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Posts posted by arenta.2953

  1. do i raid....no


    i've always wanted to. but when they first came out people were so elitist about requirements to be accepted to their party. specific classes(some classes were not allowed), minimum armor requirements, specific builds etc.... and if you didn't use the specific class, with specific build, and specific armor rarity/type. then u would never get in.


    well i left the game for a while (unrelated reasons) and when i returned, i looked at raids and never felt compelled due to the memory of how strict people were before.


    sure, now i have full ascended armor, a legendary weapon, and lv 80 on most classes.....and commonly do lv 60-90 fractals

    but i just haven't felt like touching raiding because i'm still concerned about the attitude that community has. the attitude might have changed, i'm not sure...havent bothered to check. but the memory of how elitist it was prior, just destroyed any appeal raids had for me.


    and whenever i see threads on raids on reddit or on forums, it seems to always be complaints of "not worth the time", "required builds", or complaints of people.


    i remember when dungeons were hard as hell, we'd run them "underwear runs" because we'd die so much and just keep coming even after our armor had broken(first few months in game). that was hard, but never had the elitism that cast people out. people would accept they failed and try again and again. that community i liked.

  2. my opinion. with how knockdown/ knockback spammy this game has become in HOT and PoF.


    giving thief a source of stability would be nice, as currently its only source is dagger storm(yeah....only 1 skill/trait/ability gives stability...poor thief).....good luck using that in combo with your abilities.....


    Kneel is unbearable because of this spam of knocks. so pulsing stability (like engineer's flamethrower) 1 every 3-5 secounds. would be nice for letting the skill work without constantly just being thrown to the wall. some survivability for being forced to give up mobility.


    or they could add pulsing Vigor, to let you dodge roll more......or heck gain a 3rd dodge bar while kneeling.




    * Maleficent Seven: Keep it as it is, but add an extra effect to the Maleficent Seven buff, like convert 1 condi to boon every second for 7 seconds



    i'd like this alot....i'd be satisfied if it removes a condition, doesn't even need to change it to a boon. thief's condi removal is rather....specific or restricting. specially with the condi meta. like stealth trait to remove conditions...only damage conditions...not movement......ditto for stealth heal etc etc. compare that to Necro's condi remove in shroud or ranger's removal of any condi with survival skills......


    it encourages the thief to engage for those 7 secounds before mark ends. instead of just rehiding


  3. > @"anonei.2714" said:

    > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > > @"Atanae.1079" said:

    > > > Your art is truely amazing. Is there a way to get a notification when you'll be taking gold commissions again, if it happens ? :)

    > >

    > > bookmark this thread =D


    > Thank youu!



    > > @"Atanae.1079" said:

    > >> Your art is truely amazing. Is there a way to get a notification when you'll be taking gold commissions again, if it happens ? :)


    > Ahhh thank you so so much! I'm happy you like my art! ;v; And yep just as @"Atanae.1079" suggested, the best way would be bookmarking the thread, I'll definitely update once I'm ready to take more! [However it might take a while, I think the next time I open commissions again will be for like, real money on tumblr hahah]



    *stalks your tumblr* (can i get a link to your tumblr?)

  4. > @"PaxTheGreatOne.9472" said:


    > 1st) Dying rapidly when you have armor tends to be a conditions issue, and you might want to look at condi removal or mitigation.... (runes, sigils or foods/builds, combo's or skills)


    > In most of wvw good zergs, the players in front and mids can do with 2300-2500 armor (toughbess and armorrating) combined and be usefull , ranged will be more glass or more bunker depending on their role. *bunker tends to be usefull for healers, glass more for DPS, some condi's go dire or trailblazer, healers minstrel... However if you try to learn you can heal on zealot or marshals, and be condi on viper's , and you can DPS on berserker, but the zerg must allow for this. long dawn out battles will not favor glass builds, only fast battles with larger numbers.


    > In low-manning you tend to need more or none at all, either bunker or full glass (when glass you might need some other defensive trick, either invulnerability, conditions or stealth, preferably all 3 together). Same goes for roaming imho...


