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Posts posted by ButcherofMalakir.4067

  1. If you run 1 healer then druid is the best in 99 percent of cases (record run for sloth included renegade but that is very minor fraction).


    But with the removal of glyph of empowerment, second druid is mostly worthless because you dont need that many utility slots anymore.


    Before from 2 healers you wanted 2 goe, 3-4 spirits (stone, storm and frost/sun)

    Right now you lost 2 spells and 3rd is not that needed so advantages of second druid are small compared to other healers but the dissadvantages (mostly heals) are big.


    Tempest is great because of range. Scorge + firebrand can help bad groups. My favorite is ren because it also provides offensive buffs, more cc and amazing healing + chronos can drop well of recall for diferent ultility/dps skills. Also if it becomes stable it enebles quickbrands in pug groups

  2. > @"phs.6089" said:

    > > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

    > > > @"phs.6089" said:

    > > > Especially for a game that was made for exploration and laydback questing. Where end-game supposed to be WvW.

    > > PvE endgame suppose to be WvW? Fun.

    > > Majority of content can be casual. That doesn't mean there should't be difficulty steps on your way towards Raids. Game has to teach players basic and more advanced mechanics as they make their way up. There is no tutorial for combo fields and break bars in the game. So how somebody that doesn't know those things is fit to raid? Of course he will encounter a wall. And then we get tons of threads to make raids more "accessible".


    > PvE end-game suppose to be fractals that were 50 tiers. It's raids that were forced into casual game. It would be better to remove 8% of raiders and abandon raids, then remove 60% of playerbase, that are playing this game because it is casual. Maybe that way pvp and wvw won't be abandoned ? Maybe they coulc continue to make collection to legendary weapons 2.0 insteda of making it dry -hump farm if not raids?

    > And game won't be like half-opened supermaket that tryes to please all around and in results gets the job only half-done.


    Noone is removing 60 percent of the player base. There is just one team that does stuff for more hardcore players.

  3. > @"phs.6089" said:

    > > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

    > > > @"phs.6089" said:

    > > > PvE end-game suppose to be fractals that were 50 tiers. It's raids that were forced into casual game. It would be better to remove 8% of raiders and abandon raids, then remove 60% of playerbase, that are playing this game because it is casual. Maybe that way pvp and wvw won't be abandoned ? Maybe they coulc continue to make collection to legendary weapons 2.0 insteda of making it dry -hump farm if not raids?

    > > > And game won't be like half-opened supermaket that tryes to please all around and in results gets the job only half-done.

    > >

    > > That's not how game development works my sweet summer child. If you remove dev team from raids we won't magically get t3 set of legendary weapons.

    > >


    > Maybe we would get better metas in LW4 maps instead of rubbish we get for 5 episode? Maybe we get somethign this game supposed to be delivering instead of thing that hardly anyone cares and put players off the game? Bet we would and kids like you wouldn't be here.


    And by better I hope you mean raid-like

  4. > @"smashgodlight.6584" said:

    > Been trying for hours now to get my deadeye as a daredevil I went to PoF and I almost completed every Hero Point there because i first reached deadeye and there are no more hero points left there and I went to Auric Basin to do more and there is no chance for a thief to solo the hero points there


    > I mean in PoF hero points can be reach with either no fighting or just a veteran in HoT u need to kill a champion every time ! Why doe sit have to be that way ? Can;t the devs make it easier to at least be able to solo some of them ?? Also the hardest part is to gather people to help u


    > At the end I started to feel that HoT is even harder than PoF am I the only one here who thinking about that?


    When need 250 hps for new character I always do all hps in first hot map exept the last one near the end and the vampire one on one of the destroyed ship. So everything exept #7 and #11



    In next map everything exept #3 #6 and #5 if it is not cleared



    In next map there are few points that are soloable and easy to get to but for the last 4/5 I usualy either go to pof, go to dragonstand or get those easy ones in TD if i met someone on the harder ones in previous map (#11 in first and #3 and #6 in second)

  5. > @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > @"Shiv.5781" said:

    > > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > > Also it would be extremly hard to implement it. Especialy for new releses

    > > >

    > > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > > Guild Wars 1 is 12 years old and we never had the option to be the bad guy there either. Neither did Laura Croft. It's just not that kind of game. It's called Heroic Fantasy for a reason.

    > > >

    > > > I know it would be hard to implement, it could be made into a LWS, or an expansion, but would be totally worth it. "heroic fantasy" can mean heroic in bad ways as well, heroic when u burn down tyria, heroic when you kill the commander ... Just something that's been on my mind for a very long time.

