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Posts posted by Eddbopkins.2630

  1. To make a new game mode takes time and resources...a software company has there entire programing schedual layed out for at least 6 months. And to change that schedual would mean a hault on most if not all schedual work and nithing will get done...to keep requesting new game modes is like asking for the rain to stop when its raining...will it, no it might stop and change to sun in 10 min but for a software company thats like 10 months....

    However in the context of anet and gw2, i dout new games mode will ever happen. Anet is a pve minded company and pvp just isnt in there cards to satisfy the peoples wants and expectations for pvp.

    6 years and nothing really new for pvp.

  2. I main ele and have a warrior back up....i dont really have fun playing anyother classes....atm im bored af playing warrior, and fa ele my favorite play style is so under powered it makes me frustrated and sad. Its just not fun having to play 5 times harder then a spellbraker only to have done 15% damage, then for him to just use rush and hit me for 6k+ then have a so called anime god move Full Counter ( look up the seven deadly sins this is where they got it from, very unoriginal very dissapointing), be triggered either by my own lighting discharge attunement or my friendly player. Iv moved onto no mans sky for now...well see what the next balance patch brings us.

  3. Just poped in my head...a conquest style king of the hill.....read me out ha.

    Theres only 1 capture point at a time it has to be held for a certain amount of time, that means no enemy can enter or the time restarts. Your 3-5 man team has to hold the hill for a solid one min befor getting 25 points per say it can be anything it doeant matter 5 or 10 again doesnt metter pointer per kill...1st to 100 the team wins....i think tjis style will promote the most team cordination possible between each other as well have some fun while doing it.

  4. > @"Jski.6180" said:

    > Warhorn was a last min low anamastion add on to anet trying to make a sword melee class. I guess weaver was the demand for a sword class (all though its a realy good ranged dps set up for ele).


    > I just want full transparency on the next elite spec. Tempest was last min rushed weaver was deleted and remade. I no longer trust anet to make any thing with ele behind close doors.


    Could you become a anet employee and push ur agenda please....thanks the be great.

  5. > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > @"Legatus.3608" said:

    > > > @"Elmo Benchwarmer.3025" said:

    > > > You were right to report him Tetsuyja. I'd have done the same.

    > > >

    > > > Childish behaviour like displayed by your teammate is unacceptable. There is no excuse for taking your anger out on someone else over something as trivial as a video game. Especially when like in GW2 there is absolutely nothing at stake. As you can see though this kind of disrespectful and irresponsible behaviour has become the largely accepted norm.

    > >

    > > I agree with what you're saying but I don't agree with you thinking this is actionable stuff that needs reporting.

    > >

    > > No offense intended here but people need to grow up for real, use the block feature. Nobody needs to be banning anybody else because "he said useless piece of".

    > >

    > > Seriously, is this what it's coming to now? Every time somebody says something that might hurt your feelings we need account action? Are we going to start arresting people out on the streets of they call you a kitten?

    > >

    > > If anything I think people need to be taught to have thicker skin.


    > you must be nearly 30 or older... wrong or right?


    If your not 30 or older your a baaby and baabys shouldnt speak there nonsense opinions...../joke

  6. > @"Hot Boy.7138" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > Retal is a much needed thing against clone spammage, and continuous bursty classes like holosmiths, thfs, rangers. If a single boon is able to finish u off because you cant stop your own attacking then its only your own fault....as far as mesmers go idk how about u not make continuous clones, play the class alittle different when placed into a sitchuation of high up time retal opponents.

    > >

    > > Retaliation isnt the problem is wasnt a problem a year ago it wasnt a problem 2 years ago....what changed is other classes ability to do continuous burst...so in short stop your self from bursting sometimes and be aware of the enemys sitchuation befor u go full burst like a nub?

    > > Just my 2 cents on this topic.


    > The damage clones receive from retaliation isn't deducted from the casting mesmer's health pool. So clone spam really isn't an issue at all and not sure why you brought it up.


