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Posts posted by Eddbopkins.2630

  1. O noooooo Holo isn't AS good as it was. It's not as easy to play anymore ooo noooo. No more stab every 5 seconds o nooo


    Stop ur complain. Holo has been one of the top classes for a long long time. I'm pretty sure there Holo skills are still on a low as fuck cool down. And there skills can still be spammed threw walls and have aoe.



    >It's now a sub-par class.


    Good it's been to strong for to long.

  2. > @"azzardome.9184" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > > @"azzardome.9184" said:

    > > > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > > > How "fresh" can it be when all there ever is, is 5v5 conquest for 7 years.

    > > >

    > > > same meta for 2 years do not help on top of that. and stronghold btw :)

    > > >

    > >

    > > Stronghold was a complete failed idea for a game mode for gw2. If it can't work for competitive play it's not worth mentioning imo.

    > >

    > > Same meta for 2 years does suck but I don't think it's been completely the same for 2 years.


    > Untill recently fb scourge was meta for entire duration of pof. Still every mat there been a support fb winning. Rev has also not changed much. 2v2 was nice for the week we had it lol


    Rev dissapeared for a long while. While Condi mirage was a thing for a while and now it's not as bad.


    FB and scourge is another thing altogether. Cuz without each other then it not meta.

  3. > @"azzardome.9184" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > How "fresh" can it be when all there ever is, is 5v5 conquest for 7 years.


    > same meta for 2 years do not help on top of that. and stronghold btw :)



    Stronghold was a complete failed idea for a game mode for gw2. If it can't work for competitive play it's not worth mentioning imo.


    Same meta for 2 years does suck but I don't think it's been completely the same for 2 years.

  4. My guess is that nothing is planed for the rest of the year. The company probably goes on vacation very soon so nothing but a skeleton crew at the office to keep the servers in check till mid January.

    All we can do is pray and hope that they decide to work on PvP and do things in a meaningful amount of time....as it stands at least for me, Swiss was announced when 2 years ago? So i don't expect anything for PvP till August of 2020 at least.

  5. My first time in the pvpness of conquest was many years ago. 6 years actually when pvpness wass still new and fresh. It was a much simpler and less visually cluttered then it is now. I wouldn't recommend gw2 PvP to anyone these days. Stepping into the ring of 5v5 conquest and not knowing what the other toons are capable of, and you'll just be schooled and melted by superior players because the match maker can't really make fair matches with the low population. Day in and day out I end up queing with or against the same people 3-4 games in a row most times.

  6. I feel duo que should be removed at 1700 rank and above. When two highly ranked players play together they become an unfair unstoppable Force. The proof is the current 1 & 2 people this season, last season, and I'm pretty sure the one before that and so on. I feel the top 10 players at least should be pitted against each other, not helping each other farm low tier gold 3 people and below.

    This is not a team based game. If it was we have 5v5 and I'll be all for that.

  7. > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

    > would be nice if Guild Cape was made available for people not in guilds. I still rep my own guild from Vanilla that was pretty much a solo guild.


    I'm sure if you shout in Lions Arch ud get invites to a nice guild real quick. People are friendly and open. Dont be afraid to /sh for helps

  8. I had a bunch of gold so 210 gold was 500 gems so I got it for free just by playing the game. But at 500 gems real moneys is a bit expensive for just a back piece. If more capes will happen I like to see them for like 200-300. Id buy most if not all at 200-300 even if I have to spend real money on it. But at 500 each cape I'd become real selective. I had to get this one because it is the first.

  9. I freaked love them. So many cool looks you can make now and cosplays/costumes. Like just now I saw a really good Supergirl cape and all. It was freaken amazing. About time we got them. Thank you to the devs who worked an them. And I kinda hope there will be more cape designs in the future. Sry if some already made a post like this about capes.vi just had to say my thanks and aboot time.

  10. > @"steki.1478" said:

    > Take middle GM trait on weaver (with water and arcane) and forget that conditions even exist...........or FA sc/f, which both have better CC as well.



    With FA, if u drop water for FA air you won't have the cleansing on Regen/swiftness right? So you drop arcana for FA? But then you won't have the synergy with arcana blast or the other one or boon support for your self.

  11. I wouldnt say that there crits crit for to much. Id say they have to many skills that crit for an absorbent amount. Bullcharge a dash leap combo cc move that sets up a burst does 6k+ to any light class, rush a gap closer does 5k+ to any light class, wirlwind a gap closer and a evade frame skill 5k+ on light classes. Axe 1 auto chain crits for 5k+, axe 3 cripple throw does 5k+. The problem to me is that all light armor classes also all have low as hell hp making the hard hitting warrior skills kill in 2 hits.


    Imo warrior has to many hard hitting skills for a class that has the highest defense and one of the highest hp values in game.

  12. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > @"phokus.8934" said:

    > > We have to wait until swiss gets implemented before seeing changes.

    > >

    > > From BenP:

    > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/608451/#Comment_608451


    > I definitely still hate that permanent window.


    Hay um....Mr.Ben? Ummmm when can we hear an ETA or any news about Swiss release and automated tournys?

    At least a solid year in development now.

  13. @shadowpass.4236



    No sarcasm. What I said was harsh.

    I know I wasn't using the most optimal build/class (staff mending tempest) against such a meta burst class but still, what is such an elite crazy good player doing in a gold 2 game?. It's very clear you don't belong.

    I guess that's not your fault. The matchmaker needs to change if the population changes. And also not allow players that have to large a rank difference to rank together. In any competitive game iv played like overwatch for example, a gold player can not player with a bronze a plat can not play with a silver, and so on. I feel this needs to be implemented into gw.

  14. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > > @"Eddbopkins.2630"

    > > >

    > > > lmao here's the thread!

    > > >

    > > > https://imgur.com/a/2PivT51

    > >

    > > Lmao to care so much about a game that the devs don't even care about. You are truly a lost cause. Gl in life.

    > >

    > > Have I commented on this thread in the past? I don't think I have so please leave me out of all mesmer bs please.


    > "#norespectforu" :joy:


    > The whole point of the mantra threads was to get the burst looked at so it's not entirely frontloaded. You seemed to have an issue with it too so thanks for the support!


    I see....sry if I come across a bit antagonistic, condesensing, and demeaning. Getting pooped for 20k+ damage more then a couple times over kinda explodes my boat. Sorry.

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