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Posts posted by arenta.2953

  1. > @"MakubeC.3026" said:

    > I made it to Platinum myself this season playing 85%+ Deadeye. I possibly use the same exact build as you (the only one viable, really), which is rifle-s/b with trickery and DA.

    > I think you’re correct in almost all you said. However, I disagree with you on the way cursed bullet works. Because unlike you, I rarely found it missing or getting lost in terrain. And that I do kneel quite often. And that the bottom traits do have their uses in PvE.

    > I think DE is about getting good spot, bring some heat from afar and rotate.


    > Here’s my own feedback as well as some gathered from several threads:


    > 1. Not losing all malice when marking the same target in a row. Make it decay at a greater rate after mark is over. Marking the same target stops the decay and triggers its regeneration.

    > 2. Jumping breaks kneel. Kneels allows you to move 200 units without breaking for re position.

    > 3. Mark is instant cast OR not affected by line of sight.

    > 4. Sniper's cover is integrated with kneel.

    > 5. Stolen kits have their effects enhanced.

    > 6. One in the chamber: When hitting a foe from x range on the side or the back, regain one Initiative.

    > 7. Unforgiving: Hitting a foe from range on the side or the back will make your bullet ricochet once.





    i like those ideas........and i'll be honest...i actually just went in on my character, kneeled. and clicked space to jump....i actually thought that would work...it makes so much sense

  2. > @"Haishao.6851" said:

    > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > considering my main characters are a Knight Soulbeast (power, prec, toughness)

    > >

    > > a Soldier/Knight Reaper (Power, Prec, Tough, Vit)

    > >

    > > and a Marauder Deadeye(power,prec,ferocity,vit)

    > >

    > > it really does suck that so few builds are ~~viable~~ **Optimal**.....

    > >


    > I fxed that for you

    > There's a lot more viable builds than non viable one. What you're talking about is Optimal builds. The META or Min-maxer.

    > If you don't want to play as meta or min-maxer, then stop trying to join such group. If that's all you can find on the LFG, then create your own.


    > >

    > > GW2 used to be fun, bring what build u want. and if we die, keep trying cause its fun to play (anyone remember Ascalon Catacombs Underwear runs? where we keep running to the boss until we grind him down. usually ending up with all our armor broken)

    > >

    > > but now...if you don't meet the requriement of this level dps or this specific class/armor set up. you'll be lucky to participate.....

    > >

    > > durable builds.....suffer =(


    > Quiz time!

    > **You want to run Catacombs in underwear so you:**

    > **(A)** Cry on the forum that other groups wont accept you because you're in underwear

    > **(B)** Created your own group with specific demand to run dungeon in underwear and wait for like minded people to join.


    > The right answer is as you have guessed it

    > **C** R **E** A **T** E **Y** O **U** R **O** W **N** G **R** O **U** P


    > This way you can play the way you want.

    > Stop being a meta slave if you don't want to play meta.



    in regards to the catacomb, i don't think you understand what i ment by underwear run. we didn't actually do it with just underwear.


    back then, dungeons were a literal grind. to kill a boss, members would die, respawn, and run back to boss while other members continued to fight the boss (so he wouldnt reset). so you'd have 2 fighting, and 3 running back.


    this would take a while (they've since nerfed dungeons), so you'd eventually end up having respawned so many times that you'd be in your underwear (no repairs in dungeon).

    thus "underwear run". because you'd have died so much that all your armor is broken. but you kept up the respawn train and kept the boss from resetting until you grinded him down enough to kill him.


    now, dungeons have been nerfed, people have gotten actual gear, dps is higher, and you can't respawn if party is in combat. its alot different now.




    so please don't assume you know what something is.....you assuming when i said "underwear run" means actually wearing no armor.....just shows you have no idea what i'm refering to.


    "where we keep running to the boss until we grind him down. usually ending up with all our armor broken"

  3. > @"Mea.5491" said:

    > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > considering my main characters are a Knight Soulbeast (power, prec, toughness)

    > >

    > > a Soldier/Knight Reaper (Power, Prec, Tough, Vit)

    > >

    > > and a Marauder Deadeye(power,prec,ferocity,vit)

    > >

    > > it really does suck that so few builds are viable.....

