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Posts posted by ButcherofMalakir.4067

  1. > @"Omnicron.2467" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > >

    > > > > @"SoulPrime.8029" said:

    > > > > so i sent a couple weeks farming and crafting a BS warr. made a few other classes along the way. after learning the mechanics and even leading some training raids myself i actually had some fun. so after all that people would finally let me join groups. but now just forming a group is an all day affair. id join a group, we would sit around for an hour till we had 10 ppl. we make one attempt on the boss. someone dies the entire group leaves.

    > > >

    > > > Yes, PUG raiding can be annoying. What exactly prevents you from joining a guild or a semi static or a discord server? Raids were not designed to be PUGed, the fact that they can be already speaks to their ease.

    > > >

    > > THIS!

    > >

    > > How can a community be so stubborn and ignore this fact.

    > > Raids where never designed for pugging. You also miss out the most fun part of that mode, learning a boss as a group (preferable with people you like = guild/static).

    > > But somehow PPL that join PUG raids for the loot get annoyed by PPL who join PUG raids for the loot, who would have thought.


    > Please educate me here, I have two guilds that do raiding, the one is still training and learning w1-4 and the other guild has a static group and only makes a second group for training if they have enough people and sadly they stop raidining once the static is done with the newest wing. I have never found out how to get a training raid group for w5-6 despite asking a few times and even making a post on the forum. So how do I get into this. I even thought that on the day after the release of w6 I would find training groups but most of the groups already asked for kp or knowledge of the mechanics and had no interest in training people.


    My guild raid 2 times per week. We do W1+ in one day and continue the second day (we skip wing 4 if we dont do it first day since it is easily pugable and we dont do deimos). If the squad is doing well and we do all boses quickly we do something we need training in like largos or dhuum.


    Sometimes we have newer players or we play badly so we dont get to the hard stuff. Obviously if we cannot do easy bosses we will not be able to do the harder ones.

  2. > @"Neage.3579" said:

    > Hello,


    > I am attempting to get back into raids and thought that I'd go ahead and lock myself into Chronojail. I reviewed Snowcrows for builds, and I see support chrono for mostly Zerker with a few pieces of Diviners... I want to be able to switch between just being able to be the second chrono for support/buffs.. and to be able to tank if needed. What gear would be needed to be able to do that?


    > Also looking to be able to run Mesmer for Fractals as well. If someone can point in the direction of a guide or just provide information here, it be greatly appreciated.


    > ~Thank-you


    Standard power gear from snowcrows (you can take more diviner pieces for safety).

    Also get one knight trinket that you can exchange for berserker trinket if you want to tank. I dont know if sc build uses berserker amulet but if it does then take amulet since that will get you above renegades and soulbeasts (only problem left would be firebrand)

  3. I play on EU. I raid for almost 2 years now and I never metany toxicity, outside of training/guild runs I get a kill in few tries, my PUG squad is filled within minutes and I was kicked only once (I would have left anyway I guess) because that guild blamed me for failing mechanic that they didnt understand correctly. After that I explained the commander what they are doing wrong, he thanked me and I wason my way.


    If you are playing in NA then I am sorry for all NA raiders if this is standard but I would have expected that. If you play in EU then you must be very unlucky

  4. > @"The Ace.9105" said:

    > Anet you are so kitten incredibly inconsistent with everything you do in life that i am wondering how you are still running a working business. How badly are you organized? Why does rev heal have sound effect and a blue light stuff that you can maybe somewhat see under scourge aoes, holographic stuff and 20 mesmer clones when it's activated but warriors defiant stance (which is better version of herald heal) has an aura effect that nobody has ever seen cause aura effects were nerfed to not exist in this plane of space and time and no sound effect indicating that it's activated? Anet, why is this the case? There's multiple same kind of things in this game which baffles me greatly if you have a working staff that gets paid money. What do they get paid for?


    I dont understand your problem. Warrior heal is harder to notice. Thats what makes it diferent from herald right?

  5. > @"Diviora.9548" said:


    > > @"otto.5684" said:

    > > > @"Diviora.9548" said:

    > > > > @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

    > > > > > @"Diviora.9548" said:

    > > > > > Because its outdated spell and everyone (PVP) can see the animation and dodge it thats why

    > > > >

    > > > > Actually core guard rely on this specific skill and god knows it works super well. You just don't know how to play GS effectively (no offense)

    > > >

    > > > i know how it works i play with core guard in plat 2 and it sux "wokrs super well" in silver and gold but in plat vs better players its not good this is the change that core guards need to be able to be competitive in high rate games !

