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Posts posted by ButcherofMalakir.4067

  1. > @"bravoart.5308" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > >

    > > I also had players that joined and pinged 250 Li, yet they had lower dps then me on chrono tank. Obviously I kicked him. Tell me again why I should play with him. If you give me a good reason why I should do it then I will guladly surrander.


    > Congratulations on being one of the few not gatekeeping, assuming everything you've said is true.


    > But here you go. By kicking a player that you've deemed as bad, you've just added another drop in the bucket towards the slow bleeding death of the game. One player from one group may not seem a lot but this is happening on a more wide spread scale. Could that player not want to receive advice and become better, sure. But that is on them. If you kick someone without any attempt to better them, you're just strengthening the argument towards 'Raiders are elitist jerks'. That person behind the keyboard is a human being with feelings as well, and there is the chance that they just didn't know they were bad, despite supposedly linking kp.


    > Q: "Why should I play with him (a 'bad' player)?"

    > A: Cause you don't want to be the final slice in a death of a thousand cuts that bleeds raiding out for good.

    > A2: I dunno, maybe cause you shouldn't want to be a jerk?


    > Plus, it seems a lot of people really want to run support builds in this game... was his dps below chrono tank as an actual dps role?


    I dont look at dps of supports (unless it is high). And I have no problems with polite honest new players. If you say to me that you are new I will be polite back. And even if we have to part ways (for example because of ley-line gliding on xera) I will not be a jerk about it.

    But If you ping LI and it is very likely that you are faking (as example above) I will not be nice.

    I have no problems with faking Li. But it is also responsibility. If you fake your experiance level then you should be at same skill level.


    There are many nice casual guilds that raid and dont gatekeep. Raiding is supposed to be guild content. Pugs are very, very, very bad experiance for new raiders.

  2. > @"wefal.8426" said:

    > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > >

    > > Becouse most of the time healers arent taken for their heals but what buffs the bring to the group


    > Firebrand can provide all boons except for Alacrity.



    That doesnt matter. All firebrand boons are 5 man. Druid provide perma 25 might and very high uptime on protection and fury to 10 players. Basicaly all other boons (exept quickness and alacrity) are not that valuable. Same for heals, if druid is enough to soloheal then firebrand healing is way too much.


    Firebrand has no spotter or spirits. Only thing that FB provide us healing (which isnt required)

  3. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > > > @"Raknar.4735" said:

    > > > > Adding harder CMs / more rewards will do nothing,

    > > >

    > > > Then explain why the Heart of Thorns wings are so much more popular.

    > > Apart from w4 that is popular due to being the easiest, the popularity of others is due to them being the first wings (they got caught in the initial hype at first, and now people are just used to them already), and the legendary armor. New wings are unpopular because ring just isn't as good as armor, but also because when they released, raid popularity has already started to wane. There were only few new raiders, and many of the old ones weren't interested anymore. So yeah, rewards do matter, even if they are not the only factor. CMs... not so much.

    > >

    > > Remember, though, that the popularity of w5 was the lowest even when it still offered LIs instead of LDs. Higher difficulty made players _less_ interested in it, not more.


    > I agree that rewards are way more important than CMs. Better rewards increase Raid popularity, CMs keep current Raiders busy for a bit longer.

    > But even more important than rewards I think it's the popularity of the game as a whole as those joining -just for raids- shouldn't be any kind of high number. Maybe they'll stay and enjoy Raids more than anything else, but I can't imagine anyone reading about Guild Wars 2 and saying "I'll play this game because it has the best Raids". Arenanet should put some serious effort in bringing new players in.


    I wouldnt consider myself a new player but I am definitely not a veteran. There are 3 main reasons why I play gw2.

    1) free to play core game

    2) fast leveling

    2) combat system.

    Friends were playing gw2 for years. They tried to convinced me to play but I had bad experiances with mmos (too static combat and loooooong grinds) so I didnt want to pay for it. When game went free to play i give it a shot. I picked ele as my first character and I was enjoying the combat.... until lvl ~25.

