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Posts posted by ButcherofMalakir.4067

  1. > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > > @"Morte de Angelis.7986" said:

    > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > > > > > @"Nepster.4275" said:

    > > > > > Yeah raids and fractals got harder, and yes the chrono haters asked for the end of the boon shares because they wanted to play another class... The thing is, there is no other viable class that can get EVEN CLOSE to mesmer.

    > > > > > But this will have consequences too, as other people said you need to stack and stuff and doing "optimal" DPS now its much harder. At this it doesnt help that everyone was used to that people were doing really good DPS, now that this dropped the ones who were doing top tier DPS till now will continue and ones who were doing that much DPS because the Chronos did all the dirty job will do less DPS. The bad thing about it that people who think they are good, will get kicked from squads and as some months ago every day there will be a new thread on this forum with the title "Why raid community is this toxic?".

    > > > > > Honestly i dont mind the changes, and atleast can kick anyone from squad who screws up mechanics.ANet wants us to become toxic then shall be it

    > > > >

    > > > > Rumor has it that firebrand can put out quickness.How well they do it I don't know, but it looks as if firebrands going to replace chrono.

    > > >

    > > > It can provide quickness quite well. Problem is that you need renegade for alacrity which loses dps compared to normal dps. Firebrand an renegade can only play condi so on power bosses you have at least 3 condi damage sources. Chrono can play both condi and power, has higher damage then ever before and require one less locked spot. Also it us true that chrono cc was nerfed by huge numbers but it is still more cc then firebrand. I would say firebrand is maybe easier to play but i think it will not be optimal.

    > >

    > > Honestly, as dull as it may seem I'd be happy if after all this Chrono / Druid was better for Power Setups and FB / Rene was better for Condi Setups but not totally useless for either. But we shall see.


    > If what you say is true, then that is the best thing to happen balance wise, since it encourages less having one class be mandatory for all raids, and more of having variety of specs for different raids in utility.



    If this happens then i will gladly gear and learn firebrand. There will always be best in slot. Lets balance for each fight instead of for raids a as a whole

  2. > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > > @"Nepster.4275" said:

    > > Yeah raids and fractals got harder, and yes the chrono haters asked for the end of the boon shares because they wanted to play another class... The thing is, there is no other viable class that can get EVEN CLOSE to mesmer.

    > > But this will have consequences too, as other people said you need to stack and stuff and doing "optimal" DPS now its much harder. At this it doesnt help that everyone was used to that people were doing really good DPS, now that this dropped the ones who were doing top tier DPS till now will continue and ones who were doing that much DPS because the Chronos did all the dirty job will do less DPS. The bad thing about it that people who think they are good, will get kicked from squads and as some months ago every day there will be a new thread on this forum with the title "Why raid community is this toxic?".

    > > Honestly i dont mind the changes, and atleast can kick anyone from squad who screws up mechanics.ANet wants us to become toxic then shall be it


    > Rumor has it that firebrand can put out quickness.How well they do it I don't know, but it looks as if firebrands going to replace chrono.


    It can provide quickness quite well. Problem is that you need renegade for alacrity which loses dps compared to normal dps. Firebrand an renegade can only play condi so on power bosses you have at least 3 condi damage sources. Chrono can play both condi and power, has higher damage then ever before and require one less locked spot. Also it us true that chrono cc was nerfed by huge numbers but it is still more cc then firebrand. I would say firebrand is maybe easier to play but i think it will not be optimal.

  3. > @"yann.1946" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > Chrono used to be only pure support build. I wanted to play pure support build, that is why I played chrono. If firebrand becomes meta I will stop raiding simply because firebrand is not pure support spec but dps/support hybrid. I think the changes are not that bad. What I dont like is that right now, chronomancers performance is related to your teamates performance. If they move out of the stack for few seconds they might lose boons for many seconds with no way to reaply them. If there was a trait that would give 1 second quickness and alacrity after casting signet then everything would be fine. Right now there is no problem gameplaywise but the class is frustrating to play.


    > Why don't you consider druid a pure support build? Just really curious about that.


    > And would you leave even if chrono remains viable although not Mera?


    From my experiance druid plays more like banner warrior then true support. Most of the time you just pop spirits go to avatar when is ready. Most of druids support comes from healing and healing works diferently then support


    If you are in better party you need to heal less but you need to support same or more because players count on your support. If there woukd be high preasure fights that need healer actualy for big heals for any group then I would definitly say it is a support spec like chrono. But then another healer would take its place.


