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Posts posted by Eddbopkins.2630

  1. Good luck to the dev that has to read and sort this thread out.

    My biggest problem is how conditions work and clearing. Once you clear a certain Condi it can come right back making clearing overall VERY ineffective. A short 1-3 seconds of immunity from the Condi you just clears should stop excessive Condi spam. If I cant use plasma bean one after another, why does a thf or a Mesmer or a sword ele get to just reapply there damage type over and over and over again even after I cleared it 2+ times?


    Mesmers and there clones. It's just to many clone production. Limit there clone production to like 2 at most on the field. If more then 2 is created then one dissapears. When I'm fighting a mesmer I shouldnt keep thinking I'm fighting 4-6 people all the time.


    I'll probably add more as time goes on

  2. > @"bighead.3465" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > > @"Swagg.9236" said:

    > > > Lord DGAF is the patron spirit of GW2 mainly because anyone who has played this game for more than a few weeks can probably open up the team roster pre-match in PvP and get a feel for how the game will play out. The team comps are RNG and the encounters are rock-paper-scissors. Might as well just run off meta for the giggles if player skill is suppressed to that degree.

    > >

    > >

    > > I feel I'm more of the scarred veteran. Wins at 3am and so many losses b.c of ppl dcing, or other numerous reasons. Causing me to be a tad tilty. Lolz


    > Interesting way to rationalize a defeat. While all the wins, from your perspective, are rightfully earned I'm assuming?


    So your idea of being on the forums is to just antagonize and condescend people? This is a funny video ment for fun. And you find a way to ruin that fun any chance u get?


    @"bighead.3465" what happened to your post? The evasion one?

  3. > @"Moira Shalaar.5620" said:

    > wow, saw the month, but didn't pay attention to the year and had no idea this had been necro'd so badly! Oops!

    > @OP did you find a build that you liked?


    Yeah but I think it's out dated now. Idk. It's a year+ago so I forgotten and don't care about ranger no more atm.

  4. It's funny cuz nearly all these people responding are talking about completely different things then the op.

    Op is talking about black lion chest and keys and weapons like The fire ice sword from it. I forget the name.

    While other people bring up the monthly black lion trading weapons. Everyone and there moma knows u can buy black lion trading weapons with gold.

    To funny how some people can be so oblivious to words that they read. Makes me think they just want to choose the opposite side of an argument just to cause problems when in reality they are dead wrong or just straight up not understanding like in this sitchuation.

  5. > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

    > > > But your OK with justifying playing a mmorpg with no sub. They are putting a useful utility in the shop that people want, buy it and support the game or don't.

    > > >

    > > > Put it this way by your argument you only ever want items in the shop that are not desirable and have never been free in any game in the past.

    > >

    > > There's enough gem store items that QOL untilities don't need to be monitized and in a fashion that doesn't even come close to what we had before....I buy gem store items all the time with real money. I am very dissapointedd that a QOL feature is monitized and is also not as capable as it predesessor.

    > How is this different from bag slots, bank tabs, storage expansion, shared inventory slots, and so on? Those are all QoL features too, and people are just fine with Anet selling them...


    What C Cspace Cowboy.5903 said:

    >C Cspace Cowboy.5903

    >Because they were in game since launch, and there was never a community made and authorized, better, free version of any of them.


  6. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > 100-200 charging for QOL is petty imo.


    > Is it? Consider how much difference there is in specially skinned gathered tools vs. unbreakable ones. It's 200 gems EACH. Petty or not, if 200 gems is inline with the visual of a skin, it's not out to lunch for a convenience.


    There's specially skinned gathering tools that people buy vs endless gathering tools skins? If people spend money on useless utilities/ skin i can see why they have the gual to charge for something so inferior to it's predesessor.

    I for one am not a child and understand the value of money vs what on the market. Games for children shouldn't have a gem store in it. Would you go up to a kid in a baseball field and try to sell him fancy baseball socks? Or a new glove paint? No so why do it in a video game for children?

  7. > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

    > But your OK with justifying playing a mmorpg with no sub. They are putting a useful utility in the shop that people want, buy it and support the game or don't.


    > Put it this way by your argument you only ever want items in the shop that are not desirable and have never been free in any game in the past.


    There's enough gem store items that QOL untilities don't need to be monitized and in a fashion that doesn't even come close to what we had before....I buy gem store items all the time with real money. I am very dissapointedd that a QOL feature is monitized and is also not as capable as it predesessor.

