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Posts posted by ButcherofMalakir.4067

  1. Ok. Guys dont panic. I am chrono main in raids and this is my favorite chrono patch since phantasm changes.

    Uptimes will be the same

    Events (tc, escort, spiritrun...) might be more dificult without shatters for stab/condi clense/alacrity/quickness

    Cc is slightly worse

    Distortion removal means no more shake distorts (sadly) and more planning is required for blocks - reward for good chronos.

    Dps diference of good and bad chrono will be higher because slow uptime will increse your dps even more.

  2. > @"zionophir.6845" said:

    > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > @"zionophir.6845" said:

    > > > arcdps obviously doesn't increase your damage.. it shows your damage and it is not needed coz you see the %health decrease when you hit a mob and if you equip the highest possible damage gear, what is the use of arcdps? seems redundant..

    > > And unfortunately this kind of thinking is exactly why the dps meters are here to stay.

    > >

    > > Hint: there's way more to dps than just the right gear. Build and rotation are at least as important (if not more). And estimating damage by looking at health bar decrease is an extremely primitive (and faulty) method. Especially in a squad environment.

    > >

    > > As long as the game mechanics make it so there's a massive gap in effectiveness between players, and as long as there will be game encounters where success chances are significantly impacted by effectiveness/skill level of participating players, people will want to be able to estimate said skill for everyone they are grouped for in such a content. Yes, it can lead to unpleasant behaviour when some players will be found wanting. It's something that cannot be avoided however - people have every right to NOT want with someone else, especially when they have a good reason to be selective.

    > >

    > > If you want to avoid such a situation, you can't do it by removing DPS meters (or other methods of checking skill/performance). You'd need to remove the _reason_ why people are interested in that performance. So, basically, the only way would be to reduce the difficulty of the content. Only when your skill level won't matter for the completion chance, and won't significantly impact completion time the other players will stop caring about how good you are. The more impact your skill has on those things however, the bigger the number of players that _will_ care. And the stronger their reaction if they'll think you're dragging them down.

    > >

    > >


    > of course when i said "highest possible damage" gear, it also entails that the traits, skills and sigils and runes contribute to that highest damage gear, rite?


    > so what's the use of having highest damage gear if you are gimping yourself by using less damage additional gear/traits?


    > put EVERYTHING on max and arcdps will have no use..


    > tell me what's the purpose of arcdps again?

    > to see that you can inflict the max damage..


    > which can be shortcircuited/roundedoff by using the highest possible build..


    > so you don't really need that arcdps..


    > unless you can do something rottingly fishy with it..


    Well. Here are my reasons I use arcdps:

    1) templates. I will not play without them. It makes each boss 30 seconds+ longer

    2) to see if the changes I made for my rotation improve my dps or if that was a bad idea

    3) to see power level of squad so I can chose best strategy

    4) to kick players that are under chronomancers.


    I dont care what build players use as long as they dont have any toughness and they deliver. If they dont then I will kick/leave no matter if they have meta gear or not.


    In your calculation you forgot about human factor. Even with best gear 2 players will perform diferently.

  3. > @"Love.1975" said:

    > > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > > I don't think you can go back to a "no stats selected" state, but you can change the stats whenever you want (out of combat) so there's really no reason to hold off choosing a stat set.

    > >

    > > You *can* however equip stat-selectable gear (incl legendaries) without choosing stats.


    > The lack of stats is for the challenge! :)

    > This question comes from [here](



    > Guess if it's not available, I guess this becomes a suggestion :(


    You can always strip your character

  4. > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > The complaints are ridiculous, really =)

    > I mean as a skilled player you can still play certain stuff others/"casuals" can't. Be it raid selling, multiple weekly raid clearing with different accounts or still farming shorter fractals with a coordinated team comp and the list goes on and on. Veteran players know how to make their gold and you should never rely on things like this procedure.

    > The amount of gold you made with Aquatic was absolutely not in line and I can't take people seriously if they cannot see or even understand this.

    > Maybe there are still some valuable open world farmings left (highly doubt SW is that good any longer because prices went low) but it's still lucrative to play daily fracs and being in a static raid squad with comfortable clearing time. With the daily login it is definitely more than 800g per month - a huge number that most of the players will never own or maybe once or twice in their whole GW2 career.

