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Posts posted by ButcherofMalakir.4067

  1. > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:


    > > In general, a chrono should be able to upkeep both quickness and alacrity for most any fight.

    > >

    > Most of pug chronos are useless. Playing Chrono is kitten without chaos, cuz if u get interrupted in cs ur boons are rip. Fb, with 30%bd has no chance of failing quickness uptime. Also chrono is forced to run soi, wor, woa time warp so it can't take feedback for reflects. Fb has reflects, access to stab with tomes and free utility spot (stab/dps/reflects) but fb alone needs alacrity (force ur friend to learn rev).

    > If chrono would join ur group, I would tell him to drop time warp for moa/gravity well and swap woa for disenchanter/ feedback.



    There is a spell called distort that helps against interrupts. Also you need those spells only for long fights. In most of the fights enemy will die quicker then your prestacked boons

  2. This is totaly crazy idea.

    Since as a suppirt chrono I have to play inspiration for improved signet of inspiration then anet shpuld make it base version so i can have diferent traitline (and have more then 20k dps as a support chrono)


    Or since i play weaver all the time (and not core or tempest) then just make weaver new base ele so i can take "4th" traitline.

  3. This is totaly crazy idea.

    Since as a suppirt chrono I have to play inspiration for improved signet of inspiration then anet shpuld make it base version so i can have diferent traitline (and have more then 20k dps as a support chrono)


    Or since i play weaver all the time (and not core or tempest) then just make weaver new base ele so i can take "4th" traitline.

  4. > @"HenzyOne.5348" said:

    > So i had a simple question for other players: "What happens if i die and i have no silver coins?" Those seem to be needed every time to resurrect.

    > I got this game few days ago. Since i never seen much chat i was just sure that this game is pretty much dead but i dint want to leave yet.

    > Since it seems somewhat interesting for some time even when playing alone.


    > So i tried something like G1 G2 G3 etc. Thinking that those mean "Global Chat 1/2/3" it always said that i am not on this channel.


    > AT this point i realized that mby game is not dead but somehow global chat is not working properly.


    > So how can i communicate in GW2?


    If youhave no gold, the waypoint closest to you is free

  5. > @"Ryudnard.2587" said:

    > I used to raid a lot before, I would play Druid and post pug commander would let me join. What are 3 classes you can recommend for pugging? Is 2 Chronos still mandatory in any pug group composition?


    In pugs, usualy the composition is still the same (2 chronos, 2 druids, 1 warrior and dps (pugs look bad at any necro))

    I know that SC and LN are testing new compositions using firebrands or hybrid (1 chrono and 1 firebrand) but even if those compositions become the new meta it will take a long time for pug groups to change and even then 1 heal druid will still remain meta since none of those 3 compositions require 1 class to be healer to do its job

  6. > @"Andred.1087" said:

    > This is really interesting to me more so for Firebrand, especially considering the meta build for power quickbrand already calls for those runes. I don't doubt that this will be meta for Firebrand, and could even possibly be a compelling reason to just use the same set of runes between that build and DH. I think Inner Fire is definitely more useful while alone / out in open-world, but in group content you should have external sources of fury.


    You are correct, raid power quickness firebrand uses this rune

  7. > @"Tman.6349" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

    > > > > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

    > > > > Well, regardless of whether it feels like you're getting more impact out of them, the benchmarks easily put Ele and Thief clearly ahead of the pack in pure DPS under ideal conditions:

    > > > > https://snowcrows.com/benchmarks/

    > > >

    > > > You're absolutely right. How often is a player actually under those ideal conditions though? I mean, I don't spend 100% of my time doing raid content with maximum buffs up all the time. That's only a small portion of the population. The risk and reward doesn't feel proportional to me and as a player it's import on how a profession _feels_ to play. I'm not sitting with one hand on the keyboard and another on a calculator adding up all my damage numbers as they hit (yes, I know dps meters exist). If how things felt to play were not a factor then we might as well just play SpreadSheetOnline. So this is __regarding__ how those professions come off to me in particular, regardless of their ideal benchmarks. I was just wondering if this an issue with other people or if there is more to get out of those professions that I'm missing.

    > >

    > > Its very easy to have those special conditions. If you play both classes on top level then benchmarks comes into play but if you are not on top level then usualy easier options become more powerfull. Not to mention power soulbeast might do more damage during your written combo then weaver in the same time but after that your dps drops because you finished your burst and weaver is still bursting.


    > The burst is the comparison...


    Simple facts. Soulbeast is all about burst. Weaver has huge burst but also high dps.

    Benchmark show dps and not burst. If you want dps look at benchmark. If you want something else then look at another site.

    I raid with sc member when raiding with my guild and he easily reaches 30k dps on weaver on 1st xera platform. It is possible

  8. > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

    > > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

    > > Well, regardless of whether it feels like you're getting more impact out of them, the benchmarks easily put Ele and Thief clearly ahead of the pack in pure DPS under ideal conditions:

    > > https://snowcrows.com/benchmarks/


    > You're absolutely right. How often is a player actually under those ideal conditions though? I mean, I don't spend 100% of my time doing raid content with maximum buffs up all the time. That's only a small portion of the population. The risk and reward doesn't feel proportional to me and as a player it's import on how a profession _feels_ to play. I'm not sitting with one hand on the keyboard and another on a calculator adding up all my damage numbers as they hit (yes, I know dps meters exist). If how things felt to play were not a factor then we might as well just play SpreadSheetOnline. So this is __regarding__ how those professions come off to me in particular, regardless of their ideal benchmarks. I was just wondering if this an issue with other people or if there is more to get out of those professions that I'm missing.


    Its very easy to have those special conditions. If you play both classes on top level then benchmarks comes into play but if you are not on top level then usualy easier options become more powerfull. Not to mention power soulbeast might do more damage during your written combo then weaver in the same time but after that your dps drops because you finished your burst and weaver is still bursting.

  9. > @"Zenith.7301" said:

    > > @"RaidsAreEasyAF.8652" said:

    > > > @"Zenith.7301" said:

    > > > Because defining worse as "This comp nets me 3 minutes less clear time" is one of the most asinine and neurotic restrictions to fun I have read.

    > >

    > > And yet its still his opninion of fun. Should he change his opinion because you dont like it?

    > >


    > No, but just like how I can deem someone's opinion of fun being that endgame content difficulty should be lowered even further as stupid, I can also name asinine requirements for what they are.


    > Because you are being truly ridiculous in a game with a raid scene that's a joke compared to WoW mythic or FFXIV savage. Bosses can even be 4 manned in this game.


    > Nobody would take the opinion of a guy wanting to sit on a Knights longbow ranger as his "fun" in fractal CM's seriously, so why should I suddenly respect the laughable wishes of a person moaning about 3 more minutes on a boss being a reason for preventing others to play one of the classes of this game he doesn't approve of?


    > They are the sheeple that keep renegade/quickbrand from being a thing because they are obsessed with the idea that only druid/chrono can work and people should be excluded from content if they don't conform and play something else that is still perfectly viable and a marginal difference.


    You can play whatever you want if it is fun for you. I dont care. Have your fun and I will have mine. I know Ican kill bosses with "bad" compositions but if kill is certain, why even try it. I already know the outcome. Thats why efficient pulls are fun. Perfect clear is not certain.

    You can play whatever you want. The fact that it is hard for you to find group shows that you are not like majority

  10. > @"Zenith.7301" said:

    > What I don't understand is the stupid compulsion people feel for demanding a mirage or whatever fotm class for a boss when other specs can still do competitive damage and clear the raid.