    > >

    > >

    > > GW2 used to be fun, bring what build u want. and if we die, keep trying cause its fun to play (anyone remember Ascalon Catacombs Underwear runs? where we keep running to the boss until we grind him down. usually ending up with all our armor broken)

    > >

    > >

    > > but now...if you don't meet the requriement of this level dps or this specific class/armor set up. you'll be lucky to participate.....

    > >

    > > durable builds.....suffer =(


    > I love your builds! :D I think people who say defensive stats are bad never actually tried them and they are the ones who get downed in one hit during meta events while I'm still above 80% HP as a Celestial Engineer, lol.


    i actually choose them cause i noticed so many people complaining about thieves 1 shotting them in wvw. so i wanted a coutner xD


    turns out, it made alot of the game ALOT easier

  4. > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

    > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > > @"kash.9213" said:

    > > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > > > > @"Kurow.6973" said:

    > > > > > _Possible fixes:_

    > > > > >

    > > > > > * Cursed bullet NEEDS to be a regular projectile, similar to Skirmisher's Shot.

    > > > >

    > > > > No need to waste resources on this skill. It is useless and nobody uses it.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > No need to mess with Cursed Bullet for awhile after that damage boost because it's a good skill at the moment.

    > >

    > > You honestly auto-attack from stealth using a Rifle?


    > Well, yeah, don't you? If you're already kneeling for a spike, it's free damage, and I've seen it hit for 9-10k when the stars align. Not to mention the amount of times I've killed a low health enemy hiding behind a wall of reflection/warrior bubble with that thing.


    > You have to be aware where you can't use it, like against an enemy on a wall, but it's a good skill in the majority of cases.


    its an annoying skill. cause it swings side to side it gets obstructed so easily, or enemy outruns it.


    but....it is the only "unblockable" skill you have......so gotta use it when possible because this game is so cruel to range

  5. considering my main characters are a Knight Soulbeast (power, prec, toughness)


    a Soldier/Knight Reaper (Power, Prec, Tough, Vit)


    and a Marauder Deadeye(power,prec,ferocity,vit)


    it really does suck that so few builds are viable.....



    GW2 used to be fun, bring what build u want. and if we die, keep trying cause its fun to play (anyone remember Ascalon Catacombs Underwear runs? where we keep running to the boss until we grind him down. usually ending up with all our armor broken)



    but now...if you don't meet the requriement of this level dps or this specific class/armor set up. you'll be lucky to participate.....


    durable builds.....suffer =(

  6. you know you playing a reaper when your the only one on your team who survived the bosses unblockable, and have spent the ENTIRE run as the medic for your entire team cause 1. you the only one whose got SOME SURVIVABILITY and 2. that handy shroud 4 skill to pull them to saftey when they downed.


    no seriously, i feel like i'm the only person who ever adds some durability(toughness and vitality) to my build. i get that the meta is dmg dmg dmg. but come on.....some survivability helps alot. drop your crit rate from 65% to 60% to add 200-300 defense so you can deal that dmg.


    i signed up to be a necro. not the team medic!

  7. i'll throw mine in.




    This is Anabuki. originally she was a ranger until a fight with an undead spellcaster blinded her (her pupils were as red as ever, but she could see nothing but black, healers could do nothing as nothing seemed wrong).

    Rather than live out her days blind in Rata Sum, she put her training as a ranger to a different use, instead of becoming one with animals, she would become one with a being that no longer needed its eyes. the dead.


    After a few years of bumbling around trying ,she succeeded. Seeing the world once more, through the eyes of an undead lizard. she would later add wings on the lizard to give her the unique ability to see in "3rd person".


    not to mention summon other minions to see through. This is both a strength and weakness, because while she can still see more than any normal being, should her undead be killed. she's as blind as a bat once more.

  8. first off, as an Asura. we not pesky, you just ignorant.


    2nd...yeah i'd like more Rox...but as long as she's following Mr. Moody Emo Suicide Future. I don't want her. If she leaves him. then sure.

    but i'd rather not have her near me and constantly asking me "how do you think he's doing"


    Braham has a future with my greatsword's tip if Jormag doesn't eat him first. the less i have to be reminded of him, the better. if that means no rox. then so be it.