    > If you fight superior numbers you'll die most likely, iuf you get hit with 35 ppl vs your 25 ppl group you might very well have a chance, 45 vs 20 however is pointless and you could go karmatrain, or s[plit up and try topp break up the enemy zerg.


    > Havocsquad (5-10 man) or roaming 1-5 man could provide different challenges. All options are usefull. tactics and strategy vary widely and still remain roughly the same.


    so stop at 2.5k armor, and focus on power/precision along with condi removal. ty =)

  5. So i'm trying to figure out if speccing in toughness in WvW is worth it.


    i've had a character with 2k armor, 2.5k armor. and 3k


    and in all cases, they seem to take massive dmg of similar numbers.



    i'm wondering if there is an armor level i should stop at (like 2.5k) where going past it has reduced value.


    or does toughness not help in wvw at all. due to conditions and crit spam focus.




    am i making a mistake going for toughness?

  6. yes! sooner the better


    > @"Chadramar.8156" said:

    > Definitely not. And I particularly do not want another exclusively human-themed expansion right after this exclusively human-themed expansion. The norn and especially the charr are desperately overdue for some time in the spotlight, and I mean _proper_ time in the spotlight, setting and lore and story and and characters and gear (!) and all, not completely shoved aside like sylvari were in "their" expansion after Verdant Brink.


    > The devs can't just bank on GW1-nostalgia, especially since _this_ game has multiple playable races.


    except Cantha was rather large for the Tengu, not to mention Naga.


    while it was a literal hive of human activity near the coast(with a city built up like Kowloon Walled City) the further east you went, the less humanity. and the more Tengu/Centaurs/Naga .


    another thing is, humanity used to populate the entire surface world. the norn are small. and the charr are recent.

    so new areas won't have much in the way of lore for the 2 of them that we don't already have.



    Prior to Ascalon's fall, the Charr didn't really have much in the way of lasting structures or history. what history they did have was told in stories and thus didn't leave an impact on the world.


    Norn, while norn do likely have some remnants in the north. as we've seen from the remains of the Eye on the North. they haven't stood the test of time well. and if the Eye of the North has faired so poorly, its unlikely the nomadic Norn structures have survived at all.




    any expansion we have to new lands will either be human remains, or wild land with no sign of past civilizations prior to the charr's invasion of Ascalon.

  7. > @"Elyxia.2943" said:

    > second thread ? l2p rifle .... kneel is nice with shadow arts, good for kite ...


    its not good for kite. at all.


    if your going to kite, ranger's longbow is better in every way because it maintains the mobility. not to mention ranger has superior stun breaks, condition removals, and (KEY HERE) access to stability. something thief doesn't get. thief's only skill that grants stability is dagger storm, which isn't usable with skills due to being a skill itself rather than a support.


    in the end, you have a thief that relies on mobility due to lack of armor, hp, and survivability. without its mobility.

    sure, it can use stealth, but its burst is rather...subpar. requiring time.

    you can choose not to kneel, but if you do then your 100% inferior to pistol/pistol. which flat out beats rifle so hilariously outside of kneel.


    if your going to force thief to be immobile to use rifle efficiently, you need to do something to coutner the fact that thief doesn't work without mobility due to lack of Armor, HP, HP sustain, Condition Removal, Stunbreaks, and Stability.


    its a glass cannon, relying on speed to survive.


    but they removed the speed for rifle.

  8. another option. would be to pulse 1 stability, and protection. while kneeling. (cause u smaller target and more stable)


    similar to engineer's flamethrower trait (which is stability and might)



    Gain might and stability while wielding a flamethrower.


    Might.png Might (15s): +30 Power, +30 Condition Damage

    Stability.png Stability (3s): Cannot be knocked down, pushed back, pulled, launched, stunned, dazed, floated, sunk, feared or taunted.

    Radius.png Interval: 3 s




    for Deadeye, Kneel could be



    Gain Protect and stability while Kneeling.


    Protect.png Protect(3s)

    Stability.png Stability (3s):

    Radius.png Interval: 3 s

  9. > @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

    > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > I'd say the reason deadeye rifle is trash in pvp is because to use it efficiently you need to kneel

    > >

    > > and kneeling is bad.

