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Posts posted by ButcherofMalakir.4067

  1. > @"kasoki.5180" said:

    > We have a game where combat is very fast, skills have exessive animations, everything is AoE, there are bunch of ground markers bosses perform telgraphed AoE attacks that are rich in colours etc. In a way, floor is lava is only mehanic in this game by now...


    > Al of these result in extensive visual noise.


    > Honestly, if they just tuned down cleave and AoE attacks in the game, I think it would be much more visually enjoyable game


    But more boring.

  2. Get ascended weapon and trinkets + exotic armor at least. (Spec. Collection + knight of the thorn achievment for weapons). I think power soulbeast should be better since you dont need to know fights as in depth as dps.

    Join training guild/discord

    For armor you need gold and 2 precursors. To get first precursor you need to kill every boss in first 3 wings at least once and gorseval multiple times + some open world running. (Check on dulfy the precise actions)

    Then you get free ascended armor and second collection

    For that you need to craft cristaline hearth (quite costly) and use it to defeat every boss in wing 4 (sometimes additional stuff like not getting hit by certain mechanics but w4 is the easiest a d the only hard boss require just kill) + again some open world running.

    Then you get second precursor and you need to use it to craft legendary armor. For each piece you need ~250g and 25 legendary insights. You get 1 legendary insight each time you kill a boss in first 4 wings of raids (but only once in a week)

  3. My adivice is to start with fractals and join raids once you are comfortable there. Very low percentage of players do raids so if you run in now you might get discouraged because noone will want new player there and if they take you you might be frustrated by dieing all the time. On the other hand fractals increase dificulty so it is great to start there. Once you get to top level you will be well equiped to enter raids and do well/ok

  4. I am support chrono main in raids/fractals so if this is what you are after here are few tricks.


    The main mechanic is continuum split. It is used to

    a) cast some spells 2 times and/or

    b) lower cd of spells with higher cd then 105 seconds to 105 seconds


    To get maximum out of CS you need to have quickness (so you cast more spells in same time window) and you want to start cs when you already almost finished casting a spell so you get 1 extra spell reseted (again more time in cs since casting wasdone before cs started)


    To provide quickness and alacrity you cast clone, TW, cs in middle of cast, tides of time, signet of inspiration and well of action. After that you want to cast well of action, well of recall tides of time and signet of inspiration off cd. If you know cs is up soon then w8 for cs and repeat.

  5. > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > > > > > As DPS/Quickbrand/Support FB player, I would love to see more Diviner Renegades.

    > > > > > Harrier Renegade + Quickbrand looks good on paper, but Harrier Firebrand + Diviner Renegade is much smoother and usually faster in my experience.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Support FB carries much harder, especially through the new instabilities, while with Heal Renegade, I barely notice a difference to running no heal at all, due to the lower DPS needed to phase quickly enough, while not providing enough support offset that.

    > > > > > Not sure why people are so keen on support Renegade + Quickbrand, just because it's a bit higher group DPS on paper, while not translating into practice at all, unless you got really good players, at which point you might as well run no heal.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Chrono + Druid is worse in every single way, except for skips in some Fractals, where nothing can compete with Chrono (but even then I would run Chrono + Support FB over Druid).

    > > > > >

    > > > > > In summary,

    > > > > > **Harrier Renegade and Quickbrand** (Power FB) are usually what is wanted by pugs, as they tend to use comps which they are told are more DPS on paper, even if they can't translate that into gameplay. Shines in proficient statics.

    > > > > > **Diviner Renegade and Heal FB** is smoother and therefore usually faster, especially for pugs, but not as popular. Shines in pugs and for rough instabilities.

    > > > > > **Diviner Renegade + power FB** (no heal comp) is incredible fast, but requires very good players, and even in 250+KP pug groups is rarely run since the new Instabilities were introduced.

    > > > > > **Chrono + Druid** if you enjoy pain, most frequent in non CM groups.

    > > > > > **Chrono + sup FB** is technically great for Fractals with skips, but suffers from low DPS and CC when compared to FB + Ren for everything else, while having some redundancy in terms of support.

    > > > >

    > > > > Main reason why healer ren is better then healer fb is burst. Power renegade has 0 burst so especialy in fractals power fb is better. Also i dont understand how can heal fb make runs smoother when only diference is healing and it takes great skill to die with renegade healer.