    > It's about as petty as not accepting a holosmith because DD/DE/DH/Weaver are higher.


    > Who cares? The enrage timer thresholds are so ridiculously low that by this point the min maxing that is suddenly made mandatory is ruining the raiding and fractal scene.


    > People are complaining about things which are the sole product of a community problem, not a game problem. This game's endgame community treats class selection far worse than other games like FFXIV/WoW which have infinitely more demanding DPS checks and raid mechanics.


    > I go to look at LFG on fractals T4 and now in NA every day it's "CHRONO/DRUID" on CM's.+T4 Why so stringent? These can still be cleared in less than 40 minutes with a renegade or FB healer, it's just dumb how absolutist this community is.


    > Meanwhile in FFXIV and WoW I can grab the highest weekly M+ key or a mythic raid on something like an ele shaman or feral druid still, or do a savage mode raid on a samurai/blm (the least "wanted" DPS) with far less issue.


    > This community has serious herd mentality and total inflexibility when it comes to comps. It's ironic how the game that was supposed to be the one with most comp variety is the most stifling and intolerant of them all.


    For me clear is not the goal. Why should I play with worse composition when it is less fun for me?

  11. > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > I was thinking about solo chrono with rene and without quickbrand and here is my calculation:

    > I assumed u have illusions+inspi, improved alacrity and 100% bd, and didnt calculate woa since ints 5 man.


    > TOT - 4/20 =20% uptime

    > soi - 3/20 times 1,5 = 22,5 % uptime

    > mimic 3/50 times 1,5 =9% uptime

    > and now what we do in CS:

    > timewarp - 20/60 = 33% uptime

    > TOT - 4/60 = 6,7% uptime

    > soi - 3/60 = 5% uptime


    > Thats total of 96,2 %, but with illusions, improved alacrity and 100% bd, and if u landed and catched every tot. Sand squall is 3s extend on 24s cd with alacrity which gives 12,5 % uptime.

    > Im a bit confused now if i made any mistakes, and/or how did u calculated that pack runes with improved alacrity are enough.

    > btw ty for input ^^


    Dont forget about overstacking. Timewarp with full BD doesnt give all the quickness written because you ovrerstack it and so stacks will be discarded. Also every quickness spell will take away one stack of timewarp.

  12. > @"cyst.3108" said:

    > Sorry, how is Rene staking protection?


    Herald with elite facet and renegade with a trait that grants allies protection when you summon a warband member. With full harrier and monk runes it is ~7.5s for each warband member. As a healer you always use heal and elite warband member so that is ~15s of protection and since you swap legends of cd you can reapeat it every 18 seconds.

  13. > @"Cekay.2614" said:

    > So, i was trying to do my dailys and joined a group which posted "lfg t4 heal".

    > I went in with my heal scrapper and one guy said right after i joined: "scrapper heal? lol ok"


    > We started with the mei trin fractal and managed to kill the first champ+trash without anybody dropping below 50% hp.

    > mind you, the instability daily was also conditions, so i had to cleanse a whole bunch of conditions while also making sure nobody dies.


    > then the first phase of the mei trin fight went as smooth as the fight before, nobody dropping below 50% hp and i cleanse nearly everything as soon as its up.


    > then we get overwhelmed by the first wave of trash mobs that spawn in.

    > Everybody went after a different mob and somehow those guys seemed to think that they dont need to dodge out of the aoe fields because they have a healer or something.

    > I try to rez the first one going down with my function gyro and myself, the rest got downed nearly 5 sec afterwards.


    > the same dude from before then writes: "wheres the heal?"

    > another replies: "nowhere"

    > and i get instantly kicked without even the time to answer.


    > what happened to people in fractals?

    > a few months ago it used to be relaxed and if a wipe happened, we just tried 1 or 2 times more before deciding to give up.


    > I avoided raids because of stuff and people like this... has the elitism spread over to fractals now or what?

    > greetings


    Anet nerfed chrono in fractals and players dont understand that they have to actualy do some mechanics now. They dont want to admit that they needed chrono to carry them so they are shifting the blame.


  14. > @"dark pain.4719" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > @"dark pain.4719" said:

    > > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > > Firstly let me complinent you for this very well written post. I would not be agaist such an idea (and I am one of those "hardcore players" that effortlesly clear t4s eventhough i am nowhere near the top)

    > > > >

    > > > > There are 2 problems.

    > > > > 1) I wouldnt place it in t4s fractals but another lfg slot altogether since lfg would be more crowded with 2 totaly separate type of players and content

    > > > >

    > > > > 2) anet clearly stated that tgey are against party-based content that is reapeated when they reworked molten bodd fractal. I was in a guild that was specialized at fractal 40 farming and even with that level of preparation and commitment (~1:50 per run) we had it was only slightly more profitable then farming silverwastes. Normal pug parties (~3 minutes) couldnt reach same ammount of profit as players farming silverwastes.

    > > > > Yet anet decided that fractals are content that is supposed to be cleared only once each day and so tgey changed it. They would go against their decision if they relesed fractal like this.

    > > >

    > > > Thank you for the compliment, you are actually right in they shouldn't release it as a T4 fractal, yet i think a randomized instance is very different from repeating the same exact short instance but if they are against the whole 5 players farm concept in general that would be really unfortunate, because for me personally the idea looked very good as I don't really care about progression, I play wow to scratch that itch what i like in Gw2 is the gameplay loop and one of my favorite parts of it since vanilla was stacking to melt monsters in dungeons (and i think i am not alone), so i thought why not make a mode that is all based around this particular aspect of combat in the game and make it randomized so it would have a good replay value, but honestly though I don't really care about the rewards nor the form it would be introduced in the game, I just want to see a more organised "chill" activity in the game because meta events are too messy and ideas like easy raids are honestly just yukky .

    > >

    > > You are right that this is something diferent. I guess i was trying to illustrate a point. "Problem" with gw2 combat is that dps rises exponentialy with skill. Because of stacking modifiers damage of a dps player in raids is even 6times higher then dps of 1 zerg player in meta events.

    > > If you have 50 hardcore raiders or 50 "casual players" in meta event both of the parties will probably manage to clear the boss but one will be faster. That doesnt matter because bosses are timegated so loot can be compared.

    > >

    > > If you create a encounter where you cannot just "cheat" difficulty with numbers and this encountercan ve reapeted than the diference in time will grow larger with each clear.

    > >

    > > Then you have a sittuation where either it is not proffitable for effortless kills or it is way too proffitable for those who tryhard.


    > You see that is why I should have mentioned that although i am a GW2 veteran I am a casual veteran so that just went over my head and I won't try to understand it , I just want my randomized instances :D :D :D .



    Hardcore party (HC): cleares in 15 minutes

    Casual party (CC): clears in 60 minutes


    Case 1: 20g per clear, 1 hour farming

    CC will get 20 gold which is ok gold for time spent

    HC will get 80g which is enormous and will colapse the economy


    Case 2: 7 gold per clear

    HC will get 28 which is decent gold for time in Hardcore modes (great for repeatable ones)

    CC will get 7 gold which will not feel reqardinf at all

  15. > @"dark pain.4719" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > Firstly let me complinent you for this very well written post. I would not be agaist such an idea (and I am one of those "hardcore players" that effortlesly clear t4s eventhough i am nowhere near the top)

    > >

    > > There are 2 problems.

