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Posts posted by ButcherofMalakir.4067

  1. > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

    > Scholar damage boost is on power (condi was never in the equation, unless stated like Sigil of Bursting).


    > New scholar rune : **+125 ferocity = 8%** (8.33% to be exact), plus additional 5% while HP above 90%. (Previously 10% dmg while HP above 90%). 13% in total sounds like a buff to me, and more viable too since players still retains 8% while below the HP threshold.


    If it rly is 8 then it id 13.4% because those 5'percent increse the damage from fereocity too

  2. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > @"Sorin Noroku.5342" said:

    > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > > @"Sorin Noroku.5342" said:

    > > > > > Dragon Hunter = good

    > > > > Kinda “meh” now.. not seen much.

    > > > Actually it's quite good, has an amazing burst, seen quite often both in fractals and raids.

    > > >

    > >

    > > I raid a LOT and rarely see them anymore compared to other classes. And it’s still “meh” when ya compare to others


    > Since W1 and W4 are the most commonly run Wings, and Dragonhunter isn't very good at W4 (Base Guardian can be better) I can understand why DH popularity might be down. Plus a lot of the raid community members don't know how to think for themselves. If someone for whatever reasons says "DH is weak", it will spread very quickly and they will be treated as being weak. The raid community (especially pugs) is really gullible.


    Also another reason why dragonhunter is not that popular is this:

    If someone starts raiding then they most likely start as dps. Power classes are much easier to gear then condi classes. (berserker extocis vs viper exotic/ascended......, ascended berserker trinkets vs viper trinkets.). Up until recently there were only 3 good power dps options: Weaver, holo and dragonhunter. Out of those, weaver is too hard for begginers, holo is in the middle but if i remember correctly eng is not that popular class. Dragonhunter is the easiest out of them and so it was considered begginer raid dps. But recently more power options were added to top tier, namely soulbeast, daredevil and deadeye. They bring great dps but are not that complicated as weaver so I guess most raiders now gear deadeye instead of DH.



  3. > @"Sorin Noroku.5342" said:

    > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > @"Sorin Noroku.5342" said:

    > > > > Dragon Hunter = good

    > > > Kinda “meh” now.. not seen much.

    > > Actually it's quite good, has an amazing burst, seen quite often both in fractals and raids.

    > >


    > I raid a LOT and rarely see them anymore compared to other classes. And it’s still “meh” when ya compare to others


    Well, recently there was a record kill on kc that was using dragonhunters, soulbeasts and weavers as dps so they cannot be bad right?

  4. For me, all fractal reworks were great. Only "bad" thing for me was that fractal 40 farm was removed but molten boss is much better fractal now. On the other hand solid ocean is the one I hate the most because there is no reward for skill and strategy. You just run to the end, afk and get loot.


    For same reason I hate deepstone. There is no way you can fail but it takes so long because some things cannot be skipped.

  5. Hello. Usualy the game gives you plenty of time to dodge (in pve). The reason why someone might fail is because they didnt notice because of focusing on something else. My suggestion is to bind dodge to a single button. When I started raiding I thought that everything is too fast for me but once I learned the fight I relised that there is more then enough time.

    If you want something for high end pve then probably condi soulbeast (because it is easy to play so you can focus on looking around) or mirage (because it has huge number of evade windows).

    If your goal is not high end pve then necro and ranger are great safe options because of range and pets tanking for you.


    Edit: sorry, havent read that part about dificult pve. But my point about ranger and necro still stays.

  6. Hello. I am maining support chrono in raids and i have to say and I keep finding new things and tricks even after a year. The basics of support chrono are actualy quite easy. Its the additional stuff you can do that makes it complex. You can block atacks for allies, give them stability against cc, pull mobs, provide huge amout of cc....


    The basics are easy but if you fail at them (because you dont understand your role etc.) Then you are usless. If you do tge basics then you bring huge amout of power to your party.

  7. Again, what type of pve are you refering to? If you are speaking about raids, then sadly days of condi core ranger dominating most of the condition bosses are over, playstyle stayed but soulbeast comes ahead. But if you are speaking about ow stuff then i dont understand how can you see any diference when greatsword sword#2 ik 99% of mobs and if you quickdraw longbow#5 and cast it 2 times, basicaly all the groups of mobs didsapear.

    And atackspeed of longbow doesnt matter in ow since enemies will not get to you anyway.


  8. Hi. I would say hot raids are more populated because they are easier (especialy wing 1 and 4) so some players that dont clear everything start with them. As for loot, you dont get that much gold but you can get ascended stuff quite frequently. Also you get 2 gold (sometimes 4) and exitic for 1 boss and you can kill him in 5~ minutes.

    Just note that you get reward only once per week per boss.

  9. Hello. You dont need 100% boon duration to provide 25 might (even when solo). 50% boon duration (including nature magic) is enough to stack might fir whole raid (especialy with goid chronos). More boon duration just makes it safer/easier.