    For me pure support spec is something where you need to make choices based on situation and most of the time only choice druids have is to go to avatar few seconds later. Obviously there is more but I generelised it alittle.

  4. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > Sometimes a tweak is the right response. Sometimes overhauling is. It really depends on the issue that ANet is trying to address.


    I have no oriblems with overhauls. I just wish that anet will test those overhauls so after them they will not make another for the same class in at least 6 months.


    Its fine to change gear every fewonths but 2 weeks is probably new record. Dont understand why they couldnt relese this changes with runes.

  5. > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > It’s like the same people that say they only play GW2 for Raids and raids alone. There’s better games for if you love raiding.

    > > >

    > > > That’s like someone who loves racing games only plays GW2 for the beetle racing, it’s a bit absurd.

    > >

    > > Hi, I am one of those players. Sadly there is no game currently that can compete with Gw2 fight mechanics. Which is an important part for me. And the few raids we have here are awesome. Arguable not all of them. But rest assured, at the first glance of a raid focused game with equal or better "feeling" I will leave this, for you absurd state. A win win so you may call it.


    > Did you ever do WoW raiding?


    Wow raiding is boring for me + the simple idea that you can outgear encounter makes me stayvas farcas possible.

  6. Chrono used to be only pure support build. I wanted to play pure support build, that is why I played chrono. If firebrand becomes meta I will stop raiding simply because firebrand is not pure support spec but dps/support hybrid. I think the changes are not that bad. What I dont like is that right now, chronomancers performance is related to your teamates performance. If they move out of the stack for few seconds they might lose boons for many seconds with no way to reaply them. If there was a trait that would give 1 second quickness and alacrity after casting signet then everything would be fine. Right now there is no problem gameplaywise but the class is frustrating to play.

  7. It is still viable. Experianced groups will not have a problem. It is even possible to get higher dps numbers as a chrono because 100 percent boon duration is not needed. Problems comes for less experianced players. If party is not stacking then they will not get boons. If someone got ported on cairn and miss one well or tides of time then they need to w8 maybe even 20 seconds before they will get quickness and alacrity again. Fights with cc phases are also harder because chrono lost more then 1000 breakbar damage on some bosses. Overall chrono is fine but everyone else is not. Many dps specs got nerfed because they dont have same amout of boons, with less then perfect stacking you will not get any boons and if dps players dont cc then they will not break the bar. With this change raids got significantly harder

  8. Chrono is most likely not dead. We will see how/if metacomp changes but fact is that double chrono can still provide perma alacrity and quickness. With the changes to signet of inspiration, druid (or other mightstacker) dont have to run any boon duration because signet "gives" 25 might for 5 seconds each 20 seconds (and with 2 chronos 10 seconds). In fact I have hearee of runs where chronos were nowhere near 100bd and they still provided perma boons. We will see what will become meta but lets not rule chrono out yet

  9. > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

    > > > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    > > > > Just in case anyone wants to know what a [Fallacy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fallacies "Fallacy") actually is, here is a list of them. To call something a fallacy, is a [Equivocation ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equivocation "Equivocation ")Fallacy, unless you state which Fallacy is being used. Which also seemed to be the same fallacy the person that bought up fallacies was using in their whole discussion... just saying.

    > > > >

    > > > > Also, I stand by what I said.

    > > > >

    > > > > Meta Events, World Bosses, DE's, and the like are Social Content, and they build the social value of the game as well.

    > > > >

    > > > > Raids, Fractals, and Dungeons, are group Events, as they require you to be in a group to interact with other players in that content.

    > > > >

    > > > > as some have pointed out (Hence the subject of this topic).. group content is not always good for the social development of a game.

    > > >

    > > > Quoting partially

    > > > Quoting out of context

    > > > Modifying the context

    > > >

    > > > Ermm...I think you are right, it isn't fallacy, not the modifying part. That is called fabricating facts, right? I am not sure if that is any better.

    > > >

    > > > Lastly, you mentioned "not always good" but that also means "not always bad". It is the same as "half filled" and "half empty", both meant the same. Using that in your argument, doesn't that means you actually acknowledge that group contents are not necessary not social contents as well? However, you don't mean it that way in your other post, are you not getting confused yourself?

    > > >

    > > > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    > > > > Dungeons, Fractals, and Raids, are group content as they require you to be in a group to play with other people, such they are group based content.

    > > > >

    > > > > WvW and open world like content IE: World Bosses, Meta Events, Dynamic Events, etc, are Social Content as they have no such requirement to group for anyone to contribute to the completion and receive a reward for doing so.

    > > >

    > > > This is what you literally wrote. I will highlight keywords.