    > >

    > > GS 2 has no issues at all in any game. And GS in general does not either. Guardian has significant issues, but GS is not an issue.

    > >

    > > Before RI nerf core guardian with GS was performing well.


    > Gs second ability is outdated and need to be change the other abilitys are good i will give you example in league of legends old champions cant beat newer champs same thing here old spec cant beat newer elite specs and need changes to be up to date with everyone instan damage from second Gs spell is needed ! sorry for my bad english


    Sorry but isnt scrapper very good in pvp now?


    Also interesting fact: in game skt vs liquid jungle matchup was lee sin vs Jarvan. Both very old champions.

    Karthus jungle was dominant pick whole split in europe. Karthus is very old champion.

    Jayce top is not that old but he was the 100th champion and was go to pick toplane last worlds.

    This versions of sejuany and gragas are also quite old but were meta last year...

    I cold go on but I guess I made my point

  6. > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > > > meta comp would be: slb, weaver ,power fb, diviner rev, core bs. Weaver can do skips with blink and xera portal, and only fractal where chrono is better would be cliffsede where u want to mimic ur blink. also rev with executioner axe and superspeed can do most of running skips.

    > > > if u want to be carried, than make firebrand go healer, but it will cost a lot of party dps( -18k dps and bane signet)

    > >

    > > Dont forget sirens landing where chrono can skip the maze


    > if ur talking about skip with CS, than it was fixed some time ago


    Thanks, didnt know that since I stoped playing fractals.

  7. > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > meta comp would be: slb, weaver ,power fb, diviner rev, core bs. Weaver can do skips with blink and xera portal, and only fractal where chrono is better would be cliffsede where u want to mimic ur blink. also rev with executioner axe and superspeed can do most of running skips.

    > if u want to be carried, than make firebrand go healer, but it will cost a lot of party dps( -18k dps and bane signet)


    Dont forget sirens landing where chrono can skip the maze

  8. My czech/slovakia guild run raids 2-4 times a week. Sometimes we do trainings but most of the time its not training but just clear. If there are new players we take them to raids and we explain everything if someone is new. We will gladly help with builds and answer any questions. If someone can speak the language, is willing to gear a character and practise sometimes we will gladly take him to raids


    (Our guild is not a raid guild, you dont have to raid to join us)

  9. > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

    > > @"melandru.3876" said:


    > > HOWEVER

    > >

    > > - the soulbeast wasn't using his main dps weapon (greatsword) he was using sword/horn + sword/axe as can be seen in your dpslog so basically autoattacking 24/7 and using the odd axe 5 whenever it's up..what a waste of potential dps

    > > - the warrior wasn't using offhand mace, only mainhand so a loss in cc (300)


    > Thats because wh is better in really short fights. A group with that amount of dps phases the boss in less than 10sec. Gs is not worth it there

    > >

    > > - you only topped dps in phase 4 and phase 6

    > >

    > > soulbeast was top dps phase 1 and phase 3

    > > core war topped dps in phase 2 and phase 5

    > >

    > > not to ignore: phase 4 you have 62.7k dps :p and did double the damage compared to nr 2(345k of you vs 177k of quickbrand)

    > > we know how reaper got the 62.7k, further proving my earlier post. adds/cleave damage reaper will allways be nr 1.

    > >

    > How do you get cleave damage? It only shows single target per default. It's arkk so warrior doesn't need mainhand mace. Costs way too much dps.

    > It's not me in the log but it's still a 2min 1sec arkk. That's really hard to beat with a true meta comp aswell. Had also 16k+ dps at samarog and thats not crappy either.

    > Just try it. You need a super tryhard static to get into the range where reaper falls off slightly which will result in a few seconds slower kills.


    > There are just 5 logs on Raidar with a faster kill than the one I linked since pof release. Can't be that bad after all.



    Arc shows cleave dps as default

  10. > @"Omnicron.2467" said:

    > I have been away from fractals for a long time, pretty much since they added the new instabilities and Siren's Reef. Only played for about two weeks after that.


    > Considering all the nerfs to Chrono and Druid I was surprised people still asked for them on the LFG. I actually don's even want to play Druid anymore after the recent Nerf. Druid brings nothing unique anymore, everything good about Druid comes from Core Ranger.


    > It seems to me a good Meta Comp could be:


    > DPS Quickbrand

    > Healer Renegade for Alacrity

    > Soulbeast for DPS and Spirits

    > Warrior for Banners

    > 1x DPS


    > Metabattle seems to somewhat confirm this as a good composition.


    > But what do other people think? What kind of builds and groups are you finding most effective, especially for 99 & 100CM?