    Just exchange rest of the gear for magi. They provide health and even more healing.


    I am curently using harrier armor and weapons and backpack with magi trinkets and it works for me. I could go even lower but I am not that experianced druid player.

  10. Full harrier is the lazy variant. You dont need 100% boon duration to provide 25 might so you can exchange some pieces for magi fir more heals and health. My build comes from sc member that said to me that 50% boon duration is enough to solodruid in raids. She suggested harrier armor amd rest magi with sigils of transference, water on staff and renewal on warhorn

  11. As for pets. You should have iboga, rock gazzele and lighting Wyvern. Iboga is basic dps pet, and lw + rz are for cc. Rz is also needed if you want to swap to Soulbeast to burst something quicker (advanced strategies).

    You always want to have frost spirit. If your party members are mostly power specs (as they should be in fractals) you should run glyph if empowerment.

    If your party lack vurnability then storm Spirit is most important.

    Sun spirit is worth taking if you want more dps and have a spot left. If you gave mostly condi party then it is better then glyph of empowerment.

    If your party needs defense then stone spitit is way to go (remember more dps -> shorter fight-> less damage taken). You should never drop frost and almost never glyph of empowerment.


    Good druid never camp staff. That is your "oh shit" weapon. Try to stay on axe+warhorn set. If you have quickdrav trait you can use something like ca-4 or warhorn-5 2 times. Regeneration from warhorn will help you recharge ca faster. Also try to use warhorn 4 on cd since it recharge ca very fast (95 percent sure there). Offhand axe is good for puling mobs tofether but that should be done by chrono.


    And you never know. Maybe you will see after a while that t1 is too easy for you. And if you dont like chaos, support classes like druid and chrono are great to avoid it :D


    Edit: the build above definitly works but 100% boon duration is not needed so i woukdnt run the concentration sigil and used water or renewal there.

    Search and rescue is good with inexperianced players for sure but it becomes less useful when they are experianced.

    And sword is slightly better damage then axe but axe can apply weakness that is quite rare to get and increese dps of your elementalists extremly.

  12. > @"Grampybone.3716" said:

    > > @"Lynnie.7213" said:

    > > Since it's T1 and you are short on gold, i'd get Magi gear and roll with it. Won't make much of a difference since T1 mobs have low health so they die really fast. And then grind some gold to get ascended harriers, which you'll need for T4 eventually because of the agony resistance and the extra boon duration, because there the mobs have a higher health pool.


    > Ty for the info! :) So Minstrel is not a good choice for druid? I don't think I'll do any higher fractal than T1. For me it's more like having something else to do than just open world, I'm not looking to climb higher into the fractal tiers. But I'd rather be overgeared than undergeared.


    To chose right gear for druid you need to understand his role and what stats do for him. Druid is taken mostly for spirits, might (and other boons) and healing.

    That leaves 3 giod stat combos. Minstrel harrier and magi. Magi is best healing and hp but no boons. Harrier is best boons and minstrel brings defense all 3 but least damage. For fractals minstrel is ok but if you ever want to go to raids it can be problem there (some bosses are agroed by highest toughness).


    For example I am using harrier Armor, weapons and backpack with rest of trinkets magi. Rubes of monk and sigils of transference, renewal on warhorn and water on Staff


    To start you can do ascalonian catacombs and get exotic magi armor with monk runes.


    And if you want to do only t1 mix of garrier for boon duration abd berserker will probably be the best

  13. > @"Nepster.4275" said:

    > > @"Rhys.9706" said:

    > >SW/SW(ANYTHING BUT SHIELD)>CS>weapon swap>mimic>soi>soi>tot>endCS>tot>weapon swap>mimic>soi>soi.

    > >

    > You should start on anything but shield, use sword 3/5 after that weapon swap cs shield 5 soi mimic well split ends soi swap mimic soi soi well

    > I use it like this since if you split shield 5 you can use it twice for more alac not sure if it overcaps it but i think it doesnt


    > Using chaos is good even if you have classes that scale with boons since you give regen and protection and since you said you tested it with minstrel it can help the group a lot since regen ticks for around 500 or even more depending if you are full minstrel also since in raids sometimes you need emergency CC and swap weapons out of rota chaos and the boons help with keeping them(if the duration isnt around 100 alrdy)


    > I think the soi after the split has DPS reasons, since if you use sw/x sw/sh it takes longer to get up 2 clones for the "in split soi" so the group gets boons faster


    > Also if you have TW and Disenchanter i guess you are going for DPS so you can use chrono xx3 and agility sigil, or sw 3 swap split TW shaters soi mimic and continue from there



    Just little correction. You go cs tot soi well mimic. Mimic needs to be last ultility in cs. The way it was written above wastes mimic (it is used to reset well that will be reseted anyway)

  14. > @"Grampybone.3716" said:

    > Thank you for all the replies! :) I'll start working on a healer set for a Druid build this week so I can switch to DPS/Heal, whatever the group prefers. First I'll join open world bosses to feel a bit more familiar with Druid en hopefully in a week or 2 I'll try a fractal.