    > Additionally there's the factor fun involved. It's very questionable that open world farming people are loving their work. On the other hand playing a little bit of challenging content (fracs, raids) with friends, guild mates or in pugs has always been very interesting and motivating - for me at least. If that's not the case you should really ask yourself what life has left for you.


    Diference is that daily fractals are timegated. They offer very high rewards for the first clear but after that they are not worth it usualy. Raids are the same. High gold for first FC but then it provides almost nothing.

    On the other hand brainless farms like sw provide huge value and doesnt lose value with time. Tryhard players will profit almost the same as almost afkers.

    I used to be part of tryhard fractal 40 guild when it was possible. At that time you needed to be on less then 3 minutes per run to earn more then doing sw. 3 minutes was nowhere near doable for pug groups and so farming f40 wasnt worth it for most players. We were doing it under 2 minutes so it was worth for us. It required dedication and skill (otherwise pug runs would be able to do it right?)


    Then they changed this fractal because it was too lucrative for farmers. For 90 percent of players it was less lucrative then sw but sw wasnt changed and f40 was. Shortly after this I stopped doing anything other then raids simply because other parts of the game are not fun with this mindset.


    So I dont know that there were such farms. If I knew that this existed I would do it. That beeing said I am not supriced that it was removed at all.

  5. > @"Alyster.9470" said:

    > So I agree that the farm method posted on reddit which people farm the last boss of fractal 61 in about 10 seconds and make +100 gold per hour is broken, but.


    > I have been farming this fractal with my guild for a long time with the usual way (doing every event and the boss from start to finish over and over again). 1 completion would take about 2 mins and yield around 25-30g per hour and a bit more if you have augmentations. This farm requires good team coordination, great knowledge of underwater skills, rotations and putting high effort all the time to be able to complete it as fast as possible and make it efficient.


    > So you are saying to me that, tryharding underwater rotations, coordinating constantly and putting high effort into a content to make gold is not OK. But, going to SW or any world boss/meta event and pressing just 1-1-1 is completely fine and the right thing to do?! I dont even know if there is a content now that is rewarding for the effort you put in...


    > A better nerf would be: “Players cannot collect final boss rewards in fractal 61 if they have not participated in the previous events”

    > But instead you are timegating a fractal because of your own faulty design.


    > I hope you can find a better way to solve the “abusive farm”.


    Exactly this is what anet is saying. They said it before when they reworked f40. I would argue that underwater is nowhere near balanced so maybe they changed it because of this but i doubt it. They want this game to be for casuals so tryhard players should earn the same as casuals. Their logic.

  6. > @"Yasi.9065" said:

    > With bags now changed to unident gear, raiding has become even less profitable. Where before you could at least open them on a lower level toon for a bit extra gold, now we get worthless t5 mats.


    > Repeating raids - to help others for example - is now the biggest waste of time in the game. This will hurt the raiding community hugely. With more and more raiders already having left due to the easy nature and long release cadence of "raids" in gw2, making repeating raids worthless now removes pretty much all incentive for experienced raiders to help train those new to raiding.


    > So, is this intentional to kill of the raids like you killed dungeons? Seeing the similarities there afterall. Or will this get fixed and finally repeating raids made worthwhile - at least on the level of running around on empty maps with a mount and pressing 'f' every 10 seconds or so?


    Its the bigges waste of time and thats why I only do raids and kill multiple bosses multiple times each week. If you do/did it for the gold then you play bad gamemode.


    Acualy I like that change since now I can salvage all bags at once and dont need to open 10 at the time. Actualy I used to store my bags in bank because i was too lazy to open them like that. (So no gold) After this change I opend all of them and let my copper-fed eat all of them. Took some time but I made some gold (and some gold is better then nothing)

  7. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

    > > Or when VG turns not facing the "tank".


    > Usually due to some trait temporarily increasing another players toughness beyond what the tank has. Very common with Firebrands and inexperienced raid groups due to Imbued Haste which can not be opted out. Not even going to count the reason being due to difference in toughness on weapon sets, which too happens in inexperienced groups.


    Also tome 3 skill 5. Happened to us on dhuum and at that moment our tank got bomb. Firebrands, condi renegades and soulbeasts can have higher then 1000 toughness.

  8. > @"Rico.6873" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:


    > > It seems as a good idea but it is much less efective then you think. There are 2 reasons:

    > > 1) signet of inspiration is not affected by Boon duration. That means that each 13.3 seconds both chronos extend boons by 6 seconds. That is almost half of required uptime so your bd is only for the other half needed.

