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Posts posted by ButcherofMalakir.4067

  1. > @"leunamsil.6742" said:

    > > @"Madara.7435" said:

    > > hi

    > > this looks promising. dont let your curiosity be tainted by all that meta nonsense.

    > > I dont have much experience on heal herald, but alot on heal renegade. 2 things i would like to add to the discussion.

    > > 1. if you are healing and not tanking at the same time, i found that taking assassin's annihilation over swift termination results in a good selfheal for free, so that you keep yourself above 75% without loosing much dmg if at all. especially with alot of healing power you get a lot of passive healing. together with regen this should be pretty ridiculous.

    > > 2. healing orbs. now on heal renegade i personally prefer to use the orbs, because heal renegade is just unbelievably strong when it comes to heal output and i trade a small amount of that healing for having another boon on my squad permanently (vigor). which means taking vital blessing over tranquil balance and generous abundance over selfless amplification both in salvation. while it would add one more boon to the list, in case of heal herald as described above i have some doubts. because you dont camp staff (which produces orbs with aclick) and you dont swap legends regularly (most orbs come from tablet spam rly). if you camp herald most of the time + use sw/sh over staff, effectiveness will decrease greatly. still i wanted to add the experience i made with this.

    > >

    > > thanks again for the build. i will try this soon-ish. i always was thinking about heal herald, but since alac rene / alac heal rene is so preferred right now i wasnt able to try. BUT if granting 25might to 10 people really works reliably, then this find is HUGE.

    > > EDIT: some wording


    > Thank you for your input, i understand that renegade will always be more meta due to the permenant alacrity (especially now that a lot of chronos are tired of always having to relearn the class) and Soulcleave's but i was just trying to create an of meta build that gives good healing and helps with boons in pugs (mainly might and fury). Glad you liked it and found it promising, especially after all the changes @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" and @"ollbirtan.2915" sugested.


    They play diferent role. Renegade is there for alacrity. Herald for druid boons. One cannot be compared to other since they play diferent role

  2. > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

    > > @"Hiraga Taichiru.1580" said:

    > > > @"YtseJam.9784" said:

    > > > Yeah, "lets uninstall our games and play something else", lets throw away all the time and money spent in this game for the past 7 years, cause someone made a very bad decision and doesn't have the face to acknowledge this mess. Pfft to think I actually consider last year applying for a dev position there...

    > >

    > > well if you play the game for 7 years , then you have the absolute right to say these things... and i knew that they were rude since i became a regular player in this game... Why ?..The moment i changed from F2P player to regular player 1-2 years ago, when i paid 100$ to get the full game this happened to me

    > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/2zQHbhx.jpg "")

    > > then i tried to get help from the forums and i got this

    > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/liA1FVC.jpg "")

    > > now at that time, i couldn't speak to anyone to help me with this matter. But Ooh they have this "submit Ticket" system, which is pretty useless in my opinion in which i had to wait 2-3 weeks for my ticket to be read in which it got marked as resolved, but it did not actually get resolved and i had to wait for extra days to get it done... i have sworn from that day that i will not pay anything for this game.....

    > > and i was originally Condi FB, but they nerfed it which had me to go to soulbeast and that also got nerfed and then when i found that chrono is most Intriguing to play with they nerfed it too much; i had to quit the game.

    > >

    > > PS. im a person who does not share passwords and im very confident that i was not hacked... If my account had been accessed by another person.. then the only thing comes to mind that Anet security got breached.


    > I get it I'm also at my limit at the moment I also started as f2p after people I know suggest it me multiply times but actually they stopped nearly playing it because they got frustrated by HoT and the raids . I also started as ele then after I played everything through nought HoT and started playing fractals as Staff Tempest actually back then I wasn't really good with it but I kept it even after PoF start for a while but then switched to Staff Weaver because Arena.NET nerfed Tempest too hard.


    > Since the I play mainly staff Weaver but end last year they nerfed it hard with the chrono . I have everything for other Ele builds but I really can play them at least not on the level I can play staff Ele/Weaver. Basically a simlear game I had in LoL before I quit it every char I choose got nerfed . It is not a problem of flexibility I play Heal FB , Heal Tempest and support Rev too. It is just the nerf got so strong that the core mechanic which makes the built interesting doesn't work properly any more.


    > (support) Chrono was dead for high end PvE endgame since February , in pvp chrono was never great at least not like the mirage, in wvw chrono was necessary for stealth. As PvE DPS chrono is seen rarely so I also don't understand why they kept punishing it like betting a dead horse. Yes its still true people playing it but just because they learned it until they know it very well. For wvw I already said at in a other thread what frustrate me and for fractals basically too less people to play atm and Sirens Reef because the ships is too small for the mechanic.