    > The problem with retaliation is that is being maintained for incredibly long durations. That makes timing bursts irrelevant.


    > From what I gathered in this thread, guardians don't care if an internal cd is slapped onto retaliation because they only use that boon to buff their stats via traits. The damage from it is no concern to them, only how it interacts with their traits. This is how I understand it, I've concluded that the 100% uptime on retaliation is fair as long as an internal cooldown is placed on it. If there won't be an internal cooldown on retaliation, then the 100% uptime isn't fair and is extremely passive gameplay. This is my stance on it, and it is the fairest conclusion I could draw from the many posts.


    Honestly i dont care about retal one way or the other i play no class that uses it but if retal get an icd id like to see confusion get on as well.


    I thought i read mesmers where having problems with retal some where in this thread sry.

  7. Retal is a much needed thing against clone spammage, and continuous bursty classes like holosmiths, thfs, rangers. If a single boon is able to finish u off because you cant stop your own attacking then its only your own fault....as far as mesmers go idk how about u not make continuous clones, play the class alittle different when placed into a sitchuation of high up time retal opponents.


    Retaliation isnt the problem is wasnt a problem a year ago it wasnt a problem 2 years ago....what changed is other classes ability to do continuous burst...so in short stop your self from bursting sometimes and be aware of the enemys sitchuation befor u go full burst like a nub?

    Just my 2 cents on this topic.

  8. > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

    > if they spend day reading, they do not work. If it's like my business, there's someone (a support team) who "filters" and brings the complains to them. In some companies developers are prohibited from even talking to the support team, and problems are bring to them by a supervisor.



    This is probably how it works...but when they continuously nerf things like fire staff 2 and other ele nerfs that make no sense and then the forums blow up just because of it...then this "supervisor filter" doesn't really work...

  9. > @"Donutdude.9582" said:

    > > @"Jski.6180" said:

    > > So why are there post about bugs on some of the class forms from the dev but not on other classes forms? There been some real game braking bugs for classes that offten do not show up on a few class forms but lesser bugs that do get posted about on the class forms by devs.

    > >

    > > And that too much "have faith" point of view there not much work to post a we are still looking at this or that class skills and effect. Is it that hard to make a post at least once a year? Anet are not gods and they should not think there player base should just be "ok" with no views on this or that class for years at a time. If any thing type of engagement your promoting is causing ppl on neglected class forms to spill over on spvp wvw and gen forms where they should be to some point but not to the level they are now.

    > >

    > > There next to no work that dev. will have to do to fix a lot of engagement problems on the forms and "have faith" engagement point of view dose not fly on the internet at all with how easy it is to talk to ppl of power on the web.


    > Not meaning to cause any harm here but your response to my post is one of the reasons I think that ArenaNet do not respond often/if at all on those class sub-forums. You immediately jumped down my throat and criticised my opinion.


    > Class discussions are always incredibly difficult to have between developers and their communities. This is something you will simply have to accept and move on. ArenaNet pay attention to those sub-forums - be happy knowing that.


    How do we know if they pay attention or not...they havnt posted in them in a long time..this is the point op is trying to make. You can say i like salads and eat one every day but if i dont post it online and show proff how will anyone really know unless you look at my fat as s. My fat as s is an analogy of there balancing and patches. It just keeps getting worse if they dont commit(post there opions on player forum post) and post....all thats needed is for them to pop in every once and a while and say 1 thing..."instreating well discus internally" or just recognition by any kind of word or sentance that they exsist be really nice.

  10. Did that mesmer ever switch away from staff.....i dont remeber seeing him use anything else..ill admit i didnt watch the enitre 3 hour video though.


    having what a 9 second 1200 range teleport to escape anything is alittle to op....it needs to be like a 20 second cd so that it can be used strategically and not spamed just to avoid every major hit.


    Another retarded thing about mes is at the 8:55 mark of the youtube vid...u successfully evade the clone sprint but the clones remain and dont disappear and continue on...mesmer is just a op mechanic that some dev was able to sneak into the game i feel.


