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Posts posted by arenta.2953

  1. > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

    > There are a number of threads, and comments within them, that suggest Scourge is too strong.


    > In just a few words, what are the one or two attributes of the Scourge design you think make it strong.


    > Please do not debate others' opinion but you are welcome to revise your own at any time.




    the thing that makes scourge so strong, is not scourge itself. but condition mechanics


    conditions ignore all armor. and theres very few traits that directly reduce dmg from condition dmg(and i beleive only 3 classes have them). so its extremely good at dealing dmg.


    as for condition cleansing. not all classes have condition clenses plentiful enough to deal with the condition spam scourge can lay down.


    a class like ranger can sure, its heal removes 2 conditions per secound for up to 8 secounds. this is extremely useful.

    add to that its survival skills can be traited to remove 2 conditions each.


    but a class like thief, not only has only a few skills that can remove conditions, but many of those skills can only remove certain KINDS of conditions. not any condition like ranger. so say you get spam crippled, stealthing wont work, that trait only removes certain damage conditions, so unless you have one of the 3 skills that can remove it (not referign to daredevil here), you have nothing that can. (and if u took one of those 3, 2 of them wont work on damage conditions.......onyl signet of precision is "Remove any". and its limited to 3. so if it takes off the wrong 3. rip you)



    could also look at necromancer. this class was the condi class.......but cleansing conditions, it can't. oh sure it can cleanse all at once, but then it has a cooldown in which those conditions will be reapplied fast and stack like mad.




    for all the ways to deal with power builds, theres very few viable ones to counter condition spam. Scourge jsut happens to be the king of condition spam (though mesmer with confusion/torment spam is equally as deadly)


    this wouldn't be such an issue if Anet hadn't spent the past year restricting what conditions skills can and can't remove.



    fixes would be to make it so armor works to reduce condition dmg.


    or maybe healing trait reduces condition dmg.


    or condition removal skills are mroe common or apply to all conditions, not just 3 specific types.



    and in WvW where you can have 50+ scourges......no ammount of condition cleanse is going to save your own zerg. no ammount of healing, blocking, bunkering, etc.



    and when you go down to 25 stack of torment doing 1k dmg repeated. downed state isn't going to help you at all. cause its gonna continue to tick on you, despite the caster having moved on long ago. you can't use your heal when downed due to the conditions persisting

  2. > @"Xruptor.3965" said:

    > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > > @"Xruptor.3965" said:

    > > > http://wvwmatchups.azurewebsites.net/#Jade Quarry

    > > >

    > > > Seems pretty balanced between the three. My major concern is the fact as a few have mentioned it was a heavily SEA/OCX server. Not sure if that's the best thing for me as NA EST even though the server is (I suppose) moving up in ranks and is currently opened. Judging from what you are saying there is a great majority of servers that are allied. So this makes things more difficult for me as it's apparently obvious that it may cause timezone shifts depending on what server gets allied with another.

    > > >

    > > > SoS, FA, and CD have allied servers. *sigh*

    > >

    > > NA has a decent population on JQ. or at least far as i've seen (Arizona time zone here)

    > >

    > > not sure about East coast (3 hours earlier?) but around 5 my time, the population really starts to spike (so thats.....7 or 8 your time? .....WHY DO YOU USE DAY LIGHTS SAVINGS TIME.....so confusing <.< )


    > Trust me I hate it too. I wish they would just do away with Daylight Savings Time. I have a few things to think about now. (https://wvwstats.com/na) has been pretty useful.



    biggest thing i can say for now


    is to remember that thsoe stat sites will need to be updated soon


    as depending on how long JQ is open, and how many join it. its statistics can change heavily.


    after reset on Friday, JQ managed to fill Eternal and home, and have a 25 zerg on 1 other borderland

    but on saterday and sunday. it dropped off to eternal having a que, and home having maybe 25. so a low population


    and then on monday after it opened, all 3 borderlands had zergs, and eternal was empty.



    so whether that was a temporary morale boost, or a sign of wvwers coming to JQ. is to early to tell.


    but hey, i stand by the fact that we are a solo server, so we can't be killed as a WvW server by removing ally servers from us. we have no where to go but up.


    while every ally server is walking a cliffside and can fall to the bottom any time Anet decide to end it.