    > > >

    > > > **group** content as they **require** you to be in a group to play with other people

    > > > are Social Content as they have no such **requirement** to **group** for anyone

    > > >

    > > > It is completely contradicting to your acknowledgement that group contents are not necessary not social contents.

    > > >

    > > > I understand what you are trying to say but my point here is your usage on the terms are inappropriate, are wrong. Correct it.

    > >

    > > Not always good is the same as at least 1 time bad. It can be bad all the time and not always good still holds.


    > Your first statement and last statement are contradicting each other, you know? If it is bad all the time, then it is simply bad.


    > People use "not always" because there are certain "conditions" that make it so. For example, "drinking water is not always good". Are that saying drinking water is bad? Of course not, there are certain conditions tied to it. Drinking water can provide a lot of health benefits but you can also end up with water intoxication if drank too much.


    > He/she by using "not always" means he/she is saying that "group contents" are not "social contents" on certain conditions which also means that "group contents" can be "social contents" on certain conditions. That by itself is contradicting to his/her previous post where he/she defined "Group" and "Social" as distinct terms involving ingame features of party and squad. That again is to say his/her terms are just complete confusing mess which he refuse to admit and correct.


    > Edit: And to further clarified, he/she did used "social development" but at the same time, he/she did mention "as some have pointed out". I believe in the entire thread, only he used "social content" and "group content" in that definition of his or her. All others are using "social content" as in social sense. It is puzzling how he has no issue understanding what others are talking about if he or she does not acknowledge in the widely known meanings for "social content". It is just rationally difficult to get around it. It is like using the word "boil" as "melt", "When ice boil, it become water". Can you wire your brain to think that way while already having another set of definition? It's difficult. It highly suggest he or she does subconsciously recognize the widely known meaning for "social content" and "group content".


    > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

    > > > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    > > > > Just in case anyone wants to know what a [Fallacy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fallacies "Fallacy") actually is, here is a list of them. To call something a fallacy, is a [Equivocation ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equivocation "Equivocation ")Fallacy, unless you state which Fallacy is being used. Which also seemed to be the same fallacy the person that bought up fallacies was using in their whole discussion... just saying.

    > > > >

    > > > > Also, I stand by what I said.

    > > > >

    > > > > Meta Events, World Bosses, DE's, and the like are Social Content, and they build the social value of the game as well.

    > > > >

    > > > > Raids, Fractals, and Dungeons, are group Events, as they require you to be in a group to interact with other players in that content.

    > > > >

    > > > > as some have pointed out (Hence the subject of this topic).. group content is not always good for the social development of a game.

    > > >

    > > > Quoting partially

    > > > Quoting out of context

    > > > Modifying the context

    > > >

    > > > Ermm...I think you are right, it isn't fallacy, not the modifying part. That is called fabricating facts, right? I am not sure if that is any better.

    > > >

    > > > Lastly, you mentioned "not always good" but that also means "not always bad". It is the same as "half filled" and "half empty", both meant the same. Using that in your argument, doesn't that means you actually acknowledge that group contents are not necessary not social contents as well? However, you don't mean it that way in your other post, are you not getting confused yourself?

    > > >

    > > > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    > > > > Dungeons, Fractals, and Raids, are group content as they require you to be in a group to play with other people, such they are group based content.

    > > > >

    > > > > WvW and open world like content IE: World Bosses, Meta Events, Dynamic Events, etc, are Social Content as they have no such requirement to group for anyone to contribute to the completion and receive a reward for doing so.

    > > >

    > > > This is what you literally wrote. I will highlight keywords.

    > > >

    > > > **group** content as they **require** you to be in a group to play with other people

    > > > are Social Content as they have no such **requirement** to **group** for anyone

    > > >

    > > > It is completely contradicting to your acknowledgement that group contents are not necessary not social contents.

    > > >

    > > > I understand what you are trying to say but my point here is your usage on the terms are inappropriate, are wrong. Correct it.

    > >

    > > Not always good is the same as at least 1 time bad. It can be bad all the time and not always good still holds.


    > Your first statement and last statement are contradicting each other, you know? If it is bad all the time, then it is simply bad.


    > People use "not always" because there are certain "conditions" that make it so. For example, "drinking water is not always good". Are that saying drinking water is bad? Of course not, there are certain conditions tied to it. Drinking water can provide a lot of health benefits but you can also end up with water intoxication if drank too much.