    Support chrono is nowhere near dead in raids. Fractal chrono is dead for like a year because of soi change but raid chrono is still strong and meta at all encounters exept some thief bosses and chrono bosses for very skilled groups.

  3. So I was running the build above (renewal sigil) multiple times now and it worked perfectly. Boons were there and heals too. Camp glint and swap to ventari when you need the healing/clense/projectyle control/push

    In glint use all facets on cd exept healing one and f2. You want to have those 2 active as much as possible. Sword 2 and shield 4 whenever ready. You can use sword 3 for slightly better might uptime. You have energy for it so why not.

  4. I would take full harrier, sigil of strenght and transference on sword set and sigil of transference and either water or renewal on staff. Standard heal food and either you lose 6 percent boon duration (which is nothing since you overcap most boons so hard anyway) or take infusions for 100 percent BD.


    With fury and banner you have around 30 percent crit chance. With quickness and sword 2 you should use at least one if not both wasted shared empowerment procs. Dont forget that shield 4 gives protect so you can use that to provide might with shared empowerment too. Staff is your emergency weapon. I am not sure which sigil there is better. It is better to have your party at full then those few might stacks so I think one of the healing sigils should be better.

    Renewal would provide amazing burst healing with shield 4 swap staff 4.


    And finaly for that healing trait. I feel like percentage is better on herald then orbs. Reason is that on herald you have energy since you always doubletap facets anyway and so you can spam healing skills (like shield and staff 4) on CD. Those skills have short CD (shorter then they would on other classes) because of energy system and so you would utilise outgoing healing more. Also you dont always want to swap whenever ready.


    On the other hand renegade doest have energy to spare so he needs to swap often. His healing is mostly from lifesteal which is not incresed by outgoing healing if I am correct so orbs are better there.

  5. > @"leunamsil.6742" said:

    > Tyvm for all the feedback everyone, I have been puging a bit and looks like the biggest drawback of this build is the meta mentality, since a lot of low LI groups still ask for 2 druids or 1 druid 1 scourge.


    > > @"LadyKitty.6120" said:

    > > One thing Kitty pays attention to whenever she sees someone post a heal herald build: what it is using to trigger Shared Empowerment. This build seems to rely on facets and Natural Harmony and from what Kitty quickly calculated, that's realistically about 16-18 might uptime with this setup. Replace Sigil of Concentration with Sigil of Strength and you get to full 25. Boon duration won't suffer as you overcap other boons already.


    > Although it is a good sugestion i preffer the sugestion of @"ButcherofMalakir.4067"


    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > Looks good. I wouldnt mind taking this in pugs at all.You help with uptimes, heal quite alot, lot of utility, ofensive buff, cc, perma fury, protect and high stacks of might... It is almost better then druid.... exept it doesnt provide spirits and 25 might on its own. If you want to improve might generation, you can take fried golden dumplings and share that might to others with shared empowerment (hope that is the traits name).

    > >

    > > Also you are 3 percent bd above 100 percent so swap one piece to magi for example (more with dumplings). Dont know what infusions you have but if healing you can take mystical and then drop sigil of concentration for other sigil and stillbe above 99 percent bd.


    > I like the food change and the few pieces of magi since it gives me a bit more crit = more might. The infusions are just normal +9, i just forgot to take them out when i was trying to see if it makes a lot of difference in Healing Power in the calculator xb


    > This is the current build. Any more commentaries on to make it better?


    > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmyAw6ZllQKMKyiNRXsKCjFSisBqgn/lXrE-zRRYQhooGd06lR1ZQ6lgvzSgbWA-e


    > tyvm everyone


    > edit: Btw any thoughts on Generous Abundance vs Selfless Amplification? I preffer to take SA but mostly because i hate the orb mechanic since most people don't even know about the healing orbs


    Magi Head shoulders and earring with rest harrier is closer to 100% bd.


    Personaly I would take full harrier and dumplings (exactly 100 percent BD) and sigil of water (and renewal on staff)


    I played it without the orbs because I didnt swap on CD. Pop all facet exept of healing (and strenght if you want better might uptime), w8 for them to get on cd, pop and swap. No problem with energy managment since you are not at negative energy gain.


    Edit: i made a mistake. Check bellow but I woukdnt use this now.

  6. > @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

    > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:


    > I want people to discuss the issues about Boon System and whether it is in need of rework or not. I'm not a game designer - I want to see what people have to say on this subject.


    > External support meaning boons, not class buffs.

    > No class should be able to Max-stack on its own - this is unhealthy. No class should be mostly reliant on external support that isn't part of the class itself.


    > I am bothered by Boons functionality as atm it works as if it was a built-in class feature which it isn't. Boons sit on top of every class buff and work with it making some builds very unfun to play against. It's something that is treated as granted along the skills, so without much effort boons are thrown all over the place.


