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Posts posted by arenta.2953

  1. so, Fungi, mushrooms, small creatures like rats-skritt-, lizards, and so on. (underground you eat or get eaten). probably some fish that exist in the unconfirmed underground pools of water (trying to think what dark elves eat in Dungeons and Dragons.....)


    of coarse...upon arrival to the surface, they probably went nuts after discovering the chicken. far tastier

  2. > @"saerni.2584" said:

    > I can explain,


    > Pistol has a very nice synergy with Rending Shade because any single shot of Sneak Attack will trigger the boon steal. For condi that is essential for cutting through the resistance spam so you can deal damage.


    > The Adept traits in SA can give strong condi clear or cooldown reduction for Deception skills which is extremely useful because Shadowstep and others are high cooldown so the 20% reduction really helps.


    > SA overall synergizes well with stealth based gameplay (why you see it in several Deadeye builds).


    ok so condi clear and boon steal


    and what about the minor traits? =/


    looking at it. Deadly arts would benefit you more, as its focused on condi dmg and offensive work. while shadow arts is more defensive. venom is offensive.....


    both minor traits and major for deadly arts help


    while minor traits for shadow.....don't really help you at all (heal downed maybe. but 1 sec more stealth for you 1 stealth skill. and reduced dmg, but your venom..so u wont be in stealth much). and major...honestly your sorta reaching for it with the grandmaster, and the adept major is relying on your steal unless u not bringing venom....which only hurts you.




  3. > @"roamzero.9486" said:

    > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > > @"roamzero.9486" said:

    > > > I agree that Sundering Shade should be moved/merged somewhere into Shadow Arts. But Venom trait in SA works perfectly for my main build, so I would be kind of bummed if it was moved.

    > >

    > > i'm interested in how it works for your build, as using venom limits stealth. and SA is all stealth, no help for venom save for that 1 trait.


    > I run venom p/p Daredevil and use the bound trait for stealth.


    ok but how does the adept or grandmaster traits benefit your venom

    even indirectly like to weapon or something.



  4. > @"will de grijze jager.6594" said:

    > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > > @"will de grijze jager.6594" said:

    > > > I don't mind that the dps of a theif in a burst is really high sure let's have them that, but a thief shouldn't be extreem mobile. It is 1 of the other in a class not both. This is about pvp and wvw.

    > >

    > > its a glass cannon. designed to hit hard and run.

    > >

    > > if you want hit hard and no mobility. go warrior or necro.

    > > they gain 10k hp and alot of stability/extra hp bars (not to mention better heals) to compensate for the lack of mobility.

    > >

    > > Rev, Mesmer, elementalist, and Thief are the hit hard, and run classes. focusing on evasion mobility and hard hits

    > >

    > > Ranger, Necro, Warrior, and Guardian are the survival classes. designed to stick around for the long fight.

    > > guardian and ranger trading the high dmg for more utility.

    > >

    > > and engineer is everything you want. and stuff you dont


    > i know but is is bad if you give a class so much mobility that no one can kill him. Like warrior they do mid dps but a mid mobility, that is a good disign for a class. rev high dps low mobilitys high survivel, but thief high dps high mobility and mid survivel(blocks dodges stealth enz.) you have the one of the other not both.


    believe it or not, thief isn't alone in the "so much mobility that no one can kill him"


    but if he goes for that much mobility, his ability in combat will be alot weaker.



    Elementalist and Engineer both share that insane mobility


    Engineer with its jumps and super speeds


    elementalist with its teleport, mist form, and lunge.




    Mesmer on the other hand shares thief's stealth aspect (though mesmer has more hp and actual target breaks instead of less reliable, but longer lasting stealth)

    by using clones + target breaks. teleports. and mini stealths



    thief has access to alot of stealths yeah, but your going either fast movement, or stealth. using both can really hurt your combat ability. and going stealth route will leave you with little to no stunbreaks.





    to add to all this, thief's lack of stability again is notable. the only class with no usable form of stability (only stability is dagger storm, which locks out your other abilities while in progress, and doesn't prevent you from being crippled, immoblized, or frosted)












    now, to address your "Evades, blocks"


    right there, your refering to daredevil.


    not thief, not deadeye.


    daredevil is the evasion king, and is the only one with access to a block.




    so please be specific, otherwise you nerf thief but daredevil remains unaffected.



    and yeah, daredevil's mobility is the definition of insane (as in wtf as Anet thinking)

    so i can't argue there. but please be specific to the class.

  5. > @"will de grijze jager.6594" said:

    > I don't mind that the dps of a theif in a burst is really high sure let's have them that, but a thief shouldn't be extreem mobile. It is 1 of the other in a class not both. This is about pvp and wvw.


    its a glass cannon. designed to hit hard and run.


    if you want hit hard and no mobility. go warrior or necro.

    they gain 10k hp and alot of stability/extra hp bars (not to mention better heals) to compensate for the lack of mobility.


    Rev, Mesmer, elementalist, and Thief are the hit hard, and run classes. focusing on evasion mobility and hard hits


    Ranger, Necro, Warrior, and Guardian are the survival classes. designed to stick around for the long fight.

    guardian and ranger trading the high dmg for more utility.


    and engineer is everything you want. and stuff you dont

  6. > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > > > > i have just killed the skale from your test 15 times and then i got a dc. shots were between 27102 and 31876 so if he has only slightly more thoughness then a marauder reaper, then i would never hit 35k+ hits but they do happen even without vuln. actually while being up there in the north of ebg for the skale i came across a zerg and hit a reaper for 39756, considering i had over 4k difference between lowest and highest hits on skale, then considering this as a rather low hit the 42k hit could be on the same target.

    > > > > > but anyway how much exactly it hits is not really important for the topic i guess as it is about DJ being able to hit very high and without protection few people survive after a DJ. it is not really a question about balance as yes in theory the DJ itself is easily avoided but it surely is not a healthy game design. the skill is also only actually needed in outnumbered situations, if i am highly outnumbered i will just mark and camp stealth etc. in 1 vs 2 i often mark one, while preassuring the second to hopefully get him down by the time malice is up so i can oneshot his mate while rezzing. but for rather even fights you dont need that skill at all, it is tho more convenient to oneshot instead of triggering 10 auto procs by attacking more often.