    > He/she by using "not always" means he/she is saying that "group contents" are not "social contents" on certain conditions which also means that "group contents" can be "social contents" on certain conditions. That by itself is contradicting to his/her previous post where he/she defined "Group" and "Social" as distinct terms involving ingame features of party and squad. That again is to say his/her terms are just complete confusing mess which he refuse to admit and correct.


    > Edit: And to further clarified, he/she did used "social development" but at the same time, he/she did mention "as some have pointed out". I believe in the entire thread, only he used "social content" and "group content" in that definition of his or her. All others are using "social content" as in social sense. It is puzzling how he has no issue understanding what others are talking about if he or she does not acknowledge in the widely known meanings for "social content". It is just rationally difficult to get around it. It is like using the word "boil" as "melt", "When ice boil, it become water". Can you wire your brain to think that way while already having another set of definition? It's difficult. It highly suggest he or she does subconsciously recognize the widely known meaning for "social content" and "group content".


    If it is bad all the time then it is not good. Not always good is weaker then not good.


    Lets say 1=good and 0=bad. Any combination of 1s and 0s that has at least one 0 is not always good. (All ones is always good). All 0s is combination of 1 and 0 and there is at least one 0.

  10. > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

    > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    > > Just in case anyone wants to know what a [Fallacy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fallacies "Fallacy") actually is, here is a list of them. To call something a fallacy, is a [Equivocation ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equivocation "Equivocation ")Fallacy, unless you state which Fallacy is being used. Which also seemed to be the same fallacy the person that bought up fallacies was using in their whole discussion... just saying.

    > >

    > > Also, I stand by what I said.

    > >

    > > Meta Events, World Bosses, DE's, and the like are Social Content, and they build the social value of the game as well.

    > >

    > > Raids, Fractals, and Dungeons, are group Events, as they require you to be in a group to interact with other players in that content.

    > >

    > > as some have pointed out (Hence the subject of this topic).. group content is not always good for the social development of a game.


    > Quoting partially

    > Quoting out of context

    > Modifying the context


    > Ermm...I think you are right, it isn't fallacy, not the modifying part. That is called fabricating facts, right? I am not sure if that is any better.


    > Lastly, you mentioned "not always good" but that also means "not always bad". It is the same as "half filled" and "half empty", both meant the same. Using that in your argument, doesn't that means you actually acknowledge that group contents are not necessary not social contents as well? However, you don't mean it that way in your other post, are you not getting confused yourself?


    > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    > > Dungeons, Fractals, and Raids, are group content as they require you to be in a group to play with other people, such they are group based content.

    > >

    > > WvW and open world like content IE: World Bosses, Meta Events, Dynamic Events, etc, are Social Content as they have no such requirement to group for anyone to contribute to the completion and receive a reward for doing so.


    > This is what you literally wrote. I will highlight keywords.


    > **group** content as they **require** you to be in a group to play with other people

    > are Social Content as they have no such **requirement** to **group** for anyone


    > It is completely contradicting to your acknowledgement that group contents are not necessary not social contents.


    > I understand what you are trying to say but my point here is your usage on the terms are inappropriate, are wrong. Correct it.


    Not always good is the same as at least 1 time bad. It can be bad all the time and not always good still holds.

  11. > @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

    > > > A sell tab would be awesome or ban sellers. Its kinda dumb that you cant sell pvp but can pve. If anything pvp is probably harder to carry. There is no difference in my eyes. Either way the buyer is not doing the content as intended.

    > >

    > > You cannot sell pvp because it is a competition and this would give you unfair advantage


    > Unfair to who. It would be a 4v5 in the other teams favor.


    But in future you will be in other game with other players. But your team would have dissadvantage because they would have player of lower skill, since you bought the rank and didnt earn it. In raids it is ok because player can be kicked if he is bad


  12. > @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

    > A sell tab would be awesome or ban sellers. Its kinda dumb that you cant sell pvp but can pve. If anything pvp is probably harder to carry. There is no difference in my eyes. Either way the buyer is not doing the content as intended.


    You cannot sell pvp because it is a competition and this would give you unfair advantage

  13. I am part of a training discord. Right now (23:55 central european time) there are more then 1000 players online. Some of them tried raiding once, some are already raidning with pugs/static but decided to stay there and some are newcomers that train now. Raids are organised 3 times per week for 2-3 hours at set time. Sometime there are more trainees then commanders and other time more commanders then trainees. Everyone is nice and patient.

    It is not hard to find this discord. I was once sitting in front of dentist when I decided to start raiding and joined this discord on my mobile phone in less then a minute. If someone wants to learn then nerere are options to do so. Training discords exists and are used by many players. If someone cannot find them then they are probably not looking.