    > > 2) quickness stacks 5 times. If you get 6th stack of quickness the shortest one is destroyed. If you have higher boon duration then stacks will last longer and you will destroy more and longer stacks. Overstacking can easily happen after continuum split even without timewarp. 2 wells of action and 4 tides of time and you have 6 stacks already. If you have high bd it can happen that you use less stacks before spells become ready again and you will lose another stack.


    > I see, so having too much concentration would be a waste because the last tick of the well would just get overridden?..

    > But that is if both your chrono's land all their wells on their allies


    > How do you handle fights where you have to move a lot? like Vale Guardian on the last part where your dragging him in a circle around the map

    > You hold onto your well until your allies stack and wait for your wells to end? :S


    > Only reason I was thinking of going full diviners was for fights where my wells dont always reach their full potential on my allies.

    > Didnt know there was a cap on the amount of quickness/alicrity you could give, explains why people dont max their concentration for easy pugs/boon duration


    > Thx for explaining it to me, this kept me from going full diviners on my chrono now


    Obviously that comes from experiance. In my guild I am the one tanking. In the last phase after cc end I move imidiatly to the end of another tile and i place wells there. Never use them on the move but on the spots where you are still. You can calculate speed of party and use wells on the move if you belive yourself but it is not needed. Moving there is laround 2 seconds even with 60% bd you can provide way more quickness and alacrity then 100 percent uptime.


    If wells dont reach full potential on your allies then it is usualy their mistake. They are staying on wrong position.



  9. > @"Rico.6873" said:

    > Was mainly talking about raiding

    > For fractals I use Power Holo/Diviners Renegade/Healing Firebrand after the Druid changes


    > Because the way Chrono gives boons are through stationary wells, where people can walk out off

    > I find it hard to time when you put your wells down,

    > Thats the reason why I asked if it wasn't better to go full diviner if your playing chrono


    > The Chrono I'm now using is using the Snowcrow support build


    > https://snowcrows.com/raids/builds/mesmer/chronomancer/support/

    > With 4 strong pieces of Diviner gear and 3 diviner trinkets


    > Because I dont always play chrono or feel like playing chrono my experience with Chrono is lacking in the raiding department

    > But I still wanna maximize the boon uptime for my allies when I do play chrono in the raiding environment


    > So my question is: **Will max Diviner gear help me max my boon uptime for my allies in a raid If I'm a not a elite mastermind (noob) Chrono?**


    > Now the second thing I wanna know is about Minstrel Tank chrono

    > The first part of the raid legendary armor achievement gave a full ascended set, I used That armor set to make me

    > a full Ministrel armor for tanking as a Chrono (Also have all Ministrel trinkets)


    > The only thing I'm missing is the tank runes but because a tanking build I found suggested Superior Rune of Sanctuary, a Dungeon rune

    > I'm stuck on 3 more of those runes until I find the time and the people to get it


    > If people could also suggest me a good Chrono tank build here or the location of one that would be awesome

    > I myself could only find the support build in Snowcrows and I'm not sure if Metabattle is up to date with its tank build...


    > So my second question is: **What tank rune could I use instead of Superior Rune of Sanctuary for a tanking Chrono?**

    > I only need 3 more Sanctuary runes but until I get them I wanted to use another rune, Just not sure which one to use...


    It seems as a good idea but it is much less efective then you think. There are 2 reasons:

    1) signet of inspiration is not affected by Boon duration. That means that each 13.3 seconds both chronos extend boons by 6 seconds. That is almost half of required uptime so your bd is only for the other half needed.

    2) quickness stacks 5 times. If you get 6th stack of quickness the shortest one is destroyed. If you have higher boon duration then stacks will last longer and you will destroy more and longer stacks. Overstacking can easily happen after continuum split even without timewarp. 2 wells of action and 4 tides of time and you have 6 stacks already. If you have high bd it can happen that you use less stacks before spells become ready again and you will lose another stack.

  10. > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > For me it is not about the kill. I usualy play supports so my switching is gear and traits most of the time. That beeing said I would never take power tempest for mathias and if someone would say that I shouldnt swap i would left.

    > >

    > > For some players (like me) it doesmt matter how long is the full clear but howlong is the actual kill time.