    > > > >

    > > > > ok, and thats not a DJ specific thing

    > > > >

    > > > > as i showed earlier, Killshot from warrior rifle can do the same (without needing deadeye's mark to be max malice, and without the target painter light to give away the attack. killshot is instant)

    > > > >

    > > > at least in my planer your link didnt show me higher killshot values, unless you didnt calculate in the malice bonus. aside from that i think it is harder to land a killshot then a DJ, tho might be cause i am too inexperienced with warrior.

    > > > > if your target sits there to let mark get to max. then thats their own fault. its like sitting in the middle of an elementalist fire storm. you can't cure stupidity.

    > > > > specially when you have a 15-20 secound warning, and then a flashy laser light to say exactly when to dodge.

    > > > as said before: it true can be avoided , has enough tells so it is balancewise fine. still not healthy design

    > > > > so if you outnumbered and they sit there. thats not an argument.

    > > > that was not an argument i said i only need the skill in a outnumbered situation, while normaly one should never stand a chance outnumbered on even skill level, therefor i dont really need this skill, could be replaced with something different that is more use to a in and out of stealth gameplay or for repositoning.

    > > > > and again, the only ones u can 1 shot are those with broken armor, under leveled armor, glass cannons with no toughness. or extremely low vit builds.

    > > > that is simply not correct, there are very few builds that can survive a glassy DJ without protection.

    > > > > the same argument could be used on Scourge and mesmer. who cna condi spam down anyone. and unlike thief, condi dmg can't be negated by armor. in fact it doesn't care about armor at all. nothing stops condi dmg but the resistance buff. and that buff is pretty rare and short lasting

    > > >

    > > > condi can be cleansed so it will allways be weaker then power damage imo, that why i prefer playing power.

    > > >

    > > > > in Summary: Death's Judgement is fine. if you want to remove every high alpha hit in the game, Death's Judgement is 5th in line(and even then, the other competition don't need a 15-20 secound start up time and a laser "dodge now" telegraph)

    > > >

    > > > as said above balancewise it is fine, but it is not really fun to play against.

    > > >

    > > >

    > > > > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

    > > > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > > > > i have just killed the skale from your test 15 times and then i got a dc. shots were between 27102 and 31876 so if he has only slightly more thoughness then a marauder reaper, then i would never hit 35k+ hits but they do happen even without vuln. actually while being up there in the north of ebg for the skale i came across a zerg and hit a reaper for 39756, considering i had over 4k difference between lowest and highest hits on skale, then considering this as a rather low hit the 42k hit could be on the same target.

    > > > > > but anyway how much exactly it hits is not really important for the topic i guess as it is about DJ being able to hit very high and without protection few people survive after a DJ. it is not really a question about balance as yes in theory the DJ itself is easily avoided but it surely is not a healthy game design. the skill is also only actually needed in outnumbered situations, if i am highly outnumbered i will just mark and camp stealth etc. in 1 vs 2 i often mark one, while preassuring the second to hopefully get him down by the time malice is up so i can oneshot his mate while rezzing. but for rather even fights you dont need that skill at all, it is tho more convenient to oneshot instead of triggering 10 auto procs by attacking more often.

    > > > >

    > > > > That's still really weird because the numbers don't fully add up. I've been trying to figure out what the missing link is all day and can't. I genuinely don't know why you're hitting so much harder than expected.

    > > > >

    > > > > As far as it not being healthy game design... Absolutely. I've advocated against the notion of a sniper spec with stealth for this exact reason for a very long time. Most of the thieves in the higher skill echelons also have. It's not fun to play against at the end of the day and feels very cheesy. Honestly, if they just outright removed DJ and reduced the initiative cost on Death's Retreat while making it usable in Kneel and tweaked some coefficients around while bumping up malice generation speed, the spec would be a lot healthier and more fun to play against.

    > > > >

    > > > > Thing here is that the core of the issue comes from SA + D/P more than DE. When nukes and permanent stealth are combined, there's a problem. The setup time makes it artificially weak because it can be mitigated so easily, yet it requires doing the most anti-fun thing to negate it: Not playing against it. It also severely limits the situations DE can be played in due to the timer on Malice; you can't use it in a zerg because people will see the mark and run away into the blob. It's the reason I even made my original proposal for the DE based on Revealed; the gameplay is so much healthier for opponents and opens up the thief to do more cool things mechanically without being anti-fun to play against. Permastealth is fine if you can't nuke from it as it's then just a tool for the thief to try and take shelter from incoming damage temporarily like any other immunity effect, but it's otherwise impossible to balance and make a fun mechanic out of when they can poof for 30s and OHKO you.

    > > >

    > > > i played with SA and d/p also before PoF, but not as glassy. still rather soft targets would die pretty instant to backstab followed by a few quickness AA.

    > > > personally i see backstab out of perma stealth a greater issue then DJ, with that very same DE build i hit glas mesmer regularly for ~20k backstab and sometimes goes up to about 25k that is a onehit only avoidable by prediction, works also for most thieves and FA eles, even oneshot a DH with over 18k backstab last week...

    > > > thief was allways a bursty class, to remove nukes from stealth you would need to strip thief of bursts. but then thief would need to be able to apply constantly damage, wich is not possible while avoiding enemy damage as we dont have invuln skills. this would require alot of changes to the class, that i dont see coming. or you would need to strip the thief of so much stealth, then we would be pushed to an evasive playstyle. i personally think stealthstacking is healthier then evadespamming tho, it has at least counterplay.