  3. > @"Xruptor.3965" said:

    > http://wvwmatchups.azurewebsites.net/#Jade Quarry


    > Seems pretty balanced between the three. My major concern is the fact as a few have mentioned it was a heavily SEA/OCX server. Not sure if that's the best thing for me as NA EST even though the server is (I suppose) moving up in ranks and is currently opened. Judging from what you are saying there is a great majority of servers that are allied. So this makes things more difficult for me as it's apparently obvious that it may cause timezone shifts depending on what server gets allied with another.


    > SoS, FA, and CD have allied servers. *sigh*


    NA has a decent population on JQ. or at least far as i've seen (Arizona time zone here)


    not sure about East coast (3 hours earlier?) but around 5 my time, the population really starts to spike (so thats.....7 or 8 your time? .....WHY DO YOU USE DAY LIGHTS SAVINGS TIME.....so confusing <.< )

  4. > @"Jerry CCH.9816" said:

    > JQ strong was carried by SEA OCX tz but all disappear now . And your blackout already end at 2017/12/18 B)


    yeah...i know...

    but sadly some people thought it ment 3 months (we still correcting them)


    and others left cause the blackout failed to open the server.


    but we open now, so who knows. based on the population boost yesterday, we not down yet.


    plus. who you gonna trust. a server that stands on its own like JQ or Blackgate.

    or a server that needs ally servers to stand a chance, and will get screwed when Anet descides its strong enough, and removes the ally server (imagine how much easier it would be for JQ if it had an ally. or wasn't locked up till now)



    > @"Xruptor.3965" said:

    > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > also, someting important to remember when you pick server.

    > >

    > > JQ is a solo server, aka it has no tiny server allied with it. so its more unified and coordinated....

    > > but it also means it doesn't get the population boost servers like Aspenwood or Maguuma get from having allied servers.

    > >

    > >

    > > only JQ and Blackgate are solo servers far as i can recall


    > So you are saying the timezone shifts is because of this blackout but it would be better if I picked JQ as a server for NA EST? Currently it's listed as a heavily SEA/OCX server. Dang something to think about if that's what you are saying. Since I've narrowed it down to FA and SoS based on timezone. Both SoS and FA seem to be linked. I'm going to assume when they are linked with others then the timezone may shift again.


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/Fa4WS49.png "")


    just be aware of where SoS and FA are going based on the latest predictions. SoS is solid. but again...allied server. they at risk of when Anet descides to remove the ally part. how strong are they on their own?

  5. also, someting important to remember when you pick server.


    JQ is a solo server, aka it has no tiny server allied with it. so its more unified and coordinated....

    but it also means it doesn't get the population boost servers like Aspenwood or Maguuma get from having allied servers.



    only JQ and Blackgate are solo servers far as i can recall



    all other servers are a collection of servers working together (For how long...who knows. the moment Anet descides they strong enough and drop the allied server bit. that server will suffer)



    ![](https://i.imgur.com/Fa4WS49.png "")


  6. > @"Xruptor.3965" said:

    > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > > @"Xruptor.3965" said:

    > > > I'm currently on Dragonbrand but it feels mostly empty when I play WvW. I live on NA EST. According to https://wvwstats.com/timezones . Yaks Bend and Sea of Sorrows are at the top of the list for NA EST. Yet, I'm extremely confused as I read that SoS is mostly a OCX/SEA server. There are several threads dating back to October stating this. So I'm confused as to why it's showing up as NA EST. From what I've gathered it appears that Fort Aspenwood is a better matchup for NA EST. I'm open to suggestions. Currently i'm in a tossup between Sea of Sorrows or Fort Aspenwood. Any help would be great. I'm just looking for more WvW active times. Dragonbrand seems to be a complete mess for me in terms of timezones.