    > >

    > > You dont understand. If you playedvas a bad guy and win then all expansion, dialoges and everything from that point would be completely diferent. Even if you did lose then it couldnt he thae same. All future releses would be affected


    > You don't really need to win, you know. You could be that heroic evil covert agent fighting those glorified thugs assuming roles of Paladins of Light for your hopeless cause deep behind enemy lines, knowing that you probably have no chance to win that war, yet refusing to put aside your ideals..


    And still. From that point on all story chapters ever will have to be diferent.

  6. > @"Chrysaliss.8720" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > @"Chrysaliss.8720" said:

    > > > Easiest solution for the raiding inaccessibility would be to make it impossible to link li/kp in the chat. As well as any other potentialy abusable items.

    > >

    > > so no more different classes then i guess. -> potentialy abusable.

    > > not showing another players weapon setup anymore -> potentialy abusable.

    > > no more titles -> potentialy abusable.

    > > no more mastery levels shown -> potentialy abusable.

    > > no more minis -> potentialy abusable.

    > > no more special skins -> potentialy abusable.


    > Okay. Most of this is just stupid and you know this. Taking things to extreme on purpose doesnt help your point.


    > > ...

    > > ...

    > > ...

    > > its a stupid solution to a selfmade problem.

    > > raids are not inaccessible. some people just do not have the time/mindset to participate.

    > > raiders ARE raiding. non raiders find in inaccessible, because???

    > > i see a lot of raid guilds recruiting, even whole trainings communities. raids are no solo player experience you hotjoin on the go. you are a 10th % of a group, not less not more.

    > > nobody is forced to play with anyone, its a game, you said it yourself.


    > I am going to assume you have played WoW and know how it works there. In WoW the only way to prove your skill is the achievement, that you have killed the boss ONCE. There is no other possible proof. Also WoW bosses are 1000x times more complex.


    > In GW2 there is the LI/KP..... You see the problem already?


    > Also I never said that I dont raid. I just see the issue unlike other people here mindlessly defending it.



    Those are not stupid points. Players want to separate good from the bad. Li/kp is not ideal but it is the best we have right now. If you take that away players will find something diferent and you will call that a problem.


    If i killed VG 200 times i dont want to play in party with random players that killed it less then 50 times (if i am not hosting a training). That is how it is.


    Maybe Li and kp is not needed in wow because raids are more dificult there so if someone killed it he is likely to have propper build and stuff.


    Here raids are easy so trained monkeys can do them but rest of the game is sooo much easier that most players are worse then trained monkeys.


    Also I dont enjoy just killing the boss but efficient strategies so I want to play with players that are better then trained monkeys. Thats why i need some indicator. Without indicator i would only raid with my guilds because it wouldnt be fun and I think most raiders that are experianced would do the same (if they arent doing that already)

  7. Tank firebrand is usualy normal quickbrand that tanks because of highest toughness (1250) in the party. No special gear is required.


    Edit: usualy fights that are harder to tank are tanked by chrono and not quickbrands. Quickbrands tank only easy bosses because they have higher toughness and its pointless to increse chronos toughness just to tank. On hard bosses where you might need tankier gear its always better for chrono to increse toughness then for quickbrand to do it.


    The reason to take quickbrand over chrono is dps. If you need to take tanker gear this advantage is nullified and chrono would be much better

  8. > @"Fenom.9457" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > @"Fenom.9457" said:

    > > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > > > @"Fenom.9457" said:

    > > > > > I'd like to see this too. Easier to navigate the annoying and toxic people that are sadly all too common in raids if you only need to find 4 nice people, and generally just faster to jump in

    > > > >

    > > > > Then play fractals/dungeons

    > > >

    > > >

    > > > Raids have their own maps, stories, bosses, achievements, skins, and are altogether a unique experience that could stand to be more accessible

    > >

    > > So what you are saying is that you dont want to play raids but just get the drops and the story...

    > >

    > > Raids are accesible if players actualy try to get there.


    > No, I also specified interest in the maps and story


    I would gladly accept walkthrough version of raids for story. I think that is much better then scaling down content to 5 man since that wouldnt solve any of yours problems


    I havent include maps because you can already get to cleared instance

  9. > @"Fenom.9457" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > @"Fenom.9457" said:

    > > > I'd like to see this too. Easier to navigate the annoying and toxic people that are sadly all too common in raids if you only need to find 4 nice people, and generally just faster to jump in

    > >

    > > Then play fractals/dungeons



    > Raids have their own maps, stories, bosses, achievements, skins, and are altogether a unique experience that could stand to be more accessible


    So what you are saying is that you dont want to play raids but just get the drops and the story...


    Raids are accesible if players actualy try to get there.