    > > >

    > > > i am curious what changes we will get in 2 days, those might indicate how anet currently does look at the thief and especially deadeye. because i havent heard anything good on the PvE, sPvP parts about deadeye and in WvW, well i did hear either it is trash or that it is OP, not that it is in a good spot right now, so overall more negative feedback then positive, therefor i wouldnt be suprised if DE specially with rifle actually gets some buffs.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > except how much condi cleanse do you have

    > >

    > > how fast can they spam the condi

    > >

    > > go try wvw. see how your theory of power over condi works

    > > go try raids, they've got a curious preference for condi


    > i know that to me personally power can oneshot me , condi needs CC to prevent me from cleansing it. as i dont want to put up another video here just go at the above video to 13:50, there a scourge places alot of funny stuff dealing pretty much 0 damage cause stealth. i only need to eat half a shatter if at all from a power mesmer to die, from condi ones i mostly survive if i dont get CCed after the shatter or have instant stealth ready - or i just run into bad condi players, i dont know. being able to cleanse condis is a 2nd chance to avoid the damage, that you are not granted for power damage, i simply dont want to give my opponents this chance. but well maybe that is just personal preference - i just think it is alot easier to fight and to avoid the damage of a condi player then a power.


    cc not needed


    seriously. go to wvw. find a roaming scourge.


    see how fast the spam comes. sure you cleanse. but they reapply just as fast.



    and in the case of thief, your not exactly known for condi removal. specially with the nerf that made it only remove "specific condis"

  7. > @"roamzero.9486" said:

    > I agree that Sundering Shade should be moved/merged somewhere into Shadow Arts. But Venom trait in SA works perfectly for my main build, so I would be kind of bummed if it was moved.


    i'm interested in how it works for your build, as using venom limits stealth. and SA is all stealth, no help for venom save for that 1 trait.

  8. > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > > i have just killed the skale from your test 15 times and then i got a dc. shots were between 27102 and 31876 so if he has only slightly more thoughness then a marauder reaper, then i would never hit 35k+ hits but they do happen even without vuln. actually while being up there in the north of ebg for the skale i came across a zerg and hit a reaper for 39756, considering i had over 4k difference between lowest and highest hits on skale, then considering this as a rather low hit the 42k hit could be on the same target.

    > > > but anyway how much exactly it hits is not really important for the topic i guess as it is about DJ being able to hit very high and without protection few people survive after a DJ. it is not really a question about balance as yes in theory the DJ itself is easily avoided but it surely is not a healthy game design. the skill is also only actually needed in outnumbered situations, if i am highly outnumbered i will just mark and camp stealth etc. in 1 vs 2 i often mark one, while preassuring the second to hopefully get him down by the time malice is up so i can oneshot his mate while rezzing. but for rather even fights you dont need that skill at all, it is tho more convenient to oneshot instead of triggering 10 auto procs by attacking more often.

    > >

    > > ok, and thats not a DJ specific thing

    > >

    > > as i showed earlier, Killshot from warrior rifle can do the same (without needing deadeye's mark to be max malice, and without the target painter light to give away the attack. killshot is instant)

    > >

    > at least in my planer your link didnt show me higher killshot values, unless you didnt calculate in the malice bonus. aside from that i think it is harder to land a killshot then a DJ, tho might be cause i am too inexperienced with warrior.

    > > if your target sits there to let mark get to max. then thats their own fault. its like sitting in the middle of an elementalist fire storm. you can't cure stupidity.

    > > specially when you have a 15-20 secound warning, and then a flashy laser light to say exactly when to dodge.

    > as said before: it true can be avoided , has enough tells so it is balancewise fine. still not healthy design

    > > so if you outnumbered and they sit there. thats not an argument.

    > that was not an argument i said i only need the skill in a outnumbered situation, while normaly one should never stand a chance outnumbered on even skill level, therefor i dont really need this skill, could be replaced with something different that is more use to a in and out of stealth gameplay or for repositoning.

    > > and again, the only ones u can 1 shot are those with broken armor, under leveled armor, glass cannons with no toughness. or extremely low vit builds.

    > that is simply not correct, there are very few builds that can survive a glassy DJ without protection.

    > > the same argument could be used on Scourge and mesmer. who cna condi spam down anyone. and unlike thief, condi dmg can't be negated by armor. in fact it doesn't care about armor at all. nothing stops condi dmg but the resistance buff. and that buff is pretty rare and short lasting


    > condi can be cleansed so it will allways be weaker then power damage imo, that why i prefer playing power.


    > > in Summary: Death's Judgement is fine. if you want to remove every high alpha hit in the game, Death's Judgement is 5th in line(and even then, the other competition don't need a 15-20 secound start up time and a laser "dodge now" telegraph)


    > as said above balancewise it is fine, but it is not really fun to play against.



    > > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

    > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > > i have just killed the skale from your test 15 times and then i got a dc. shots were between 27102 and 31876 so if he has only slightly more thoughness then a marauder reaper, then i would never hit 35k+ hits but they do happen even without vuln. actually while being up there in the north of ebg for the skale i came across a zerg and hit a reaper for 39756, considering i had over 4k difference between lowest and highest hits on skale, then considering this as a rather low hit the 42k hit could be on the same target.

    > > > but anyway how much exactly it hits is not really important for the topic i guess as it is about DJ being able to hit very high and without protection few people survive after a DJ. it is not really a question about balance as yes in theory the DJ itself is easily avoided but it surely is not a healthy game design. the skill is also only actually needed in outnumbered situations, if i am highly outnumbered i will just mark and camp stealth etc. in 1 vs 2 i often mark one, while preassuring the second to hopefully get him down by the time malice is up so i can oneshot his mate while rezzing. but for rather even fights you dont need that skill at all, it is tho more convenient to oneshot instead of triggering 10 auto procs by attacking more often.

    > >

    > > That's still really weird because the numbers don't fully add up. I've been trying to figure out what the missing link is all day and can't. I genuinely don't know why you're hitting so much harder than expected.

    > >

    > > As far as it not being healthy game design... Absolutely. I've advocated against the notion of a sniper spec with stealth for this exact reason for a very long time. Most of the thieves in the higher skill echelons also have. It's not fun to play against at the end of the day and feels very cheesy. Honestly, if they just outright removed DJ and reduced the initiative cost on Death's Retreat while making it usable in Kneel and tweaked some coefficients around while bumping up malice generation speed, the spec would be a lot healthier and more fun to play against.

    > >

    > > Thing here is that the core of the issue comes from SA + D/P more than DE. When nukes and permanent stealth are combined, there's a problem. The setup time makes it artificially weak because it can be mitigated so easily, yet it requires doing the most anti-fun thing to negate it: Not playing against it. It also severely limits the situations DE can be played in due to the timer on Malice; you can't use it in a zerg because people will see the mark and run away into the blob. It's the reason I even made my original proposal for the DE based on Revealed; the gameplay is so much healthier for opponents and opens up the thief to do more cool things mechanically without being anti-fun to play against. Permastealth is fine if you can't nuke from it as it's then just a tool for the thief to try and take shelter from incoming damage temporarily like any other immunity effect, but it's otherwise impossible to balance and make a fun mechanic out of when they can poof for 30s and OHKO you.