  9. > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > @"AllSins.3485" said:

    > > > @"Offair.2563" said:

    > > > Simple answer; Anet ramped up the damage while leaving toughness and your hp nearly the same. Also boosted condi dmg which completely ignores toughness.

    > > >

    > > > Welcome in the 1 shot / overload by condis era.

    > >

    > > yeah condition damage is out of control, also what the hell is a holosmith? everytime i see one of those guys i get deleted in 1 second hahaha


    > Holosmith is the latest Engineer Elite.

    > Firebrands and Tempests can deal with condis pretty well. Also you're out of practice, so you don't know what to move away from... A lot of the main condi offenders are kind of easy to avoid.

    > > @"warlordo.9576" said:

    > > > @"AllSins.3485" said:

    > > > Yeah, condition damage is crazy for what i can see, it seems like the Zerg with most Scourge necros Wins, the amount of red circles on the floor is kitten, you cant take a step anywhere without being in a red circle, this is so different from back in the day, i really need to adapt ^^

    > >

    > > Been back for a month and yup Meta or Die in this new GW2. Gone are the days where you could have fun building your own unique build and still be viable. You must adapt and run metabattle builds or tweak them a little, other than that it's gg.

    > >

    > >

    > Not true. I run Core ranger for WvW roams sometimes. Works better than a lot of meta builds.> @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > > @"AllSins.3485" said:

    > > > Hey guys, i played the betas of this game, and for almost a year after it released , i only played WvWvW so i have no experience in PvE or Spvp.

    > > > Now my problem is this, i got into my Guardian ( core build ) i have full exotic Soldier Gear, thats 2,138 toughness , 3349 armor and 17k hp, this guy back in the day could survive Zergs, i mean wen i encountered the Enemy Train i was able to run back to my Train without dieing, for a looooooong time, now every 1vs1 skills me in 2 seconds, and im not even kidding...

    > > > What the hell happened to the damage in this game? It was completely impossible to kill a support Guardian 1vs1 back in the day, i would not kill you, but you would not kill me for sure.

    > > > Another thing Where is the Elite skill book? the one with Awesome healing?

    > > >

    > > > What the hell happened to this game? WvWvW was awesome in Seafarers Rest with Zadrots, Red Guard etc etc so many awesome guilds, now i cant find 1 single WvWvW guild from back then and the game is kitten up, really killing people in full toughness gear in 2 seconds? what the hell Arena net....

    > >

    > > a few things changed

    > >

    > > 1. current meta is condition dmg which ignores toughness and armor. the only counters are vitality and condition removal. this really hurts guardian, and even more cause poison cuts healing

    > > 2. theres ALOT more stuns now. this, combined with the fact that stability was nerfed to be "1 stability stops 1 stun", when in the past it was "1 stability = immune to all stuns for the duration of stablity) this is probably whats killing you

    > > 3. the game is ALOT more mobile now. first year most people had 0% boost to mobility, or 10%. only thief had 25%. now, all classes have some form of permanent speed boost, have alot more swiftness choices, and have reduction to duration of movement debuffs. leading to faster movign zergs

    > > 4. people basically all have exotic to ascended now. in first year people were still using uncommon, rare, and maybe some exotic. and alot of people were not lv 80. but now everyone is 80, everyone is fully decked out.

    > > 5. people have mastered the high dmg burst on single targets. they've had years to perfect this. and they have.

    > >

    > >

    > > as for your last question: gotta move to one of the active WvW servers like Blackgate. but in general, these servers have been locked by Anet to not let anyone join (Jade Quarry had a massive protest over this and dropped to tier 4)


    > You're right about most things, but dude, that last part... Bandwagoning is what's killing WvW good job advising making it worse. I still play SFR. When it's good its great, problem is when it's bad it's really bad. SFR got to first place on its own with medium capacity vs full servers, and then people started bandwagoning to it. And if you want the truth, that was when i started playing WvW less and less. My plan of building a thief from 0-80 to full gear in WvW only, went to deleting the thief to get a keyfarm slot, to recently boosting one to 80. In the tournaments the best times for me was when we already had the points to win, and people would drop participation on the couple days before reset.