    This is meta for all fractals that doesnt require chrono skips. In fights where ports (or supperior pulls) are needed chrono is still relevant but top tier partys usualy bring power chrono for that.

  11. > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

    > This game, is by far the hardest MMO to get into raiding on the market.


    > This game, has by far the easiest raiding on the market.


    > These two statements being true in a single game is the issue with raiding in this game.


    > Edit:

    > To the OP, you ask about activity numbers? Well, check this out then:

    > https://imgur.com/a/xEfFNLm


    > Pretty much not any activity.


    Crossroads inn do training every week 3 times. Each tuesday there are 2-5 squads of totaly new raiders. The are not more because of number of commanders and not new raiders.


    Lfg is not a place to look at participation since it is mostly used by more experianced players and many of them fullclear at monday.


    I will show picture of lfg in evening/in monday to show that it is very active

  12. > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > > > > > Bad design to make content like that giving to the elitist who nobody likes. Anet dropped the ball here. I got a warning before but I say it because it’s true anet goes the lazy way as much as they can. Showed by the world boss week

    > > > >

    > > > > If elitists are those that like to use builds that make some sence, use more keys on their keyboard then wasd and 1 and like to work as a team then I am elitist 100 percent.

    > > > >

    > > > > Important note: pugs are bad for new players and can be "toxic". If you raid with a static or a guild then you use comunication softwere. In pugs there is no such thing so everyone needs to know what to do and also be able to do it. Without communication fails can be hard to salvage. Thats why pugs are bad for inexperianced players.

    > > >

    > > > no elitism start by pretending everyone need be on a certain lvl from the start when those elitist started those raids without any barriers like the ones they create for others

    > >

    > > That is simply untrue and shows you have no experience in the raiding scene or game mode.

    > >

    > > Raids were introduced over 3.5 years ago by now. Not every person started raiding 3.5 years ago. There is new raiders joining constantly. They do by doing what every raider did before them:

    > > - get knowledgeable about their class

    > > - get knowledgeable about the raid content

    > > - join a training discord/lfg/guild

    > > - train a boss until they succeed

    > > - rinse and repeat

    > >

    > > The main difference being that 3.5 years ago there was no raiding community, no snowcrows, no guides. Similar to when a new wing releases. People trained a lot more and had to figure everything out on their own.

    > >

    > > You are simply unwilling to put in the effort required to become a raider. Joining an established group of more experienced player to get carried is NOT getting to know fights and practice. You first master the encounter, then you get the reward, not the other way around.

    > >

    > > @Decrypter.1785

    > > There is a lot of information (guide videos, guides, turorials, training guilds, training discords, etc.) available. Do understand though that raiding in GW2 has almost nothing in common with casual open world GW2. The closest you might get is T4 fractals and challenge mode fractals. If you expect to simply add raiding to your daily regiment without willing to invest time into mastering your class/game mechanics (or join training groups), it will be near impossible.


    > stop acting like u know me


    > its not about ppl dont invest time in it I critic the game design in general, WOW has baby step raids easy mode - Normal mode- Hero Mode


    > it is like it is the game design now is excluding and not welcoming for new players and gathers only to a tiny group of GW2 player thats a waste of resources.


    > U can go on and telling me I suck in PVE and make ur assumptions. I dont just write things when they benefit me, I see the bigger picture how a game mode can be more attractive for everyone.


    > just look the first response OP got he be asked to spend 6-12 months to prepare ????? if u dont see something is broken here than i cant explain it to u.


    > Raiding is highly unpopular for an reason and its because of the pressure it produces created by other player


    Here is my bigger picture. Someone new ask about raids. He got answers. Then someone comes and reply that raids are toxic, bad designed and players are gatekeeping newcomers so they cannot join (all statements are false in my opinion but whatever). That player might then thing that this is true and spread complain about raids without even trying.


    If you are saying that there should be multiple dificulty levels and so anet should increse raidteam size so they can implement these changes (and keep the size after because they expect more players) then I am gladly behind you.


    If you are saying that curent raidteam should delay new wings for dificulty lvls then no.

  13. > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > > > Bad design to make content like that giving to the elitist who nobody likes. Anet dropped the ball here. I got a warning before but I say it because it’s true anet goes the lazy way as much as they can. Showed by the world boss week

    > >

    > > If elitists are those that like to use builds that make some sence, use more keys on their keyboard then wasd and 1 and like to work as a team then I am elitist 100 percent.

    > >

    > > Important note: pugs are bad for new players and can be "toxic". If you raid with a static or a guild then you use comunication softwere. In pugs there is no such thing so everyone needs to know what to do and also be able to do it. Without communication fails can be hard to salvage. Thats why pugs are bad for inexperianced players.


