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Posts posted by Eddbopkins.2630

  1. Well with firebrands and decent warriors(shake it off, clears like 5 condis i think from yourself and allies) in almost every game, clearing condis from one source isnt so diffacult any more. But if you got 2 scourges or 2 of any condi dpser its practically immpossible to have enough clearing.

    I feel condi is still very strong its just not a free kill if they land all there condis any more. Like power classes they have to work alittle more now....however there are exception tp this like mesmer that class can put out an enormous amount of confusion, ans since confusion doesnt have an icd i feel its still really really powerful.

  2. I main fa weaver scepter/focus, dagger if there isnt more then 1 pewpewer on the other team . Its tough to play it in a game where nearly all the damage is aoe and then you got this ele that is mostly a single target dpser and can only top 12k on a dps burst it makes playing the class reliably, really difficult. Sure you got pheniox and dragons tooth but they are so easily avoided or countered that they become a hindrance in this fast pace combat system.

    Then you got deadeye that can do exactly what ele scepter can do but at 1200 range with 15k+ burst stealth with unblockable, with mobility, with interupts. Yes the extra damage the de doesmatter alot it means the difference between a dead mesmer or a dead you, or a dead gaurdain or a dead you, or a dead rev or a dead you.

    I mean its no contest on what to choose. In terms of comparison of benefits to a team.

  3. This is normal. To have no response isnt out of the ordinary. I wish they would respond. i made a post with a question to the devs directly in the title almost 2 weeks ago now..no answere. Will never get one. This is why people are leaving and getting upset/ anguish from this game. If the devs talked but things, and they still stayed the same people will be satisfied. But to have such disgust and questions about the changes and have no answeres or comradery with the people who made these changes is wanting me to just leave this no hope game....no communication with the developers gives me dout and no hope or willingness to keep playing this 6 year old pvp game.


    Im waiting for swiss and the wvw alliance changes to happen. I rhheeaally hope they come out this year, December the latest. But i really would like some more frequent balance changes to start. Some classes right now do alittle to much damage. And having this for the next 4 months is getting real dissatisfying.

  4. I like the idea it will be a nice counter to the invis mechanic haveing a class that can hard counter it...making the thf players be aware of the surounding alittle better instead of invis a teleporting all over the map freely. But it is a far fetch idea that will never happen. To much to code. This game is like a rock anything other then gemstore items is difficult to code into this game.

  5. > @"foste.3098" said:

    > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNAT3XnUqA1CiNsA+rActglCBDerGWXrPdhoVAwp19sqdl480A-j1CFQBHSFE2t/g+U/AAPAACeEA4jSQCcBAciSjkoMbBHEg0obYzQAwiEYVlqqqSKgIWGB-w


    > This is a min-maxed build fitting your 25 might description. Only issue is a druid cannot get to 5-6k longbow auto attacks unless you use signet of the wild/frost spirit/marksmanship in which case you will give up ether nature magic so no 25 might, or beast mastery in which case double axe makes no sense since the only reason to use axe's is because of the gm trait.

    > Not to mention that by doing those things you kitten cele avatar generation, and if you make a build that cannot enter avatar on cooldown to abuse celestial shadow & clarity then there is no point in running the druid line in the first place.


    > Are you sure it was not a soul beast? It would be easy even for a non glass cannon sb to get those numbers without gimping his build; something like

    > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNAT3XnE8CtCiNsAe8CctglCB7pLk7CA5V3tb51p1FDqdlMtDA-j1CFABVfEAA4BAkmuB+UCqv6HJpMzJlGHqCC77PQwFAYhDCQAAEgbezsZbGczbezbezbWbezbezbezbezbezSBExyI-w


    > This way the down side of axe/axe's lack of mobility and defensive skills is offset by merging with the owl, and the only major weakness the build has is power spike since bear stance does not heal much wo any conditions on you (even this is offset by owl). Not to mention it reaches 100% boon duration so as far as boon spewing goes you are hard pressed to make any build go further.


    Mmmm spoulbeast tis was....my b, he definitly went soulbeast

  6. Yes...long range shot 5.6k to me and i have 2600 armor...




    I feel might is to good now a days. On my ele i can easily get 25 might stacks that gives me no joke 3700 power. Thats insane. Makes running any toughness virtually useless. On druid im sure they can get just as much. I feel might needs to be +15 power instead of +30 just b.c its thrown around so easily and well nothing should make condi damage viable even for a second if your not runing any condi gear in the 1st place. Might should be for power only and there should be a boon for condi damage only. Imo

  7. A build iv encountered in wvw uses axe/axe long bow...long bow 1 was hitting me for 5k-6k i have 2600 armor so im not terribly light. Path of scars axe skill was hitting me 7.5k twice since its a 2 way skill. Crazy amounts of damage. Deffinitly wasnt fun playing against it at all.

  8. I main fa ele....with weaver, either every other swap is to earth just so u can have obsidian flesh or mangetic aura available when u need it or you die if your not good enough with weavers utilities. You either know ele like a fat kid loves twinkies or u just die on the class....ele is not forgiving and takes real knowledge of the class to play properly.


    I wish they have this mentality for all the classes. But engi burst is super easy along with its defence rotations, as well as gaurd, thf, ranger, necro, mesmer, warrior all brain dead gameplay mechanics.

    Then you got ele that is at least 5x the work with 1/4 of the results.