    Healing druid isnt hard to pick up for begginer but that doesnt mean that tgere are not ways to improve your performance. An experianced druid will switch pets, skills, weapons, statsets and even elite spec (to soulbeast) to get maximum out of the character. Try to stay at healing for tve start but once you feel it is easy for you, be sure there are ways to improve.

  15. > @"Legostyle.2718" said:

    > I like both a lot, but i generally lean more towards Dragonslayer. I am wondering who to gear up in ascended gear, i want to play Dragonslayer more than i want to play Holosmith, but i have heard some people say that i will get kicked for playing Dragonslayer in high tier fractals and raids. Is this true?


    You will not get kicked as DH in almost any fractal. If i remember correctly dh is same or maybe slightly better in fractals then power holo.

  16. > @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

    > > > You'll have more than enough alacrity if you're generating clones and shattering them. If you're not doing that, you'll have quite a bit of difficulty maintaining it.

    > > >

    > > > Insofar as maintaining quickness and alacrity on 10 people goes, it's potentially possible. A properly executed CS rotation using mimic and SoI along with hitting all 10 people with tides of time each pass technically allows you to maintain 100% uptime on alacrity. The same with time warp might allow you to maintain quickness, but I'm pretty sure it'll actually cap you on the stack size and end up totally wasting the first 3 or so SoI hits.

    > > >

    > > > Realistically, you won't maintain either quickness or alacrity on 10 people outside of the most exceedingly unrealistic situations. You'll potentially get pretty close with alacrity, but I'd not count on managing more than maybe 85% for quickness.

    > >

    > > We tested it on golem and with chaos/inspiration you can achieve 80% alacrity and quickness without timewarp even with minstrel (you can get higher with better dps because you kill the golem before next drop in quickness and alacrity comes). With illusion inspiration you have shorter cs cd so your uptimes will be even better.


    > With a perfect rotation, you can maintain 100% alacrity using chaos/insp, signet, mimic, and 10 target tides of time. That's definitely the case.


    > Quickness is a little different though. Time warp might not add nearly as much quickness as you might think because of how stack limits work. Quickness has a maximum stack size of 5. Additionally, you're forced to use time warp only during CS, otherwise the cooldown is too long to matter. This necessarily means that you'll be using time warp at the same time that you're doing the initial 4 hits of SoI from the CS mimic combination. Time warp lasts 10 seconds, each hit from SoI gives 6s of quickness, and you use SoI 4 times in a row rapidly.


    > The result of this is that after the 4 uses of SoI, there is 1 additional stack open to be filled by time warp. What I'm unsure about is how the stacks prioritize themselves. If the consumption priority is such that the shortest stack is consumed first, then the time warp will refill a 2 second stack every other tick for the duration of the skill, effectively providing 12 extra seconds of quickness (10 while it runs + 2 from 1 stack added at the end). However, if the stacks are consumed first in first out, it means that the time warp may actually only apply 1 or 2 ticks of quickness during the entire duration, which would mean it would only add about 4 seconds.


    > I haven't tested enough to figure out exactly how it functions, but I can provide a recommendation on how to comp with those considerations. 1 Chrono in a realistic situation cannot maintain 100% 10 target buffs. However, one Chrono + a 2nd Chrono that is specced for full healing instead of 10 target buffing can easily maintain 100% 10 target uptime. So, we run 1 10 target Chrono, 1 druid, and one healing Chrono for a total of 3 supports in a 10 person group.


    Our tests were for 2 chrono comps (so countuling with overwriting second imaginary chrono).


    You can provide 100 percent in real raid for short duration (1+1/2cs) using tw outside cs.

  17. > @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

    > You'll have more than enough alacrity if you're generating clones and shattering them. If you're not doing that, you'll have quite a bit of difficulty maintaining it.


    > Insofar as maintaining quickness and alacrity on 10 people goes, it's potentially possible. A properly executed CS rotation using mimic and SoI along with hitting all 10 people with tides of time each pass technically allows you to maintain 100% uptime on alacrity. The same with time warp might allow you to maintain quickness, but I'm pretty sure it'll actually cap you on the stack size and end up totally wasting the first 3 or so SoI hits.


    > Realistically, you won't maintain either quickness or alacrity on 10 people outside of the most exceedingly unrealistic situations. You'll potentially get pretty close with alacrity, but I'd not count on managing more than maybe 85% for quickness.


    We tested it on golem and with chaos/inspiration you can achieve 80% alacrity and quickness without timewarp even with minstrel (you can get higher with better dps because you kill the golem before next drop in quickness and alacrity comes). With illusion inspiration you have shorter cs cd so your uptimes will be even better.

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