    > no elitism start by pretending everyone need be on a certain lvl from the start when those elitist started those raids without any barriers like the ones they create for others


    I started when there were those "barriers". I just joined training discord to learn, i joined training pugs and I joined normal pugs and explained that i dont have li but i know the fight. Never met any problem.


    Elitists are not saying that everyone needs to be on the same level. They just want to play with players onthe same level. Nothing wrong there.

  14. > @"Kabuki Theatre.9752" said:


    > People here talk about getting gold all the time,

    > and how they can get as much as they can in the least amount of time.


    > So, exactly WHAT is your time worth?

    > Gold comes to about $.08 or $.09 apiece by purchasing gems.


    > So, you can get 100 gold for 8 or 9 bucks.

    > Yet . . .


    > I see people every single weekday spend $8. for a very mediocre lunch.

    > Half-good Sandwich and a non-entity soda.

    > Gone in about 5 minutes.


    > My suggestion --


    > forego the morning coffee

    > or afternoon hamburger,


    > and purchase, and hoard as much gold as you want.


    > Bang for buck, that's what it's all about.

    > You can get more for your entertainment dollar PER HOUR playing an MMO,

    > than so many other forms of entertainment on a dollar per hour basis.


    > Think about it . . .

    > You can go to a major league sports event and get 3 hours entertainment --

    > After the cost of tickets, parking, couple beers and hot dogs --

    > you are out at least a couple hundred bucks for 3 hours entertainment.


    > Live concerts are even more absurd.

    > Five Hundred dollars for two is Not Uncommon.


    > What will a few hundred bucks spent in an MMO buy you?


    > Many hundred times just 3 hours.


    > And that's just one common example.


    > You can extend this to what the cost per hour of entertainment is across many venues.

    > Think about it . . .


    > If I'm spending approximately $25./month on an MMO,

    > and I'm spending 100 hours a month there,

    > the cost per hour for entertainment dollar is laughable.


    > Go to a movie theater,

    > Go out for dinner,

    > Go play a couple hours of paintball,

    > Go away for the weekend, with hotel, meals, gas, etc.

    > Go buy a couple kegs of beer for a 3-hour party,

    > etc.

    > etc.

    > etc.


    > When I see people dropping $40. on 2 pizzas and a round of beers,

    > that lasts all of 30 minutes,

    > Sorry, I can't be too sympathetic about people not wanting to pay

    > a few bucks on gems

    > that will give you an insane value for your entertainment dollar per hour.


    > Let the negative comments roll in . . . .







    I would never buy gems because for me it is cheating. Why would I want to play when after I just buy everything for gold?

  15. > @"thrag.9740" said:

    > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > Just fyi druid natrue spirit works like rebound if timed correctly for the clap =)


    > Yup we've done that in the past too. Its a fun tactic too. But how could you choose spirit of nature when that amazing glyph is available kappa




    Which amazing glyph? The one that has cast time as long as enrage timers? :D

  16. > @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

    > > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > > > @"Shiv.5781" said:

    > > > > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > > > > Also it would be extremly hard to implement it. Especialy for new releses

    > > > > >

    > > > > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > > > > Guild Wars 1 is 12 years old and we never had the option to be the bad guy there either. Neither did Laura Croft. It's just not that kind of game. It's called Heroic Fantasy for a reason.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I know it would be hard to implement, it could be made into a LWS, or an expansion, but would be totally worth it. "heroic fantasy" can mean heroic in bad ways as well, heroic when u burn down tyria, heroic when you kill the commander ... Just something that's been on my mind for a very long time.

    > > > >

    > > > > You dont understand. If you playedvas a bad guy and win then all expansion, dialoges and everything from that point would be completely diferent. Even if you did lose then it couldnt he thae same. All future releses would be affected

    > > >

    > > > You don't really need to win, you know. You could be that heroic evil covert agent fighting those glorified thugs assuming roles of Paladins of Light for your hopeless cause deep behind enemy lines, knowing that you probably have no chance to win that war, yet refusing to put aside your ideals..

    > >

    > > And still. From that point on all story chapters ever will have to be diferent.


    > Why? They can go on as they do, just add a series of side-quests of sort, showing how it all looks like from perspective of the other side of the conflict while they conduct their covert operations all over the Tyria, spreading their influence. It's just supplementary story content, not changing direction of the main story.


    Right now there is one path for the commander. Your idea is to add "bad" path. Then either it is doubke the work for developers or no matter your choices it will play out the same. That is bad because then main character doesnt create the path but just rides along

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