    Alittle info on how bad ele was/is..befor the march 27th balance warriors last stand trait was on a 40 second cd. Ele focus air 5 is a 40 second cd. So in a 1v1 sitchuation if a warrior was running that trait it can never NEVER be cc-ed. How messed up is that.

  9. I fell a good gaurd with his teleports can consistantly kill a de...the de gets revealed just befor he shoots so if your fast enough and good enough you should be able to teleport bomb him consistantly.


    How ever any class that lacks mobility, invulns, amd blocks will just be at an enormous disadvantage. Having 1200 ramge 90% up time on invisability, and avle to do 15k burst way to often make this class to strong in the right hands.


    A good warrior should be able to stall a de with use of the terrain in a 1v1.


    Should be an easy matup for mesmer. And there in every game.

  10. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > > > They announced that new legendarys are going to happen for HOTs release. Its been how many years and theres still not done with them...i highly doubt they will start on a 3rd set when there done. If the time from for lengendarys is years whats the point. I main ele and my favorite playstyle is fa scepter/dagger/focus....we have no idea when they will drop the next one yet alone what it will be..but im sure we wont get the rest this year....i suspect well get the greatsword in 2019 Christmas. This year maybe the scepter. Im soooooooooo dissapointed by there lwgendaey schedual, specially when in the HOT advertisement all of them was supposed to be there.

    > > >

    > > > You're misinformed. There are three legendary weapon left with the next one most likely coming with the very next episode which has been the ongoing trend. If it's an episode every three months then we'd get another in January and the final one around April. I also suggest that you read back and find where it stated that **all** of them were supposed to be with HoT. How many more years do you think this game has? I'm pretty sure it can go at least another four and surely another set can be introduced within that time and especially since I'm sure players would start demanding one.

    > >

    > > We didnt get a lendary with the last episode. So no hope from me with the next.


    > Try again.


    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Verdarach


    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Long_Live_the_Lich#Legendary_Weapon


    Wasnt that 2 episodes ago? W.e pointless topicto be talkin about im moving on. Theyll be out when ever thwy want them to be and we got no say in the matter.



    Edit..im thinking of the special event and i guess that dont count as living world

  11. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > They announced that new legendarys are going to happen for HOTs release. Its been how many years and theres still not done with them...i highly doubt they will start on a 3rd set when there done. If the time from for lengendarys is years whats the point. I main ele and my favorite playstyle is fa scepter/dagger/focus....we have no idea when they will drop the next one yet alone what it will be..but im sure we wont get the rest this year....i suspect well get the greatsword in 2019 Christmas. This year maybe the scepter. Im soooooooooo dissapointed by there lwgendaey schedual, specially when in the HOT advertisement all of them was supposed to be there.


    > You're misinformed. There are three legendary weapon left with the next one most likely coming with the very next episode which has been the ongoing trend. If it's an episode every three months then we'd get another in January and the final one around April. I also suggest that you read back and find where it stated that **all** of them were supposed to be with HoT. How many more years do you think this game has? I'm pretty sure it can go at least another four and surely another set can be introduced within that time and especially since I'm sure players would start demanding one.


    We didnt get a lendary with the last episode. So no hope from me with the next.

  12. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > They announced that new legendarys are going to happen for HOTs release. Its been how many years and theres still not done with them...i highly doubt they will start on a 3rd set when there done. If the time from for lengendarys is years whats the point. I main ele and my favorite playstyle is fa scepter/dagger/focus....we have no idea when they will drop the next one yet alone what it will be..but im sure we wont get the rest this year....i suspect well get the greatsword in 2019 Christmas. This year maybe the scepter. Im soooooooooo dissapointed by there lwgendaey schedual, specially when in the HOT advertisement all of them was supposed to be there.


    > The Hot advertisment said the first 3 will arrive this date and then the rest over time.


    Really? Mm i thought it said more them that....well even the 3 they mentioned was way past there date.

  13. They announced that new legendarys are going to happen for HOTs release. Its been how many years and theres still not done with them...i highly doubt they will start on a 3rd set when there done. If the time from for lengendarys is years whats the point. I main ele and my favorite playstyle is fa scepter/dagger/focus....we have no idea when they will drop the next one yet alone what it will be..but im sure we wont get the rest this year....i suspect well get the greatsword in 2019 Christmas. This year maybe the scepter. Im soooooooooo dissapointed by there lwgendaey schedual, specially when in the HOT advertisement all of them was supposed to be there.

  14. > @"Victory.2879" said:

    > You guys have all missed the point fo the post: you're supposed to post your own examples of 'broken' mechanics you've seen...


    > Isreal: the stupidly high damage from one skill, plus the near instant 8 attack skills he fired off ( no doubt claiming that he's 'muscle memoried' that sequence LOL). Oh, and stealth in this game is broken too.


    No muscle memory needed you get a gamming mouse with 12-16 buttons all at your thumb, bund the rotation to what ever tou want at little to no movement at all. I think thess kind of mouses should be banned but thats immpossible to do.

  15. The problem i see in pvp is that theres a lack of viable and diverse builds in pvp to play. Sure you can play anything you want but it will be hard countered, it wont have what you need to be successful in team fights like stun brakers, stability and or condi clears. To me the problem lyes in everyclass that they have access to everything. There is no specialist any more in the world of gw2.....gw2 took the skill, strategy, knowledge, tatics out of gw1. Which what made it great. Now every class can do everything cc, immobi, stuns, heals, self heals, dps, burst, sustain. all can be done from a single build these days on any toon/class. Its just a boring selfish concept of gameplay that doesnt creat comrodery and proper class diversity.

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