  8. I main fa ele. But have yet to try anything out on it. I don't think the changes to ele was that substantial compared to other profressions. Specially to fa play style.

    However I have been doing warrior supportshout sw/w-burn bow and having some fun with that. Successful? I'm only gold3. This game is so dependant on team mates but team play is discouraged. No mic support and no 5man TEAM que. When 4 people go far and I watch as 2 enemys go to our home. I ping the map I talk in team chat. But all 4 die at far. What am I supposed to do? Like my team mates? Approve of there decisions while I get pumalde and outnumbered hard as there all on respawn. This happens way to often to the point I don't solo que anymore at all. I either partner up to play this TEAM based game properly or not at all.

    This game has so much potential. Gw1 was coordinated af. This should be as well. Gezz this turned into something different.sorry.

  9. > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > > > So to sum up what we get:

    > > > 3 Build Template slots *per character*

    > > > 2 Gear Template slots *per character*

    > > > 3+3 Build Storage slots *for the account*, the 3 extra being free for the first month.

    > >

    > > I'm still confused on how this is going to work. So I'm going to be able to have 3

    > > saved swappable trait setup?

    > > 2 complete gear swaps? And I don't understand what build storage slot is I guess.

    > >


    > Look at the livestream they did - it shows each part. Build Storage can hold Build (traits+skills) for *any* profession and can be used to share builds with others.

    > The Gear templates hold a full set of gear (armor w runes, weapons w sigils, trinkets).


    Thank you!

  10. > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > So to sum up what we get:

    > 3 Build Template slots *per character*

    > 2 Gear Template slots *per character*

    > 3+3 Build Storage slots *for the account*, the 3 extra being free for the first month.


    I'm still confused on how this is going to work. So I'm going to be able to have 3

    saved swappable trait setup?

    2 complete gear swaps? And I don't understand what build storage slot is I guess.


  11. This game isn't competitive the dev don't care or understand the word competitive. They had there chance to do so with the ESL. They failed misserabley. Like imagine a buncker meta so tough so hard to kill that 2-3 teams in the semi finals and the finals quit playing only after 100-0 ticks.

    Between match days there were like 2-4 weeks. ESL had a rule that you couldn't change the balance 2 weeks before a match. Many matches had enough time between them that the developers could have done some reworks to make match more fun and exciting. Instead it was only buncker meta for the entirety of ESL. Not only that the announcers and the camera angles were sooooo bad. Don't expect it to change.....expect your self to change by lowing your standards......ANET has lowered there standards from gw1 so I think it time for the community to do so as well.

  12. > @"Trise.2865" said:

    > > @"SpyderArachnid.5619" said:

    > > > @"Trise.2865" said:

    > > > Person caught stealing cable angry about having to pay for cable:

    > > > "Please let me continue stealing cable instead of paying for it."

    > >

    > > This is no where near the same thing. This is a horrible analogy.

    > >

    > > Build Templates didn't even exist in GW2. You can't "steal" something that never existed.

    > >

    > > A better analogy would be, there was no such thing as cable in existence. So we found a way to watch multiple channels on our own for free. Then the birth of cable appears, and makes it illegal to use any other method besides theirs, and you have to pay for it now.


    > It is, but ok. Here's a more genre-specific, but identical analogy:


    > Busted hackers:

    > "Please let me keep the cheats I installed"


    To consider arc a cheat you gotta be naive and have a clear lack of understanding of what arc did.

  13. > @"Kahrgan.7401" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > O man....I hope the charr don't align them self's with dark powers like the searing days and slaughter the humans again.

    > >

    > > If they do maybe the Norn will help us this time instead if being traitors and allowing charr free rain to walk there territory.

    > >

    > > The charr need to leave the lands they invaded/stole and return them to human control. They need to stop slaughtering the ansestral ghost of the ascalonian people and further destroying the once beautiful lands they ruined. There can be NO PEACE otherwise.

    > >


    > be proud, charr forever.


    > Die mouse! (Not irl, just your character)


    (in character as a charr hater)

    MOUSE?! LOOK here you oversized pussycat/goat faced ugos, now that you conquered all of Ascalon and slaughtered and eaten generations of people you want to make peace because you're being threatens by a greater power? A dragons. Just because your false Gods of the Titans and the cauldrons power have vanished I think it's time you reap what you sown.

    Time for Schrodinger's cat philosophy to happen. And this time you filled it with poison your self.

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