    > >

    > > JQ is open. get in before they close it.


    > according to the timezone website, JQ is in 11th place. Not sure if that would be better. Though Crystal Desert and Fort Aspenwood are up there. Not too sure about Sea of Sorrows though. Apparently these servers are all over the place too lol. Looks like Sea of Sorrows as of late is in Tier 1 and battling Blackgate almost constantly. Whereas, FA and CD seem to fluctuate around T2 and possibly T3. Though now that I look at it, apparently Fort Aspenwood is #1 for NA PST. This is very confusing.


    JQ sorta dropped on purpose as they were protesting being a locked server for (what..3....4...5 years? imagine being a server who was in tier 1 more or less since game launched. and never getting new recruits......hell we were already the smaller population back when SoS and HoD were fighting it out with us for tier 1)


    if you look at their history you'll see this. they called it a "black out" where they refused to play wvw for a month or so (apparently soem people thought it ment 3 months..........idk)


    but recently (as in yesterday) the devs finally had mercy and opened up our server. so we pushing through tier 3 to get back up.


    hell...as soon as word of the unlock came, JQ began invading every single borderland with numbers we haven't seen in a while (we ignored eternal cause magumma had 8 AC, 4 ballista, 6 catapults, and 7 trebs manned 24/7 there........dedication goes a little to far for them)

  7. > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

    > Yes please. What's the point of picking tattoos and stuff on your Norn when you will never see them? We can already hide both Shoulders and Gloves, so why not Chest, too? I'd love to be able to emulate this look:


    > ![](http://www.kekaiart.com/uploads/5/4/7/6/5476798/9720845_orig.jpg "")



    > Which you can kinda do by not wearing a Chestpiece but we all know that is out of the question:

    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/tAoG77e.jpg "")





    > "But then everyone would just run around with their female toon's bewbies showing!" I hear you scream. Erhm. Have you taken a look at most female armour (especially Light/Medium) - they're basically just bras (or bras with spikey bits) already so...


    hehe...for asura they show off more skin in clothes. than they do without xD

    asura underwear is wierd.....like they literally take it off to put on clothes

  8. > @"Xruptor.3965" said:

    > I'm currently on Dragonbrand but it feels mostly empty when I play WvW. I live on NA EST. According to https://wvwstats.com/timezones . Yaks Bend and Sea of Sorrows are at the top of the list for NA EST. Yet, I'm extremely confused as I read that SoS is mostly a OCX/SEA server. There are several threads dating back to October stating this. So I'm confused as to why it's showing up as NA EST. From what I've gathered it appears that Fort Aspenwood is a better matchup for NA EST. I'm open to suggestions. Currently i'm in a tossup between Sea of Sorrows or Fort Aspenwood. Any help would be great. I'm just looking for more WvW active times. Dragonbrand seems to be a complete mess for me in terms of timezones.


    JQ is open. get in before they close it.

  9. > @"Klipso.8653" said:

    > A bit late, you can't ask people to lose on purpose for 3 months, most of the guilds have left. You'll just be filling in slots of players that used to be there.


    3 months? it was supposed to be 1 month...why did you stay out of it for 3 months?!

  10. > @"Svarty.8019" said:

    > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > to kill a Scourge, stick to range. and have a kitten TON of vitality, heals, and condition removals. unlike reaper, this class isn't going to be slow attacking. or limited to melee. it is instead entirely reliant on wearing you down with tons of conditions for damage over time.


    > I've played against enough Scourges to tell you that once you're in their circle, you're toast because you can't get out. Cripple on every attack(!) ensures that unless you can blink (shadowstep) or leap you're not going anywhere and if you can't go anywhere, you will die.