    > i played with SA and d/p also before PoF, but not as glassy. still rather soft targets would die pretty instant to backstab followed by a few quickness AA.

    > personally i see backstab out of perma stealth a greater issue then DJ, with that very same DE build i hit glas mesmer regularly for ~20k backstab and sometimes goes up to about 25k that is a onehit only avoidable by prediction, works also for most thieves and FA eles, even oneshot a DH with over 18k backstab last week...

    > thief was allways a bursty class, to remove nukes from stealth you would need to strip thief of bursts. but then thief would need to be able to apply constantly damage, wich is not possible while avoiding enemy damage as we dont have invuln skills. this would require alot of changes to the class, that i dont see coming. or you would need to strip the thief of so much stealth, then we would be pushed to an evasive playstyle. i personally think stealthstacking is healthier then evadespamming tho, it has at least counterplay.


    > i am curious what changes we will get in 2 days, those might indicate how anet currently does look at the thief and especially deadeye. because i havent heard anything good on the PvE, sPvP parts about deadeye and in WvW, well i did hear either it is trash or that it is OP, not that it is in a good spot right now, so overall more negative feedback then positive, therefor i wouldnt be suprised if DE specially with rifle actually gets some buffs.




    except how much condi cleanse do you have


    how fast can they spam the condi


    go try wvw. see how your theory of power over condi works

    go try raids, they've got a curious preference for condi

  9. > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > i have just killed the skale from your test 15 times and then i got a dc. shots were between 27102 and 31876 so if he has only slightly more thoughness then a marauder reaper, then i would never hit 35k+ hits but they do happen even without vuln. actually while being up there in the north of ebg for the skale i came across a zerg and hit a reaper for 39756, considering i had over 4k difference between lowest and highest hits on skale, then considering this as a rather low hit the 42k hit could be on the same target.

    > but anyway how much exactly it hits is not really important for the topic i guess as it is about DJ being able to hit very high and without protection few people survive after a DJ. it is not really a question about balance as yes in theory the DJ itself is easily avoided but it surely is not a healthy game design. the skill is also only actually needed in outnumbered situations, if i am highly outnumbered i will just mark and camp stealth etc. in 1 vs 2 i often mark one, while preassuring the second to hopefully get him down by the time malice is up so i can oneshot his mate while rezzing. but for rather even fights you dont need that skill at all, it is tho more convenient to oneshot instead of triggering 10 auto procs by attacking more often.


    ok, and thats not a DJ specific thing


    as i showed earlier, Killshot from warrior rifle can do the same (without needing deadeye's mark to be max malice, and without the target painter light to give away the attack. killshot is instant)


    and theres more, specially on warrior, check out its dagger 4.




    if your target sits there to let mark get to max. then thats their own fault. its like sitting in the middle of an elementalist fire storm. you can't cure stupidity.

    specially when you have a 15-20 secound warning, and then a flashy laser light to say exactly when to dodge.



    so if you outnumbered and they sit there. thats not an argument.




    and again, the only ones u can 1 shot are those with broken armor, under leveled armor, glass cannons with no toughness. or extremely low vit builds.



    the same argument could be used on Scourge and mesmer. who cna condi spam down anyone. and unlike thief, condi dmg can't be negated by armor. in fact it doesn't care about armor at all. nothing stops condi dmg but the resistance buff. and that buff is pretty rare and short lasting





    in Summary: Death's Judgement is fine. if you want to remove every high alpha hit in the game, Death's Judgement is 5th in line(and even then, the other competition don't need a 15-20 secound start up time and a laser "dodge now" telegraph)

  10. > @"Noa.7490" said:

    > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > > @"Noa.7490" said:

    > > > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > > > > @"Noa.7490" said:

    > > > > > Cantha again? Seriously. I was pretty much convinced that every player knew that NC Soft (aka the Korean Overlords) have clearly said that there will be no Cantha. I wish people would remember that so this subject keeps from resurfacing every now and then.

    > > > >

    > > > > they never said no cantha

    > > > >

    > > > > they said it wasn't planned, but that they would see what the playerbase wanted.

    > > > >

    > > > > aka, that it wasn't off the planning table.

    > > >

    > > > In 2010, Arenanet was therefor forced to delete all work on Canthan elements in GW2! The unnamed NCSoft producer from Korea don't work anymore but the decision wasn't changed.

    > > > Taken from: [https://forums.mmorpg.com/discussion/377215/cantha-expansion-and-asian-themed-content-banned-for-cultural-reasons](https://forums.mmorpg.com/discussion/377215/cantha-expansion-and-asian-themed-content-banned-for-cultural-reasons "https://forums.mmorpg.com/discussion/377215/cantha-expansion-and-asian-themed-content-banned-for-cultural-reasons")

    > >

    > > Josh Foreman who kindly joined the discussion.

    > >

    > > Cantha was my favorite GW1 region to work on. And I worked on every GW release. I know a lot of the dev team loved it and would love to revisit it. I kinda agree with critickitten about the negative aspect of tight corridors. Most of that came from hitting technological limits while trying to keep the epic quality of the concept art. I think we could do some really amazing things with those themes in our new engine. Certainly nothing is ruled out. I certainly encourage anyone to express your desire for a Cantha region in GW2 in a positive and friendly way. It could be years away, but it’s worth asking for.

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > > Certainly nothing is ruled out. I certainly encourage anyone to express your desire for a Cantha region in GW2 in a positive and friendly way. It could be years away, but it’s worth asking for.

    > > ------------

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > Pardon my $%^&*( French, but your yelling is quite childish. If this is the best you can do to support your argument please exit this topic.


    its not yelling...


    i forgot that putting ------ under a line of text makes it capital and bold....