    > Yeah, understandable but I guess you are not pugging. People that pug should realize that pug groups are going for the (safe) kill. If players have a different view they shouldn't join in the beginning and watch out for "Wxyz speed run with xyz" (example) or make their own group like people that want to do trainings shouldn't join a full/wing clear/usual boss kill group. Speed runners would save themselves and the others in the group a lot of time and nerves if they just stick to the goal of the commander/group. I had a few Gorse attempts in the past (100 LI groups or so) where people were whining that they had to take the last updraft. It was simple: they joined the wrong group. Needless to say that those were responsible for the wipe and after they had left and replaced by another player the kill went smooth (still) with last updraft. It's disgusting if people make their own rules in squads where they have no right to do so.

    > Also your example is quite exceptional.

    > On the other hand I would totally take power classes on Matthias if I know/see I have competent players which is possible when you killed Sloth and Trio with the same players before. I mean with condi classes even non-speed statics kill Matt with 3 minutes(?) left on the timer so there's enough room for non-optimal builds especially if it's not important to have to play as little mechanics as necessary due to having 2 strong healers in pugs.

    > Additionally Matthias wouldn't fall into Yasis description since there's a lot of time for swapping out classes after Trio.


    Yes I do pug and I expect the same thing. I do not force players to swap but I will. If they cannot w8 for me to swap then they can kick me and w8 for next player to join. No hard feelings.

    I am not saying that optimal picks in speedrums are bis in pug runs. I wouldnt run rifle deadeye because it depends on the squad. That beeing said pug runs have their own bis options. If you refuse to w8 for me to pick something that will help us clear (because lets be honest but pug runs can be very bad and my optimal pick will give the squad advantage that they might need not to wipe) then I will not brother with you.

  11. > @"Iris Ng.9845" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > @"phs.6089" said:

    > > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > > Hello. If your offer still stands I would like some suggestions for my renegade. She is norn female with black hair and red tattos on shoulders. I am serching for outfit that is practical more then shiny for a veteran warrior. I would like to keep some version of blindfold. It doesnt have to be norn based but it can be. Also if that is possible can you include suggestions for 2 swords and staff too? Thanks for your time.

    > > >

    > > > Did you cehck the https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistward_armor, itself? IMO one of the best heavy armors in game

    > >

    > > Yes, my revenant used it for more then 2 years (this is my first character so for pretty long time) but it doesnt feel right for renegade. It is great skin but I am looking for something more practical for renegade since I feel renegade is less focused on magic.


    > Hey there, sorry for the late reply. Do you have a reference image for how your renegade should look in mind?> @"VDAC.2137" said:

    > > @"Iris Ng.9845" great looks and makeover suggestions! =) If this is something your still interested in doing, I have some characters/looks I’d love input on!

    > >

    > > **1) My sylvari female necro, Ungoliantë**

    > > She has a branch look with a thin physique, charcoal skin-tone, branch hairstyle and face with some spines on the nose (both are among the basic options). I use the demon mask “headpiece” (make-up really) and for me it is the only integral part of her look. She wore the lovely TA dungeon armor for a while but I wanted to change it up to something more original / unique to her character. She is not meant to be an evil or demonic character in any way, but rather it’s the cycle of nature, life from death, rebirth.

    > >

    > > I like the tones of gold and red used in the demon mask and try to use similar colors at least as accents in the rest of her look. Silver doesn’t fit at all. I rather like the Lich (Arah Dungeon) skirt/leggings but have been disappointed with the large undyeable regions of the gloves and chestpiece. Plus the sleeves are too full rather than having the tattered look that I liked in the skirt. Or I could scrap that entirely and go with Egyptian-inspired or insect-themed look — I do use the scarab backpiece already. However, I don’t think the metallic elements of the various Elonian armors can be dyed, can they? I would love a very natural look, perhaps with some sylvari armors mixed in, but I haven’t found a combination that feels right.