  10. > @"Shiv.5781" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > Also it would be extremly hard to implement it. Especialy for new releses


    > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > Guild Wars 1 is 12 years old and we never had the option to be the bad guy there either. Neither did Laura Croft. It's just not that kind of game. It's called Heroic Fantasy for a reason.


    > I know it would be hard to implement, it could be made into a LWS, or an expansion, but would be totally worth it. "heroic fantasy" can mean heroic in bad ways as well, heroic when u burn down tyria, heroic when you kill the commander ... Just something that's been on my mind for a very long time.


    You dont understand. If you playedvas a bad guy and win then all expansion, dialoges and everything from that point would be completely diferent. Even if you did lose then it couldnt he thae same. All future releses would be affected

  11. > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

    > > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

    > > > > > > @"Miellyn.6847" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

    > > > > > > > Id rather just drop raids in favor of other forms of content that is not limited to a small percentage of the player base, raids are not difficult and I've done them frankly while being pretty id of rather gone to ALOT of these zones in a living world. Have them flushed out with maybe a challenging dungeon I Can do with my friends without the need for pugs; Or for constant recruiting. I only stick in my family guild with those I know; I don't care for having more than that and I Feel its a mistake to allow it as the original guild wars was something that offered "Guilds" meaning. Here its just meaningless kitten above your head.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Challenging dungeons or fractals have the same audience as raids. They are still as nice and it won't change anything other than you run it with 5 than with 10 players.

    > > > > > > And your only reason for 5 people is that you can run it with friends and without pugs. Not a valid reason tbh, just selfish.

    > > > > > > > Raids all'n'all seem like a waste of such talented developers who could be helping elsewhere; Hell make fractals harder and make them more fun because those are boring as hell as some of the older ones are dated. What about the Abbadon fractal they promised would come out later? Or other such mentions of events happening either off screen or in guild wars 1 that we can revisit? Nah raiding is lame, thats WoW's thing and frankly as its all they really have to call their own they nail it alot of the time. These ones are kind of just... I mean here?

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > The Abbadon fractal will likely never happen. They said they never promised it will be created. Only the fractal that wins the vote will be created. The other one is gone.

    > > > > > > https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/archive/cutthroat/IMO-ArenaNet-favors-Evon-Unfair/page/1#post2473417

    > > > > > > > It also brought a crowd I didn't want in this game to the game; One I had hoped would of been left in other games but sadly it seems Anet refuses to adhere to the core philosophy of their game for some things while making sure to stand by it for others.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > So what is the core philosophy in the game? There a lot of people claiming to know that but most of them are actually wrong...

    > > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > The core philosophy of the game was to NOT be like other games. They had no intention on there being raids, mounts or a meta because they wanted people to play HOW THEY WANTED. Not be force fed by some clowns who think they know everything there is to know; And we have side stepped from being a "Different Kind of MMO-RPG" To being a clone of WoW without the class balance. Mounts I don't mind anymore, I like em sure but raids to me never once really entice you to play them and its not really worth dealing with the people who do them. Most of the time its a cancerous crowd who suck the "Fun" out of a game and it doesn't matter if you are ontop of it or not, if you're running a class they dislike or see as useless they will either A:Be rude. OR B: Kick you.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I mean I Really don't care but I Feel like its a waste of resources to entertain a game mode and take areas I WOULD LOVE TO EXPLORE and make them into "Challenging content" Which is really just "DpS it hard, fast and do the semi-decent mechanics that all'n'all take little effort with deductive reasoning." The game was designed and sold as something different, fresh and new. The art book from the deluxe edition of the original game says as much; That they chose purposely not to add raids because they felt it promoted something they did not stand for. ( Not in those words, but more to the effect "We had ideas, but felt we were going in a different direction.")

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I think raids were one of the worst things to happen to this game; And they continue to take areas that could of been cool for something better and instead slap a dps timer on it with some meh mechanics. I mean really its not challenging at all if you remotely know the fight and anyone doing them has been doing them; Those who lack interest wont go in and those who know raiding from other games might already have a stigma about it. Everyone always says a new class would be a waste of resources, a new set of weapons that are new to the game would be as well. But raids are the biggest waste we have both for the art team and the dev team behind them; When we could be getting so much more. But no the hardcore vocal minority have to have their "Challenging content" For the sake of it, despite it not even being close to challenging once so ever. (This coming from a Souls player, a bloodborne player and hell to chalk it up even ESO has harder endgame content then what these raids present.)

    > > > >

    > > > > So raids are challanging but easy? I am lost.

    > > > > How many new players will start playing because Anet add greataxe to the game?

    > > > > How many will leave because anet will not add greataxe?

    > > > > And how many joined because of raids and will leave when anet stop developing raids?