    > > > > It is true that for bad groups renegade healer heals nothing since group need to stack and actualy atack the boss to get those heals but bad groups might not get healed by fb either. Also bad groups are mostly non cm and in non cm fractals chrono is still better thanks to skips, pulls and shorter phases.

    > > >

    > > > I never contested that in a vacuum, Quickbrand is more DPS and burst than Alacrigade, but from personal experience in about 3 months of daily CM's+T4+Rec runs (250KP+), that rarely translates into faster times.

    > > >

    > > > Now, it's not easy to get consistent numbers, due to changing daily Fractals and Instabilities, especially when mostly pugging, aka changing players as well, but over the course of 3 months playing both of these comps (and testing others), the runs in which I played support FB have been consistently faster on average, ranging from 39 minutes to 75m for CM's+T4+Rec (averaging at around an hour), depending on the Fractals and Instabilities.

    > > > Fastest time for Heal Renegade + Quickbrand was about 45 minutes, but more often than not, due to tough Instabilities leading to 1-3 wipes here and there, unlike sup FB, it averages at around 70 minutes.

    > > >

    > > > Now that in itself is not a big deal, but at the same time, runs with a sup FB feel like a breeze, mainly due to the more consistent healing and higher Aegis and Stab spam, while I actually have to concentrate somewhat in sup Renegade runs, which didn't feel that much different to no heal runs in terms of effort.

    > > >

    > > > If a composition, over the course of around 100 runs, gives me consistently better times while also feeling much more relaxed (and deleting the frustration of constant stuns/dazes in some Fractals), which is important for me for Daily content, I personally just prefer that comp, even if it looks slightly less optimal on paper.

    > > >

    > > > My personal preference in terms of comp for pugging is:

    > > > Sup FB + Alacrigade, _(2DPS, BS)_ > Sup Renegade + Quickbrand, _(2DPS, BS)_ > Sup FB + Chrono, _(2DPS, BS)_ > Sub FB _(**3** DPS, BS)_ > Chrono + Druid, _(2DPS, BS)_.

    > > >

    > > > Running both FB and Renegade as hybrids with no heal I've only done 3 times so far, which isn't really enough for me to place it as I'm not sure how it performs consistently with some of the new Instability combinations. The times I tried it it was exceptionally fast (avg. 45m), but required more effort than I personally would like to put into Fractals on a daily basis.

    > > >

    > > > But again, keep in mind this is personal experience, mostly in pugging, be it at a high level.

    > > > It's entirely possible that sup Ren + Quickbrand performs consistently better in a static with better

    > >

    > > When running dps fb and heal renegade, did you play heal renegade or or dps firebrand. I think players experiance might be deciding factor there.

    > >

    > > As i have said. Dps firebrand can do exact same things as heal FB exept healing. When running heal firebrand you are having easier job because rotation doesnt matter since your dps is bad anyway and you overheal by such an enormous numbers that you dont need to focus on healing.

    > >

    > > As a dps fb you need to deal with mechanics and deal dps which is much harder.

    > >

    > > Also healer renegade is harder then diviner renegade since you need to manage energy based on mechanics.

    > >

    > > So i gues healer fb + diviner ren is better for less experianced players but in the hands of good party, heal ren + dps fb should be better


    > Playing Quickbrand.


    > That's mostly true, but at least I am running Feel My Wrath as Quickbrand rather than Stab Mantra on Support, which makes a big difference in some cases. Similarly I don't want to spend as much time on the tomes on Quickbrand as I do on Support FB so I don't lose as much DPS, so that's some utility loss as well.

    > You also don't get the extra Aegis from the shield, and due to much less boon duration, you can't be as deliberate with your Mantra's, usually using them mainly for Quickness when available rather having more room to wait for certain mechanics for a group Aegis before the Quickness runs out, among other things.

    > Also when it comes to healing, while with a heal Renegade it's more of a ping pong between dangerously low HP and instant full HP (with a wipe on a missed Heal), FB generally provides consistent full HP in my experience.


    > All that said, I do agree with your assessment that playing support in of itself is more relaxed and easier than playing DPS or hybrid, which could skew my perception there, and that I would need to run Heal Ren to properly compare the two experiences. Thank you for pointing that out.

    > I also agree with the conclusion that heal ren is technically better in good groups, which is why I said that's what I would go for in a good static, or rather no heal.

    > But since even my 250+KP pugs tend to wipe 1-3 times on average with the Heal Renegade + Quickbrand setup, when they wouldn't have the other way around, it's less efficient to run that setup in that case, as that is a bigger time loss than the slightly lower DPS of Heal FB + Alacrigade would have been.