    > >

    > > GW2's "range" is actually pretty dang short range. even shorter when you realize how many shots u need to kill.

    > >

    > > therefore, mobility is king. ranged fighting turns into kiting the far stronger damage melee opponent. as your only advantage is you can hit him, he can't hit you.

    > >

    > > but kneeling takes that away. you lose the ability to kite, and thus they will reach you fast. add to that as a thief. you tend to have low hp. low armor. so your need for mobility is that much greater

    > >

    > >

    > > if you don't kneel. your dmg is.....well...unimpressive.

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > > plus we have ranger longbow. which has the same 1500 range u do, while maintaining its mobility. plus a bit more range if you have height advantage......

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > > how to fix this?

    > >

    > > i'd say one of the following

    > >

    > > option 1: give rifle 1500 range even when not kneeling. and knockback or knockdown immunity when kneeling (but not stun/daze), or a 25% dmg reduction.

    > > also, when kneeling. give the rifle the same height advantage range bonus as longbow.

    > >

    > >

    > > option 2: when kneeling, make it so u can move. but at a slow speed (as if you crippled)

    > >

    > > option 3: do away with kneeling entirely. make its dmg default for rifle. but have some skills stop you to fire (think ranger longbow's #5)


    > Just a passing comment - when not kneeling it does the same damage ( if not more) compared to warrior rifle, and yet I find that fun and useful as no-one expects a killshot!


    > I would disagree with giving rifle 1500 base for deadeye, as that would make kneeling redundant (well kneeling would have a bit better damage but same range, so mobility > damage)


    > Moving while kneeling I would 100% agree with, like you're aiming , so super slow movement, but movement. - this would be an option I agree with.


    > However I would really dislike option 3, because that would sort of.. stop the deadeye being deadeye, they are snipers/bounty hunters waiting and marking contracts, not widowmaker.




    ty for input, and generally agreed. #3 doesn't seem popular. but its a "give up" option i had to put in xD

  10. > @"FrostDraco.8306" said:

    > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

    > > > Throwing out what is likely to be meta, what do you wish performed well enough to be a great build for raids/fractals?

    > > >

    > > > Here’s my list:

    > > > S/D Thief or Daredevil

    > > > Longbow Soulbeast

    > > > Rifle Deadeye

    > > > Mace/mace Berserker

    > > > Staff support Firebrand

    > > >

    > >

    > > rifle deadeye. that class is just....who thought "in this game where everyone relies on mobility, we should make it immobile"

    > >

    > > they need to fix it...

    > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/332470


    > Necro seems to be doing just fine according to most people and its immobile af. At least deadeye has access to normal theif mobility.


    necro has a skill that immobilizes it?

  11. > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

    > Throwing out what is likely to be meta, what do you wish performed well enough to be a great build for raids/fractals?


    > Here’s my list:

    > S/D Thief or Daredevil

    > Longbow Soulbeast

    > Rifle Deadeye

    > Mace/mace Berserker

    > Staff support Firebrand



    rifle deadeye. that class is just....who thought "in this game where everyone relies on mobility, we should make it immobile"


    they need to fix it...


  12. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > > > > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

    > > > > > > > LOL what? its okay (in fact there's alot of builds that rather slot something else).

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > I actually think its good for what is (no buffs no nerfs), its only one application 6 stack of stab and can be ripped/converted and only makes you immune to soft CC, for example if you get it ripped, you can still get CCed into the next world.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > However take a scourges skill https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Trail_of_Anguish. its a boon corrupt, swiftness, stab all on a lower cd or

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > warriors balanced stance witch while on a higher cd, gives you stab immunity to crit, stun break, swiftness and replication of stab https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Balanced_Stance.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > or ( to be-fair its gated behind reaper form but https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infusing_Terror 20% damage reduction with stab on 25 sec cd when not traited)

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > or holosmith https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Corona_Burst witch is stab every 8 seconds on hit)