    > Even nowadays there's still a lot of good commanders in SFR. It's just that now most of the original WvW community isn't even playing regardless of the server, and a lot of the people in WvW are just PvE players waiting for their PPTs. Which is why the bandwagoning server win. Because they have numbers. SFR always won even when outnumbered, but nowadays, there's simply not enough good WvWers left. And not even PvP will help since that's a dying mode as well.


    aye. Jade Quarry is facing a similar issue. despite being one of the main WvW servers, its also one of the largest PVE servers. and because of this PvE, the WvW has struggle for numbers. hence the JQ protest of not participating in WvW for a while, and dropping to tier 4.


    hopefully they'll come up with a better solution

  10. > @"AllSins.3485" said:

    > Hey guys, i played the betas of this game, and for almost a year after it released , i only played WvWvW so i have no experience in PvE or Spvp.

    > Now my problem is this, i got into my Guardian ( core build ) i have full exotic Soldier Gear, thats 2,138 toughness , 3349 armor and 17k hp, this guy back in the day could survive Zergs, i mean wen i encountered the Enemy Train i was able to run back to my Train without dieing, for a looooooong time, now every 1vs1 skills me in 2 seconds, and im not even kidding...

    > What the hell happened to the damage in this game? It was completely impossible to kill a support Guardian 1vs1 back in the day, i would not kill you, but you would not kill me for sure.

    > Another thing Where is the Elite skill book? the one with Awesome healing?


    > What the hell happened to this game? WvWvW was awesome in Seafarers Rest with Zadrots, Red Guard etc etc so many awesome guilds, now i cant find 1 single WvWvW guild from back then and the game is kitten up, really killing people in full toughness gear in 2 seconds? what the hell Arena net....


    a few things changed


    1. current meta is condition dmg which ignores toughness and armor. the only counters are vitality and condition removal. this really hurts guardian, and even more cause poison cuts healing

    2. theres ALOT more stuns now. this, combined with the fact that stability was nerfed to be "1 stability stops 1 stun", when in the past it was "1 stability = immune to all stuns for the duration of stablity) this is probably whats killing you

    3. the game is ALOT more mobile now. first year most people had 0% boost to mobility, or 10%. only thief had 25%. now, all classes have some form of permanent speed boost, have alot more swiftness choices, and have reduction to duration of movement debuffs. leading to faster movign zergs

    4. people basically all have exotic to ascended now. in first year people were still using uncommon, rare, and maybe some exotic. and alot of people were not lv 80. but now everyone is 80, everyone is fully decked out.

    5. people have mastered the high dmg burst on single targets. they've had years to perfect this. and they have.



    as for your last question: gotta move to one of the active WvW servers like Blackgate. but in general, these servers have been locked by Anet to not let anyone join (Jade Quarry had a massive protest over this and dropped to tier 4)

  11. > @"Lonami.2987" said:

    > > @"Methuselah.4376" said:

    > > > @"Aplethoraof.2643" said:

    > > > > @"Methuselah.4376" said:

    > > > > > @"Zoltreez.6435" said:

    > > > > > > @"Methuselah.4376" said:

    > > > > > > **Honestly, necro is fine as it is.** All that is really **needed is more damage, more stability, some group utility and core necro shroud buff/redesign.**

    > > > > > > **

    > > > > >

    > > > > > LOL

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Fine as it is huh ?.......

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > I wouldn't redesign the profession/elites. Just buff the numbers and do some adjustments here and there. If the design of the necromancer does not appeal to you, then play another profession.

    > > >

    > > > Bandaids don't help core design issues, it just makes them more difficult to deal with later down the line. That said, what you proposed wasn't just "more numbers".

    > > >

    > > > In your own words "More Stability, Some Group Utility and Core Necro Shroud buff/redesign". That isn't "fine as is" that is certainly calling for a redo of necromancer's design.

    > >

    > > I apologize, I think we're misunderstanding each other. When I hear "re-design" I take it to mean scrapping how it plays now and create something entirely new (example removing Reaper's Shroud as it is and inserting some other skills). Most of the changes I suggested are easily implemented; ex. Reapers Shroud 3 could grant 3 stability to begin with and pulse two more for as long as the armor lasts, well of power could also grant pulsating 2 second stability. The change to Dread I presented could also be implemented without redesigning the profession (and it's a core trait to begin with). But yes, to insert a bit of hypocrisy, core shroud needs a re-haul.