    > > 1) I wouldnt place it in t4s fractals but another lfg slot altogether since lfg would be more crowded with 2 totaly separate type of players and content

    > >

    > > 2) anet clearly stated that tgey are against party-based content that is reapeated when they reworked molten bodd fractal. I was in a guild that was specialized at fractal 40 farming and even with that level of preparation and commitment (~1:50 per run) we had it was only slightly more profitable then farming silverwastes. Normal pug parties (~3 minutes) couldnt reach same ammount of profit as players farming silverwastes.

    > > Yet anet decided that fractals are content that is supposed to be cleared only once each day and so tgey changed it. They would go against their decision if they relesed fractal like this.


    > Thank you for the compliment, you are actually right in they shouldn't release it as a T4 fractal, yet i think a randomized instance is very different from repeating the same exact short instance but if they are against the whole 5 players farm concept in general that would be really unfortunate, because for me personally the idea looked very good as I don't really care about progression, I play wow to scratch that itch what i like in Gw2 is the gameplay loop and one of my favorite parts of it since vanilla was stacking to melt monsters in dungeons (and i think i am not alone), so i thought why not make a mode that is all based around this particular aspect of combat in the game and make it randomized so it would have a good replay value, but honestly though I don't really care about the rewards nor the form it would be introduced in the game, I just want to see a more organised "chill" activity in the game because meta events are too messy and ideas like easy raids are honestly just yukky .


    You are right that this is something diferent. I guess i was trying to illustrate a point. "Problem" with gw2 combat is that dps rises exponentialy with skill. Because of stacking modifiers damage of a dps player in raids is even 6times higher then dps of 1 zerg player in meta events.

    If you have 50 hardcore raiders or 50 "casual players" in meta event both of the parties will probably manage to clear the boss but one will be faster. That doesnt matter because bosses are timegated so loot can be compared.


    If you create a encounter where you cannot just "cheat" difficulty with numbers and this encountercan ve reapeted than the diference in time will grow larger with each clear.


    Then you have a sittuation where either it is not proffitable for effortless kills or it is way too proffitable for those who tryhard.

  16. Firstly let me complinent you for this very well written post. I would not be agaist such an idea (and I am one of those "hardcore players" that effortlesly clear t4s eventhough i am nowhere near the top)


    There are 2 problems.

    1) I wouldnt place it in t4s fractals but another lfg slot altogether since lfg would be more crowded with 2 totaly separate type of players and content


    2) anet clearly stated that tgey are against party-based content that is reapeated when they reworked molten bodd fractal. I was in a guild that was specialized at fractal 40 farming and even with that level of preparation and commitment (~1:50 per run) we had it was only slightly more profitable then farming silverwastes. Normal pug parties (~3 minutes) couldnt reach same ammount of profit as players farming silverwastes.

    Yet anet decided that fractals are content that is supposed to be cleared only once each day and so tgey changed it. They would go against their decision if they relesed fractal like this.

  17. > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > > > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

    > > > > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > > > > > > > As DPS/Quickbrand/Support FB player, I would love to see more Diviner Renegades.

    > > > > > > > Harrier Renegade + Quickbrand looks good on paper, but Harrier Firebrand + Diviner Renegade is much smoother and usually faster in my experience.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Support FB carries much harder, especially through the new instabilities, while with Heal Renegade, I barely notice a difference to running no heal at all, due to the lower DPS needed to phase quickly enough, while not providing enough support offset that.

    > > > > > > > Not sure why people are so keen on support Renegade + Quickbrand, just because it's a bit higher group DPS on paper, while not translating into practice at all, unless you got really good players, at which point you might as well run no heal.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Chrono + Druid is worse in every single way, except for skips in some Fractals, where nothing can compete with Chrono (but even then I would run Chrono + Support FB over Druid).

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > In summary,

    > > > > > > > **Harrier Renegade and Quickbrand** (Power FB) are usually what is wanted by pugs, as they tend to use comps which they are told are more DPS on paper, even if they can't translate that into gameplay. Shines in proficient statics.

    > > > > > > > **Diviner Renegade and Heal FB** is smoother and therefore usually faster, especially for pugs, but not as popular. Shines in pugs and for rough instabilities.

    > > > > > > > **Diviner Renegade + power FB** (no heal comp) is incredible fast, but requires very good players, and even in 250+KP pug groups is rarely run since the new Instabilities were introduced.

    > > > > > > > **Chrono + Druid** if you enjoy pain, most frequent in non CM groups.

    > > > > > > > **Chrono + sup FB** is technically great for Fractals with skips, but suffers from low DPS and CC when compared to FB + Ren for everything else, while having some redundancy in terms of support.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Main reason why healer ren is better then healer fb is burst. Power renegade has 0 burst so especialy in fractals power fb is better. Also i dont understand how can heal fb make runs smoother when only diference is healing and it takes great skill to die with renegade healer.

    > > > > > > It is true that for bad groups renegade healer heals nothing since group need to stack and actualy atack the boss to get those heals but bad groups might not get healed by fb either. Also bad groups are mostly non cm and in non cm fractals chrono is still better thanks to skips, pulls and shorter phases.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > CM maybe different because you need dps but for the rest I definitely I choose FB heal reason its not so much about heal but you have : stabi , resistance, retaliation , protection, aegis also might and fury and on the healing side you can switch in condi cleanse instead of more stabi and the shield 5 is a good cc.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > The question then is for what is this necessarily? Basically for Siren Reef and some of the newer nasty instability combinations when you frailty you have some players who have 8k!! life with heal alone you don't come very far.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Whats then about the old content/ older fractals and instabilities ? The same was Arena.NET always do cheesed old content

    > > > >

    > > > > > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

    > > > > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > > > > > > > As DPS/Quickbrand/Support FB player, I would love to see more Diviner Renegades.

    > > > > > > > Harrier Renegade + Quickbrand looks good on paper, but Harrier Firebrand + Diviner Renegade is much smoother and usually faster in my experience.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Support FB carries much harder, especially through the new instabilities, while with Heal Renegade, I barely notice a difference to running no heal at all, due to the lower DPS needed to phase quickly enough, while not providing enough support offset that.

    > > > > > > > Not sure why people are so keen on support Renegade + Quickbrand, just because it's a bit higher group DPS on paper, while not translating into practice at all, unless you got really good players, at which point you might as well run no heal.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Chrono + Druid is worse in every single way, except for skips in some Fractals, where nothing can compete with Chrono (but even then I would run Chrono + Support FB over Druid).

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > In summary,

    > > > > > > > **Harrier Renegade and Quickbrand** (Power FB) are usually what is wanted by pugs, as they tend to use comps which they are told are more DPS on paper, even if they can't translate that into gameplay. Shines in proficient statics.

    > > > > > > > **Diviner Renegade and Heal FB** is smoother and therefore usually faster, especially for pugs, but not as popular. Shines in pugs and for rough instabilities.

    > > > > > > > **Diviner Renegade + power FB** (no heal comp) is incredible fast, but requires very good players, and even in 250+KP pug groups is rarely run since the new Instabilities were introduced.

    > > > > > > > **Chrono + Druid** if you enjoy pain, most frequent in non CM groups.

    > > > > > > > **Chrono + sup FB** is technically great for Fractals with skips, but suffers from low DPS and CC when compared to FB + Ren for everything else, while having some redundancy in terms of support.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Main reason why healer ren is better then healer fb is burst. Power renegade has 0 burst so especialy in fractals power fb is better. Also i dont understand how can heal fb make runs smoother when only diference is healing and it takes great skill to die with renegade healer.