    > > > > > > > they need to just leave that one alone, the other stances could actually use some buffs. would be nice if griffon was a stun break. the other ones don't have that much use save for one wolf pack in pvp or wvw.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > for balanced stance

    > > > > > > thats a longer cooldown

    > > > > > > only 2 stability (each last 1 secound per pulse over 4 secounds max)

    > > > > > > so 4 secounds. and no immunity to movement debuffs

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > for trail of anguish, again. no immunity to movement debuffs

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > infusing terror, no immunity to movement debuffs

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > your only looking at reapplies.. i'm mostly looking a the fact that for 9 secounds out of every 30. you can be 100% immune to movement debuffs. as in they don't apply. at all.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > and you can't get past it by overstacking or spam. its flat out immune. thats insane for wvw.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Most people rely on hard ccs anyways to set up damage. I'm not sure if you are familiar, but warriors used to be 100% immune to movement impairing conditions 100% of the time. So, yeah. THAT was OP. This skill is alright. Most people would rather slot something else anyways.

    > > > >

    > > > > they were?

    > > > >

    > > > > how o.0

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Dogged march, lemongrass poultry, melandru runes

    > >

    > > looking at changes to that skill.....all it did was reduce movement debuff durations. by 33%

    > > it didn't stop the skill itself

    > > heck the change to the skill is the regen cooldown

    > >

    > > immobilize, cripple, frost would all still proc on it. just shorter duration. but spammable down

    > >

    > > alot of classes have that. but its different from immunity.

    > >


    > I don't think you understand how it worked lol.


    > Dogged march reduced movement impairing conditions by 33%

    > Lemongrass reduced condition duration by 40%

    > Melandru reduced condition duration by 25%


    > That added up to 98% reduced duration of movement impairing conditions on you... That is pretty much immunity. Any movement impairing conditions would last like .05 seconds which is nothing.


    so how is that just for warrior......vs any other class with 33% reduction

  13. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > > > > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

    > > > > > LOL what? its okay (in fact there's alot of builds that rather slot something else).

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I actually think its good for what is (no buffs no nerfs), its only one application 6 stack of stab and can be ripped/converted and only makes you immune to soft CC, for example if you get it ripped, you can still get CCed into the next world.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > However take a scourges skill https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Trail_of_Anguish. its a boon corrupt, swiftness, stab all on a lower cd or

    > > > > >

    > > > > > warriors balanced stance witch while on a higher cd, gives you stab immunity to crit, stun break, swiftness and replication of stab https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Balanced_Stance.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > or ( to be-fair its gated behind reaper form but https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infusing_Terror 20% damage reduction with stab on 25 sec cd when not traited)

    > > > > >

    > > > > > or holosmith https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Corona_Burst witch is stab every 8 seconds on hit)

    > > > > > they need to just leave that one alone, the other stances could actually use some buffs. would be nice if griffon was a stun break. the other ones don't have that much use save for one wolf pack in pvp or wvw.

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > for balanced stance

    > > > > thats a longer cooldown

    > > > > only 2 stability (each last 1 secound per pulse over 4 secounds max)

    > > > > so 4 secounds. and no immunity to movement debuffs

    > > > >

    > > > > for trail of anguish, again. no immunity to movement debuffs

    > > > >

    > > > > infusing terror, no immunity to movement debuffs

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > your only looking at reapplies.. i'm mostly looking a the fact that for 9 secounds out of every 30. you can be 100% immune to movement debuffs. as in they don't apply. at all.

    > > > >

    > > > > and you can't get past it by overstacking or spam. its flat out immune. thats insane for wvw.

    > > >

    > > > Most people rely on hard ccs anyways to set up damage. I'm not sure if you are familiar, but warriors used to be 100% immune to movement impairing conditions 100% of the time. So, yeah. THAT was OP. This skill is alright. Most people would rather slot something else anyways.

    > >

    > > they were?

    > >

    > > how o.0

    > >

    > >


    > Dogged march, lemongrass poultry, melandru runes


    looking at changes to that skill.....all it did was reduce movement debuff durations. by 33%

    it didn't stop the skill itself

    heck the change to the skill is the regen cooldown


    immobilize, cripple, frost would all still proc on it. just shorter duration. but spammable down


    alot of classes have that. but its different from immunity.