    > > > >

    > > > > My friends showed me this "amazing game" long time ago called guildwars 2. I saw it for 20 minutes and than asked what is there to do and after another 20 minutes of explanation I understood that there is basicaly nothing to do. No reason to create builds when everything dies in 2 hits anyway. And nonexistent balance for those who run hardcore dungeons which was only part that was semi interesting. I read about dungeons at home and that was last nail in the coffin because i didnt want to play warrior.

    > > > >

    > > > > After some time hot and raids were added and suddenly builds started to matter and so did teamplay and thats when i started playing because finaly there was something to do for me. And I am playing ever since. I am not playing only raids but without raids I wouldnt play very frequently. This gamemode is the reason I play.

    > > > > Interesting fact. I dont run around maps screaming at people what builds they should be playing and I imagine none of the raiders do.

    > > >

    > > > adding to build craft and our existing roster of classes would bring way more people to the game. People don't come for raids or dungeons, they come because the dev's added something new that vibes with them. Clearly you don't know how marketing or sales work once so ever and are completely ignorant to how the game would benefit so ill break it down for you.

    > > >

    > > > * Currently if you're not invested in the game, or know someone that is there is no reason for you to come here over say ESO. ESO constantly adds new content and has already added a second class; Which has gotten alot of people to go over there because its a class they like and want to play.

    > > > * New product in the form of actual new ways to play offer more than an instanced dps race; New players will hear about the say new class and be like . "Wow look at this, it looks fun." For example say if they bring in the dervish/ritualist or paragon yes? Well it would vibe with old guild wars 1 players who feel they lost their class while also speaking to a new demographic of players. RAIDS DO NOT IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM DO THIS. A prime example is I was answering questions in lions arch yesterday for people coming back, and a few new players. They didn't even know we had raids because as I said unless you have a vested interest you will not seek them out; Not immediately anyway.

    > > > * New class's and weapon types offer new things ==> Gets more people invested, brings in new players ====> Those new players start off as we all did doing the pve and learning the game maybe even buying gems and the expansions for various cosmetics ===> More money, attention and growth leads into higher production value and funds to do production on a larger scale. ===> Those new players may get into raids, renewed interest and again more funds ===> Faster releases, as they can afford to pay a larger staff which means more gets done. This then feeds into the above; Offering the game more sustainable lifeblood and contributes to the needs of the product, the customer and the developers.

    > > >

    > > > As you can see raids are only good for people invested in the game and can't and probably won't bring people into the game; It's sort of like eliet specs right? They are all well and good but its gonna be hard to convince someone to buy the game, get into it then go unlock the thing you want which might turn out like kitten (Renegade right?) Where as if you make a new class that people can start with, and go through current and old content with then they become vested in the game as it brings in something new for EVERYONE. Revenant was probably one of the big selling points for HoT because it brought a new class, as well new systems when Arch-Age brought gliding and unique ways of travel to the forefront. For PoF it was mounts; Logically speaking a new class or a new race would be more of a worthwhile investment because people join a game more willingly when something new and cool is there.

    > > >

    > > > Last expansion for WoW for example brought in heaps of people because it brought out the demon hunter, a new way to play the game. New appearances and new reasons to go through the old content; Same with races and the allied races. The only reason BFA did well at the begining Is because of the allied races which were not that intuitive in design, now imagine if A-net added a new class, new weapons and a new race? That expansion would sell like hot-cakes and people would tell their friends; We would have more to offer those in our lives not currently playing. When I ask my friends to get into it I run down the list of things we have, I show the races and I notice that they always give me "Well I Can raid over here, its better. Same with dungeons" The only saving grace for the game is the combat.

    > > >

    > > > And no Raids are not hard, I've said constantly that they are not hard and I have done them I just see them as a "One and done" thing because Im more of a lore guy.

    > >

    > > I think you are slightly biased (as am I aperently). You said it yourself, you are a lore guy (and I am not).

    > > Adding a new profession will definitely atract players that already played before. I dont see why someone would start a game just because they added new class when that player didnt want to start the game without that class but ok. If the game doesnt suit his style that new class will not keep him playing for long.

    > > You were definitely mistaken with the fact that raids dont atract players. As I have said I started playing because I discovered that raids will be added to the game. It is probable that more players will will play new living season relese then raids. Raids dont generate income quickly because of smaller number of players.

    > > That beeing said myguild leader (no hardcore raid guild or anything) invested huge amount of money int skins, chatacter slots.... and he said that he basicaly log in only to play raids and fractal CMs. Many raiders also invested huge sums of money and even if they are not playing only because of raids they take 2 or more evenings playing them so without raids they would play way less (or be less interested into the game)

    > >

    > > Also about your point about ritualist. It will atract specific type of player (gw1 players) but for player like me that didnt play gw1 this will be another class. Raids also atracted specific crowd.