    >.< my bad



    edit: ......and > makes a quote...... >.<


  11. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadow_Arts


    so i'm looking at Venom skills, as they would be appealing to my character...except theres only 1 trait that affects venom skills


    and its in the stealth tree.


    aka, for the entire tree, just one Major trait affects it. every other trait in the tree benefits stealth(Deception skills)


    why is the venom trait in a tree that has no grandmaster trait or adept trait to benefit using it. the tree practically forces you to go stealth.


    would venom fit in better with a different tree? where you can use it, and other traits from the tree remain usable.



    the thing i getting at is, if you go venom build, whatever adept or grandmaster trait you select. not ot mention the minor traits, become worthless because you using venom skills, not deception. theres no traits that can be valuable without deception skills.

  12. > @"Noa.7490" said:

    > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > > @"Noa.7490" said:

    > > > Cantha again? Seriously. I was pretty much convinced that every player knew that NC Soft (aka the Korean Overlords) have clearly said that there will be no Cantha. I wish people would remember that so this subject keeps from resurfacing every now and then.

    > >

    > > they never said no cantha

    > >

    > > they said it wasn't planned, but that they would see what the playerbase wanted.

    > >

    > > aka, that it wasn't off the planning table.


    > In 2010, Arenanet was therefor forced to delete all work on Canthan elements in GW2! The unnamed NCSoft producer from Korea don't work anymore but the decision wasn't changed.

    > Taken from: [https://forums.mmorpg.com/discussion/377215/cantha-expansion-and-asian-themed-content-banned-for-cultural-reasons](https://forums.mmorpg.com/discussion/377215/cantha-expansion-and-asian-themed-content-banned-for-cultural-reasons "https://forums.mmorpg.com/discussion/377215/cantha-expansion-and-asian-themed-content-banned-for-cultural-reasons")


    Josh Foreman who kindly joined the discussion.


    Cantha was my favorite GW1 region to work on. And I worked on every GW release. I know a lot of the dev team loved it and would love to revisit it. I kinda agree with critickitten about the negative aspect of tight corridors. Most of that came from hitting technological limits while trying to keep the epic quality of the concept art. I think we could do some really amazing things with those themes in our new engine. Certainly nothing is ruled out. I certainly encourage anyone to express your desire for a Cantha region in GW2 in a positive and friendly way. It could be years away, but it’s worth asking for.






    Certainly nothing is ruled out. I certainly encourage anyone to express your desire for a Cantha region in GW2 in a positive and friendly way. It could be years away, but it’s worth asking for.





  13. > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

    > Either the target is not wearing armor or there's something wrong with the way malice with M7 works with DJ as I mentioned above, suggesting each stack of malice adds a multiplicative damage per stack instead of additive for the total modifier.


    > Reaper armor in full ascended assuming a full marauder ascended build is 1967.


    > With MUDse's linked build, assuming the following:

    > 3053 power + 360 with signet (540-180 from passive) = 3413 power

    > Ferocity bonus damage assuming NQ: 256%

    > DJ Coef = 1.65 base


    > Into GW2 damage calculation formula -> Damage = Skill Coefficient * Power * Weapon damage * Ferocity modifier * additional damage modifiers / Opponent's armor

    > = 1.65 * 3413 * (1035+1265)/2 * 2.56 * 1.05 * 1.07 * 1.10 * 1.21 * 2.05 / 1967

    > = 25,837.98


    > It's one or the other. I'll run some tests, but from my experience the stacking doesn't work multiplicatively outside M7 as at five stacks I've maxed out with near-identical stats at just over 20k.




    you forgot might stacks.


    but yeah, even with that i don't see how you get above 33k

  14. > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > > > fun fact: just copied your build to warrior

    > > > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAU4YnUJC1dg9dA26CM7ilfAz4BEAOa4J5ncW+QKo6B-j1RBQB58iAcl9HlfUS9HA8AAMjSQ8obYBHBg5BBALSgVVqqqKpAiYMA-w

    > > > >

    > > > > even with only lv 2 kill shot, thats going to hit a hell of a lot harder than death's judgement.

    > > > >

    > > > > and berserker

    > > > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQFAUnUJC1dg9dA2kCciglfA7QKo6Z8ACAHt3pb1d7C-jlRBQBUS9HzoEEP6AAwDA4K7PK/y5FAIAwBw5nHAO/8zP/8zr5nf+5nf+5nf+5lCIixAA-w

    > > > >

    > > > > yikes.

    > > > >

    > > > > and these don't require the time to let malice build up.

    > > > >

    > > > > or the highly telegraphed warning that death's judgement is going to fire. kill shot doesn't show a bright light before the attack

    > > > >

    > > > > and this build for warrior isn't even "professional" its something jsut choose at random to throw your armor set up on.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > any class that has a build that focuses only on power and crit. will be able to get insane dmg hits.

    > > > >

    > > > > but few require the set up time of deadeye.

    > > > > or have an attack as telegraphed as death's judgement.

    > > >

    > > > 0 stealth, 0 mobility , 0 stunbreaks - surely works.

    > >

    > > sure 0 stealth, but let me add some stunbreaks.

    > >

    > > here ya go.

    > > 3 stun breaks

    > > + mobiltiy when using melee weapons (and removes immobilize when u use a charge or lunge weapon skill)

    > > + even more dmg than previous (based on enemy boons)

    > > + 7% more dmg on burst

    > >

    > > AND

    > >

    > > ------

    > > STABILITY (lots)

    > > --------

    > >

    > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQFAUnUJC1dglhAehAElilfAz4BEAOaKphcXZ4d6Wd3uA-jlRBQBA4BAYGlgXZ/R5XOvAA4RHAlU/JAwBw5nHAO/8zP/8zr5nf+5nf+5nf+5lCIixAA-w

    > >

    > >

    > > whats more, it even remvoes immoblize when u use a mobility skill

    > >

    > >

    > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAU4YnUJC1dglhAehAM7ilfADPJ/kzyKphcXZw4BEAOaA-j1RBQBmRJIe0Ncl9HlfA4BAsgjAQOvIAUS9nAAHAnfem38gzP/8zP/8a+5nf+5nf+5nfepAiYMA-w

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > > heck want more?