  14. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

    > > > LOL what? its okay (in fact there's alot of builds that rather slot something else).

    > > >

    > > > I actually think its good for what is (no buffs no nerfs), its only one application 6 stack of stab and can be ripped/converted and only makes you immune to soft CC, for example if you get it ripped, you can still get CCed into the next world.

    > > >

    > > > However take a scourges skill https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Trail_of_Anguish. its a boon corrupt, swiftness, stab all on a lower cd or

    > > >

    > > > warriors balanced stance witch while on a higher cd, gives you stab immunity to crit, stun break, swiftness and replication of stab https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Balanced_Stance.

    > > >

    > > > or ( to be-fair its gated behind reaper form but https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infusing_Terror 20% damage reduction with stab on 25 sec cd when not traited)

    > > >

    > > > or holosmith https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Corona_Burst witch is stab every 8 seconds on hit)

    > > > they need to just leave that one alone, the other stances could actually use some buffs. would be nice if griffon was a stun break. the other ones don't have that much use save for one wolf pack in pvp or wvw.

    > > >

    > >

    > > for balanced stance

    > > thats a longer cooldown

    > > only 2 stability (each last 1 secound per pulse over 4 secounds max)

    > > so 4 secounds. and no immunity to movement debuffs

    > >

    > > for trail of anguish, again. no immunity to movement debuffs

    > >

    > > infusing terror, no immunity to movement debuffs

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > > your only looking at reapplies.. i'm mostly looking a the fact that for 9 secounds out of every 30. you can be 100% immune to movement debuffs. as in they don't apply. at all.

    > >

    > > and you can't get past it by overstacking or spam. its flat out immune. thats insane for wvw.


    > Most people rely on hard ccs anyways to set up damage. I'm not sure if you are familiar, but warriors used to be 100% immune to movement impairing conditions 100% of the time. So, yeah. THAT was OP. This skill is alright. Most people would rather slot something else anyways.


    they were?


    how o.0



  15. I'd say the reason deadeye rifle is trash in pvp is because to use it efficiently you need to kneel


    and kneeling is bad.


    GW2's "range" is actually pretty dang short range. even shorter when you realize how many shots u need to kill.


    therefore, mobility is king. ranged fighting turns into kiting the far stronger damage melee opponent. as your only advantage is you can hit him, he can't hit you.


    but kneeling takes that away. you lose the ability to kite, and thus they will reach you fast. add to that as a thief. you tend to have low hp. low armor. so your need for mobility is that much greater


    if you don't kneel. your dmg is.....well...unimpressive.


    plus we have ranger longbow. which has the same 1500 range u do, while maintaining its mobility. plus a bit more range if you have height advantage......


    how to fix this?


    i'd say one of the following


    option 1: give rifle 1500 range even when not kneeling. and stun/daze immunity when kneeling (but not knockdown/knockback)

    also, when kneeling. give the rifle the same height advantage range bonus as longbow.


    option 2: when kneeling, make it so u can move. but at a slow speed (as if you crippled)


    option 3: do away with kneeling entirely. make its dmg default for rifle. but have some skills stop you to fire (think ranger longbow's #5)


    Option 4: flat out 100% endurance recovery boost (taken from a ranger skill). considering you can't move, being able to dodge more often would help alot.





    now for another issue...Cursed bullet.


    so i'm not sure if this was intentional. but this "bullet" has a rather long flight time to target.


    whats bad about that? well.....theres a 3 secound cooldown for stealth attacks......which means when you shoot the cursed bullet, your waiting for it to hit the target, before you can use any other skill. so your sitting there in stealth, waiting for it to hit.


    compare this to other stealth attacks, they hit instantly. allowing you to get stealth over with and use your other skills. not have a buffer delay.


    so the fix for this? make it hit like a normal shot. don't do this 1-2 second wait time for it to hit the enemy and let you continue shooting like normal. your not a necro with a staff, your a projectile with a gun.



  16. > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

    > LOL what? its okay (in fact there's alot of builds that rather slot something else).