    > >

    > > **2) My sylvari female mirage, Aelinárë**

    > > Her name is my effort to derive something approximating “sunlight reflecting off water” from Tolkien’s Elven. I wanted to go with a more traditional Mesmer theme of dazzling beauty and deception. I’ve at times used the Glittering weapon armors (one of the few sets that can make an axe work with a ballgown, lol) or the Devoted Staff (gold works and I love the petals but some of the other skins such as the torch look rather bulky to me) and have considered Defiant Glass skins. She is currently attired in TA Dungeon chestpiece and skirt, Illustrious mask and Masquerade mantle and I like this look from the front but not from the back, unfortunately. Maybe there is a back piece that would cover how odd the mantle and chestpiece look together here or maybe I should start from scratch. Currently, I’m using shades of white/celestial, rose and various gold to go with the devoted staff. I almost like her look... but am also open to changing any and everything to get the feel I’ve wanted her to embody from the beginning.


    > Hi there, your sylvari characters sound lovely and rather complex in terms of designs and dyeing scheme Would it be possible for you to attach their screenshots? It'll be easier for me to work with from there.


    Well, I dont know what am I looking for. I know that I dont like bulky shoulders, boots and gloves. I would like something that cover most of the skin (having naked arms bellow shoulders works because it feel nornlike to me but naked belly for example is not a good idea).

    This is like my renegade looks like now: https://ibb.co/HqzwDSX

    I am serching for diferent skin on diferent gear. Fantasy traits are ok with me (like those stockings-like leggins). Right now I am totaly clueless so I would apritiate any suggestion you can have. Thanks

  12. > @"Irensaga.6935" said:

    > What do you mean by practical?


    > Actual armor that would actually work in real life?


    > That would rule out anything that bares your midriff - since that's where we keep all our vital organs.


    > It also rules out anything with a lot of spikes on it - like the Armageddon set. Since in real life, you'd be impaling your own head on your own shoulder spikes if your head got knocked to one side with a club. The Bladed armor set has so many places to snag your own arms and legs on, there's no way I'd want to wear it in a real fight.


    > Or by "practical" - do you just mean something that won't break your own sense of immersion and have you looking at your own character and constantly saying - "she looks more like a stripper than a warrior"?


    > Because that's totally subjective based on your preferences which I don't know.


    > Edit:


    > I just realized this is an old thread and the person asking is probably not even here anymore. Oh well. Sorry.


    I am here. What I ment by practical was no spikes and no stripper. It can have magical/fictional elements but it shpuldnt ne over the top. Some spikes are ok but definitly not armagedon set. What is too much is too much.


    Edit: i will post how my gear looks now in the morning

  13. > @"phs.6089" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > Hello. If your offer still stands I would like some suggestions for my renegade. She is norn female with black hair and red tattos on shoulders. I am serching for outfit that is practical more then shiny for a veteran warrior. I would like to keep some version of blindfold. It doesnt have to be norn based but it can be. Also if that is possible can you include suggestions for 2 swords and staff too? Thanks for your time.


    > Did you cehck the https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistward_armor, itself? IMO one of the best heavy armors in game


    Yes, my revenant used it for more then 2 years (this is my first character so for pretty long time) but it doesnt feel right for renegade. It is great skin but I am looking for something more practical for renegade since I feel renegade is less focused on magic.

  14. Hello. If your offer still stands I would like some suggestions for my renegade. She is norn female with black hair and red tattos on shoulders. I am serching for outfit that is practical more then shiny for a veteran warrior. I would like to keep some version of blindfold. It doesnt have to be norn based but it can be. Also if that is possible can you include suggestions for 2 swords and staff too? Thanks for your time.

  15. > @"yusayu.3629" said:

    > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > > @"yusayu.3629" said:

    > > > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > > > > @"yusayu.3629" said:

    > > > > > I'm confused. There's an optimal composition for Fractals, Alacrene, Firebrand, BS and 2 DGHs. If you look into the LFG, most groups are playing fractals like that right now. Why'd you gear for some fringe build, especially since all of those 4 builds can be played by a drunk, blind monkey with one hand.

    > > > >

    > > > > Apparently this is only for raid squads and not fractals.

    > > >

    > > > No, that's the optimal fractal composition. Alacrene can heal 'bout as good as a druid, Quickbrand can dish out about 25-30k dps (overall much more than a support chrono ever could), DGH has about 40-50k dps for the first 10-15 seconds of a fight (almost all fights in fractals heavily favor burst, all fights in 99/100CM do) and the BS for good measure.

    > >

    > > Did you even read the thread?