    > That's kind of where I'm coming from.

    > I learned from raids that it's better to run a safe comp that takes a few seconds longer on each boss and provides a more relaxed experience, than wiping a couple of times with a comp that's faster on paper, but ends up taking a lot longer because of that. At least in my eyes.

    > That's why I recommend Heal FB for pugs.


    I am chrono main (in raids and t4s) and I play heal renegade in CMs. In kalla my team cannot die and if you time it well you have both ventari heals and kallas heal in ventari. That beeing said this works only if your party is not moving and is atacking. So heal renegade (and i think this comp as a whole) is not that good in fights where party needs to move alot.


    Also most players are either good support players or good dps players. Power FB needs a good support player that can provide great numbers which is very rare (like chrono doing 10k+ in real raids)

    On the other hand diviner renegade is basicaly a dps class that require you to press 2 spells off cd.

  6. > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > > > As DPS/Quickbrand/Support FB player, I would love to see more Diviner Renegades.

    > > > Harrier Renegade + Quickbrand looks good on paper, but Harrier Firebrand + Diviner Renegade is much smoother and usually faster in my experience.

    > > >

    > > > Support FB carries much harder, especially through the new instabilities, while with Heal Renegade, I barely notice a difference to running no heal at all, due to the lower DPS needed to phase quickly enough, while not providing enough support offset that.

    > > > Not sure why people are so keen on support Renegade + Quickbrand, just because it's a bit higher group DPS on paper, while not translating into practice at all, unless you got really good players, at which point you might as well run no heal.

    > > >

    > > > Chrono + Druid is worse in every single way, except for skips in some Fractals, where nothing can compete with Chrono (but even then I would run Chrono + Support FB over Druid).

    > > >

    > > > In summary,

    > > > **Harrier Renegade and Quickbrand** (Power FB) are usually what is wanted by pugs, as they tend to use comps which they are told are more DPS on paper, even if they can't translate that into gameplay. Shines in proficient statics.

    > > > **Diviner Renegade and Heal FB** is smoother and therefore usually faster, especially for pugs, but not as popular. Shines in pugs and for rough instabilities.

    > > > **Diviner Renegade + power FB** (no heal comp) is incredible fast, but requires very good players, and even in 250+KP pug groups is rarely run since the new Instabilities were introduced.

    > > > **Chrono + Druid** if you enjoy pain, most frequent in non CM groups.

    > > > **Chrono + sup FB** is technically great for Fractals with skips, but suffers from low DPS and CC when compared to FB + Ren for everything else, while having some redundancy in terms of support.

    > >

    > > Main reason why healer ren is better then healer fb is burst. Power renegade has 0 burst so especialy in fractals power fb is better. Also i dont understand how can heal fb make runs smoother when only diference is healing and it takes great skill to die with renegade healer.

    > > It is true that for bad groups renegade healer heals nothing since group need to stack and actualy atack the boss to get those heals but bad groups might not get healed by fb either. Also bad groups are mostly non cm and in non cm fractals chrono is still better thanks to skips, pulls and shorter phases.


    > I never contested that in a vacuum, Quickbrand is more DPS and burst than Alacrigade, but from personal experience in about 3 months of daily CM's+T4+Rec runs (250KP+), that rarely translates into faster times.


    > Now, it's not easy to get consistent numbers, due to changing daily Fractals and Instabilities, especially when mostly pugging, aka changing players as well, but over the course of 3 months playing both of these comps (and testing others), the runs in which I played support FB have been consistently faster on average, ranging from 39 minutes to 75m for CM's+T4+Rec (averaging at around an hour), depending on the Fractals and Instabilities.

    > Fastest time for Heal Renegade + Quickbrand was about 45 minutes, but more often than not, due to tough Instabilities leading to 1-3 wipes here and there, unlike sup FB, it averages at around 70 minutes.


    > Now that in itself is not a big deal, but at the same time, runs with a sup FB feel like a breeze, mainly due to the more consistent healing and higher Aegis and Stab spam, while I actually have to concentrate somewhat in sup Renegade runs, which didn't feel that much different to no heal runs in terms of effort.


    > If a composition, over the course of around 100 runs, gives me consistently better times while also feeling much more relaxed (and deleting the frustration of constant stuns/dazes in some Fractals), which is important for me for Daily content, I personally just prefer that comp, even if it looks slightly less optimal on paper.