    > > you can switch the stances for immunity to conditons

    > >

    > > or swap the discipline trait for defense

    > > and get 2 invulnerbility uses. and even MORE stun breaks

    > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAU4YnUJC1dglhAehAM7ilfADPJ/kzyGPgAwRD52lDqBA-j1RBQB58iAgHdDL4IAQJ1fMjSwrs/o8DAPAgAAHAnfem38gzP/8zP/8a+5nf+5nf+5nfepAiYMA-w

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > > all of that, while not hurting your dmg. in fact, it boosts your dmg.

    > >

    > > not to mention that lovely heal that heals based on dmg done to you. or you could swap it for a condi removal mega heal (at cost of boons)

    > >

    > >

    > > and even without all that, you still got double the hp that thief has.


    > i dont really get your point about that warrior build stuff. i never played warrior for long, so wont make me switch to it. and a warrior is allways easier to kill then a permastealthed target.


    my point is your complaint about damage isn't much use as Deadeye isn't the king of dmg, and there are those that can do more alpha dmg, with a LOT less "Telegraphing" of the attack


    as for stealth, stealth isn't much use when your attack telegraphs when its coming


    unlike backstab, kill shot, or other alpha dmg skills, death's judgement gives the enemy plenty of warning (if the mark wasn't enough, the tracer light that appears for 3/4 secound would)



    and "perma stealth", if you have an issue with a stealth class using that to get around unseen. then your just going to join the horde of complainers since launch. Thief stealth is here to stay.

  15. > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > fun fact: just copied your build to warrior

    > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAU4YnUJC1dg9dA26CM7ilfAz4BEAOa4J5ncW+QKo6B-j1RBQB58iAcl9HlfUS9HA8AAMjSQ8obYBHBg5BBALSgVVqqqKpAiYMA-w

    > >

    > > even with only lv 2 kill shot, thats going to hit a hell of a lot harder than death's judgement.

    > >

    > > and berserker

    > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQFAUnUJC1dg9dA2kCciglfA7QKo6Z8ACAHt3pb1d7C-jlRBQBUS9HzoEEP6AAwDA4K7PK/y5FAIAwBw5nHAO/8zP/8zr5nf+5nf+5nf+5lCIixAA-w

    > >

    > > yikes.

    > >

    > > and these don't require the time to let malice build up.

    > >

    > > or the highly telegraphed warning that death's judgement is going to fire. kill shot doesn't show a bright light before the attack

    > >

    > > and this build for warrior isn't even "professional" its something jsut choose at random to throw your armor set up on.

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > > any class that has a build that focuses only on power and crit. will be able to get insane dmg hits.

    > >

    > > but few require the set up time of deadeye.

    > > or have an attack as telegraphed as death's judgement.


    > 0 stealth, 0 mobility , 0 stunbreaks - surely works.


    sure 0 stealth, but let me add some stunbreaks.


    here ya go.

    3 stun breaks

    + mobiltiy when using melee weapons (and removes immobilize when u use a charge or lunge weapon skill)

    + even more dmg than previous (based on enemy boons)

    + 7% more dmg on burst





    STABILITY (lots)






    whats more, it even remvoes immoblize when u use a mobility skill








    heck want more?

    you can switch the stances for immunity to conditons


    or swap the discipline trait for defense

    and get 2 invulnerbility uses. and even MORE stun breaks





    all of that, while not hurting your dmg. in fact, it boosts your dmg.


    not to mention that lovely heal that heals based on dmg done to you. or you could swap it for a condi removal mega heal (at cost of boons)



    and even without all that, you still got double the hp that thief has.

  16. fun fact: just copied your build to warrior



    even with only lv 2 kill shot, thats going to hit a hell of a lot harder than death's judgement.


    and berserker





    and these don't require the time to let malice build up.


    or the highly telegraphed warning that death's judgement is going to fire. kill shot doesn't show a bright light before the attack


    and this build for warrior isn't even "professional" its something jsut choose at random to throw your armor set up on.




    any class that has a build that focuses only on power and crit. will be able to get insane dmg hits.


    but few require the set up time of deadeye.

    or have an attack as telegraphed as death's judgement.

  17. > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

    > > Unless Malice's scaling works incorrectly there's no way you're hitting 42k DJs on a SA build.


    > oke then i will upload the screen again..

    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/gYj2kDC.jpg "")


    > this was done with :

    > http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAoaUn0MBlPhNOBmOBUGjFkCbLKtZmS8XyOZpkrBEAWAA-j1RBQB58UAYGlgUS9H8oP4K7PK/AwRAYBPAg5BBATKgVVqqqKpAiYMA-w


    > was actually really stupid of me to fight there in melee, but i turned out lucky.

    > i rarely shoot this high because light armor when they are ele or mesmer on power i use backstab - less counterplay and nekros are rarely that glassy and if they are i often kill them with just mark 1,2,3 and its over.


    was the person you hit wearing all their armor?


    was it lv 80 armor?


    cause if you go into wvw in lv 30 armor (Say you use a lv 80 auto level birthday gift and dont buy equipment), or don't have all your armor repaired. you can take some insane dmg. its why Warrior rifle was OP on game's launch. due to the auto level to 80 not treating equipment correctly. (in fact, Warrior Rifle can STILL do 1 shots if they got broken armor or under leveled armor)




    also. what happened to not waiting for malice to max stack.


    lookign at the screenshot, you in no way had "perma stealth". or much stealth at all.

    and yet you managed to keep all your int until malice was max stacked. with only 1 evade back heal, 1 stealth. (so thats 4 secounds of stealth used, plus 4 secounds when mark was first used). 8 secounds... 3 int recovered during your stealth i assume from the kneel.


    your shadow step was apparently used 49 secounds ago. so 20-35 secounds before you used the mark

    blinding powder hasn't been used during the mark's growth


    according to your build. the mark was active for 23 secounds.




    sounds like someone was either AFK, and let you just sit there stacking.

    or let you do this, and thus raises the possibility of it being framed (low level armor? upleveled character on a glass build where it has vit but no toughness)

  18. > @"Ardid.7203" said:

    > They were underground dwellers. So I have always believed their basic foods were those things you find in caves: worms, fish, insects, fungi, lichen, etc.




    underground dwellers do tend to eat eachother xD

  19. > @"Noa.7490" said:

    > Cantha again? Seriously. I was pretty much convinced that every player knew that NC Soft (aka the Korean Overlords) have clearly said that there will be no Cantha. I wish people would remember that so this subject keeps from resurfacing every now and then.


    they never said no cantha


    they said it wasn't planned, but that they would see what the playerbase wanted.


    aka, that it wasn't off the planning table.