    What drive me was the story. Reason to get next 10 lvls. But after I figured out the combat I relised that there is no reason to do any of those combos since everything died to few hits of AA chain. Leveling became a chore again and quickly after that I stopped playing.

    Half a year later my friends gave me HoT so I gave it a shot one more time. I picked revenant because It was something new and started again. Energy system was very fun to figure out for me. I also liked the reactive gameplay of rev instead of proactive of ele. I havent made the same mistake as last time and leveled mostly by killing yellow enemies multiple levels higher (and multiple at the same time).

    When I reached lvl 80, i run few CoFs to get gear with my friends and then I started hot. I was quite happy with dificulty spike. After finishing my elite spec and geting few thousands from trading posts I finished my crafting, get ascended gear and started with fractals. In around T3 I discovered meta and support chronomancer, rerolled and quickly got to T4s and CMs. After that it was short step to raids.


    So no, raids are not what lure in new player but a logical step for players that dont want to just press 1.


  4. I feel like you are complicating things. In pve/wvw chronomancer traitline is not that good now (compared how it used to be). If there was no mesmer playable I would take it as a problem but if I remember correctly, mirage is still doing well.


    For example retribution from revenant has no use in raids. Yet revenants do (and are quite strong in their roles).

  5. > @"bravoart.5308" said:

    > > @"Henry.5713" said:

    > >People refusing to give you an easy ride when you can't be bothered with going through gaining experience slowly and teaming up with players on a similar level does not make them toxic.


    > Literally the history of humanity would like to disagree with you there. The point of people going through hardships was so that future generations could have an easier time. Raiders seem to suffer from "I've got mine" syndrome and simply want everyone else to suffer as they _think_ they did, despite having a larger player pool available to them at the time. Raiders have successfully locked the doors on raiding content and made content meant to be available to everyone inaccessible. Hence, toxic.


    > It's ingenious too, since you have the front of 'training guilds' bearing all the effort and publically looking like philanthropists helping the community, while the pug raiders can be as selfish as they want and keep asking for whatever requirements they want to keep people out, get their free easy clears every week, and never lift a finger to make the game better overall.


    > Unfortunately the genuine training guilds (wherever they are?) need to go as well, because they're complicit in helping a system that is shown to be unhealthy for the game. It's the same idea that the janitor on the Death Star is just as guilty as everyone else.



    You dont understand that this is game and so it is about fun.

    Player is having fun -> player plays

    Player is not having fun -> player plays something else


    This is not about improving the game or stuff like that. It is about having fun. Most raiders are having fun when they work as a team and smoothly kill bosses. They are not having fun when they have to carry players that dont want to contribure the same. There woukd be bo requirements if all players that join raids were doing ok job. Sadly 90 percent of gw2 comunity are bad players. Look at meta events with some dps meter and you will see 1-3 players with 15k and rest bellow 4k. That is the diference.

  6. > @"bravoart.5308" said:

    > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > >

    > > Reason?

    > >

    > > Because the moment raids are brought down to open world difficulty, the rewards would need to get scaled down to that too. You do realize that right?

    > >

    > > So the moment raids are as difficult as open world bosses, there would be no more ascended loot, no more exotic loot, there would be 1-2 loot bags and that's it. No access to legendary armor, unique skins, no nothing. Why? Because keeping those perks while making the content asinine easy would literally devolve this game at the very core.

    > >

    > > This has nothing to do with gate keeping but rather a rational approch to reward distribution. If you can't see that, your understanding of how rewards and this games economy and core reward structure works are lacking. But yes, let's just blame raiders for gate keeping their precious content.


    > It's already a common thread that 'raiding isn't hard' it's been said multiple times in this thread alone. But now you set the hypothetical argument that no one is suggesting, that raids become as easy as open world content.


    > You can literally get ascended with crafting or by using your credit card if you're desperate. All arguments against reward distribution are moot.


    > Personally I think it's asinine that you're allowed to keep people out of content by making such a convoluted system with 'training guilds' and kill points and LI.