    An easy fix for it i feel would be having the clone explosionsf1-f4 be like circle placment. So the clones explode in an area and dont follow the target for ever. Giving the evade mechanic somw more usefullness against clonage spamage.

  11. Fa weaver is my main its my blood. Im only a gold 3 player so nothing to really speak about. But when all your skills are 900 ranged at most, single target and you cant even top 13k hit on a single target whats the point....when u got telepoeting invisable mesmers doing 20k bombs, teleporting invisable 1500 range pew pew thfs doing 15k+ DJs, when u got insta teleporting gaurdians doing 18k damage, when u got 1500 range pew pew rangers and 20k+ worldy impacts....whats the point. How can a aingle target dps class that fant even top 13k on a single target be able to compete in this meta?


    I have given up until something changes.

  12. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > > > > **Swiss:**

    > > > > > There hasn't been much to update. Work continues, it's just been more complicated than we hoped. But a lot of progress has been made in the last couple weeks. Sometime in the next few weeks, we'll have another update to the tournament backend systems that should be mostly invisible to you. But it will contain a lot of the things needed by swiss.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > **On-Demand AT's:**

    > > > > > This has been pushed to after swiss. It unfortunately needed more UI work than we originally hoped.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > **Bonus update: Special Tournaments:**

    > > > > > The server work mentioned in the above swiss section is also needed for special tournaments.

    > > > >

    > > > > Thanks for the update.

    > > > >

    > > > > Do you have anything else planned for PvP and/or a time frame for when Swiss will be completed?

    > > >

    > > > We do have other plans, but I don't really want to talk about them yet since several are still not approved and might be some time away/not happen at all.

    > > >

    > > > I have a general idea of when swiss might be done, but it's far enough away that I don't want to hazard saying when.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > If swiss will be done by December thats fine by me. If your looking at at 2019 drop of swiss that be very dissapointing.


    > We're certainly targeting a release of swiss format tournaments this year. I'll also be disappointed if it slips to 2019.


    Thanks ben....you the best...do me a favor and ignore the hatters they dont know whats involved when developing something new. Keep up the great work. Looking foward to swiss.....also i feel there should be athumbs down button and if something get enough thumbs down it automatically deleted from the forum.

  13. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > > **Swiss:**

    > > > There hasn't been much to update. Work continues, it's just been more complicated than we hoped. But a lot of progress has been made in the last couple weeks. Sometime in the next few weeks, we'll have another update to the tournament backend systems that should be mostly invisible to you. But it will contain a lot of the things needed by swiss.

    > > >

    > > > **On-Demand AT's:**

    > > > This has been pushed to after swiss. It unfortunately needed more UI work than we originally hoped.

    > > >

    > > > **Bonus update: Special Tournaments:**

    > > > The server work mentioned in the above swiss section is also needed for special tournaments.

    > >

    > > Thanks for the update.

    > >

    > > Do you have anything else planned for PvP and/or a time frame for when Swiss will be completed?


    > We do have other plans, but I don't really want to talk about them yet since several are still not approved and might be some time away/not happen at all.


    > I have a general idea of when swiss might be done, but it's far enough away that I don't want to hazard saying when.




    If swiss will be done by December thats fine by me. If your looking at at 2019 drop of swiss that be very dissapointing.

  14. > @"Sampson.2403" said:

    > Im curious which games (pvp mode) that the OP does qualify as playable. Im going to assume the list is pretty short, if not empty.


    > I'd be burnt out on gw2 by now as well if i played thousands of spvp matches before the game was even released :D


    > Good video though, you got a nack for it.


    Theres only one pvp mode and that is conquest...strong hold doesn't count for it is not fun nor does it focus on actually fighting people. There is no deathmatch que with the court yard map. So i can understand why the op doesnt pvp at all...what is there other then conquest........a bucket load of nothings after 6 years.....im so ready to move on to the next thing.

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