    > > > > > > It is true that for bad groups renegade healer heals nothing since group need to stack and actualy atack the boss to get those heals but bad groups might not get healed by fb either. Also bad groups are mostly non cm and in non cm fractals chrono is still better thanks to skips, pulls and shorter phases.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > CM maybe different because you need dps but for the rest I definitely I choose FB heal reason its not so much about heal but you have : stabi , resistance, retaliation , protection, aegis also might and fury and on the healing side you can switch in condi cleanse instead of more stabi and the shield 5 is a good cc.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > The question then is for what is this necessarily? Basically for Siren Reef and some of the newer nasty instability combinations when you frailty you have some players who have 8k!! life with heal alone you don't come very far.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Whats then about the old content/ older fractals and instabilities ? The same was Arena.NET always do cheesed old content

    > > > >

    > > > > You are wrongly asuming that power firebrand cannot provide boons. No reason to swap gear when you have stability, retaliation, might, fury aegis from dps firebrand and proection from heal renegade. Renegade can easily clense conditions. Firebrand can still clense conditions using F2 and it is true that you lose cc on shield but renegade can use stafff 5 more freely because he will not lose 10k+ damage while doing so.

    > > > > I have done sirens reef with heal renegade and full dps firebrand and we had no problems. Sometimes I didnt have to use half of energy on heal spells just because everyone was full all the time.

    > > > > I have done sirens reef as a chrono with druid healer and we had no problems (even when druid heals much less then renegade). So I cannot Imagine fractal where renegade healer isnt better then firebrand.

    > > >

    > > > Point is, if you focus so much on providing that support on a Quickbrand (running Axe, spending more time in Tomes, taking non dps utility skills, potentially running full Diviners etc.), your DPS almost suffers to a point of a Diviner Renegade, at which point you might as well take that with a heal FB instead, and get those boons much more consistent (especially Stab and Aegis), as well as better access to other utility, more consistent healing, Might for splits etc.

    > > >

    > > > Also just because you (or me for that matter) won't struggle at all with a heal Ren or even Druid in situations like Siren's Reef with nasty instabilities, doesn't mean others don't. That comes mostly down to our groups consisting of 250KP+ Fractal Gods with meta food providing enough DPS to quickly skip by the most dangerous mechanics instead of having to endure them for quite some time (speaking for myself, I imagine your situation is similar).

    > > >

    > > > I'm not trying to tell you that support FB is better in that case. It's not. It's just much more relaxed while barely losing any speed in terms of clear times for good groups, while for less proficient groups, it can make a massive difference, turning a frustrating experience of wiping with not so good players, into a smooth clear like nothing else can.

    > > >

    > > > It's just personal preference at that point.

    > > > If I want to **pug** CM's+T4+Rec smoothly in under an hour, sup FB is the most consistent choice to do so, imo.

    > > >

    > > > /E:

    > > > To elaborate on where I'm coming from with this opinion,

    > > > I had multiple (high KP) groups already insist on running Heal Ren + Quickbrand, scoffing at Heal FB, where I ended up frantically having to try to keep the party alive with Resolve and Aegising and reflecting every mechanic I could (while still out dpsing a DPS), with the group still wiping multiple times, wasting much time, before heeding my suggestion to try switching the comp to heal FB + Alacrigade, after which it was smooth sailing.

    > > > Not to say that comp is worse, it's not when in good hands, I just prefer not to waste that time any more gambling on my pugs.

    > >

    > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > > > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

    > > > > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > > > > > > > As DPS/Quickbrand/Support FB player, I would love to see more Diviner Renegades.

    > > > > > > > Harrier Renegade + Quickbrand looks good on paper, but Harrier Firebrand + Diviner Renegade is much smoother and usually faster in my experience.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Support FB carries much harder, especially through the new instabilities, while with Heal Renegade, I barely notice a difference to running no heal at all, due to the lower DPS needed to phase quickly enough, while not providing enough support offset that.

    > > > > > > > Not sure why people are so keen on support Renegade + Quickbrand, just because it's a bit higher group DPS on paper, while not translating into practice at all, unless you got really good players, at which point you might as well run no heal.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Chrono + Druid is worse in every single way, except for skips in some Fractals, where nothing can compete with Chrono (but even then I would run Chrono + Support FB over Druid).

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > In summary,

    > > > > > > > **Harrier Renegade and Quickbrand** (Power FB) are usually what is wanted by pugs, as they tend to use comps which they are told are more DPS on paper, even if they can't translate that into gameplay. Shines in proficient statics.

    > > > > > > > **Diviner Renegade and Heal FB** is smoother and therefore usually faster, especially for pugs, but not as popular. Shines in pugs and for rough instabilities.

    > > > > > > > **Diviner Renegade + power FB** (no heal comp) is incredible fast, but requires very good players, and even in 250+KP pug groups is rarely run since the new Instabilities were introduced.

    > > > > > > > **Chrono + Druid** if you enjoy pain, most frequent in non CM groups.

    > > > > > > > **Chrono + sup FB** is technically great for Fractals with skips, but suffers from low DPS and CC when compared to FB + Ren for everything else, while having some redundancy in terms of support.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Main reason why healer ren is better then healer fb is burst. Power renegade has 0 burst so especialy in fractals power fb is better. Also i dont understand how can heal fb make runs smoother when only diference is healing and it takes great skill to die with renegade healer.

    > > > > > > It is true that for bad groups renegade healer heals nothing since group need to stack and actualy atack the boss to get those heals but bad groups might not get healed by fb either. Also bad groups are mostly non cm and in non cm fractals chrono is still better thanks to skips, pulls and shorter phases.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > CM maybe different because you need dps but for the rest I definitely I choose FB heal reason its not so much about heal but you have : stabi , resistance, retaliation , protection, aegis also might and fury and on the healing side you can switch in condi cleanse instead of more stabi and the shield 5 is a good cc.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > The question then is for what is this necessarily? Basically for Siren Reef and some of the newer nasty instability combinations when you frailty you have some players who have 8k!! life with heal alone you don't come very far.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Whats then about the old content/ older fractals and instabilities ? The same was Arena.NET always do cheesed old content

    > > > >

    > > > > > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

    > > > > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > > > > > > > As DPS/Quickbrand/Support FB player, I would love to see more Diviner Renegades.

    > > > > > > > Harrier Renegade + Quickbrand looks good on paper, but Harrier Firebrand + Diviner Renegade is much smoother and usually faster in my experience.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Support FB carries much harder, especially through the new instabilities, while with Heal Renegade, I barely notice a difference to running no heal at all, due to the lower DPS needed to phase quickly enough, while not providing enough support offset that.

    > > > > > > > Not sure why people are so keen on support Renegade + Quickbrand, just because it's a bit higher group DPS on paper, while not translating into practice at all, unless you got really good players, at which point you might as well run no heal.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Chrono + Druid is worse in every single way, except for skips in some Fractals, where nothing can compete with Chrono (but even then I would run Chrono + Support FB over Druid).

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > In summary,

    > > > > > > > **Harrier Renegade and Quickbrand** (Power FB) are usually what is wanted by pugs, as they tend to use comps which they are told are more DPS on paper, even if they can't translate that into gameplay. Shines in proficient statics.

    > > > > > > > **Diviner Renegade and Heal FB** is smoother and therefore usually faster, especially for pugs, but not as popular. Shines in pugs and for rough instabilities.

    > > > > > > > **Diviner Renegade + power FB** (no heal comp) is incredible fast, but requires very good players, and even in 250+KP pug groups is rarely run since the new Instabilities were introduced.

