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Posts posted by arenta.2953

  1. > @"Crinn.7864" said:

    > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > don't forget "they don't have range or mobility. so just range them to death" as if thats actually possible <.<


    > Fun Fact, You can shade bomb people at 1200 range with Scourge.


    don't remidn me x.x


    and whats worse is when a shade hits you, you need to use the condi cleanse immediatly or be downed so fast. no blocking ,evading or any of that once the conditions are on you.


    and if you go downed, you don't even get the brief break of "absorbing dmg" while you switch to down state, the condi continues to tick...



    really wish they hadn't nerfed thief condi removal to only remove "specific" conditions.


    heck even ranger's survival grandmaster trait isn't enough to keep up with the condi cleanses needed

  2. i'd defenitly buy it.


    while HoT and PoF both had a flaw (aka the spam of knockdowns/knock backs) they both added their moneys worth of content easily.


    and the story is great, specially loved PoF how they twisted the story to have new elements to it (the judge part)



    while i do VERY MUCH wish we would have more story like the Asura lv 1-30 or the char lv 1-30 (and revisit my krew or warband). i've accepted that the most i can hope for there is the opportunity to replay those someday.



    and of coarse theres alot Anet could rework to make appealing again (dungeons).



    but all in all, GW2 is the game i keep coming back to (and i've tried ALOT of games), with the best consumer friendly pricing and practices. so yeah. i'd buy it

  3. no summon duration. if u want that go play an engineer.


    having minions that actually STICK AROUND is one reason i like them. cause i don't need to worry about them running out of summon on me durign a long fight.

  4. > @"Svarty.8019" said:

    > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > > @"Svarty.8019" said:

    > > > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > > > you know your playing a reaper when everyone keeps telling you to switch to scourge.........

    > > > >

    > > > > f scourge. i have a greatsword. deal with it.

    > > >

    > > > You know your playing a reaper when your greatsword is not that great after all.

    > >

    > > say that to nightfall, death spiral, and grasping darkness


    > I don't have to. You're dead before you can do them.


    then u must suck with reaper.

    cause with reaper shroud. its easy to use the skills.

  5. > @"Svarty.8019" said:

    > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > you know your playing a reaper when everyone keeps telling you to switch to scourge.........

    > >

    > > f scourge. i have a greatsword. deal with it.


    > You know your playing a reaper when your greatsword is not that great after all.


    say that to nightfall, death spiral, and grasping darkness

  6. Question about SoS


    how active durign NA hours. (how many borderlands tend to be outnumbered, how many have ques)

    how does the server...communicate with eachother (example, JQ has used TS in the past. and now uses discord for voice chat for squads)

    how does the server....work with its ally server?



    seriously considering coming over

  7. > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

    > I would like the ability to use my unlocked weapons with either of the elite specializations.

    > I like running around with my Guardian/Dragonhunter build using a longbow and mace/*, but would like to swap the mace with an axe (now only usable with the Firebrand). Or let my Necro/Scourge start slashing around with a greatsword (opened with the Reaper). You get the idea.

    > I may even put in the caveat that a character must fully master both elites before the cross-over can be made. That’s doable and not totally unreasonable.

    > I’m not asking for weapons the class cannot use at all – just allow them to be used more often.



    rifle on daredevil? yes please! (sure i lose the +20% crit for kneel. but fk deadeye traits. daredevil has so much better! plus utility)


    GS on scourge or regular necro? ....ok maybe not because i love reaper shroud xD but still nice idea.



  8. Reaper roaming with 23k hp, 3.2k armor. 60% crit rate. and 2.3k power. GS and Axe/Dagger. Consume Conditions, Suffer, you are all weaklings, a well of choice, and chilled to the bone.





    thief (who i've seen following me since i took a camp) descides to ambush me, but because i'm zigzagging as i run around (pretending i dont see him). he misses his backstab (and instead hits my front). so he tries to daze me.


    and succeeds. reaper interrupted.

    so i go shroud, stun break, movement debuff remove, stability.


    hit 3, hit 4. and chase him as he tries to stealth. he pops shadow refuse and i smash it with shroud 5.


    he's invisible. but he's low on hp and knows his attack routine failed. so spends a while in stealth. only reason i know he's still there is i'm stuck in combat.


    so i continue switching direction to avoid the inevitable backstab. pop a well under me. dodge to make a mark to try to judge when he comes for me. throw chilled to the bone and GS 5 around to try to get lucky.


    in the end, no go. combat ended.....



    he left at some point, so i continue on my way.