    > >

    > > Also i take elite specialization as new classes because for me gameplay is what define new class andnot lore so that is why i would rather have 9 new elite specs then 1 whole new class

    > >

    > > Thanks for explaining your point of view and best wishes


    > And I feel like nine new eliet specs will only continue to break the game, adding to the need of revamps and various other forms of reworks as we have seen lately. I feel a new class with two eliet specs of their own would be a proper exchange; It encourages the sales of character slots, character appearence changes and transmog purchases. It also offers a new method and way to play the game; As you said you put gameplay first yes? Well a new class would off significantly different gameplay (Assuming they don't pull a revenant at the launch of its appearence.) They don't need to do a ritualist per-say but they could take dervish and ritualist merge it into one class, you get melee and range just based off the portion of their nature that could still exist (At least while not breaking the games story) and create something new.


    > Plus I doubt many like you have come to the game, I haven't seen anyone BUT you say raids are why they came to this game and if that tickles your pickle then good for you. If you enjoy the content thats great but I mean some of us dislike being in large groups and herding the cats so to speak. Some of us want to see the content without the worry of people who otherwise would be unwelcome in our company; You can't expect people to make the sacrifice of comfort for content. I personally run solo alot, leap in with my guild and do some forms of meta achievements or raids/dungeons.


    > But we have people in the guild I Dislike so I don't run nor would I ever openly run with them, I stick to myself when they are in the party because of this reason. Many raiders as far as I have met here are rude, unsociable leches. You're the only one I've had a conversation with that I didn't think "kitten I kind of want to hit this guy." We have a different opinion true, I suppose I should state I don't want them to completely abandon raids but Id like for them to make a form of which we can see the "Story" And just remove the story aspect from raids. Put the lore where everyone can see it and not behind some form of raid like WoW does, because it always pissed me off that as a lore guy I had to go find a group and hope they were not unable to get through the content.


    > That and alot of people expect you to skip the cinematic's, or hurry up and go, go , go which is fine I guess you do you as they say. But as someone who would like to actually digest whats going on and pay attention, and not just skip blindly and ignore the fact this game has a kitten ton of lore I find myself un-welcome in your community. So when I say I support small man, I mean I support them stripping out the story and making that for the small man so they can see the zone and the storyline. As well maybe do the explorable portions; Make it difficult sure I don't mind that but being in a group with more than five people and expecting all those people to allow those of us who like the lore of the game to be able to actually enjoy it without people kitten or being kitten's about it is expecting alot out of the nature of humanity.


    > Have a good one I suppose~


    I would gladly introduce "walkthrough" version for raids. Basicaly no challange so players can experiance the story. This would be win for both sides since it might atract new players to raids and nonraiders can enjoy the story.


    Edit: also I need to add that you are one of the few nonraiders that I dont find toxic. Usualy they ask about x/y and they dont place theirs enjoyment above raiders (like OP did in his opening statement) so thank you

  12. > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

    > > > > @"Miellyn.6847" said:

    > > > > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

    > > > > > Id rather just drop raids in favor of other forms of content that is not limited to a small percentage of the player base, raids are not difficult and I've done them frankly while being pretty id of rather gone to ALOT of these zones in a living world. Have them flushed out with maybe a challenging dungeon I Can do with my friends without the need for pugs; Or for constant recruiting. I only stick in my family guild with those I know; I don't care for having more than that and I Feel its a mistake to allow it as the original guild wars was something that offered "Guilds" meaning. Here its just meaningless kitten above your head.

    > > > > >

    > > > > Challenging dungeons or fractals have the same audience as raids. They are still as nice and it won't change anything other than you run it with 5 than with 10 players.

    > > > > And your only reason for 5 people is that you can run it with friends and without pugs. Not a valid reason tbh, just selfish.

    > > > > > Raids all'n'all seem like a waste of such talented developers who could be helping elsewhere; Hell make fractals harder and make them more fun because those are boring as hell as some of the older ones are dated. What about the Abbadon fractal they promised would come out later? Or other such mentions of events happening either off screen or in guild wars 1 that we can revisit? Nah raiding is lame, thats WoW's thing and frankly as its all they really have to call their own they nail it alot of the time. These ones are kind of just... I mean here?

    > > > > >

    > > > > The Abbadon fractal will likely never happen. They said they never promised it will be created. Only the fractal that wins the vote will be created. The other one is gone.

    > > > > https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/archive/cutthroat/IMO-ArenaNet-favors-Evon-Unfair/page/1#post2473417

    > > > > > It also brought a crowd I didn't want in this game to the game; One I had hoped would of been left in other games but sadly it seems Anet refuses to adhere to the core philosophy of their game for some things while making sure to stand by it for others.