    > Yeah, that's the idea. You have ton of balance threads around to talk about the numbers, I would like to focus on design changes, as far as you want to take them, so go crazy with the redesigns if you want. It's just for fun, and I could see some ideas eventually leading to elite specializations, so it's not a waste of time if you worry about that.


    > Personally, I think all core professions need a heavy redesign. Elite specializations were never part of the original plans, the professions weren't ready for them, and it shows. The problems are all around if you start paying attention, and they should be fixed at the core, not through elite specializations. These problems are limiting the potential of elite specializations as well.


    > I think they'll eventually need to overhaul the core professions, updating the mechanics, adding new weapons plus the missing healing and elite slot skills, and more. I don't think they will go as far as to redesign entire mechanics, which is a pity, but hey, it's fun talking about it anyway.


    > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > overall i like reaper as is, aka only havin 1 shroud. i'd rather not have 4 to have to pick from every time (to close to Ele)

    > >

    > > plus i like my Reaper with their minions, sacrificing the minions whenever i go into shroud (which i do often to break stun, teleport downed allies to me, and recover hp) would be a pain. as i rely on them and Vamperic to recover hp while i in shroud, and then recover life force when out of shroud. cutting minions away when i shroud as reaper would hurt.

    > >

    > > i'd love to have more choice in what minions you take, not to mention visual options (like skins for minions).

    > > plus having different shrouds to pick from(could use traits to select one, similar to daredevil's dodge).

    > >

    > > no comment on scourge as my build is literally designed to counter that overused WvW spam class


    > I didn't leave that clear enough, edited it to avoid confusion. What I meant is that you have four shrouds to choose from, as in, you choose one of those four. Same for the swarms. Scourges choose two shades, and can swap between them. So, you still have a single shroud, but you equip the one you prefer instead to being locked to a single option.


    > It's all based on the ranger's pet variety. I feel like every profession should have an equal level of customization, if possible.


    works for me...just dont blow up my minions when i go into shroud.

    if anything, make the minions get some effect when i go into shroud. like maybe have a shadowy effect on them.

  12. > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

    > > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:


    > > Your "explanation" is THE ENTIRE STORY UP TO THIS POINT!


    > Yeah, no it is not. There is no indication that this shift of personality is brewing under the surface of our Commander through-out HoT or pre-PoF LW episodes.


    > It just happens as soon as your Commander sets one foot on Elonian sand - as if he/she stepped on a thorny plant infecting them with Dingusbag Syndrome.



    uh.....i think you quoted the wrong person for that.....quote.


    it should be Mewcifer.5198




  13. > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

    > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

    > > > @"OneYenShort.3189" said:

    > > > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

    > > > > Killing him would make sure he doesn't come back at all.

    > > >

    > > > *snicker.. smirk.. full belly gut laughter* Oh my... keep believing in Santa, true believer. Keep believing.

    > > >

    > >

    > > When was the last time we saw Eir or Scarlet or "Before I became a naked white mushroom demon looking thing with blades" Diarmid or many others that died?

    > >

    > > Actually, have we ever seen Snaff alive? I don't mean the drawn images, I mean in-game itself.


    > Scarlet's holographic ghost still haunts Twilight Arbor, and lives on in miniature form, lurking quietly in a million wardrobes and biding her time...when you go to sleep tonight, ask yourself: is the door to the miniature wardrobe closed? Are you suuuuure?


    ........i hate you.....so much.......

    *glares at miniature wardrobe*

    .......never gonna get a good nights sleep again........crap

    *sees red hair peak out of wardrobe*

    DIE *throws GS*

    ......oh crap that.....wasn't scarlet.......sorry........