    > > > > > > > **Chrono + Druid** if you enjoy pain, most frequent in non CM groups.

    > > > > > > > **Chrono + sup FB** is technically great for Fractals with skips, but suffers from low DPS and CC when compared to FB + Ren for everything else, while having some redundancy in terms of support.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Main reason why healer ren is better then healer fb is burst. Power renegade has 0 burst so especialy in fractals power fb is better. Also i dont understand how can heal fb make runs smoother when only diference is healing and it takes great skill to die with renegade healer.

    > > > > > > It is true that for bad groups renegade healer heals nothing since group need to stack and actualy atack the boss to get those heals but bad groups might not get healed by fb either. Also bad groups are mostly non cm and in non cm fractals chrono is still better thanks to skips, pulls and shorter phases.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > CM maybe different because you need dps but for the rest I definitely I choose FB heal reason its not so much about heal but you have : stabi , resistance, retaliation , protection, aegis also might and fury and on the healing side you can switch in condi cleanse instead of more stabi and the shield 5 is a good cc.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > The question then is for what is this necessarily? Basically for Siren Reef and some of the newer nasty instability combinations when you frailty you have some players who have 8k!! life with heal alone you don't come very far.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Whats then about the old content/ older fractals and instabilities ? The same was Arena.NET always do cheesed old content

    > > > >

    > > > > You are wrongly asuming that power firebrand cannot provide boons. No reason to swap gear when you have stability, retaliation, might, fury aegis from dps firebrand and proection from heal renegade. Renegade can easily clense conditions. Firebrand can still clense conditions using F2 and it is true that you lose cc on shield but renegade can use stafff 5 more freely because he will not lose 10k+ damage while doing so.

    > > > > I have done sirens reef with heal renegade and full dps firebrand and we had no problems. Sometimes I didnt have to use half of energy on heal spells just because everyone was full all the time.

    > > > > I have done sirens reef as a chrono with druid healer and we had no problems (even when druid heals much less then renegade). So I cannot Imagine fractal where renegade healer isnt better then firebrand.

    > > >

    > > > Point is, if you focus so much on providing that support on a Quickbrand (running Axe, spending more time in Tomes, taking non dps utility skills, potentially running full Diviners etc.), your DPS almost suffers to a point of a Diviner Renegade, at which point you might as well take that with a heal FB instead, and get those boons much more consistent (especially Stab and Aegis), as well as better access to other utility, more consistent healing, Might for splits etc.

    > > >

    > > > Also just because you (or me for that matter) won't struggle at all with a heal Ren or even Druid in situations like Siren's Reef with nasty instabilities, doesn't mean others don't. That comes mostly down to our groups consisting of 250KP+ Fractal Gods with meta food providing enough DPS to quickly skip by the most dangerous mechanics instead of having to endure them for quite some time (speaking for myself, I imagine your situation is similar).

    > > >

    > > > I'm not trying to tell you that support FB is better in that case. It's not. It's just much more relaxed while barely losing any speed in terms of clear times for good groups, while for less proficient groups, it can make a massive difference, turning a frustrating experience of wiping with not so good players, into a smooth clear like nothing else can.

    > > >

    > > > It's just personal preference at that point.

    > > > If I want to **pug** CM's+T4+Rec smoothly in under an hour, sup FB is the most consistent choice to do so, imo.

    > > >

    > > > /E:

    > > > To elaborate on where I'm coming from with this opinion,

    > > > I had multiple (high KP) groups already insist on running Heal Ren + Quickbrand, scoffing at Heal FB, where I ended up frantically having to try to keep the party alive with Resolve and Aegising and reflecting every mechanic I could (while still out dpsing a DPS), with the group still wiping multiple times, wasting much time, before heeding my suggestion to try switching the comp to heal FB + Alacrigade, after which it was smooth sailing.

    > > > Not to say that comp is worse, it's not when in good hands, I just prefer not to waste that time any more gambling on my pugs.

    > >

    > > If you are saying that your parties need heal firebrand to survive then i cannot imagine how you could clear fractals with druid that can heal only after certain interval. In firebrand/renegade comp (both options) firebrand is there to provide fury, aegis, some might and retaliation. If stability is needed (right now i cannot remember a mechanic where aegis doesnt work but stability does) then dps firebrand can exchange one skill to get it. All of those boons are provided by dps firebrand anyway without any special effort.

    > > Your idea simply gives healing to firebrand from renegade. You lose all the reactive options that renegade have. You basicaly drop one of the best healers for another (maybe even stronger) full healer and on top of that you have 386 hp PER HIT for half of the fight duration. I am not sure but i think full harrier druid will not heal as much as diviners renegade summit in the whole fight yet it was possible to clear fractals with druid for soo long.


    > Okay, again. It's not about need, it's about wanting consistency and ease of play, as long as it isn't to a severe detriment to clear time.

    > I have done multiple no heal runs, with both FB and Ren running the hybrid DPS build just fine. With the right pugs, I don't need a heal at all.

    > But it's a lot more effort to play with that comp, it's not consistently good to run with pugs of which I do not know the skill level, and I don't want to be ridiculous and sit around in LFG asking for 400+ KP, just to be done 10 minutes faster with Fractals, if everything goes smoothly.


    > The choice of should the FB or Renegade heal is a similar one, where I personally prefer consistency and gameplay experience of having the FB heal, rather than the Renegade.

    > One is marginally faster, the other one substantially more relaxed.


    > There is no need for either of them.


    > At this point you are arguing against personal preference from experience, and I'm not quite sure to what end.

    > All I'm saying is, non of these comps is universally the best, unless clear time differences of 1-10 minutes is all you care about.

    > It's just about what you want out of that time.


    > If you want a really fast and efficient clear with good players, no heal is the way to go, if you are fine with being a bit slower but having a much more relaxed time, Firebrand heal is the way to go, if you want something in between, Renegade heal is the way to go.


    > I'm not going to tell anyone that they are wrong with any of these choices.


    Well, i guess it is the diference in philosophies. You say that heal FB is your go to choice because if you find bad players you can still clear almost as easily. I am saying that if I ever meet a player that is so bad that I need to play heal firebrand just to compensate for his lack of skill i will just leave the party. It is true that I will be waiting longer in LFG but I can do something in the meantime instead of suffering for way to long in fractals.


    Edit: and I personaly dont like relaxed runs. Relaxed runs are (in my understanding) runs where you dont need to focus on 100 percent, where every mistake count. If run is relaxed and I can do it without focusing 100 percent of a time than it is no better then running around map and harvesting materials. In your composition mistakes dont matter which is why it is boring. I am not saying that heal renegade does not overheal in good party but it is much better in perfect party then heal firebrand but worse if you mess up or your party is bad.

  18. > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

    > > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > > > > > As DPS/Quickbrand/Support FB player, I would love to see more Diviner Renegades.

    > > > > > Harrier Renegade + Quickbrand looks good on paper, but Harrier Firebrand + Diviner Renegade is much smoother and usually faster in my experience.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Support FB carries much harder, especially through the new instabilities, while with Heal Renegade, I barely notice a difference to running no heal at all, due to the lower DPS needed to phase quickly enough, while not providing enough support offset that.

    > > > > > Not sure why people are so keen on support Renegade + Quickbrand, just because it's a bit higher group DPS on paper, while not translating into practice at all, unless you got really good players, at which point you might as well run no heal.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Chrono + Druid is worse in every single way, except for skips in some Fractals, where nothing can compete with Chrono (but even then I would run Chrono + Support FB over Druid).