    > > > >

    > > > > So what is the core philosophy in the game? There a lot of people claiming to know that but most of them are actually wrong...

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > The core philosophy of the game was to NOT be like other games. They had no intention on there being raids, mounts or a meta because they wanted people to play HOW THEY WANTED. Not be force fed by some clowns who think they know everything there is to know; And we have side stepped from being a "Different Kind of MMO-RPG" To being a clone of WoW without the class balance. Mounts I don't mind anymore, I like em sure but raids to me never once really entice you to play them and its not really worth dealing with the people who do them. Most of the time its a cancerous crowd who suck the "Fun" out of a game and it doesn't matter if you are ontop of it or not, if you're running a class they dislike or see as useless they will either A:Be rude. OR B: Kick you.

    > > >

    > > > I mean I Really don't care but I Feel like its a waste of resources to entertain a game mode and take areas I WOULD LOVE TO EXPLORE and make them into "Challenging content" Which is really just "DpS it hard, fast and do the semi-decent mechanics that all'n'all take little effort with deductive reasoning." The game was designed and sold as something different, fresh and new. The art book from the deluxe edition of the original game says as much; That they chose purposely not to add raids because they felt it promoted something they did not stand for. ( Not in those words, but more to the effect "We had ideas, but felt we were going in a different direction.")

    > > >

    > > > I think raids were one of the worst things to happen to this game; And they continue to take areas that could of been cool for something better and instead slap a dps timer on it with some meh mechanics. I mean really its not challenging at all if you remotely know the fight and anyone doing them has been doing them; Those who lack interest wont go in and those who know raiding from other games might already have a stigma about it. Everyone always says a new class would be a waste of resources, a new set of weapons that are new to the game would be as well. But raids are the biggest waste we have both for the art team and the dev team behind them; When we could be getting so much more. But no the hardcore vocal minority have to have their "Challenging content" For the sake of it, despite it not even being close to challenging once so ever. (This coming from a Souls player, a bloodborne player and hell to chalk it up even ESO has harder endgame content then what these raids present.)

    > >

    > > So raids are challanging but easy? I am lost.

    > > How many new players will start playing because Anet add greataxe to the game?

    > > How many will leave because anet will not add greataxe?

    > > And how many joined because of raids and will leave when anet stop developing raids?

    > >

    > > My friends showed me this "amazing game" long time ago called guildwars 2. I saw it for 20 minutes and than asked what is there to do and after another 20 minutes of explanation I understood that there is basicaly nothing to do. No reason to create builds when everything dies in 2 hits anyway. And nonexistent balance for those who run hardcore dungeons which was only part that was semi interesting. I read about dungeons at home and that was last nail in the coffin because i didnt want to play warrior.

    > >

    > > After some time hot and raids were added and suddenly builds started to matter and so did teamplay and thats when i started playing because finaly there was something to do for me. And I am playing ever since. I am not playing only raids but without raids I wouldnt play very frequently. This gamemode is the reason I play.

    > > Interesting fact. I dont run around maps screaming at people what builds they should be playing and I imagine none of the raiders do.


    > adding to build craft and our existing roster of classes would bring way more people to the game. People don't come for raids or dungeons, they come because the dev's added something new that vibes with them. Clearly you don't know how marketing or sales work once so ever and are completely ignorant to how the game would benefit so ill break it down for you.


    > * Currently if you're not invested in the game, or know someone that is there is no reason for you to come here over say ESO. ESO constantly adds new content and has already added a second class; Which has gotten alot of people to go over there because its a class they like and want to play.

    > * New product in the form of actual new ways to play offer more than an instanced dps race; New players will hear about the say new class and be like . "Wow look at this, it looks fun." For example say if they bring in the dervish/ritualist or paragon yes? Well it would vibe with old guild wars 1 players who feel they lost their class while also speaking to a new demographic of players. RAIDS DO NOT IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM DO THIS. A prime example is I was answering questions in lions arch yesterday for people coming back, and a few new players. They didn't even know we had raids because as I said unless you have a vested interest you will not seek them out; Not immediately anyway.

    > * New class's and weapon types offer new things ==> Gets more people invested, brings in new players ====> Those new players start off as we all did doing the pve and learning the game maybe even buying gems and the expansions for various cosmetics ===> More money, attention and growth leads into higher production value and funds to do production on a larger scale. ===> Those new players may get into raids, renewed interest and again more funds ===> Faster releases, as they can afford to pay a larger staff which means more gets done. This then feeds into the above; Offering the game more sustainable lifeblood and contributes to the needs of the product, the customer and the developers.