    > I think putting both Cripple and Torment on every power was thoughtless and lazy. Although there was a similar effect with Chill Reaper before PoF, it was nowhere near as intense as it is with Scourge.


    yeah...honestly only 1 class i can think of that truely counters scourge.....and that class isn't exactly ideal


    Soulbeast. with its stance for healing and dolyak stance, it has some breathing room. and with the grandmaster for survival skills that remove 2 conditions and grant fury for each survival skill


    plus lightning reflexes to dodge back 600.


    it looks like its made to defeat condi scourge........until you remember it lacks dps

  11. > @"emblack.3754" said:

    > Fairly new to the game and in PVP no matter what class I try your profession is just unbeatable. Saw a reaper in a match take 3 people at once. That can`t be ok... So i`m asking what profession is giving you the most trouble?


    to kill a reaper. `stick to range` , and grind him down, he has little ot no range capability. but stay mobile in case he drops some wells on your location


    or, if you have a decent number of `stun/dazes` . you can learn to identify his high dmg attacks and interrupt them easily (all reaper skills are interruptable).


    or access to alot of `evades on command/ vigor` .


    Reaper is `slow, heavy` . but `high alpha dmg and high hp` . yet it `lacks attack speed` . and the `only way it keeps its hp up is to remain in combat` . `if it doesn't have something to hit, it dies fast.`

    so by that logic. `blinds are DEADLY` for a reaper. slow attacks + blinds = alot of time wasted for a missed attack.




    to kill a Scourge, stick to range. and have a FK TON of vitality, heals, and condition removals. unlike reaper, this class isn't going to be slow attacking. or limited to melee. it is instead entirely reliant on wearing you down with tons of conditions for damage over time.


    .....few classes have the condition removal to survive scourge. so its really recommended to keep at range.

  12. > @"Kiroshima.8497" said:


    > Deadeye: Boosted pick utility. Projectiles (including Pistol) will ignore enemies (but not reflects/projectile destruction) if they haven't hit the Marked Target yet. All skills gain "piercing" only to the Marked Target. Example Explanation: Rifle 1 doesn't pierce by default. The projectile will strike the first enemy in their path like normal, but since it hasn't hit the mark, it will keep going until it expires or strikes the marked target (doing 1 hit). Rifle 2 pierces 5, so it could hit 5 enemies, plus the marked target. If all hits are used up, the projectile will ignore all enemies (doing no damage or effects) and will only try to hit the marked target. Damage reduced on Rifle 3 Standing, Rifle 3 Crouching grants 1 Malice if all 3 shots strike an Immobolized or Knocked Down target (use venom, the cantrip, or Rifle 2 to setup). Rifle 4 Crouching (DJ) can no longer 1 shot enemies, but if it would, it sets their health to 1, sets Deadeye's Mark to a 5 second cooldown, and applies Judgement for 5 seconds, which pulses immobolize, daze, and -66% healing. Any subsequent DJ's do 0 damage to targets with Judgement, but extends the debuff and resets the targets health to 1.



    hm...that pierce is interesting. encourages you to target the support hiding in back so you can pierce....


    but 1 issue is that its entirely dependent on the mark. and if the mark dissapears, or runs off (WvW they stealth, or run. Fractals they teleport off. or pve in general they become invulnerable ect) then its....eh, cause htats a 23-30 secound cooldown you'll have to wait for. specially in WvW where theres so many enemies its next to impossible to keep targeted on 1 person.


    maybe make it so it pierces like normal.

    but if it hits a marked target, it loses pierce and instead grants 1 int, or does bonus dmg, or has bonus crit chance. etc




  13. What do i want...




    1. Dead eye change . one of the following

    a. Pulsing Stability when Kneeling (one stability per 3 secounds. similar to engineer's flamethrower)

    b. Piercing for Rifle (auto attack at minimum)

    c. a 3rd evade bar when kneeling


    not saying all of those, but one or 2 would be REALLY nice.