    > I actually think its good for what is (no buffs no nerfs), its only one application 6 stack of stab and can be ripped/converted and only makes you immune to soft CC, for example if you get it ripped, you can still get CCed into the next world.


    > However take a scourges skill https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Trail_of_Anguish. its a boon corrupt, swiftness, stab all on a lower cd or


    > warriors balanced stance witch while on a higher cd, gives you stab immunity to crit, stun break, swiftness and replication of stab https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Balanced_Stance.


    > or ( to be-fair its gated behind reaper form but https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infusing_Terror 20% damage reduction with stab on 25 sec cd when not traited)


    > or holosmith https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Corona_Burst witch is stab every 8 seconds on hit)

    > they need to just leave that one alone, the other stances could actually use some buffs. would be nice if griffon was a stun break. the other ones don't have that much use save for one wolf pack in pvp or wvw.



    for balanced stance

    thats a longer cooldown

    only 2 stability (each last 1 secound per pulse over 4 secounds max)

    so 4 secounds. and no immunity to movement debuffs


    for trail of anguish, again. no immunity to movement debuffs


    infusing terror, no immunity to movement debuffs




    your only looking at reapplies.. i'm mostly looking a the fact that for 9 secounds out of every 30. you can be 100% immune to movement debuffs. as in they don't apply. at all.


    and you can't get past it by overstacking or spam. its flat out immune. thats insane for wvw.

  17. so been playing Soulbeast (since Deadeye was disappointing as hell, and i got bored of my lovely reaper)


    and recently got this skill.....and noticed that it flat out makes u immune to all movement conditions for (with trait) 9 secounds, with 6 secounds of 6 stack stability, stun break. oh and retaliation(icing on top?)


    but, in WvW when i use this....it seems a bit to good. now given WvW is stun/knock down spam hell, with AoE condition nukes. as such my builds usually always focus on spam stun break and condition removal. but those are usually weakish skills, or a bit hard to control (stun breaks tend to be just that. a small stun break, and the jumps jump backwards which can hurt you....but this, is like god mode)


    now sure, your still vulnerable to dmg, and condition dmg (though pop bear stance and conditions are actually beneficial to you).



    guess what i'm askign is, does this skill seem a little TO good? its outright ignoring crowd control for 6-9 secounds, something i've never seen any skill do (can tell you this would make any class in WvW jealous)


    or is there a counterbalance to it i'm not aware of? (30 secound cooldown does not count... thats actually pretty short)

  18. I'd say the reason deadeye rifle is trash in pvp is because to use it efficiently you need to kneel


    and kneeling is bad.


    GW2's "range" is actually pretty dang short range. even shorter when you realize how many shots u need to kill.


    therefore, mobility is king. ranged fighting turns into kiting the far stronger damage melee opponent. as your only advantage is you can hit him, he can't hit you.


    but kneeling takes that away. you lose the ability to kite, and thus they will reach you fast. add to that as a thief. you tend to have low hp. low armor. so your need for mobility is that much greater



    if you don't kneel. your dmg is.....well...unimpressive.




    plus we have ranger longbow. which has the same 1500 range u do, while maintaining its mobility. plus a bit more range if you have height advantage......





    how to fix this?


    i'd say one of the following


    option 1: give rifle 1500 range even when not kneeling. and knockback or knockdown immunity when kneeling (but not stun/daze), or a 25% dmg reduction.

    also, when kneeling. give the rifle the same height advantage range bonus as longbow.



    option 2: when kneeling, make it so u can move. but at a slow speed (as if you crippled)


    option 3: do away with kneeling entirely. make its dmg default for rifle. but have some skills stop you to fire (think ranger longbow's #5)

  19. taimi = amusing

    braham = emo with a "feed sad for me and do what i want" complex. really makes me want to kill him before he gets rox killed doing somethign stupid because of his arrogance. i LIKE rox. she's a good character. Braham is going to get people killed because "my mom died, what do you know of my suffering"


    humility is a trait hard learned, in his case, i have a greatsword to shove up his behind to teach him it. A FLAMING GREATSWORD

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