    > My personal preference in terms of comp for pugging is:

    > Sup FB + Alacrigade, _(2DPS, BS)_ > Sup Renegade + Quickbrand, _(2DPS, BS)_ > Sup FB + Chrono, _(2DPS, BS)_ > Sub FB _(**3** DPS, BS)_ > Chrono + Druid, _(2DPS, BS)_.


    > Running both FB and Renegade as hybrids with no heal I've only done 3 times so far, which isn't really enough for me to place it as I'm not sure how it performs consistently with some of the new Instability combinations. The times I tried it it was exceptionally fast (avg. 45m), but required more effort than I personally would like to put into Fractals on a daily basis.


    > But again, keep in mind this is personal experience, mostly in pugging, be it at a high level.

    > It's entirely possible that sup Ren + Quickbrand performs consistently better in a static with better


    When running dps fb and heal renegade, did you play heal renegade or or dps firebrand. I think players experiance might be deciding factor there.


    As i have said. Dps firebrand can do exact same things as heal FB exept healing. When running heal firebrand you are having easier job because rotation doesnt matter since your dps is bad anyway and you overheal by such an enormous numbers that you dont need to focus on healing.


    As a dps fb you need to deal with mechanics and deal dps which is much harder.


    Also healer renegade is harder then diviner renegade since you need to manage energy based on mechanics.


    So i gues healer fb + diviner ren is better for less experianced players but in the hands of good party, heal ren + dps fb should be better

  7. > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > As DPS/Quickbrand/Support FB player, I would love to see more Diviner Renegades.

    > Harrier Renegade + Quickbrand looks good on paper, but Harrier Firebrand + Diviner Renegade is much smoother and usually faster in my experience.


    > Support FB carries much harder, especially through the new instabilities, while with Heal Renegade, I barely notice a difference to running no heal at all, due to the lower DPS needed to phase quickly enough, while not providing enough support offset that.

    > Not sure why people are so keen on support Renegade + Quickbrand, just because it's a bit higher group DPS on paper, while not translating into practice at all, unless you got really good players, at which point you might as well run no heal.


    > Chrono + Druid is worse in every single way, except for skips in some Fractals, where nothing can compete with Chrono (but even then I would run Chrono + Support FB over Druid).


    > In summary,

    > **Harrier Renegade and Quickbrand** (Power FB) are usually what is wanted by pugs, as they tend to use comps which they are told are more DPS on paper, even if they can't translate that into gameplay. Shines in proficient statics.

    > **Diviner Renegade and Heal FB** is smoother and therefore usually faster, especially for pugs, but not as popular. Shines in pugs and for rough instabilities.

    > **Diviner Renegade + power FB** (no heal comp) is incredible fast, but requires very good players, and even in 250+KP pug groups is rarely run since the new Instabilities were introduced.

    > **Chrono + Druid** if you enjoy pain, most frequent in non CM groups.

    > **Chrono + sup FB** is technically great for Fractals with skips, but suffers from low DPS and CC when compared to FB + Ren for everything else, while having some redundancy in terms of support.


    Main reason why healer ren is better then healer fb is burst. Power renegade has 0 burst so especialy in fractals power fb is better. Also i dont understand how can heal fb make runs smoother when only diference is healing and it takes great skill to die with renegade healer.

    It is true that for bad groups renegade healer heals nothing since group need to stack and actualy atack the boss to get those heals but bad groups might not get healed by fb either. Also bad groups are mostly non cm and in non cm fractals chrono is still better thanks to skips, pulls and shorter phases.

  8. In fractals with long bossfights such as 99CM and 100CM renegade and firebrand (either harrier ren or diviner) is supperior to chrono + druid/3dps.


    Chrono comes ahead in fractals with alot of small fightts with ads thanks to focus pull andthe fact that in those fights boons dont need to be perma but just few seconds and chronos boons are applied in longer interval so chrono chrono skipping once pulling and provading boons even if enemies are not slain yet

  9. > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

    > With 160 (or more) toughness there is a big chance you take the aggro as chrono/tank *now play naked. Avoid cleric/minstrel.


    > And you can have Diviner without Pof ???

    > Otherwise yes full harrier is the optimal choice; you can also run vipere or even berserker in fractals with rune of strength if healer is not mandatory.