    *throws dagger just in case its scarlet in disguise*





  14. never had an issue with my power ranger (make a joke about how i worded that and you gonna be my pet's FOOD)


    for gap closers, i use greatsword so i have a charge, and i have a block. plus lightning reflexes for evading in a direction.

    with soul beast, and my wolf(gratz, you know now who gonna eat ya), i have 2 more charges. one that cripples, one that knocks down.


    with my Dolyak stance, i can ignore movement debuffs, and with my focus on survival skills, i remove 2 conditions whenever i use one.


    overall, while its on the lower end of my dps scale (coming in at 1340 per secound without crit. compare to thief at 1600 and necro gs at 1460), its cause i focus on toughness(knight). and its one of my most survivable and reliable classes. only Necro coming close (but i prefer ranger due to condi cleanse)



    overall, its a good at all class with more than normal resistance to conditions and crowd control. not to mention stun breaks (beastmode, pet skill, lightning reflexes, signet, dolyak stance. with the stability added to all of that, good luck stunning me without a sizable zerg. oh and 3.9k defense when i in beastmode. bring it on thief)



    it will never be a star class, but its never going to be crap either. its a jack of all trades, good at all best at none. and thats something i respect. no other class can say they have no clear weakness.

  15. > @"Roxanne.6140" said:

    > sb. i'm so sick of this class, it;s got everything, speed, mobility, tankiness, damage, stuns and stun-breaks. you can't even run away from them unless you sacrifice all your slots for mobility skills. when is this class going to get nerfed?


    you want to know a secret. the weakness to all thieves?


    they got 3 weaknesses.


    the first, and a MAJOR one at that. is they have NO source of stability. well....they got dagger storm but if they use that, enjoy eating them alive.

    this lack of stability mean they are entirely reliant on stun breaks, which have cooldowns. so multiple stuns/dazes will quickly turn the class into swiss cheese, as they just don't have stablity to resist them. (And stuns/dazes will break a thief's combo)

    -hammer warrior absolutely wrecks them therefore.

    -classes that have knockbacks will similarly break a thief's combo and force them to waste initative, leading to the thief prefering to run.

    -classes with multiple fears will not only break the thief's combo, but interupt their attempts to stealth up.


    2nd one, is condition cleanse. it used to be that a theif would stealth and poof, conditions start melting away. but no longer. now, stealth can only remove specific conditions. and only 1 per 3 secounds (though they do have 1 heal skill that removes all damage conditions and stealths)

    Chilled, immoblize, cripple. are not included here. which means while damage conditions will be removed. a massive cripple spam can really hurt them.

    -Warning: Daredevil has an evade that will get rid of movement debuffs. but this is the only reliable way to get rid of them. and requries movement(Aka to use it they will be moved away from you).

    **any thief that is not a daredevil with this specific evade, will be extremely vulnerable to spammed cripple, chilled, and immoblizes.


    3rd, a thief HAS to spec for dmg. you will never find a thief that is specced for survival that is taken as a serious threat. this means they are always glass cannons reliant on evasion and stealth.

    AoEs therefore are slaughter houses. the elementalist's meteor shower will force any thief to gtfo or die.

    and having a friend with you will also prevent a thief from KOing you easily.






    its true theives are the ultimate in running away. and are extremely hard to chase down and finish off if they decide not to fight to the end. (only a few classes have abilities that can force a reveal. including Engineer and ranger)


    but they can be countered easily enough with multiple stun/daze. knockbacks. fears. AoEs. Mobility debuff spams.

    or....simply being a Soldier or Knight build (aka having toughness and vitality. rather than pure power/prec. soldier has power, but lacks prec. knight lacks vitality...but has power and prec. with a focus on extreme toughness)


    to many people focus on "dmg dmg dmg", and don't realize that tank builds still work. sure they not as flashy or glamorous. but they can survive bursts with ease



    if you can survive the initial attack routine, a thief will either run or die.

    if you can break the thief's combo, they'll run or be forced to fight with a much reduced dps.

    and if you have access to AoES, you can drive them off like insects.



    you might not be able to catch them if they run for it. but you can prevent them from killing you and thus ruin their fun.

  16. > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

    > Yeah, dingus isn't the word I want to use - just imagine another word starting with that letter.


    > In HoT he cared deeply for the plight of the "common man" affected by Modremoth. The plight of the natives in each of the HoT map seemed to be a big concern for him.


    > In PoF he is rude and condescending instead. He berates a guard for not wanting to charge head-long into camp of Forged soldiers. Really?