    > > > > >

    > > > > > In summary,

    > > > > > **Harrier Renegade and Quickbrand** (Power FB) are usually what is wanted by pugs, as they tend to use comps which they are told are more DPS on paper, even if they can't translate that into gameplay. Shines in proficient statics.

    > > > > > **Diviner Renegade and Heal FB** is smoother and therefore usually faster, especially for pugs, but not as popular. Shines in pugs and for rough instabilities.

    > > > > > **Diviner Renegade + power FB** (no heal comp) is incredible fast, but requires very good players, and even in 250+KP pug groups is rarely run since the new Instabilities were introduced.

    > > > > > **Chrono + Druid** if you enjoy pain, most frequent in non CM groups.

    > > > > > **Chrono + sup FB** is technically great for Fractals with skips, but suffers from low DPS and CC when compared to FB + Ren for everything else, while having some redundancy in terms of support.

    > > > >

    > > > > Main reason why healer ren is better then healer fb is burst. Power renegade has 0 burst so especialy in fractals power fb is better. Also i dont understand how can heal fb make runs smoother when only diference is healing and it takes great skill to die with renegade healer.

    > > > > It is true that for bad groups renegade healer heals nothing since group need to stack and actualy atack the boss to get those heals but bad groups might not get healed by fb either. Also bad groups are mostly non cm and in non cm fractals chrono is still better thanks to skips, pulls and shorter phases.

    > > >

    > > > CM maybe different because you need dps but for the rest I definitely I choose FB heal reason its not so much about heal but you have : stabi , resistance, retaliation , protection, aegis also might and fury and on the healing side you can switch in condi cleanse instead of more stabi and the shield 5 is a good cc.

    > > >

    > > > The question then is for what is this necessarily? Basically for Siren Reef and some of the newer nasty instability combinations when you frailty you have some players who have 8k!! life with heal alone you don't come very far.

    > > >

    > > > Whats then about the old content/ older fractals and instabilities ? The same was Arena.NET always do cheesed old content

    > >

    > > > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

    > > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > > > > > As DPS/Quickbrand/Support FB player, I would love to see more Diviner Renegades.

    > > > > > Harrier Renegade + Quickbrand looks good on paper, but Harrier Firebrand + Diviner Renegade is much smoother and usually faster in my experience.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Support FB carries much harder, especially through the new instabilities, while with Heal Renegade, I barely notice a difference to running no heal at all, due to the lower DPS needed to phase quickly enough, while not providing enough support offset that.

    > > > > > Not sure why people are so keen on support Renegade + Quickbrand, just because it's a bit higher group DPS on paper, while not translating into practice at all, unless you got really good players, at which point you might as well run no heal.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Chrono + Druid is worse in every single way, except for skips in some Fractals, where nothing can compete with Chrono (but even then I would run Chrono + Support FB over Druid).

    > > > > >

    > > > > > In summary,

    > > > > > **Harrier Renegade and Quickbrand** (Power FB) are usually what is wanted by pugs, as they tend to use comps which they are told are more DPS on paper, even if they can't translate that into gameplay. Shines in proficient statics.

    > > > > > **Diviner Renegade and Heal FB** is smoother and therefore usually faster, especially for pugs, but not as popular. Shines in pugs and for rough instabilities.

    > > > > > **Diviner Renegade + power FB** (no heal comp) is incredible fast, but requires very good players, and even in 250+KP pug groups is rarely run since the new Instabilities were introduced.

    > > > > > **Chrono + Druid** if you enjoy pain, most frequent in non CM groups.

    > > > > > **Chrono + sup FB** is technically great for Fractals with skips, but suffers from low DPS and CC when compared to FB + Ren for everything else, while having some redundancy in terms of support.

    > > > >

    > > > > Main reason why healer ren is better then healer fb is burst. Power renegade has 0 burst so especialy in fractals power fb is better. Also i dont understand how can heal fb make runs smoother when only diference is healing and it takes great skill to die with renegade healer.

    > > > > It is true that for bad groups renegade healer heals nothing since group need to stack and actualy atack the boss to get those heals but bad groups might not get healed by fb either. Also bad groups are mostly non cm and in non cm fractals chrono is still better thanks to skips, pulls and shorter phases.

    > > >

    > > > CM maybe different because you need dps but for the rest I definitely I choose FB heal reason its not so much about heal but you have : stabi , resistance, retaliation , protection, aegis also might and fury and on the healing side you can switch in condi cleanse instead of more stabi and the shield 5 is a good cc.

    > > >

    > > > The question then is for what is this necessarily? Basically for Siren Reef and some of the newer nasty instability combinations when you frailty you have some players who have 8k!! life with heal alone you don't come very far.

    > > >

    > > > Whats then about the old content/ older fractals and instabilities ? The same was Arena.NET always do cheesed old content

    > >

    > > You are wrongly asuming that power firebrand cannot provide boons. No reason to swap gear when you have stability, retaliation, might, fury aegis from dps firebrand and proection from heal renegade. Renegade can easily clense conditions. Firebrand can still clense conditions using F2 and it is true that you lose cc on shield but renegade can use stafff 5 more freely because he will not lose 10k+ damage while doing so.

    > > I have done sirens reef with heal renegade and full dps firebrand and we had no problems. Sometimes I didnt have to use half of energy on heal spells just because everyone was full all the time.

    > > I have done sirens reef as a chrono with druid healer and we had no problems (even when druid heals much less then renegade). So I cannot Imagine fractal where renegade healer isnt better then firebrand.


    > Point is, if you focus so much on providing that support on a Quickbrand (running Axe, spending more time in Tomes, taking non dps utility skills, potentially running full Diviners etc.), your DPS almost suffers to a point of a Diviner Renegade, at which point you might as well take that with a heal FB instead, and get those boons much more consistent (especially Stab and Aegis), as well as better access to other utility, more consistent healing, Might for splits etc.


    > Also just because you (or me for that matter) won't struggle at all with a heal Ren or even Druid in situations like Siren's Reef with nasty instabilities, doesn't mean others don't. That comes mostly down to our groups consisting of 250KP+ Fractal Gods with meta food providing enough DPS to quickly skip by the most dangerous mechanics instead of having to endure them for quite some time (speaking for myself, I imagine your situation is similar).


    > I'm not trying to tell you that support FB is better in that case. It's not. It's just much more relaxed while barely losing any speed in terms of clear times for good groups, while for less proficient groups, it can make a massive difference, turning a frustrating experience of wiping with not so good players, into a smooth clear like nothing else can.


    > It's just personal preference at that point.

    > If I want to **pug** CM's+T4+Rec smoothly in under an hour, sup FB is the most consistent choice to do so, imo.


    > /E:

    > To elaborate on where I'm coming from with this opinion,

    > I had multiple (high KP) groups already insist on running Heal Ren + Quickbrand, scoffing at Heal FB, where I ended up frantically having to try to keep the party alive with Resolve and Aegising and reflecting every mechanic I could (while still out dpsing a DPS), with the group still wiping multiple times, wasting much time, before heeding my suggestion to try switching the comp to heal FB + Alacrigade, after which it was smooth sailing.

    > Not to say that comp is worse, it's not when in good hands, I just prefer not to waste that time any more gambling on my pugs.


    > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

    > > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > > > > > As DPS/Quickbrand/Support FB player, I would love to see more Diviner Renegades.