  20. > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

    > > @"MUDse.7623"

    > > Personally, I think you're giving your opponents poor advice.

    > >

    > > >having chatted with alot of my opponents, i know that many of them think the state of a stealthy deadeye is not OK. often i had to read that they cant do anything against me. and to be honest the only advise i am able to give them to kill me is **to suprise me.**

    > >

    > > That is like the most vague, least helpful answer you could've given them.

    > >

    > > Anyway, we're talking WvW here since there's no way you'll ever find a Stealthy DJ Deadeye in sPvP, yeah? Alright.

    > >

    > > All he had to do to erase the threat you posed were:

    > > 1: Dodge the initial burst DJs, preferably away from the Deadeye.

    > > 2: Keep moving away from the Deadeye.

    > >

    > > He gets plenty of warning to do both, there's no excuses to be made here if he chooses to do neither. Fighting a Stealthy-Deadeye is pointless if you can't catch him, and since he's not a threat to any of your holds, he is a waste of time. Simply walk away, that's all you need to do. If you choose to stick around and potentially eat a DJ, that's on you. If anything, for as long as you are marked, someone less experienced than you is safe from being marked by the same Deadeye. It's like chaining your rabid dog and taking him for a walk, he may bite, but you're prepared for that.

    > >

    > > A strictly Zerker Stealth-Deadeye is simply not equipped to chase you effectively if they're running D/P either, and since most of them aren't running Shadow-Arts since they need the damage from CS and DA, they sure as hell aren't going to catch up to you in Stealth. So all they can do is reset, and wait for another 20 seconds to get another chance. If they're running Bows, then they are even more of a joke.

    > >

    > > Stealthy Deadeye is a fun gimmick to kill fodder with, but as soon as you meet anyone half-decent your efforts are wasted.

    > >


    > > Travel with a friend. It's WvW, they're all over the place.


    > see your advise is to run away/ignore that is not really how you can kill the deadeye, only how you can survive it. i mostly play inside enemy tower and keeps, so if they ignore me and go away i will take it. you dont need damage from both CS and DA, only CS is enough to kill everything. it is really funny that i keep reading that it is impossible to kill any 'half decent' opponent, seems i simply dont run into those or you are too bad on your deadeye.

    > oh and for the surviving the easier adivse is just to stack, rarely i am with less then 5 opponents in their objective. so if they stack there is no point in trying to kill them as they can simply rez faster then i can stomp.

    > my point exactly was that i cannot give my opponents an answer on how to kill a deadeye, if i die it is allways cause of suprise or i tried something that should be impossible like killing someone in a group of 20 opponents (works often enough so i sometimes try).


    you want to kill deadeye?


    first off Deadeyes mark makes it so its never a surprise. cause you know the deadeye is around (unless combat ends..in which case you've run out of its range)


    and Death's Judgement is incredibly easy to dodge due to how flashy it is BEFORE the attack itself.



    so, heres ways to kill it.



    use any reflect skill when he starts the death's judgement.


    with how WEAK deadeye is durability wise. he 1 shots himself with ease.



    or, use block, or evade. to avoid death's judgement, and the 2nd attack. and then just wail on him in melee. as he's low on int.


    you could also use AoE stun/daze/ or knockdown/knockbacks.


    or evade his attack and then stun him.




    or if your a ranger or engineer or other class, use a skill that removes stealth by placing revealed (i believe spellbreaker has one now 2).




    or if your a necro or mesmer, dodge the initial attack. and then spam confusion/torment. you'd be surprised how hard it is to remove those condis for deadeye. specially being immobile.






    or, you could use fear (necro has some AoE fears) to just make them run. that breaks Kneel and prevents use of death's judgement and triple shot. Ranger's wolf pet also has an AoE fear


    and warrior.




    want more? ok, as an elementalist use the earth trait, to be immune to critical hits. all of a sudden death's judgement is only doing 2-3k.






    or easiest of all. when you see the mark on your head, just go to where the terrain is perilous to line of sight, to make his shots be obstructed. once he wastes the shots. he's left with little to no int. and is easy to kill.







    from what you say, i assume your pissy pissy you can't just charge into him with no defensive skills.


    Deadeye runs off initative. and Death's judgement is costly. at 6 int per use. so it very easily runs out. and then is left with a next to worthless rifle.


    no pierces, no unblockables. etc



    try using your brain, instead of being a brick headed warrior charging through the open expecting to get a fight.

  21. > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

    > > @"KrHome.1920" said:


    > > Okay let's add some objectivity to this thread:

    > Oh boy...


    > > - When a Mesmer stealthes up you know you are bursted within the next 3 seconds. Pretty easy to predict. On top of that it's multiple hits meaning the auto immunities of many classes will save you.

    > No, you don't. This assumes they're just using one stealth ability, which almost nobody does. Many mesmers run some combination of MI, Veil, Decoy, or TP.


    > > - When a Deadeye starts his mindgames, you have abolutely no idea when he will attack you.


    > Similar to the above, except to avoid DJ all you need to do is pretty much just run away, and DJ reveals at the start of the cast and not on the hit, so you can literally watch them shoot the projectile and just dodge. And for them to achieve huge damage you need to be in range for a long time. If you're sitting in 1500 range without LOS from their starting position for 20+ seconds while fully aware they're setting up to kill you... you deserve to die to be honest.


    > >

    > > And here comes the rant:

    > > A DJ in WvW oneshots a Marauder Reaper through Shroud. That's 17+25=42k HP.


    > No, it can't. Not only is 42k literally impossible to achieve on a DJ full glass Assassin's Signet DE as the physical maximum hovers at roughly 35k with M7 on exotic armor, but Death Shroud reduces incoming power damage by 50% baseline although not listed in the damage log. This means that while DJ can one-shot an entire pool of shroud, it is physically impossible to OHKO a marauder necromancer so long as the necromancer has only 30% shroud. Not to mention, in the event a DE is building this way in what you've described, it downright sucks because its utilities would need to be:

    > SR -> Unpredictability of stealth.