    I command raids quite often. I have many players join without LI (or with very few) and politely ask if they can join. And I never refused them. I explained the fight or ask them to watch a video if I had no time to explain. Usualy those players were doing well.

    We are not gatekeeping players away from raids. I dont care how much LI/kp or even which gear anyone has as long as he is as efective as the avarage player in the squad.


    I also had players that joined and pinged 250 Li, yet they had lower dps then me on chrono tank. Obviously I kicked him. Tell me again why I should play with him. If you give me a good reason why I should do it then I will guladly surrander.

  7. > @"xenon.3264" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > @"xenon.3264" said:

    > > > > @"yusayu.3629" said:

    > > > > > @"Shikaru.7618" said:

    > > > > > > @"Hex.8714" said:

    > > > > > > Those people that are complaining that raids are too difficult and too inaccessible and elitist simply dont want to make any effort on their end and they just want to join raids with their open world pve build and expect to get carried. The truth is gw2 raids are extremly easy and can be completed with literally 1000 ping because theres very few one shot attacks that will insta kill you like in some other games, its just mini mechanics that you have to know to not wipe the group. Raids do not require much mechanical skill at all, so even " bad players" can complete them easely especailly with meta boon stacked comps + 2 healers, i repeat you dont need skill to do raids in gw2.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > So how do you get into raids with 0 experience? Well first of all you need to at least make yourself useful and pick a role that will help your group, joining raids isint much about you but about the group, how can you make yourself useful? The easiest role is DPS, you want to pick a meta build from snowcrows website and learn the rotation on the golem. Most classes have a viable dps build, if your class isint a top tier dps, it can surely have another role like boons/heals. Then you simply wait till a group asks for that specific role on the lfg. If you can multi class and gear up multiple chars you will find a group alot faster.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Then you want to watch some video guides of boss encounters or if you are too lazy like me, you can join groups that say semi+ exp or dont ask for KP. Now listen to this, this is very important what im gonna say, it only takes literally about 3 wipes for you to learn all boss mechanics assuming you get it at least to 50%, 25% or 10% depending on the boss. The scary part is only the initial part when you re totally clueless, after 3 pulls you wont be clueless anymore, dont be afraid to join groups.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > What happens if you get kicked? Nothing happens, dont try to whisper the commander and dont be mad just join another group, as I said it only takes 2-3 pulls for you to learn. I rarely see people getting kicked, some people tell some total bs stories that I ve never seen myself of heard of. Ive literally played a DPS class with with some rare pieces for the first 3 weeks and only got kicked once because it was SH and I was playing power DPS instead of condi. Most grps wont kick you for bad dps, they will only kick if you wipe the group, like dropping poison on grp at matt or bombing group at dhum etc.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Another easy way to get into raids is just to always keep an eye on lfg for training groups but you might have to wait a long time for that for the specific raid that you want, id suggest just joining the semi exp ones or the ones that dont ask for KP assuming you did some research about the mechanics.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Then obviously people ask how do they find groups when they have the experience but dont have much KP. You can either be honest with the commander and tell them you are a good player and to give you a chance and if you mess up tell them to feel free to kick you out. Or you can use fake KP like alot of people do since lets be real nobody carries all boss tokens on all their characters. Id suggest using fake KP only if you can do close to SC benchmark and are a good player otherwise it will be too obvious, just be honest and try to not join super high KP grps until you have some or until you get more experience.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > So quick recap on how to get into raids with 0 experience:

    > > > > > > step 1: get rid of your open world pve build and find a meta raid build that you like on snowcrows website

    > > > > > > step 2: practice the dps rotation on the golem

    > > > > > > step 3: watch videos or guides of raid bosses then join semi exp/ training / non kp groups

    > > > > > > step 4: learn from your failures, as I said it will only take you 2-3 pulls to learn all boss mechanics

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Gw2 raids are easy, people are just lazy and dont want to adapt or change their build, obviously some players are just bad but they dont want to admit but the majority are just too lazy, I was even too lazy to watch any guides I would just join and hope for the best, it still ended up working because gw2 raids are a joke. So dont be afraid to try, theres nothing elite or hardcore about raids, the truth is hardcore players dont play this game. Have fun in raids.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > I agree that raids are easy. However you've literally just listed all the barriers people perceive in raids. Here's how casuals see your advice

    > > > > >

    > > > > > 1. Change my build, what's wrong with my build? Its worked for me this far. I've beaten story and literally all open world with it. Its fine as is. I don't want to run some cookie cutter build someone else made.

