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Posts posted by Eddbopkins.2630

  1. At this point i dont think its the middle of the season. Theres 1 month left in a 3 month season so this is now like the ending month of the season. Are we to assume that there wont be an actual balance patch in quarter 4 of this year? If the devs dont keep things updated and changing then im a walk the heck away from this game in 2019.

    This is NOT guild wars 1 where there where dozens and dozens of builds for eaxh class combination. Theres only 1-2 real viable builds per class and if they cant handle that, then the future of the games pvp in 2019 is very very bleek for me. The only pwople who can change this are the devs i wish them the best of luck.

  2. The entire company will probably be on vaction the last 2-3 weeks of december. At this point since the season ends in January and thats a month away u cant call it mid season balance anymore if it happens more like end season balance. Which woll just make the end of the season crappy as people are trying the changes and people trying to figure out synergys if they do biig changes. But who knows what theyll do till a day or two befor when they tell us. Till then radio silance as usual.

  3. > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > Me and my rl buddy who do nothing but pvp in this game were so excited for the 2v2s. We made a biig effoet to make the 1st one last night at 9pm eastern time but it bugged out. The next one was 6 hours away. You badword kidding me? 3am im supposed to play your game? But being adults, me having a 9-5 job and him being a dialysis tech that works at least 12 hour shifts at odd times. Like 2pm-2am mostly means all this great effort the devs put into this time gated event will be a waist. I guess it just time to move on and forget about gw2. I mean i love the combat and mechanics but the development is nothing but a uphill battle for anything pvp related.


    > Precisely why I uninstalled the other day...


    > My work and family life doesnt fit into ATs they forced teams to be in... No teams to play with means no friends to play with, playing a game without your friends isnt fun and waiting a year or more to give it back to us is insulting.


    > By putting all these restraints in place they are reducing thier own player base... They have literally shut the doors to players like me or they expect me to move country or quit my job.


    Omg the legendary sephiroth is quitting/uninstalling. It truely is a dawn of a new age of darkness. You will be missed sir. Im curious to know what ur next mmo will be.


    Im looking into crowfall. Its really starting to come togeather.

  4. Me and my rl buddy who do nothing but pvp in this game were so excited for the 2v2s. We made a biig effoet to make the 1st one last night at 9pm eastern time but it bugged out. The next one was 6 hours away. You badword kidding me? 3am im supposed to play your game? But being adults, me having a 9-5 job and him being a dialysis tech that works at least 12 hour shifts at odd times. Like 2pm-2am mostly means all this great effort the devs put into this time gated event will be a waist. I guess it just time to move on and forget about gw2. I mean i love the combat and mechanics but the development is nothing but a uphill battle for anything pvp related.

  5. Well the next one is at 3 am. Its already way late for me. If these tournys are region/ timezone area based i dout anyone on the east coast will participate in this 1st 2v2. 9pm was a perfect time for me and many others i feel. O well. Ill try again next month maybe.

  6. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > @"Hex.2579" said:

    > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > > You have to have unlocked the ardent glorious skin before you can purchase the mistforged glorious hero skin.

    > >

    > > Thank you for clarifying. I didn't know o/

    > > Although i had bought a full set of Ardent armor last season. And I'm way over rank 100, I can't unlock the Mistforged for some reasons. Is it a bug or something?

    > >


    > Hmm, having the corresponding ardent skin and level 100 are the only requirements, outside of having the currency to buy them.


    Once i obtain the ardent armor the mistforged is still locked. I have to go to the character select screen then back into the game to have access to the mistfordge after i have bought the ardent correspondent.

  7. > @"Trigr.6481" said:

    > "Gain a barrier with health equal to 20% of any heals you receive"


    > This is broken because of the following


    > - This works in downstate, meaning that the barrier is multiplied based on how many people are ressing you. So technically it's going to be near impossible to dps out a target that has this rune equipped.


    > - This also works with Signet Of Mercy, meaning that if a downed target gets ressed with Rune Of Sanc they literally get max barrier.


    > So it's needless to say that this is a huge oversight and needs to be tuned accordingly. And the only way to make it happen is by making this public knowledge. Enjoy it while you can I guess.


    > Countless


    Its been a couple of days since then. Has this been changed/fixed yet?


    Or ia this not really a problem.

  8. > @"FitzChevalerie.1035" said:

    > No thanks, will just lead to more people giving up after first team fight "just forfeit and requeue. game's lost its 0-20"

    There be conditions put in place so norrowminded people dont hit it at 0-20 . lioe the op said 0-300 an option should pop up to forfit. Or even 50-300if a 250 point lead happens then forfit pops. Why would there be anything less. Thinking there would be one at 0-20 is very narrowminded to the op post and point of view.

  9. > @"NICENIKESHOE.7128" said:

    > Funny because back in HoT days we do see couple great staff eles who're able to hold off most meta builds in far node in 1v1 or 2v1 constantly.

    > Staff actually have plenty of denials and when caught the rhythm can be amazing at survival.


    What was hot days? 2-3 years ago? That doesnt matter, what Does matter is the present the the future and atm both are very very dark for the ele.

  10. > @"phokus.8934" said:

    > BenP said it'd potentially cause more toxicity in games. Which frankly, I don't agree with at all.


    > And if they're really concerned about increased toxicity across the board, then update the reporting feature where it seemingly does nothing today.


    The only way it will cause toxicity is if the match maker is actually pairing people up wrongly. And if thats the case, i wouldnt want to show it either if i was anet.

  11. Be revealed the second a thf/mes/w.e uses any skills. So that counter play to the stealth mechanic can happen and not be invisa backstacked for 10k+. So that quickness is more usefull and precious. You dont need to remain invisable up to the moment of impact, you should be revealed for the duration of the attack channeling and animation time durations.


    This would be my change.


  12. > @"Aodlop.1907" said:


    > Conquest gets old really fast.


    You say it gets old fast. Think about the people whos been playing pvp since year 1-2. They are crying and screaming for new pvp game modes since year 3. Its now year 6 and to this day, this very day we still only have one playable pvp mode, conquest. Stronghold was a complete failure as a game mode idea. I dont think ill be back to this game untill new pvpness happens. And even if 2v2 come out this year i juat dont really care any more...the dev are juat takening to long. 6 years and no real new pvp content/game modeS.



  13. > @"Orwyn.6104" said:

    > Before more people post and fill this thread up, read the very first post, this post is meant to be answered by a Dev. Hope you can understand and read the post.


    Lmao expecting a dev to respond. There have been countless more reasonable posts then this requesting a devs input but never got one. Id bet 1000gold they never respond.


  14. Theres only 3 garenteed defences against a full counter that i know of. One is dodge, two is an invulnerablity, and three is blinding the war. But full counter being on a 10 second cd is to short. Full counter is to spellbrakers as headbutt is to beserker. Is headbutt a 10 secind cd...no, its 25. What would happen if it was a 10 second cd skill? Be alittle op right? Same thing with full counter. It should be a 25-20 sec cd. On top of the short cool down of full counter it is also AOE stun! all the time. Headbutt is single target if power spected and single target stun + a crippling self stun

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