mesmer, gaurd, just insta kills me if i do not have defense abilities available like twist of fate, or obsidian flesh at the ready. Ele cant even take auto attacks without them hitting it for over 3k and im not jokeing.


    What needs to happen is Normalizing everyone toughness so that were all at the same lvl so that this game can become 1 step closer to a balanced fight. The only way to get more toughness should be threw an amulet or build, not because of lore or original class design. Guild wars has moved beyond that and has become something more. Having unequal stat balance between professions in a fighting game is broken from the start. id really love to see HP and Toughness normalized but id take Toughness if i had to pick one.


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