    > > > > > 2. Sounds pretty boring to me. Let me fight the boss.

    > > > > > 3. Would rather just play the game.

    > > > > > 4. Raids are too hard. I've been fine with the game so far why are raids just gimmicks and cheese fests to create artificial difficulty?

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Those are actual responses I've heard on this forum.

    > > > >

    > > > > Then those players aren't the target demographic of raids and I'd honestly prefer not to have them in my group.

    > > > >

    > > > > I think OP is more talking about those "well i'd love to get into raiding but it's so hard"-kinda people.

    > > >

    > > > That's the point : .most of the players are not the demographic of the raids. They should simply change raid to let people just play them like a T1 fractal that is with any build

    > >

    > > Why?

    > > Should they also change each other part of pve so raiders dont die from too much sleep?


    > The rest of pve is ok . It is raid which sufferers lack of players. Maybe the avarage pvers need raid to be changed . Do it and maybe they will start raiding. Leave it like it is now and raid are doomed like they just are now.


    > Let's be honest


    Interesting. Rest of PvE is OK from YOUR point of view. From mine (and all of my active guildmates), rest of pve is endless grind with 0 skill needed that basicaly plays itself. Raids might be doomed but the reason is not the lack of players but the fact that we need to wait 9 months minimum for new wing. And last wing was way too easy for most raiders to satisfy them until next raidwing if it is even coming.


    If it would be up to me, I would turn HoT dificulty back to relese and change the rest of the game too while we are at it. I am not asking for it because I know there are players that want it as it is. It is funny that (some) casual players dont treat raiders the same way as that.

  8. > @"xenon.3264" said:

    > > @"yusayu.3629" said:

    > > > @"Shikaru.7618" said:

    > > > > @"Hex.8714" said:

    > > > > Those people that are complaining that raids are too difficult and too inaccessible and elitist simply dont want to make any effort on their end and they just want to join raids with their open world pve build and expect to get carried. The truth is gw2 raids are extremly easy and can be completed with literally 1000 ping because theres very few one shot attacks that will insta kill you like in some other games, its just mini mechanics that you have to know to not wipe the group. Raids do not require much mechanical skill at all, so even " bad players" can complete them easely especailly with meta boon stacked comps + 2 healers, i repeat you dont need skill to do raids in gw2.

    > > > >

    > > > > So how do you get into raids with 0 experience? Well first of all you need to at least make yourself useful and pick a role that will help your group, joining raids isint much about you but about the group, how can you make yourself useful? The easiest role is DPS, you want to pick a meta build from snowcrows website and learn the rotation on the golem. Most classes have a viable dps build, if your class isint a top tier dps, it can surely have another role like boons/heals. Then you simply wait till a group asks for that specific role on the lfg. If you can multi class and gear up multiple chars you will find a group alot faster.

    > > > >

    > > > > Then you want to watch some video guides of boss encounters or if you are too lazy like me, you can join groups that say semi+ exp or dont ask for KP. Now listen to this, this is very important what im gonna say, it only takes literally about 3 wipes for you to learn all boss mechanics assuming you get it at least to 50%, 25% or 10% depending on the boss. The scary part is only the initial part when you re totally clueless, after 3 pulls you wont be clueless anymore, dont be afraid to join groups.

