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Posts posted by Eddbopkins.2630

  1. Also if you want more evidence of a bias twords ele just look in the pvp forums. You are not allowed to post anything related to ele or it gets moved to the ele forum, buut there has been a condi mirage post in the pvp section for weeks. If this isnt the deffinition of bias then idk what that word means.

  2. Mm, didn't they rework mesmer back in like February or March some time around there even though it has always been top teirs?

    At this point i feel that they just dont care about the ele and its either to difficult to change so they never will or they just dont care to. This games code is super spaghettied i feel any change that can happen will just end up defunking something else so in the end nothing will ever get done.

  3. I dont think money is the issue. There a company of 200+ developers. If they wanted to do pvp related upgrades they would, but they just dont want to. There doing the bare minimum for pvp developement since day one. After 2v2 is deployed i dont expect any pvp urgrades ever again. This game will never in a million years be what its predecessor was. There is no communication with the developers on pvp development. So there must not be any. You took the title of guild wars but have no guild wars after 6 years.

    The development of 2v2 system should just be the start after that theres needs to be a 10v10 system for guilds i feel.

  4. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > Decay does not affect matchmaking.

    > Source: Have looked at the code with a programmer.


    Really? A season ago when i was in gold 2 i was playing and got a user that went by the name branndon at the time he was a top10 ele that streamed in twitch id watch him alot. One time he got placed in my game and i was freaking out as to why am i playing a top10 when im only a gold 2. I started talking to him and asked him why hes not streaming id like to watch, he said he was only on to get ride of his decay.

    Juat my 2 cents of decay and match making.

  5. > @"eaman.7562" said:

    > Well in group content you probably have someone spamming some stab, vigor or regen to you so problem solved.

    > If you are thinking solo play I get that you can either have an unstoppable overload and be positive to kill your adversary or risk to abort the burst but have a safe landing with vigor and regen on aura (with ability). Seems solid to me.


    In pvp 1 stack of stabil is usless. In a group fight u have at least a mesmer well pulsing aoe, or ranger cc or warrior cc, or gaurdian cc, or necro cc theres so much cc that 1 stack gets ignored just making the trait rather useless and lackluster. But it if gave more stack like 5 it propbavly still wont be effecfive b.c of all the boon rip. But at least u wouldnt be stoped by a mear sneeze.

  6. It great to have them. Just makes the game feel more polished, and now you have chance of some strategizing witch is always good in a team based game.


    I hope this isnt a bug since it wasnt in the patch notes but then again nearly anything we care about isnt in the patch notes like rev bug fixes. Im sure there were more bug fixes that werent mentioned.

  7. Iv had this bug since day one of pof released it feels.. As far back as i can remeber full counters exsistance this bug was there. Also another thing that annoys me about thefull counter is, its like ele auras of the old days. And since ele cant have anything good looking they gave that kind of bubble aura effect to warrior. So dissapointing.

  8. > @"Stallic.2397" said:

    > > @"Kako.1930" said:

    > > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > > This entire thread with a few exceptions like Trevor Boyer.6524 post and a few others makes me sick.

    > > > You got to be kidding about wanting trailblazers in pvp. The people who want trailblazer stats are people that cant play the game so they need the crutch of overpowered broken stats combination to make up for there lack of Dodge and counter skill abilities. Ill admit right now things are very bursty and diffacult to deal with but adding trailblazers or any other tankyish stat combination is not the answer. What needs to happen is skills nerfing accross the board.

    > > >

    > > > Also i dont see how Mercenary's Amulet will help scepter weaver when scepter is a power weapon mostly to my understanding anyway.

    > >

    > > Fire is both power and condi (burning) and Earth has bleeding, so running condi or hybrid on scepter isn't too bad with the extra toughness and vit. I used to run a hybrid scepter build that worked pretty well.


    > ^ Weaver works pretty well when you're using Condi's from Fire and Earth Attunement. Scepter can be power based off fresh air build, but it's not the only build available.


    > Duel attacks on Fire/Earth has a much lower cooldown compared to any Air duel skills, and it hits hard. Rather than relying on fresh air (power), swapping through Earth and Fire for condi's is easier- therefore, merc stats.


    Mm i have never tried condi scepter weaver. All the skills dont seem to be able to put out enough pressure when compaired to the amount of clearing/resistance (firebrand support) that is around now. Im a check it out tonight but when u got scourge that can do all the condis or a mesmer that can keep 10-20 stacks of confusion and tourment it doesnt seem viable in plat1+ at all.


    And this is a skillset problem not an ammulet problem.

  9. This entire thread with a few exceptions like Trevor Boyer.6524 post and a few others makes me sick.

    You got to be kidding about wanting trailblazers in pvp. The people who want trailblazer stats are people that cant play the game so they need the crutch of overpowered broken stats combination to make up for there lack of Dodge and counter skill abilities. Ill admit right now things are very bursty and diffacult to deal with but adding trailblazers or any other tankyish stat combination is not the answer. What needs to happen is skills nerfing accross the board.


    Also i dont see how Mercenary's Amulet will help scepter weaver when scepter is a power weapon mostly to my understanding anyway.

  10. I dont see how core gaurd is a real problem...yes it can imsta damage but all it takes is 1 dodge to avoid it. It a simple class to play around. Doeasnt have alot of cc or speed to keep up with other classes.. All i see it having it teleport bomb which is easy to dodge and play around.

    Holo on the other hand has way to much in it kit. I was watching a stream the other day of a holo and they have a leap skill on like a 3 second or less cd that insane. Combined with all there othere leaps and that class is mobility king rn next to thf with short bow i feel. + there unbelieveable amount of cc makes them S class for sure in this season i feels. And they have the ability to do 15k+ bomb ontop of a full heal(if blasted but no one ever messes that up itsto easy to blast) that on a pretty low cd it self.

  11. For a fa ele, target brakeing is the killer for me. Having to contantly retarget with conatant targetable clones makes fighting the class very futile and frustrating.


    Another killer for me against mesmers is confusion. The only change to this condi i would like to see is for it to have a icd...i dont see why it should tick faster then any other condi. Even tourment has an icd and ticks at regular intervals when moving. So why does confusion tick like physical burst damage does.


  12. > @"MyPuppy.8970" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > I feel toughness needs to affect condition damage as it does with physical damage. I dont see why condis get a free pass to do full damage when ever its applied but phyical damage has many miditgations.

    > > Therew only one thing to do with condis and its clearing.


    > No thanks. SB doesn't need another passive buffs. And conditions were designed to bypass toughness.

    > But Healing Power could give something like -% condition duration, for what it's worth. That way you could invest in healing power without taking every trait/sigil/utility for cleansing, and hit like a wet noodle, killing you over time anyway.

    > Something like 1000 healing power > -50% condi duration. Considering that condi specs have many ways to extend their condi durations, it would be far from OP.


    This is intreating healing power for less condi duration.

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