    > > Just above your post there is a guy berating me for asking why you would need 2 healers as I thought this was about fractals. ( Even tho said poster said group and not squad there are diffrent names for 5 man and 10 man for a reason)

    > >

    > > > @"Kelieto.6375" said:

    > > > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > > > > @"Kelieto.6375" said:

    > > > > > Very nice post! Previously, I would get kicked from groups because everyone kept downing and they thought it was the lack of healing but now I provide boons too so the other healer got kicked instead! Thank you for sharing!

    > > > >

    > > > > Why would you run 2 healers in the first place?

    > > >

    > > > This ENTIRE THREAD is about running 2 healers buddy.

    > >

    > >


    > Alright then, but the same basically goes for Raids. 1 Alacren gives alacrity to 10 players and heals, 1 DPS Quickbrand, 1 Heal Quickbrand, 1 BS and 6 DPS depending on the boss. If you don't need two healers, just run two DPS Quickbrands.


    > Again, why gear up suboptimal characters?! I'd say that's terrible advice.


    Well, if you are looking for most optimal comp this certainly isnt one.

    No spotter and probably no spirits to start with. Fury can be problematic. No imobilize for gorseval for example and so on. One druid and dps alacrity renegade is decent healing. Also if onefirebrand is chrono you dont need ashigh BD on other clases

  16. > @"Ansau.7326" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > @"Ansau.7326" said:

    > > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > > I will tell you about my heals as a chrono main. I use mostly signet of ether and i use it for damage. In openworld basicaly everything dies before it reaches me to my phantasms. If something reaches me i have many blocks and evades.

    > > > >

    > > > > Mesmer doesnt need healing. It would be much wiser to give better heals to ele for example.

    > > > >

    > > > > During trio raid encounter on last boss you can chain block/evade/distortion bedorethe boss dies to its burning. Where is the need for heals?

    > > >

    > > > In PvP and WvW where you have brains fighting you instead of AI?

    > >

    > > In pvp/wvw almost noone would use another heal because soe provide burst. It doesnt matter if your target have brain or not. Blocks are not racist and work either way


    > Do you realize you agree with me and OP?

    > As you said, it is better to choose SoE because of its non-healing mechanic, which exemplifies how kitten mesmer healing skills are at healing.


    > Also people here, as usual, missundertands this claim as if now mesmer needs a healing to selfcarry this profession.

    > What it is in discussion is why everybody else also has invulns, block, evades, skills and traits that heal... And yet only for mesmers it's an excuse to have such bad healing barely worth 2-3 AA.


    Rly? You mean like berzerker heal? Chronomancer have a great heal if you play style that requires you to use heals. With mistrel your well of eternity heals for ~12k. I know that it is not imidiate but if you play tanky then dieing to oneshot is not supposed to happen (in combination with your blocks).

    I am not interested in pvp/wvw so my knowkage there is limited but if something is dead it cannot kill you. Signet of ether provides burst. If anet buffed any heal it wouldnt metter because only signet of ether provide damage.


    Even if that is true for pvp/wvw op was also talking about pve. In pve i almost never use any healskill on any proffesion unless it provides damage. Generaly for me openworld is easiest for me as mesmer then any other proffesion because i can never die and also everything dies way quicker with boons i give myself

  17. > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > I think there are 500hps in hot maps. That should be enough for both elites


    > Not quite, there's 400. With the extra from Core, that's enough of course.


    My mistake. I knew that on relese you needed all of them for elite spec and that they were cut in half.

  18. > @"Ansau.7326" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > I will tell you about my heals as a chrono main. I use mostly signet of ether and i use it for damage. In openworld basicaly everything dies before it reaches me to my phantasms. If something reaches me i have many blocks and evades.

    > >

    > > Mesmer doesnt need healing. It would be much wiser to give better heals to ele for example.

    > >

    > > During trio raid encounter on last boss you can chain block/evade/distortion bedorethe boss dies to its burning. Where is the need for heals?


    > In PvP and WvW where you have brains fighting you instead of AI?


    In pvp/wvw almost noone would use another heal because soe provide burst. It doesnt matter if your target have brain or not. Blocks are not racist and work either way

  19. I will tell you about my heals as a chrono main. I use mostly signet of ether and i use it for damage. In openworld basicaly everything dies before it reaches me to my phantasms. If something reaches me i have many blocks and evades.


    Mesmer doesnt need healing. It would be much wiser to give better heals to ele for example.


    During trio raid encounter on last boss you can chain block/evade/distortion bedorethe boss dies to its burning. Where is the need for heals?

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