    > > > >

    > > > > What happens if you get kicked? Nothing happens, dont try to whisper the commander and dont be mad just join another group, as I said it only takes 2-3 pulls for you to learn. I rarely see people getting kicked, some people tell some total bs stories that I ve never seen myself of heard of. Ive literally played a DPS class with with some rare pieces for the first 3 weeks and only got kicked once because it was SH and I was playing power DPS instead of condi. Most grps wont kick you for bad dps, they will only kick if you wipe the group, like dropping poison on grp at matt or bombing group at dhum etc.

    > > > >

    > > > > Another easy way to get into raids is just to always keep an eye on lfg for training groups but you might have to wait a long time for that for the specific raid that you want, id suggest just joining the semi exp ones or the ones that dont ask for KP assuming you did some research about the mechanics.

    > > > >

    > > > > Then obviously people ask how do they find groups when they have the experience but dont have much KP. You can either be honest with the commander and tell them you are a good player and to give you a chance and if you mess up tell them to feel free to kick you out. Or you can use fake KP like alot of people do since lets be real nobody carries all boss tokens on all their characters. Id suggest using fake KP only if you can do close to SC benchmark and are a good player otherwise it will be too obvious, just be honest and try to not join super high KP grps until you have some or until you get more experience.

    > > > >

    > > > > So quick recap on how to get into raids with 0 experience:

    > > > > step 1: get rid of your open world pve build and find a meta raid build that you like on snowcrows website

    > > > > step 2: practice the dps rotation on the golem

    > > > > step 3: watch videos or guides of raid bosses then join semi exp/ training / non kp groups

    > > > > step 4: learn from your failures, as I said it will only take you 2-3 pulls to learn all boss mechanics

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Gw2 raids are easy, people are just lazy and dont want to adapt or change their build, obviously some players are just bad but they dont want to admit but the majority are just too lazy, I was even too lazy to watch any guides I would just join and hope for the best, it still ended up working because gw2 raids are a joke. So dont be afraid to try, theres nothing elite or hardcore about raids, the truth is hardcore players dont play this game. Have fun in raids.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > I agree that raids are easy. However you've literally just listed all the barriers people perceive in raids. Here's how casuals see your advice

    > > >

    > > > 1. Change my build, what's wrong with my build? Its worked for me this far. I've beaten story and literally all open world with it. Its fine as is. I don't want to run some cookie cutter build someone else made.

    > > > 2. Sounds pretty boring to me. Let me fight the boss.

    > > > 3. Would rather just play the game.

    > > > 4. Raids are too hard. I've been fine with the game so far why are raids just gimmicks and cheese fests to create artificial difficulty?

    > > >

    > > >

    > > > Those are actual responses I've heard on this forum.

    > >

    > > Then those players aren't the target demographic of raids and I'd honestly prefer not to have them in my group.

    > >

    > > I think OP is more talking about those "well i'd love to get into raiding but it's so hard"-kinda people.


    > That's the point : .most of the players are not the demographic of the raids. They should simply change raid to let people just play them like a T1 fractal that is with any build



    Should they also change each other part of pve so raiders dont die from too much sleep?

  9. > @"Omnicron.2467" said:

    > But why? Is it because scepter is slow? Because you should get more confusion from scepter


    Scepter is better at producing confusion but confusion is only part of damage you do. Axe does less damage from confusion but much more from other sources. For example look at ambush skills of axe and scepter


    Axe does 3* the damage from player and 2* from clone

  10. > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > > > > > > @"Talindra.4958" said:

    > > > > > > they have since removed the safe spot all the floor is now covered in poison. if there is safe spot like that in sc video still .. sc video tactic would have become meta.

    > > > > > > DRfear.5234 overheal tactic needs strong supports hehe.. with pug situation it can become difficult because few big poisons drop in the group will put more pressure .. I still find doing mushrooms has more control over things with pug group for now

    > > > > >

    > > > > > The kills you find from 2016 only use the first mushroom you have to eat anyways to trigger the boss. It's still no mushroom challenge because they are so fast in killing it so that they don't need anything more. The difference from the OP is just that they run into the middle and avoid the first sober area and are slower.

    > > > > > In case you missed it there are a lot of other kills as well from this year, like Kaidaten mentioned, where people made use of support healings to circumvent dying. Overall it's just a remark that the attempt of the OP/his/her group is far from new as can be proven.