    2nd encounter. yet another thief, but a daredevil this time (these things so hard to chase down, but i don't care about chasing down. i jsut look to survive)


    this guy hits hard, honestly i didn't see him at first. so backstabbed for 8k dmg (armor is a fking lie..... 3.2k armor can be so unreliable vs crits). and then hit with that dam elite skill that stuns and knocks down.


    pop shroud, stun break, stability.

    hit 3, hit 4. when 4 is done. hit 3 again to fear (not gonna try 5 as daredevil is to hard to hit).


    surprisingly, he switches to his 2nd weapon....sword and pistol. and starts....idk the skill (never use sword on my thief), but it stuns and bashes me around. (1 stack of stability....never lasts)


    so shroud dies, and i hit "you are all weaklings" to break the stun lock, get some might. and hit GS 4 to get some blind.


    thief doesn't respond fast enough and so GS 3 into him recovers enough life force to have shroud at the ready. (i think he missed his daze due to the blind)


    tried to pop heal, interrupted. tried to pop chilled to the bone (I NEED STABILITY) and interrupted again.....unsurprisingly he's reading every attack....


    switch to my axe/dagger. pop axe 2 to dmg him and get life force. get dazed half way through but enough is enough. pop shroud, break stun, 1 stack stability, hit 2 to chase him, and bash him with a few shroud 1 swings (he popped that daredevil heal while running. guess he got tired of trying to grind me down...or was out of int and had skills on cooldown).



    i continue on my way.......seriously annoyed how hard it is to get a decent stack of stability or heal when every reaper skill is so telegraphed that people know when to interrupt.



    the goal with solo necro is to accept your not going to chase down anyone. and instead to make it so annoying to take you down, or so time consuming. that they break off for fear of not being able to.


    reaper is my prefered for this reason, that shroud. plus the shouts. and does a decent job discouraging any thief, ranger, engineer, or warrior. even if the elite shout rarely does anything (they evade, or are out of range, or interrupt).


    between shroud 4, GS3, Axe 2. i can burst enough dmg to make them nervous, while keeping shroud available for use. and if they stick around can usually kill them. if they run....i can't catch them....


    only issues i've had are mesmers, cause they don't mind sticking around for the long brawl. and know that if i try to stick it out i'll only kill myself. just don't have the condition cleanse to deal with their massed confusion. and if they descide to leave, then i'll never know until its to late.




  9. > @"Faaris.8013" said:

    > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > but for deadeye. its fairly self sufficient. stacking might on itself at 9 stacks per 3 round burst.

    > > self buffing fury, vigor, and quickness.

    > >

    > > it is nice t obe near group and get the buffs sure. but in defense of deadeye, its kneel means it loses so much mobility, so being away from the group means less attacks coming its way, and thus less moving needed to survive.

    > >

    > >

    > > not saying its the best idea, but it does help due to the ammount of knock downs/knock backs. plus AoE.


    > If you play Deadeye in fractals, you only get into groups that don't expect anyone to stack anyway ^^ sorry


    yeah, though i've done decently up to fractal 82 =)

    ......though i tend to end up becoming...as my groups nickname me..."stealth medic"........kinda sad when i spend all my time ressing teammates......i the weak one Dx

  10. yeah yeah i know rifle is extremely weak right now. but i'm trying to make it work the best i can cause sniper is appealing to me.



    so i'm debating between

    Rune of the Scholar. the extra ferocity, power, and 10% dmg

    rune of strength. power, might duration(combine with 3 round burst), and 5% dmg under might

    and rune of the pack. power, extra precision(lets me grab some vit or toughness on equipment), plus the self buffs when hit.


    been leaning to strength lately (+45% might duration). but scholar sounds nice.....even if i can't see the 10% dmg reflected in skillbar...



    whats your opinion?

    or do you have a different recommended rune?


    armor set up is currently a mix of marauder, with cavalier for a bit of toughness (kinda keeping crit chance at 60% due to kneeling + buffs + trait crits)


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/i0bMJ23.png "")


  11. > @"Mister Asdasd.6194" said:

    > Im playing Druid a lot in fractals and a lot of times i notice classes like elementalists and necromancers standing as far away from the boss as possible,by doing that they probably think they are out of harm's way but in reality they miss out on 25 stacks of might and heals from the druid, alacrity and quickness from a potential chronomancer in the group and passive buffs like spotter, empower allies,spirits and banners + when they actually get low on health it is hard to target them with the short delays small aoe heals and running close to them to do heals is out of the question since 3 more people will be there without heals. You gain absolutely nothing from staying away from the group, you will eventually be hit by something, whether it is an aoe orange cyrcle arenanet is infatuated with lately, maybe some stray mobs like in volcanic fractal etc, you become an inconvenience to the healer who will have a hard time pinning down the heals precicely on you especially if you move and you lose all the buffs. Just a quick PSA


    > thoughts? any of you who like staying away from the group wants to explain a potential pro side i may not see?


    i can't speak for ele or necro


    but for deadeye. its fairly self sufficient. stacking might on itself at 9 stacks per 3 round burst.

    self buffing fury, vigor, and quickness.


    it is nice t obe near group and get the buffs sure. but in defense of deadeye, its kneel means it loses so much mobility, so being away from the group means less attacks coming its way, and thus less moving needed to survive.



    not saying its the best idea, but it does help due to the ammount of knock downs/knock backs. plus AoE.

  12. > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > Make a vid. =)

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > ......where do i sign up o.o


    > u.u;; if we can turn back time.


    ....do i need to kidnap a Anet employee like monday for JQ?


    *holds up Quaggan mask*


  13. > @"LordEnki.9283" said:

    > The word is it was manually closed even though Anet wouldn't manually open it. That's just the hearsay though, so take it at a grain of salt. Expect this thread to be killed as a "match up" thread I'm sure. Honestly I would transfer at this point, but I refuse to award Anet with more cash for ruining WvW constantly.


    yeah T.T

    Anet hates JQ....

  14. > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > Any warriors tired of the BS kitting, running away and resetting fights? I remember back in the days, where warrior was the only class with high mobility and rightly so because it is a melee class. Nowadays, all these stealth classes with insane mobility and range are running rampant in WvW.




    only class with high mobility? when was that?


    dude back in the old days only thief had mobility.


    warrior, ranger, and ele were all tied for 2nd, but were a ways away from thief.

    and they haven't lost that mobility, if anything they've gained mobility.


    heck everyone has mobility (except necro) to such an extent that mobility isn't an advantage anymore(unless u fight a necro), now teleporting is the advantage.



    anyway, yeah the endless chase is annoying, but hey. at least your GS has 2 mobility parts to it. try playing a Reaper x.X


    as for range are running rampant......i kinda disagree. with the number of blocks, reflects, invulns, charges, and rushes. ranged characters like...well ranger, deadeye, engineer, or elementalist. are finding themselves in close combat more often than not.



  15. > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > its closed now? @.@

    > >

    > > at work so i can't confirm.

    > >

    > > i remember when it opened yesterday some people said it was still showing as closed to them. so maybe its just that 1 person.

    > > or not

    > >

    > > can't say for sure till i get home


    > according to api, it is. Guess many transferred in.


    > i noticed. cd earlier was not as blobby. so, ppl may have hopped to jq. @.@


    odd thing is api said it was full yesterday when it was open =/

  16. > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > its closed now? @.@


    at work so i can't confirm.


    i remember when it opened yesterday some people said it was still showing as closed to them. so maybe its just that 1 person.

    or not


    can't say for sure till i get home

  17. > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

    > JQ has closed



    impossible. we still have the Anet employee held hostage


    ...i mean..


    uh....oh well to late. now you know how we got them to open the server in the first place


    guess we gotta grab another one *puts on Quaggan mask*

  18. > @"cobbah.3102" said:

    > > @"ThunderPanda.1872" said:

    > > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > So how much do we get paid transfer?

    > >

    > > You will be awarded with the right to call kiyoshi your big daddy and cloud fly your papa. You should grovel on your knees and be thankful. Monkey Shinezz and Ajax Blue can also join you.


    > Hmmm so the truth is JQ are grovelling now ,they are not as great as they thought they were. there is no fights in WvW there is only Pirate Ship , of course they PPT thats what sitting in SMC and taking paper towers is and bravely blobbing from behind siege .


    plenty of fights in WvW

    just not eternal right now.


    you can own SMC all you want, but it wont be an i win button. kills tend to make more an impact

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