    > His general attitude and tone of voice also changed to reflect this - instead of the noble Norn I'm used to he has turned into a brutish oaf!


    > What happened to my character?!


    guessing it depends on your race....


    my female asura's dialogue was same as ever. smart, collected, slightly snarky, and confident. props to the voice actor, the voice and words fit the story perfectly

  17. > @"Wulf.5431" said:

    > I'm in a bit of a funk with gw2 right now, and have been for a while. The nature of mmo's is starting to bother me. I love this game so much, but the fact that I have no control over when it dies and what happens after really bums me out. Every time I go to spend money on the store I stop, because in a few years, who knows where gw2 will be. I know it's doing well now, but other iterations of the game may come out, or the company gets bought out, etc. Why it happens, or even when, isn't very important. What bugs me is the uncertainty, and god knows there's enough of that in life as it is. I love that I have other old games that I can boot up and play 20 years later, and I'll be able to in another 20 years.


    > I know gw2 is popular right now, and will in all likelihood stay active for years to come. My question is what will happen when its time is up? Will it be lost forever? Or will it be possible to have some offline/local play version of it or something? Private servers are possible but I don't want to be at the mercy of a random persons world either. I'm not looking for a dev to respond, as I'm sure they have better things to do. I suppose I'm looking for assurances, to help me feel better about playing the game. I know I'm gonna die someday, but I don't want my favorite avatar to die as well.


    I've asked this often for a different game. Mabinogi.


    and i've asked the Devs to have a plan for the future, where they make an offline version of Mabinogi they can sell for $60 or so when they take the online servers down. (and i'd buy it).

    They said they'd keep it in mind.



    for GW2, i'd hope they have a similar plan. maybe a borderland style co-op. while some stuff like wvw would no doubt be dead.... but tis better to have an offline version for the story, than nothing.


    heck when that day comes, they could put it up for sale and i'd buy it xD despite already owning the game and all its expansions

  18. overall i like reaper as is, aka only havin 1 shroud. i'd rather not have 4 to have to pick from every time (to close to Ele)


    plus i like my Reaper with their minions, sacrificing the minions whenever i go into shroud (which i do often to break stun, teleport downed allies to me, and recover hp) would be a pain. as i rely on them and Vamperic to recover hp while i in shroud, and then recover life force when out of shroud. cutting minions away when i shroud as reaper would hurt.


    i'd love to have more choice in what minions you take, not to mention visual options (like skins for minions).

    plus having different shrouds to pick from(could use traits to select one, similar to daredevil's dodge).


    no comment on scourge as my build is literally designed to counter that overused WvW spam class

  19. when i started the game. Sylvari

    when i got used to the game. human


    now. asura. theres just something about the banter between asura, the commentary, and the crazy stuff they get up to. that appeals to me, no matter what the story is doing. amazing voice actor as well.


    plus...the idea of a tiny snarky Asura talking DOWN to a human, charr, or norn...is just hilariously appealing


    i wish i could replay lv 1 to lv 30 Asura questlines over and over. they were great.......i miss my krewe......all the faces i met in those early levels jsut...dissapeared from the story.....kinda wish i had a story that kept up that asura themed story up to lv 80.





    Sylvari were appealing to me early on due to visuals. and the "misticism". but it quickly got old.....as it was just to fantasy woodland elf for me. not enough seriousness. to much "Dreams" and "destiny"


    Humans were amazing early on for their classic rpg adventure story from lv 1 to 30. reminded me of why i got into gaming. but....once u lose your mentor(tybalt whyyyyyy), the story just..doesn't feel as interesting. might be the voice acting. they still got good looking armor though....love the seraph heavy armor and cultural medium armor.


    Charr, love gathering a warband.......its just a pitty that you never get to interact with them later on...like asking "hey we fighting a dragon. any commentary?" nope...instead your just........on your own....warband nothing more than an elite skill u never really use anymore...





    btw....can we please get some better looking Asura armor. there isn't much variety in designs....and lets face it. most of it is shared between the genders with no attempt to make it appealing to either...just generic. (not all mind ya. seer armor and cultural armor is nice. as are outfits....wish i could customize outfit parts)

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