    > > > >

    > > > > And? Noone claimed it was something new. Just a video of sloth without shrooms.

    > > >

    > > > And?

    > >

    > > And nothing. There are alot of similar videos. I dont know how other videos relate to this post.


    > Fine, so we agree this thing isn't new or special just another one of gazillions.


    It can be special and still one of gazillions

  11. > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > > > > @"Talindra.4958" said:

    > > > > they have since removed the safe spot all the floor is now covered in poison. if there is safe spot like that in sc video still .. sc video tactic would have become meta.

    > > > > DRfear.5234 overheal tactic needs strong supports hehe.. with pug situation it can become difficult because few big poisons drop in the group will put more pressure .. I still find doing mushrooms has more control over things with pug group for now

    > > >

    > > > The kills you find from 2016 only use the first mushroom you have to eat anyways to trigger the boss. It's still no mushroom challenge because they are so fast in killing it so that they don't need anything more. The difference from the OP is just that they run into the middle and avoid the first sober area and are slower.

    > > > In case you missed it there are a lot of other kills as well from this year, like Kaidaten mentioned, where people made use of support healings to circumvent dying. Overall it's just a remark that the attempt of the OP/his/her group is far from new as can be proven.

    > >

    > > And? Noone claimed it was something new. Just a video of sloth without shrooms.


    > And?


    And nothing. There are alot of similar videos. I dont know how other videos relate to this post.

  12. > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > > @"Talindra.4958" said:

    > > they have since removed the safe spot all the floor is now covered in poison. if there is safe spot like that in sc video still .. sc video tactic would have become meta.

    > > DRfear.5234 overheal tactic needs strong supports hehe.. with pug situation it can become difficult because few big poisons drop in the group will put more pressure .. I still find doing mushrooms has more control over things with pug group for now


    > The kills you find from 2016 only use the first mushroom you have to eat anyways to trigger the boss. It's still no mushroom challenge because they are so fast in killing it so that they don't need anything more. The difference from the OP is just that they run into the middle and avoid the first sober area and are slower.

    > In case you missed it there are a lot of other kills as well from this year, like Kaidaten mentioned, where people made use of support healings to circumvent dying. Overall it's just a remark that the attempt of the OP/his/her group is far from new as can be proven.


    And? Noone claimed it was something new. Just a video of sloth without shrooms.

  13. > @"kratan.4619" said:

    > > @"Anhellbro.7210" said:

    > > > @"Zacchary.6183" said:

    > > > If they could get rid of the toxicity in Raids, more people would play raids. Same thing with PvP.

    > >

    > > you play badly> you do not learn> other dislike this > others are toxic and you are prince?


    > This is exactly what he is talking about. Thank you for this example of elitism.


    Yiu are saying that players shouldnt be mad about diferent demands others have yet you are mad about diferent demands others have.


    9 players want smooth run.

    1 player want to get carried


    9 players one.

  14. > @"Rednik.3809" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > @"Rednik.3809" said:

    > > > Strikes will probably replace raids in further development process. And that is probably a good thing, because so far general GW2 raiding community mindset seems unsalvageable at this point. They are still living in a dream and not noticing a ruin around them.

    > >

    > > I dont mind if strike replace raids if they will have same or higher dificulty as raids. Name is not that important to me


    > They will not, tho. I guess Anet, after reducing devs numbers, is no longer thinks that it is plausible to pour resources into content that only small minority is going to see.


    Interesting fact. There is a poll about strike missions. In that poll 1/4 of players that want to play strike are raiders. If they remove raids then big part of tgat 1/4 will go away

  15. > @"Rednik.3809" said:

    > Strikes will probably replace raids in further development process. And that is probably a good thing, because so far general GW2 raiding community mindset seems unsalvageable at this point. They are still living in a dream and not noticing a ruin around them.


    I dont mind if strike replace raids if they will have same or higher dificulty as raids. Name is not that important to me

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