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Posts posted by Eddbopkins.2630

  1. What can anet even do on there end to improve cross continent ping. I mean your player base from South america to north america is thousands of thousands miles away and something like that i feel is more on your ISP then on anet and there servers.

    If your fighting someone in onterio canada and you your self is in brazil or another south american country i would expect you to have a ping of at least 200

  2. I thought u meant attunement switching not actually weapon swapping.. weapon swaping isnt really a viable play style, you pick your gear and stats to work with what ever weapon your using. I guess in pve though it doesnt matter any weapon any set up with kill any mob eventually. It all come down to efficiency i guess.

  3. There are 3 classes that ruin pvp for me and it not rev at all.....

    1 is thf with there huge ranged damage potential along with there stealth its an extremely hard play style to counter.

    2 is mesmer with there relentess assaults and mobility to escape and with there clone spam and almost unavoidable invisable clone attacks.

    3 are power necros there damage is way over the top atm.


    1 of each of these classes are ok to have in a game but if u get 2 power ne ros that work well together theres no counter, if u got 2 mesmers that work well together its over theres no beating 10 clones on thw playing field unless they are way below the skill lvl of plat.


    But rev? I havnt come accross a single rev that has put my fa ele or warrior to the test yet.

  4. > @"Buran.3796" said:

    > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > > Yes please.

    > > > If not "relocation" then at least make it "dismissable" like the Que-ready Screen.

    > > > Every time the Map Selection pops up I am just about to sell something, so when it does I can only dream of Riches beyond.

    > >

    > > Making it possible to dismiss the map vote box is on our backlog, though I'm not sure when we'll get to it.


    > I did create this thread in January. We are now in September, with 2 major patches in between. Nothing was done.


    Backlog man, all backlogged. Nearly everything the pvp community wants is back loged at least 2 years im guessing

  5. They gave rifle to thf. So there not completely opposed to squishy classes getting 15-30k range damage.

    But for ele they gave a sword 130 ranged weapon. Kinda makes no sence in terms of fair gameplay. The way weaver plays is so frustrating to deal with or just not fun to play at least for me that i dont do sword ele at all. I HATE the idea of evade skills and the way the ele has them in there kit with the attunement mixing with weaver just seems weird and not good with how squishy the class is.

  6. I have to kinda agree, for me, maybe im old and slow, but i feel theres to much burst and to much cc and the res potential from a few classes(that are played excessively) are way over the top. The classes that do burst all have big advantages while while having little counters and only specific builds can counter those advantages leaving most builds and play styles uselss vs these ranged and high bursty classes.

  7. Ele is still the worst? I havnt played yet this season, been busy with work and like lifeness stuff...ill be trying fa scepter/f ele this weekend, i dout it will be any better since nothing got changed on it but w.e. it my favorite play style.


    Eddit added: And of course ele will still be the worst all they did was buff sword i think....and leave the other 2 specs core and tempest alone so why should it be different now that i think about it.

  8. Nothing should be random in revitalizing pvp...all it will take is programing hours for new game modes. The same circleyerk fighting for 6 years is getting old. They seem to be aware od this now and are creating some 2v2 tournaments and, i believe i read that they are also redoing wvw to be completely different, just give it time like at least 2 more years. I hope it will be less but programing takes time. Nothing is quick with programming that i know of specially gw2 code.1 giant 35+gig file takes time to do properly.

  9. Noo this idea is has no fair play behind it what so ever....why should only less then 1% of the population get a trumendouns speed boost. Just because they know what to dodge and counter scrubs, they should get like 1000% speed booth and the ability to run from any enagement they see there losing? I cant belive this thread still has this much attention drop it. It will never happen. This thread is the dream of 13 yr olds that just want it all and dont care about fair play.

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