    Diviner stats are considered hot or core stats since you can get them from ls3 maps

  10. I am not an druid expert but i raid quite alot (and play druid sometimes). Harrier insignia is not account bound so I think you should be able to buy it from TP. If not then I would recomend mix of magi and diviner to get to 50-60% BD which should be be enough to stack 25 might solo (withou signet of inspiration and second druid). I would suggest to drop sigil of concentration and use water/transference for faster ca.

  11. Right now, power firebrand and diviner/harrier renegade is better then chrono with 3 dps/chrono with druid most of the time.

    Only advantage of chrono are skips and pulls.

    On every fractal that include long bossfights renehade and firebrand comes ahead because of better damage, better boons and better heals.


    Remember that you guys are not swaping out dps but druid and chrono. AP should be better then spotter and soulcleave summit is ver, high dps boost. Diviner renegade brings lower dps then 3rd dps but firebrand brings more then chrono. Not to mention that on long fights boons of fb/ren will come ahead.


    One problem pugs might have is that might production is better on druid. Its easy to produce 25 might with fb/rev comp but all firebrand (mantra), renegade (f2) and warrior (ps+forceful gs) needs to provide some.

    Might is not an issue if renegade use pack runes so fb can exchange axe for scepter (more pug friendly)

  12. If money is not issue. You can buy timegated materials from TP (spiritwood planks etc.). Using marks shoul cost less then normal crafting but it uses more timegated materials and content specific currency.

    For weapons, go with knight of the thorns achievment and specialization collection (then you dont need to level crafting)

    Trinkets from laurel vendors, fractals or ls3 maps.

  13. For your requiremenrs power dragonhunter, power quickbrand and power core warrior are all good choices.

    Both guardian builds plays very similar (but diferent goals) and use gs. Warrior use gs for dps or maces for cc. In high fractals, its main job od mmf warrior to cc so gs might not be ideal there.


    You can check nike youtube video for openworld quickbrand and warrior ig you like the playstyle.

  14. > @"lare.5129" said:

    > few day ago I as in common cms+t4 250kp party(fb+ren, pDps, meta warr). Join, link, start..

    > We do cm100 and cm99, like always, wihtout any panic.

    > ok, cms done, t4 next, swapland, orb collected, uncle Mossman die asap and we near last boss. At 50% pt die.

    > What was that? ou, less hp, bleeds and vindicators.. we start again, and again fail, and again. Whut?? some issues with fb+rene ? ok, relog as chrno, fb as druid. Start ... and wipe. And again wipe, and again. People leave, no party.


    > Ok, it sad, but t4 still incomplete .. tryig find party .. ou, see "t4 welcome everyone" join.

    > What I see? 2 reapers, 1 scrourge, soulbeast. Sipmle midl range food, simple pots, no fractal champs and gods, no titles, no any vision of meta. OK, lets try. Same swapland, same fractal number, same last boss.

    > First try .. and completed ?!!?! on first try?! and without any smell of critical issue.


    Only reasons your cm party might fail are

    a) unfamiliarity with new instabilities

    b) not focusing/sleeping


    My experiance is quite the opposite. Recently i started doing fractals again and i switched 6 parties and spend 4 hours to finish T4s. The last party was metacomp and we did all t4s and recomendeds in less then 40 minutes but the other 5 were not able to get past subject 9/ final boss of siren

  15. Hello and welcome. Changing keybinds actualy helps alot. I am left handed (other hand on keyboard) and so standard bindings vere not very suited for me but after changing them I can control the game smoothly.


    If the main problem is stretching fingers and not pressing multiple keys at the same time i suggest using shift/ctrl/alt+key so you dont need to move fingers that much.


    My main focus in the game are raids and high fractals so keep in mind from what type of player next tips comes.


    You dont need to lock yourself out of some content. I am not saying it will be walk in thepark but it is totaly duable. I know a player that is killing challange mode of the hardest boss in the game each quite often and he has only one hand. Most of the stuff can be predicted (so you have time to press your keys) with experiance and smart thinking and from the looks of it you have the second and the first can be delt with.


    As of build I suggest ranger and upgrading it to soulbeast with double shortbow whenever you can. That build is very strong, most of the damage come from auto atacks (no key presses), #2 and utility skills once they come off cd (you can bind all to key, shift+key and ctrl+key). It has range damage, is on the easier side of mechanical dificulty but is very competetice in raids.


    If doubleclicking is fine then Q,E and C with shift and ctrl makes 9 diferent spells and there are only 10 basic spells with 1 beeing autouse.