    > > > > > Harrier Renegade + Quickbrand looks good on paper, but Harrier Firebrand + Diviner Renegade is much smoother and usually faster in my experience.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Support FB carries much harder, especially through the new instabilities, while with Heal Renegade, I barely notice a difference to running no heal at all, due to the lower DPS needed to phase quickly enough, while not providing enough support offset that.

    > > > > > Not sure why people are so keen on support Renegade + Quickbrand, just because it's a bit higher group DPS on paper, while not translating into practice at all, unless you got really good players, at which point you might as well run no heal.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Chrono + Druid is worse in every single way, except for skips in some Fractals, where nothing can compete with Chrono (but even then I would run Chrono + Support FB over Druid).

    > > > > >

    > > > > > In summary,

    > > > > > **Harrier Renegade and Quickbrand** (Power FB) are usually what is wanted by pugs, as they tend to use comps which they are told are more DPS on paper, even if they can't translate that into gameplay. Shines in proficient statics.

    > > > > > **Diviner Renegade and Heal FB** is smoother and therefore usually faster, especially for pugs, but not as popular. Shines in pugs and for rough instabilities.

    > > > > > **Diviner Renegade + power FB** (no heal comp) is incredible fast, but requires very good players, and even in 250+KP pug groups is rarely run since the new Instabilities were introduced.

    > > > > > **Chrono + Druid** if you enjoy pain, most frequent in non CM groups.

    > > > > > **Chrono + sup FB** is technically great for Fractals with skips, but suffers from low DPS and CC when compared to FB + Ren for everything else, while having some redundancy in terms of support.

    > > > >

    > > > > Main reason why healer ren is better then healer fb is burst. Power renegade has 0 burst so especialy in fractals power fb is better. Also i dont understand how can heal fb make runs smoother when only diference is healing and it takes great skill to die with renegade healer.

    > > > > It is true that for bad groups renegade healer heals nothing since group need to stack and actualy atack the boss to get those heals but bad groups might not get healed by fb either. Also bad groups are mostly non cm and in non cm fractals chrono is still better thanks to skips, pulls and shorter phases.

    > > >

    > > > CM maybe different because you need dps but for the rest I definitely I choose FB heal reason its not so much about heal but you have : stabi , resistance, retaliation , protection, aegis also might and fury and on the healing side you can switch in condi cleanse instead of more stabi and the shield 5 is a good cc.

    > > >

    > > > The question then is for what is this necessarily? Basically for Siren Reef and some of the newer nasty instability combinations when you frailty you have some players who have 8k!! life with heal alone you don't come very far.

    > > >

    > > > Whats then about the old content/ older fractals and instabilities ? The same was Arena.NET always do cheesed old content

    > >

    > > > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

    > > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > > > > > As DPS/Quickbrand/Support FB player, I would love to see more Diviner Renegades.

    > > > > > Harrier Renegade + Quickbrand looks good on paper, but Harrier Firebrand + Diviner Renegade is much smoother and usually faster in my experience.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Support FB carries much harder, especially through the new instabilities, while with Heal Renegade, I barely notice a difference to running no heal at all, due to the lower DPS needed to phase quickly enough, while not providing enough support offset that.

    > > > > > Not sure why people are so keen on support Renegade + Quickbrand, just because it's a bit higher group DPS on paper, while not translating into practice at all, unless you got really good players, at which point you might as well run no heal.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Chrono + Druid is worse in every single way, except for skips in some Fractals, where nothing can compete with Chrono (but even then I would run Chrono + Support FB over Druid).

    > > > > >

    > > > > > In summary,

    > > > > > **Harrier Renegade and Quickbrand** (Power FB) are usually what is wanted by pugs, as they tend to use comps which they are told are more DPS on paper, even if they can't translate that into gameplay. Shines in proficient statics.

    > > > > > **Diviner Renegade and Heal FB** is smoother and therefore usually faster, especially for pugs, but not as popular. Shines in pugs and for rough instabilities.

    > > > > > **Diviner Renegade + power FB** (no heal comp) is incredible fast, but requires very good players, and even in 250+KP pug groups is rarely run since the new Instabilities were introduced.

    > > > > > **Chrono + Druid** if you enjoy pain, most frequent in non CM groups.

    > > > > > **Chrono + sup FB** is technically great for Fractals with skips, but suffers from low DPS and CC when compared to FB + Ren for everything else, while having some redundancy in terms of support.

    > > > >

    > > > > Main reason why healer ren is better then healer fb is burst. Power renegade has 0 burst so especialy in fractals power fb is better. Also i dont understand how can heal fb make runs smoother when only diference is healing and it takes great skill to die with renegade healer.

    > > > > It is true that for bad groups renegade healer heals nothing since group need to stack and actualy atack the boss to get those heals but bad groups might not get healed by fb either. Also bad groups are mostly non cm and in non cm fractals chrono is still better thanks to skips, pulls and shorter phases.

    > > >

    > > > CM maybe different because you need dps but for the rest I definitely I choose FB heal reason its not so much about heal but you have : stabi , resistance, retaliation , protection, aegis also might and fury and on the healing side you can switch in condi cleanse instead of more stabi and the shield 5 is a good cc.

    > > >

    > > > The question then is for what is this necessarily? Basically for Siren Reef and some of the newer nasty instability combinations when you frailty you have some players who have 8k!! life with heal alone you don't come very far.

    > > >

    > > > Whats then about the old content/ older fractals and instabilities ? The same was Arena.NET always do cheesed old content

    > >

    > > You are wrongly asuming that power firebrand cannot provide boons. No reason to swap gear when you have stability, retaliation, might, fury aegis from dps firebrand and proection from heal renegade. Renegade can easily clense conditions. Firebrand can still clense conditions using F2 and it is true that you lose cc on shield but renegade can use stafff 5 more freely because he will not lose 10k+ damage while doing so.

    > > I have done sirens reef with heal renegade and full dps firebrand and we had no problems. Sometimes I didnt have to use half of energy on heal spells just because everyone was full all the time.

    > > I have done sirens reef as a chrono with druid healer and we had no problems (even when druid heals much less then renegade). So I cannot Imagine fractal where renegade healer isnt better then firebrand.


    > Point is, if you focus so much on providing that support on a Quickbrand (running Axe, spending more time in Tomes, taking non dps utility skills, potentially running full Diviners etc.), your DPS almost suffers to a point of a Diviner Renegade, at which point you might as well take that with a heal FB instead, and get those boons much more consistent (especially Stab and Aegis), as well as better access to other utility, more consistent healing, Might for splits etc.


    > Also just because you (or me for that matter) won't struggle at all with a heal Ren or even Druid in situations like Siren's Reef with nasty instabilities, doesn't mean others don't. That comes mostly down to our groups consisting of 250KP+ Fractal Gods with meta food providing enough DPS to quickly skip by the most dangerous mechanics instead of having to endure them for quite some time (speaking for myself, I imagine your situation is similar).


    > I'm not trying to tell you that support FB is better in that case. It's not. It's just much more relaxed while barely losing any speed in terms of clear times for good groups, while for less proficient groups, it can make a massive difference, turning a frustrating experience of wiping with not so good players, into a smooth clear like nothing else can.


    > It's just personal preference at that point.

    > If I want to **pug** CM's+T4+Rec smoothly in under an hour, sup FB is the most consistent choice to do so, imo.


    > /E:

    > To elaborate on where I'm coming from with this opinion,

    > I had multiple (high KP) groups already insist on running Heal Ren + Quickbrand, scoffing at Heal FB, where I ended up frantically having to try to keep the party alive with Resolve and Aegising and reflecting every mechanic I could (while still out dpsing a DPS), with the group still wiping multiple times, wasting much time, before heeding my suggestion to try switching the comp to heal FB + Alacrigade, after which it was smooth sailing.

