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Posts posted by Eddbopkins.2630

  1. So one other game i play is overwatch, idk if the devs are aware of there competitive game rules, but they have a system for there competitive scene where an infraction in game play such as afking by reports or straight up leavers would result in a 30 minute ban. 3 hours for a 2nd infraction and 6 hours for a 3rd then 6 hours ban for anything more/again. Either by report limit or leaving a competitive game. This is a great syatem and i feel its about time anet cracks down and pick up something similar.

    Hard hours long ban for team distruptment and or gameplay sabotage. Needs to haapen for competitive play.

  2. > @"everyman.4375" said:

    > > @"shadowstone.9817" said:

    > > Why cant the 2v2 system be included in all ranked seasons? I agree that you can do all you can do in 5 v 5 matches and still lose due to incompetent players and poor match making system. 2v2 would be a nice additional way to gauge player ability and rankings. Just a thought...


    > 2v2 is way to unbalanced to be in ranked.


    I dont see how 2v2 is going to be more unbalanced then 5v5. In 5v5 you have greater possibilty of outnumbered fights and morr skills being thrown around. And you cant balance a class for a 3v5 sitchuation. That is the opposite of balance classes.

    In a 2v2 you have less classes and skills being thrown around making understanding a fight easyer to comprehend therefor being able to balance better in small sitchuation.

  3. People been asking for it for 6 years. 2 years ago they announced they will start on a 2v2 system utalizing something called swiss style tournament. Well see how many more years it will be befor they decide to hurry things along.


    I kinda wish they didnt try to reinvent the wheel (so to speak) and just release equal pvp opportunities that gw1 had.

  4. Only thing one can do is walk away. When ever the day comes when 2v2 and or 3v3 happens is the day this game get revitalised. Having to depend on 4 other strangers is a complete joke. This game 5v5 conquest the only game mode for 6 years is impossible to balance appropriately. Once 2v2 and 3v3 happens this game will be a new day of justice and fun between classes and peers.


    You cant balance for a 5v3 sichuation if 2 of ur team mate explode. This game mechanic on how every class can cc heal and damage is broken and 5v5 conquest was a baad idea from the start.

  5. > @"Gringo.2163" said:

    > When my wife saw the glider she imediately opened wallet, so "that stupid cosmetic glider which contributes absolutely nothing" statemenit is wrong.


    You wife buying that glidder doesnt improved QOL of the game at all in any aspect of the game and it most certainly doesnt add anytging new since there are like 50 glidders already. That glidder or any other glidder has no impact on my pvp game play at all. And for pve i woulsnt buy a glidder for that as well cosmetic improvements dont deserve my money when they dont improve the actual gaame

  6. Its hard to believe bad weather will stop just the balance portion of an update but the rest of the update goes threw.

    Isnt it all compiled togeather as one update?

    If they can push cash shop items threw but not balance and skill adjustments then whats the point of playing. They certaintly dont deserve my money thats for sure.

  7. I hate to repeat my self but all i got is one thing on my mind....pvp.


    What are the developers goals, ideas, plans, hopes, and dreams for pvp in 2019.

    In 2018 it was to release swiss and that didnt happen.

    Im wondering what there goal for the new year of 2019 will be.

    Any improvments or new game modes like a 2v2, and or a 3v3 system?


    Or are we to expect the 7th year of gw2 to be the same as year 1-6 (5v5conquest only)?

  8. You should be able to vote for more then one option or have an all option. Any addition to the pvp side of gw2 would be beneficial. Gw1 had idk how many pvp game mode. More then you can count on one hand. For pvp development to happen they will need to scedual program time/hours to it. Buut judjing by the past 6 years all they got time foe is gem stor items and pve development. We can asked them for alot of things but think about whats involved to get it done. And think will it ever get done? Probably not ever.

    I mean like what happened to swiss? Does anyone know? I dont think so.

  9. Doesnt matter what they do to the leaderboards to me. 5v5 conquest is still the only system we got in 6 years and im bored af with it. Unless a new game mode happens i wont be back for more then once a month at most. And well if i dont log on i wont buy gem store items. I buy what i like but if there game is so stagnet in terms of play options well i wont be loging and spending my money.

  10. > @"Fortus.6175" said: alot


    I garentee if they offer more game modes the pvp population will explode 10x easy of what it is now. Saying it will split the player base to make matters worse is such a nonsensical thought. People are leaving left and right because of outright no development or progression in pvp.

    In a 2v2 or 3v3 setting balance wont be that much of an issue as balancing for a 5v5 sitchuation.


  11. As some one whos heen playing for 6 years, the only thing stopping me from playing is that theres only one game mode 5v5 conquest. I am completely done with 5v5. Give me a 2v2 or a 3v3 system and this game will be my #1 for a long time to come. But for now i havnt touched it in at least a month and i proud of my self for that.

    For a new player i dont see this being a problem. As for vetran players it our, well my biggest gripe about gw2.

    I can over come the unbalanced nature of gw2, but doing the samw thing 7000+ game of the same game mode has bored me out to no end.

  12. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

    > > It's a paying player. They wont care just like they dont care about win trading.

    > >

    > > Sadly this is like how the downfall of gw1 pvp started. Bots free to roam around and ruin games.


    > Now we just need 7 heroes that can follow us into matches, that play better than most human players.


    O man...those were good days of skill managment.

  13. > @"Ryan.9387" said:

    >There is no way a competent software dev couldn't do swiss tourneys in a month, two at most given management and other teams to deal with.



    But like, its been 2 years since first mentioned.

    I apologize about the dev click bait. I didnt relize that was a thing. I only desire communication threw the official and only way to contact the creators that i know of. I dont know if they are ignoring the topic, (cuz how can they not see any thread that wants a dev response) or cant comment. I feel if they cant comment on the topic we would get a "sorry we cant comment." And ill move on might be alittle saddend but at least we were recognized and they understand what we want.

  14. > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > I hops this means team queue at our own discretion Again.


    > Truth be told, Im not giving up my job or my sleep to be able to make those 4 ATs, either the game will cater to my filthy Australian time zone or another game will.


    Yes this infinity%. Im not going to cater my life style to a video games automated time gated tournaments. Make them accessible at any given time or you guys are waisting development hours that could be spent on actual pvp content like 2v2, 3v3, 10v10 for guilds. Or new maps that arent lagy.

  15. Im a pvper only. With the lack of support(balance/skill changes) and lack of any new contents i have grown terrible bored of the pvp scene and moved onto other more exciting and worked on video game titles. Like overwatch. Unlike the gw2 devs they dont hide any of there character statistics and have a much better understanding of what competitive competition is about.

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