    Adding F makes it 12 which can cover almost everything.

  16. I was/am chrono main. Fact is that 99cm + T4 was waaaaay faster then just T4 (and I was playing chrono in both). Tgere is an enormous diference in skill. I havent played fractals for some time but it was completely common that I was best dps as a support chrono (at that time chaos) with ~8k dps in T4. So no, there is not 1-2 minute diference in T4 but 5 if I am generous.

    Right now I strated doing fractals again but as support renegade instead of chrono and it opened my eyes how bad t4 players actualy are because they went from 6k to 4k, they dont get blocks so they are constantly downed and they would get heals if they actualy meeled and ATACKED the boss.

    Usualy those players that run random comp are not that skilled because most skilled players want to actualy finish fast. And the sum of skikled players and good comp make enormous diference.



    And just for laughs

    Yesterday i got a comment from weaver: "i dont like playing with alacrity because then I lose the sence of speed"



  17. Maybe you dont get fractal design. If you want mindless grind play something else. Fractals are not hard but you must actualy press some keys to finish them. They are way more proffitable then raids because you can get 30 gold in 40 minutes. If you want to grind them but t3 are hard then either grind t2 (where you dont need any knowlage or skill - true grind) or actualy learn them

  18. > @"Veluna.7316" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > There are multiple ideas. The safest would be illusion/inspiration for best uptimes.

    > > Domination/inspiration for cc

    > > Dueling/illusion for best dps i think.

    > > As skills you can run 2 wells or you can run mimimic. With mimic you coppy first well of action before cs (so soi in cs can give quickness) and after that you mimic soi on cd.

    > I am confused how illusion's stacks up times. I suppose I could see it helping with quickness up time on yourself since phantasms -> quickness -> clone transfers boons to yourself. Plus, I am not really sure what boons a phantasm might get in a short period of time. Though that was the only two ideas I had with utility skills. Wells + SoI or just spam quickness. Its easier to get (Time Warp) and even running SoI/Mimic is nice for the 10 seconds to 10 allies compared to just 5. Getting to alternate CS and Mimic on SoI still.


    > > @"Grogba.6204" said:

    > > Just stack more SoIs once you have boons.

    > >

    > So, basically your saying Chaos/Inspiration is still the way to go?


    Lower cd on Continuum split

  19. > @"alchemist.6851" said:

    > i am trying a mimic, Soi, alacrity well and shield. With shatter and Cs, it’s possible to give perma alacrity but very odd rhythm. two chrono easily works this way


    > using choas and illusion trait


    But if i read correctly you have no quickness

  20. There are multiple ideas. The safest would be illusion/inspiration for best uptimes.

    Domination/inspiration for cc

    Dueling/illusion for best dps i think.

    As skills you can run 2 wells or you can run mimimic. With mimic you coppy first well of action before cs (so soi in cs can give quickness) and after that you mimic soi on cd.

  21. > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

    > You know, I just remembered earlier today that Chronomancers at launch could keep permanent alacrity by maintaining 3 shield phantasms, and SoI copied full duration quickness on to teammates. Playing chrono at this time was incredibly easy, since all I had to do was spam shield phantasms, the continuum split with time warp, drop all of the wells + time warp, then duplicate all the quickness over.


    > It was pretty easy to do.


    But you played only one chrono that was jumping from ine subsquad to another (if I remember correctly)

  22. > @"phs.6089" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > Chrono used to be only pure support build. I wanted to play pure support build, that is why I played chrono. If firebrand becomes meta I will stop raiding simply because firebrand is not pure support spec but dps/support hybrid. I think the changes are not that bad. What I dont like is that right now, chronomancers performance is related to your teamates performance. If they move out of the stack for few seconds they might lose boons for many seconds with no way to reaply them. If there was a trait that would give 1 second quickness and alacrity after casting signet then everything would be fine. Right now there is no problem gameplaywise but the class is frustrating to play.


    > Mercy Scourge? Harrier Rene? There are several full support classes and builds to play. The fact that your main isn't the top anymore hurts, I know.

    > But making ultimate decisions are not the way to go.


    > BTW Commander crono does more damage then any hybrid FB


    Mercy scourge and harrier chrono are what i call defensive supports. They bring safety but not speed. I will correct myself then. There is only one pure offensive support.


    Edit: And I guess playing defensive supports would be fun for me if there was a fight where nit only would such build be needed but also if only peek performance would save your squad.

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