    > Not to say that comp is worse, it's not when in good hands, I just prefer not to waste that time any more gambling on my pugs.


    If you are saying that your parties need heal firebrand to survive then i cannot imagine how you could clear fractals with druid that can heal only after certain interval. In firebrand/renegade comp (both options) firebrand is there to provide fury, aegis, some might and retaliation. If stability is needed (right now i cannot remember a mechanic where aegis doesnt work but stability does) then dps firebrand can exchange one skill to get it. All of those boons are provided by dps firebrand anyway without any special effort.

    Your idea simply gives healing to firebrand from renegade. You lose all the reactive options that renegade have. You basicaly drop one of the best healers for another (maybe even stronger) full healer and on top of that you have 386 hp PER HIT for half of the fight duration. I am not sure but i think full harrier druid will not heal as much as diviners renegade summit in the whole fight yet it was possible to clear fractals with druid for soo long.

  19. > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > > > As DPS/Quickbrand/Support FB player, I would love to see more Diviner Renegades.

    > > > Harrier Renegade + Quickbrand looks good on paper, but Harrier Firebrand + Diviner Renegade is much smoother and usually faster in my experience.

    > > >

    > > > Support FB carries much harder, especially through the new instabilities, while with Heal Renegade, I barely notice a difference to running no heal at all, due to the lower DPS needed to phase quickly enough, while not providing enough support offset that.

    > > > Not sure why people are so keen on support Renegade + Quickbrand, just because it's a bit higher group DPS on paper, while not translating into practice at all, unless you got really good players, at which point you might as well run no heal.

    > > >

    > > > Chrono + Druid is worse in every single way, except for skips in some Fractals, where nothing can compete with Chrono (but even then I would run Chrono + Support FB over Druid).

    > > >

    > > > In summary,

    > > > **Harrier Renegade and Quickbrand** (Power FB) are usually what is wanted by pugs, as they tend to use comps which they are told are more DPS on paper, even if they can't translate that into gameplay. Shines in proficient statics.

    > > > **Diviner Renegade and Heal FB** is smoother and therefore usually faster, especially for pugs, but not as popular. Shines in pugs and for rough instabilities.

    > > > **Diviner Renegade + power FB** (no heal comp) is incredible fast, but requires very good players, and even in 250+KP pug groups is rarely run since the new Instabilities were introduced.

    > > > **Chrono + Druid** if you enjoy pain, most frequent in non CM groups.

    > > > **Chrono + sup FB** is technically great for Fractals with skips, but suffers from low DPS and CC when compared to FB + Ren for everything else, while having some redundancy in terms of support.

    > >

    > > Main reason why healer ren is better then healer fb is burst. Power renegade has 0 burst so especialy in fractals power fb is better. Also i dont understand how can heal fb make runs smoother when only diference is healing and it takes great skill to die with renegade healer.

    > > It is true that for bad groups renegade healer heals nothing since group need to stack and actualy atack the boss to get those heals but bad groups might not get healed by fb either. Also bad groups are mostly non cm and in non cm fractals chrono is still better thanks to skips, pulls and shorter phases.


    > CM maybe different because you need dps but for the rest I definitely I choose FB heal reason its not so much about heal but you have : stabi , resistance, retaliation , protection, aegis also might and fury and on the healing side you can switch in condi cleanse instead of more stabi and the shield 5 is a good cc.


    > The question then is for what is this necessarily? Basically for Siren Reef and some of the newer nasty instability combinations when you frailty you have some players who have 8k!! life with heal alone you don't come very far.


    > Whats then about the old content/ older fractals and instabilities ? The same was Arena.NET always do cheesed old content


    > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > > > As DPS/Quickbrand/Support FB player, I would love to see more Diviner Renegades.

    > > > Harrier Renegade + Quickbrand looks good on paper, but Harrier Firebrand + Diviner Renegade is much smoother and usually faster in my experience.

    > > >

    > > > Support FB carries much harder, especially through the new instabilities, while with Heal Renegade, I barely notice a difference to running no heal at all, due to the lower DPS needed to phase quickly enough, while not providing enough support offset that.

    > > > Not sure why people are so keen on support Renegade + Quickbrand, just because it's a bit higher group DPS on paper, while not translating into practice at all, unless you got really good players, at which point you might as well run no heal.

    > > >

    > > > Chrono + Druid is worse in every single way, except for skips in some Fractals, where nothing can compete with Chrono (but even then I would run Chrono + Support FB over Druid).

    > > >

    > > > In summary,

    > > > **Harrier Renegade and Quickbrand** (Power FB) are usually what is wanted by pugs, as they tend to use comps which they are told are more DPS on paper, even if they can't translate that into gameplay. Shines in proficient statics.

    > > > **Diviner Renegade and Heal FB** is smoother and therefore usually faster, especially for pugs, but not as popular. Shines in pugs and for rough instabilities.

    > > > **Diviner Renegade + power FB** (no heal comp) is incredible fast, but requires very good players, and even in 250+KP pug groups is rarely run since the new Instabilities were introduced.

    > > > **Chrono + Druid** if you enjoy pain, most frequent in non CM groups.

    > > > **Chrono + sup FB** is technically great for Fractals with skips, but suffers from low DPS and CC when compared to FB + Ren for everything else, while having some redundancy in terms of support.

    > >

    > > Main reason why healer ren is better then healer fb is burst. Power renegade has 0 burst so especialy in fractals power fb is better. Also i dont understand how can heal fb make runs smoother when only diference is healing and it takes great skill to die with renegade healer.

    > > It is true that for bad groups renegade healer heals nothing since group need to stack and actualy atack the boss to get those heals but bad groups might not get healed by fb either. Also bad groups are mostly non cm and in non cm fractals chrono is still better thanks to skips, pulls and shorter phases.


    > CM maybe different because you need dps but for the rest I definitely I choose FB heal reason its not so much about heal but you have : stabi , resistance, retaliation , protection, aegis also might and fury and on the healing side you can switch in condi cleanse instead of more stabi and the shield 5 is a good cc.


    > The question then is for what is this necessarily? Basically for Siren Reef and some of the newer nasty instability combinations when you frailty you have some players who have 8k!! life with heal alone you don't come very far.


    > Whats then about the old content/ older fractals and instabilities ? The same was Arena.NET always do cheesed old content


    You are wrongly asuming that power firebrand cannot provide boons. No reason to swap gear when you have stability, retaliation, might, fury aegis from dps firebrand and proection from heal renegade. Renegade can easily clense conditions. Firebrand can still clense conditions using F2 and it is true that you lose cc on shield but renegade can use stafff 5 more freely because he will not lose 10k+ damage while doing so.

    I have done sirens reef with heal renegade and full dps firebrand and we had no problems. Sometimes I didnt have to use half of energy on heal spells just because everyone was full all the time.

    I have done sirens reef as a chrono with druid healer and we had no problems (even when druid heals much less then renegade). So I cannot Imagine fractal where renegade healer isnt better then firebrand.

  20. Fractals favor burst damage. Thats why only good healers are those that bring offensive buffs and utility.

    Think of it this way: if your party is good then healer brings nothing so they are clearing as 4.


    Right now there are 2 good healers for fractals and one ok.

    There are 2 meta comps for fractals (each of them better in some fractals and worse in others):




    From the second one, renegade is usualy the healer but diviner renegade and healer fb works too

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