    > Raid groups rely on the permanent boon uptime and I don't think that should exist. This makes the fight dependant on the the external mechanic rather than profession themselves.


    > Also, I perfectly figured out what I want to say, and if you don't understand the process of my thoughts, you can simply ask rather than calling this a rant. Thanks for the comment that doesn't bring much to the discussion other than sticking to the words I use to describe the issue.



    We have roles in raids because each option brings something to the table. If no class could stack alone then we might get 10 times same spec. Its similar to DH/fb/power chrono comps now where quickness is stacked by dps builds.

    Boons are like 70 percent of dps so every comp will want some way to stack them.

    I feel like boon system is what makes raids enjoyable so dont rework that please

  7. > @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

    > > @"LadyKitty.6120" said:

    > > One thing Kitty pays attention to whenever she sees someone post a heal herald build: what it is using to trigger Shared Empowerment. This build seems to rely on facets and Natural Harmony and from what Kitty quickly calculated, that's realistically about 16-18 might uptime with this setup. Replace Sigil of Concentration with Sigil of Strength and you get to full 25. Boon duration won't suffer as you overcap other boons already.


    > I'm pretty sure the Sigil of Strength only procs might on you - not your whole squad since you are the one who gets might on critical hit - not all of your squad.


    Yes. But shared empowerment give othere might when you get boon. It has icd of 1 sec but all boons are aplied to you only once in 3 seconds. This utilise those 2 wasted procs. Thats why i suggested dumplings.


    I was afraid of sigil of strenght since that aply only on crit

  8. > @"Rico.6873" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > There is no such synergy between 2 classes. You take classes to cover all nececery boons and buffs. That is it. You can play renegade for alacrity and chrono for quickness.


    > Chrono does not have mobile quickness or Alicrity, Firebrand/Renevant do

    > With the Chrono you have to sit tight on the well of theirs before you get the boons


    > Did Chrono always had immobile boon giving or where they nerfed into this state?


    Signet of inspiration and mimic were almost 100% uptime on all boons with 2 chronos.


    Also for example on MO there is only one support. Healthief. Nothing else needed so also no synergy needed.

  9. Looks good. I wouldnt mind taking this in pugs at all.You help with uptimes, heal quite alot, lot of utility, ofensive buff, cc, perma fury, protect and high stacks of might... It is almost better then druid.... exept it doesnt provide spirits and 25 might on its own. If you want to improve might generation, you can take fried golden dumplings and share that might to others with shared empowerment (hope that is the traits name).


    Also you are 3 percent bd above 100 percent so swap one piece to magi for example (more with dumplings). Dont know what infusions you have but if healing you can take mystical and then drop sigil of concentration for other sigil and stillbe above 99 percent bd.

  10. The problem is that game doesnt require players to have any skill. There are no challanging parts of the game. Hot came out to fix that but was scaled down by backlash. Only semi-challanging part of the game are raids. Many players that dont play raids are simply not used to trying to overcome any obstackle. They are not used to interacting with players, caring about builds, waiting for teamates, trying to improve or in fact failing.


    When I started raiding I wasnt perfect bu I enjoyed the chalkange. Something the game was lacking. I become better and now when I do anything else I always oneshot everything. I dont understand now how I could ever consider it hard.


    Good example is queens gambit. I see many posts about how hard it is. I completed the title last year. At that time I was just starting with raids but I oneshoted all bosses exept liadri. I didnt manage to see any nechanics since the boss died in few seconds and I wasnt ever hit. Liadri took few tries because I actualy had to do some mechanics but it was very good feeling when I beated her.


    Usualy players dont start because of raids or combat system. And then the dificulty jump is too much for them to try to learn.

  11. I have to say adina carries the whole wing. Very interesting fight. Sabir is quite easy but it can still be enjoyable. Biggest dissapointment is qadim. I would expect last boss to be the hardest and not the easiest.

    Also one of the most frustrating things about this wing is that you cannot go inside qadims and sabirs hitbox. It would be ok for me if that was like KC. You die if you go there. But pushing players away feels like social ackwardness....

  12. Last year I used chrono for light in the darkness achievment. I had to change some things for liadri because she cannot be bursted.

    I would use something slightly diferent since there were some changes to runes and traits.




    Rune of the pack for fury and might. Timewarp for slow, shield for slow, some alacrity and blocks in case you need to survive some hits.


    Opening would be 3 clones (utility + sword 3). Timewarp on enemy,sword phantasm, cs in cast utility phantasms, signet of ether and all 3 phantasms again. After that 3 phantasms again signet of ether, 3 phantasms again and swap to shield. F3 whenever you have 3 clone for the first time and F1 for the second time. This should be more then enough to kill everything exept liadri


    Edit: since i am on mobile I might have selected bad traits. Make sure you have "phantasms have fury" and "phantasms transfer boons to you when they die"



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