    > As you can see raids are only good for people invested in the game and can't and probably won't bring people into the game; It's sort of like eliet specs right? They are all well and good but its gonna be hard to convince someone to buy the game, get into it then go unlock the thing you want which might turn out like kitten (Renegade right?) Where as if you make a new class that people can start with, and go through current and old content with then they become vested in the game as it brings in something new for EVERYONE. Revenant was probably one of the big selling points for HoT because it brought a new class, as well new systems when Arch-Age brought gliding and unique ways of travel to the forefront. For PoF it was mounts; Logically speaking a new class or a new race would be more of a worthwhile investment because people join a game more willingly when something new and cool is there.


    > Last expansion for WoW for example brought in heaps of people because it brought out the demon hunter, a new way to play the game. New appearances and new reasons to go through the old content; Same with races and the allied races. The only reason BFA did well at the begining Is because of the allied races which were not that intuitive in design, now imagine if A-net added a new class, new weapons and a new race? That expansion would sell like hot-cakes and people would tell their friends; We would have more to offer those in our lives not currently playing. When I ask my friends to get into it I run down the list of things we have, I show the races and I notice that they always give me "Well I Can raid over here, its better. Same with dungeons" The only saving grace for the game is the combat.


    > And no Raids are not hard, I've said constantly that they are not hard and I have done them I just see them as a "One and done" thing because Im more of a lore guy.


    I think you are slightly biased (as am I aperently). You said it yourself, you are a lore guy (and I am not).

    Adding a new profession will definitely atract players that already played before. I dont see why someone would start a game just because they added new class when that player didnt want to start the game without that class but ok. If the game doesnt suit his style that new class will not keep him playing for long.

    You were definitely mistaken with the fact that raids dont atract players. As I have said I started playing because I discovered that raids will be added to the game. It is probable that more players will will play new living season relese then raids. Raids dont generate income quickly because of smaller number of players.

    That beeing said myguild leader (no hardcore raid guild or anything) invested huge amount of money int skins, chatacter slots.... and he said that he basicaly log in only to play raids and fractal CMs. Many raiders also invested huge sums of money and even if they are not playing only because of raids they take 2 or more evenings playing them so without raids they would play way less (or be less interested into the game)


    Also about your point about ritualist. It will atract specific type of player (gw1 players) but for player like me that didnt play gw1 this will be another class. Raids also atracted specific crowd.


    Also i take elite specialization as new classes because for me gameplay is what define new class andnot lore so that is why i would rather have 9 new elite specs then 1 whole new class


    Thanks for explaining your point of view and best wishes

  13. > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

    > > @"Miellyn.6847" said:

    > > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

    > > > Id rather just drop raids in favor of other forms of content that is not limited to a small percentage of the player base, raids are not difficult and I've done them frankly while being pretty id of rather gone to ALOT of these zones in a living world. Have them flushed out with maybe a challenging dungeon I Can do with my friends without the need for pugs; Or for constant recruiting. I only stick in my family guild with those I know; I don't care for having more than that and I Feel its a mistake to allow it as the original guild wars was something that offered "Guilds" meaning. Here its just meaningless kitten above your head.

    > > >

    > > Challenging dungeons or fractals have the same audience as raids. They are still as nice and it won't change anything other than you run it with 5 than with 10 players.

    > > And your only reason for 5 people is that you can run it with friends and without pugs. Not a valid reason tbh, just selfish.

    > > > Raids all'n'all seem like a waste of such talented developers who could be helping elsewhere; Hell make fractals harder and make them more fun because those are boring as hell as some of the older ones are dated. What about the Abbadon fractal they promised would come out later? Or other such mentions of events happening either off screen or in guild wars 1 that we can revisit? Nah raiding is lame, thats WoW's thing and frankly as its all they really have to call their own they nail it alot of the time. These ones are kind of just... I mean here?

    > > >

    > > The Abbadon fractal will likely never happen. They said they never promised it will be created. Only the fractal that wins the vote will be created. The other one is gone.

    > > https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/archive/cutthroat/IMO-ArenaNet-favors-Evon-Unfair/page/1#post2473417

    > > > It also brought a crowd I didn't want in this game to the game; One I had hoped would of been left in other games but sadly it seems Anet refuses to adhere to the core philosophy of their game for some things while making sure to stand by it for others.

    > >

    > > So what is the core philosophy in the game? There a lot of people claiming to know that but most of them are actually wrong...