  14. The reason that many fractal parties now search for chrono is that not enough chronos do fractals with pugs.


    I used to do fractals with chrono until the signet change. Now you cannot reliably keep up 100% uptimes. You can prestack using singularity so your boons start to fall later. Now my uptimes depends on dps of other players and there is enourmous diference between t4 players. That is why I dont take any chances and do fractals only with players I know.

  15. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"Carighan.6758" said:

    > > > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

    > > > There should be a significant amount of additional choices, particularly for deeply niche builds and top end variations.

    > >

    > > So the patch has come, and there's no real additional choices. This is a class-design issue btw, not one of gear. Gear was just a balance problem, which isn't the same.


    > The context of your statement doesn't match with Ireno's. There **are** real additional choices if you aren't fixated on pushing the 'only one build matters' meta mentality. The best part is that if you are pushing meta builds for a class, you don't care about variation anyways. You're just building for optimization. I mean, he straight up says the choices are particularly for deeply niche or top end variation builds .... and meta are neither of those.


    > The new runes/sigils actually do what he says much better than the old ones did.


    There used to be much more variation in chronos gear before this patch. But that variation didnt come from runes but from traits. Truth is there is only 1 best chrono setup for each boss but there used to be big tradeof. After this change tradofs stayed the same but nonbasic builds become closer to the basic ones so actualy players that ussd the variation are rewarding less for their effort but they are paying the same (or more)

  16. > @"GlobalReverse.8543" said:

    > > @"Carighan.6758" said:

    > > > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

    > > > There should be a significant amount of additional choices, particularly for deeply niche builds and top end variations.

    > >

    > > So the patch has come, and there's no real additional choices. This is a class-design issue btw, not one of gear. Gear was just a balance problem, which isn't the same.


    > From a raiding perspective:


    > At the very least monk runes are even better now for chrono. Take the restorative mantras trait along with mantra of pain over well of action and you got some good healing per second without losing out on boons since both chronos can 10 man soi spam. With that there's three rune sets for boon support chrono (leadership, durability and monk). That's three variants for the conventional chaos boon support build, a condition version of the support build, dueling/illusions when you don't need the cc (especially if there's a detonate plasma/other chrono is still running chaos) and a power dps build which got buffed due to the added ferocity that phantasms benefit from the new scholar runes. Defender runes also look promising for Deimos hand kiting (granted this hasn't been tested yet). That looks like a lot of choices for the chronomancer traitline compared to a lot of the other specs.


    > "Class" was used and not elite spec so mirage will be included. Mirage has an axe build with two variants and a scepter build (predominately on the Soulless Horror boss). For open world, staff is also a really great weapon for them.


    > Back to chrono(chaos/insp). Does it have balance issues compared to other support classes? Yes, it condenses so many jobs into one role that no other class can amount to. That doesn't mean it doesn't have choices in regards to gear. Leadership is you go to for most stuff, durability if you want to make it easier to take hits from hard hitting bosses in addition to that extra resistance and monk runes for when you play the healing variant. Commander/berserker, viper and minstrel/harrier follow the same process as the runes--commander/berserker for most stuff, viper when you go condition and minstrel/harrier when you want more healing power/survivability.


    If i remember the name correctly sanctuary runes are now better on tank chrono then durabiliy

  17. > @"apharma.3741" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > Problem is not that it is more balanced niw but that it is less punishing for mistakes and so less fun


    > Fun is different things to different people. However considering how bad the player base is and that it's just a really bad decision to make content only a fraction of your population will do, is it a surprise that a build that allows people to raid easier also gets easier?


    99% of the time this changes nothing for bad players because those that wanted to learn it already know s how to play it. Bad players here are so bad that this will chamge nothing for them

  18. > @"Lolivia.3219" said:

    > i said 2x soi, and it was about the buff window kitten, obviously moa is in the split too, but thats not very useful mentioning cause that has nothing to do with weapon sigil. learn to read and stay on topic, thnxbye


    > PS: why use soi x 2 in the split? so i can start off with woa right after the split and THEN use mimic soi again, so it doesnt overcap and has better rotation cause of the cd's being more inline at the end then)



    If you are talking about raid rotation then you need to w8 for 3rd and 4th soi since else it overcaps. In fractals it would overcap since you already have boons from precasting.

    There is 0 diference (exept number of clones required) between your

    " well of action before weapon swapping, mimic soi , tides of time, soi ->split end,"

    And well of action, swap ,soi, mimic, tides of time, cs ends soi.

    That proves that my way is more efficient.

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