    > Haste -> Quickness for DJ remotely from stealth 20s later.

    > Assassin's Signet -> Maximum possible damage


    > = No stun break, no condi cleanse


    > And for damage on traits, it'd have to spec DA/CS/DE and get condi application on the foe from another target based on timing for the DJ for the bonuses on Exposed Weakness which was used in the aforementioned calculation, while having no defensive traitlines or abilities to extend stealth like in SA.


    > So 11k hp, no bonus armor, no stunbreak, no cleanses, and no bonuses from Trickery like Preparedness.


    > With a realistic build that might actually endure some hits, you look to about a 23k DJ at this point which would be....

    > Wait for it


    > 67% of your life force pool at 20s, lol.


    > So much for being objective...


    > >But I guess that's not a problem at all to you. Just be super focused for about 30s the mark is on you and dodge an attack on a 0.75s cast time. I mean that's a huge amount of time to react even if it's less than 0.5s because of Quickness. Everyone can do this. And there is even a sound. Come on - if there is a sound even noobs should react in 0.5s! How could anyone call this bad game design? Hell every competitive game should work exactly like this! 30 seconds mindgames, then oneshot (or just walk away - for the lols). Great!

    > >

    > > Thank you Thief (aka most healthy class in the game) forum for the clarification! We love you.


    > It isn't well-designed. But people have been saying that from the onset. What it isn't is overpowered and is a far cry so from what you've stated above. It's just a trash gimmick ability/weapon/spec.


    > The rest of the thief is easy to counter for most professions unless the thief is at the pinnacle of player skill (Sindrener et al) who play/played professionally. Until the VP/Shroud nerfs on reaper, I lost to very few thieves/daredevils in 1v1's even without any life force, because I know how the class works and what to look for. The very good ones beat me, sure. But that's also because it's "supposed" to hard-counter reaper.


    > Your post is far from objective and helps nobody at all.




    i wish i could hug you. your response is perfect =D

  22. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > That is an excellent question! Let me see if I can find out about this.


    can you also see if Anet would consider doing this officially?


    with so many outfits. it would be pretty popular

  23. > @"Crinn.7864" said:

    > > @"Jiminy.8340" said:

    > > I'm just saying you explained how the DE is not a major issue due to the amount of time and circumstances that need to happen for a OHKO.


    > That kitten poor consolation for the dude that got OHKO'ed


    say that to everyone who gets mesmer bombed

    or mesmer condi bombed (yeah. 2 different things.....surprise)


    or knock down spammed by a hammer guardian or warrior


    or eaten alive by scourge condi spam




    none of whom need the 21 secound set up time, in which the target can see the target marker above their head for those 21 secounds


    and then see the highly telegraphed attack as the target painter tells you exactly when to dodge before the attack comes.





    add to that this is negated by any block, reflect, invuln, auto use invuln(which is used oh so heavily in classes now), evasion, moving out of range, or moving behind an obsticle


    if you dislike being burst down, then don't be a glass cannon. bring some utility, or movement.


    or have a friend.


    or, in the case of elementalist(not sure if other classes have this) the ability to disable crit hits on you ENTIRELY by trait.

  24. > @"Turk.5460" said:

    > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

    > > > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > > > > @"Shadowcat.4397" said:

    > > > > > kitten ... 36k dmgin 2 shot (17k and 19 k kitten) kitten nerf that . 1st shot kill me ... that is broken... That need to be nerft !!!!

    > > > >

    > > > > ok lets see

    > > > >

    > > > > first off, for that dmg.

    > > > >

    > > > > 1. your low toughness/armor

    > > > > 2. they were allowed to get deadeye's mark to full charge (Aka you were marked and didn't do something like run away, or use a stealth trap. and so you sat there while they kept their initative at full)

    > > > > 3. you didn't evade when the telltale red marker light appeared for half a secound before the first attack

    > > > > 4. you didn't evade when the telltale red marker light appeared for half a secound before the 2nd attack

    > > > > 5. you didn't use any kind of block or evade

    > > > > 6. you didn't use a stun/daze/fear/knockdown/knockback/blind

    > > > > 7. you didn't use any AoE to find the stealthed thief that you know is there because you have a mark above your head slowly charging (WHICH YOU CAN SEE)

    > > > > 8. when deadeye mark changed from a dull red orb to a brightly flashing red *DO SOMETHING LIKE PANIC* orb, you didn't evade like the warning light told you.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > in summary, congratz. you sat in the middle of the railroad tracks.

    > > > > you saw the train light coming, you heard it coming, you saw the light get brighter and brighter.

    > > > > and you just sat there as it not only hit you once. but hit you a 2nd time as well.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > **i can't w8 till you tell us about when a Mesmer 1 shots you with mindwrack.**

    > > > Always these biased players...

    > > >

    > > > Okay let's add some objectivity to this thread:

    > > > - When a Mesmer stealthes up you know you are bursted within the next 3 seconds. Pretty easy to predict. On top of that it's multiple hits meaning the auto immunities of many classes will save you.

    > > > - When a Deadeye starts his mindgames, you have abolutely no idea when he will attack you.

    > > >

    > > > And here comes the rant:

    > > > A DJ in WvW oneshots a Marauder Reaper through Shroud. That's 17+25=42k HP. But I guess that's not a problem at all to you. Just be super focused for about 30s the mark is on you and dodge an attack on a 0.75s cast time. I mean that's a huge amount of time to react even if it's less than 0.5s because of Quickness. Everyone can do this. And there is even a sound. Come on - if there is a sound even noobs should react in 0.5s! How could anyone call this bad game design? Hell every competitive game should work exactly like this! 30 seconds mindgames, then oneshot (or just walk away - for the lols). Great!

    > > >

    > > > Thank you Thief (aka most healthy class in the game) forum for the clarification! We love you.

    > >

    > > even solo wvw, its weak.


    > Yeah no. This is not true at all.


    aye sorry, i ment weak vs other solo classes like daredevil and thief and so on.



    its reliance on malice just hurts it so much. and the rifle is of no help

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