    > >


    > The core philosophy of the game was to NOT be like other games. They had no intention on there being raids, mounts or a meta because they wanted people to play HOW THEY WANTED. Not be force fed by some clowns who think they know everything there is to know; And we have side stepped from being a "Different Kind of MMO-RPG" To being a clone of WoW without the class balance. Mounts I don't mind anymore, I like em sure but raids to me never once really entice you to play them and its not really worth dealing with the people who do them. Most of the time its a cancerous crowd who suck the "Fun" out of a game and it doesn't matter if you are ontop of it or not, if you're running a class they dislike or see as useless they will either A:Be rude. OR B: Kick you.


    > I mean I Really don't care but I Feel like its a waste of resources to entertain a game mode and take areas I WOULD LOVE TO EXPLORE and make them into "Challenging content" Which is really just "DpS it hard, fast and do the semi-decent mechanics that all'n'all take little effort with deductive reasoning." The game was designed and sold as something different, fresh and new. The art book from the deluxe edition of the original game says as much; That they chose purposely not to add raids because they felt it promoted something they did not stand for. ( Not in those words, but more to the effect "We had ideas, but felt we were going in a different direction.")


    > I think raids were one of the worst things to happen to this game; And they continue to take areas that could of been cool for something better and instead slap a dps timer on it with some meh mechanics. I mean really its not challenging at all if you remotely know the fight and anyone doing them has been doing them; Those who lack interest wont go in and those who know raiding from other games might already have a stigma about it. Everyone always says a new class would be a waste of resources, a new set of weapons that are new to the game would be as well. But raids are the biggest waste we have both for the art team and the dev team behind them; When we could be getting so much more. But no the hardcore vocal minority have to have their "Challenging content" For the sake of it, despite it not even being close to challenging once so ever. (This coming from a Souls player, a bloodborne player and hell to chalk it up even ESO has harder endgame content then what these raids present.)


    So raids are challanging but easy? I am lost.

    How many new players will start playing because Anet add greataxe to the game?

    How many will leave because anet will not add greataxe?

    And how many joined because of raids and will leave when anet stop developing raids?


    My friends showed me this "amazing game" long time ago called guildwars 2. I saw it for 20 minutes and than asked what is there to do and after another 20 minutes of explanation I understood that there is basicaly nothing to do. No reason to create builds when everything dies in 2 hits anyway. And nonexistent balance for those who run hardcore dungeons which was only part that was semi interesting. I read about dungeons at home and that was last nail in the coffin because i didnt want to play warrior.


    After some time hot and raids were added and suddenly builds started to matter and so did teamplay and thats when i started playing because finaly there was something to do for me. And I am playing ever since. I am not playing only raids but without raids I wouldnt play very frequently. This gamemode is the reason I play.

    Interesting fact. I dont run around maps screaming at people what builds they should be playing and I imagine none of the raiders do.

  14. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > Guess i have advantage of my high IQ. Did not relised that not everyone can use google for 5 minutes

    > Apparently you haven't realized as well that that what you are talking about is a much more complex problem than you think it is.



    You might be right. I dont relise that and maybe it might be harder then i think.


    So for those that havent tried that open google and type in gw2 raid guild/discord and if you want add your nationality and you should find one pretty soon

  15. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > I sometimes wonder if legendary armor didn’t exist at all, if these threads would still exist.

    > Depends on whether raids would be a desirable content without legendary armor or not. If it's envoy set that makes people want to do raids, then yes, without it noone would care. But then, in such a case, why bother having raids at all?


    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > Anet said that raids are ment for organised groups and not pugs when relesed. I guess they are easier then anet intended to

    > They also said you'd need full ascended gear to do them, _while at the same time_ also claiming that they fully expect people to eventually do them naked. I'm pretty sure most of those statements were only meant to generate hype, and had nothing to do with actual design goals.





    What i am saying is this:

    I raid with 3 diferent guilds regulary. It wasnt hard to find a guild for raids. I have no problem making a squad because each day one of the guilds raid. If OP have problem find group in lfv then he should join a guild which will eliminate that problem

  16. Hello. For start try to join either guild or training discord. I can recomend crossroads since i both learned there and they were amazing.


    For class i recomend dragonhunter, warrior, shortbow/shortbow soulbeast or maybe daredevil (you need diferent weapon then staff for mathias and cairne)

    Those are quite easy to play so you canfocus on mechanics

  17. > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

    > > > When your individual skill is more of an impact on your groups performance(20% vs 10%, 5 man vs 10man) the content feels harder and more satisfying as an individual.

    > >

    > > Actualy some of us enjoy teamwork

    > Caddle herding =/= teamwork.



    Well I am not herfing caddle but another 9 players that work together to achieve as smooth runs ay we are able to. We play diferent compositions that cannot be done without whole group effort. This is teamplay. Percentages cannot cover someones participation since without one player others would be weaker too.


    Anet said that raids are ment for organised groups and not pugs when relesed. I guess they are easier then anet intended to

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