    Also, considering that currently deadeye has ONE source of stability....aka dagger storm....it would be REALLY NICE to get an ACTUAL VIABLE SOURCE OF STABILITY.


    2. give rifle the longbow's falloff bonus range. because in WvW 1500 when you in a tower or keep is extremely short range. but works wodners for longbow due to its extra range


    3. Reaper change: make Reaper's Shroud 2 skill charge 900-1000. just so it can get into melee easier considering the class is all about melee.



    4. Make Healing (or toughness) give condition dmg resist. right now there is no real counter to condition spam, and cleansing yourself will only result in more stacks. i'd prefer toughness to have it due to the "tank" theme. but seeing as how healing is little used, and it would be unique for builds. Healing stat is viable as well (might make the stat appealing)


    5. as an alternative to #4. give classes more sources of condition removal. some classes like Thief have...remarkably few due to skills removing only specific conditions. Ranger's Survival skills are amazing in this regard, with 2 condition removals and give fury for all survival skills.


    ****if #5 or #4 is not done, then nerf Scourge.



    6. Nerf Spellbreaker's elite skill. either reducing its duration, its radius, or increasing its interval time (1 buff remove per secound?)


    7. buff Soulbeast's Melee dmg (key word. melee. not ranged. )





    and yeah...thats it for me.

  14. > @"EvilSnowflake.1453" said:

    > For the last few months I've been playing Scourge in WvW with my guild [bAN]. It has been a great experience, though there are some things that bother me, overall I don't believe the wvw experience has ever been better, and I've been playing WvW primarily since launch. The reason it has been so good is because I've been able to identify and enjoy 4 different scourge builds that all perform well, and about equally when compared to each other in a competitive GvG setting. I don't think there has ever been a class/spec with 4 viable builds in WvW. I'll list the Scourge builds here, though not in much detail.

    > 1. Support scourge. - This builds runs blood magic and shamans/apothecary gear. Dealing good damage and saving downed allies with transfusion.

    > 2. Hybrid dps scourge - This build has two viable stat sets, Grieving/celestial and carrion/Sinister. Deals good condition and power damage. Takes curses or spite traitlines.

    > 3. Trailblazer Scourge - Gear is in the name. Deals excellent condition damage and can easily run with the melee train. Takes curses traitline.

    > 4. Power scourge - Marauder/Berserker/Valkyrie in a number of combinations will work. Deals excellent power damage. Takes spite traitline.


    > Our guild usually runs 2-3 of these builds at once, and they all perform well.

    > It should be noted that scourge is very powerful in WvW atm, however that doesn't defeat the fact that these builds compare well to each other, all being scourge builds.

    > This diversity is only possible because of the excellent balance of power and conditions in WvW right now.


    > Thank you for a well designed spec, and months of fun.


    > PS. If you are doubtful of the builds effectiveness, or think power or condi is OP, come GvG us in NA t2/t3, we're on Crystal desert. I would offer to discuss balance in this thread but that doesn't solve anything.


    > Cryo - [bAN]


    .....in NA t2/t3?


    ....i'm pretty sure Jade Quarry vsed you just last week....in tier 4....and while we went up to see Henge of Denaravi and Maguuma in tier 3



    your still in tier 4......not tier 3 or 2......


    so....try again.


    also so glad scourge is balanced with.....scourge.


    now try playing other classes. specially those with limited condition cleanse. and tell me how they compare to various types of scourge.


    or heck. scourge vs other forms of necromancer.

  15. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > What started out on a reasonable level has now gone a little bonkers in the PvP Forum, and we're seeing power leveling threads taking up way too much of the conversation space.


    > What's the solution, guys? Make ONE thread per month, and you can post, quote others to respond (to keep the conversation trackable), etc.? Say "No thanks" to power ranking threads? Leave them, even if the number seems a little high?


    > Please tell me what you think, because this seems to be something that could get (may have gotten ;) ) out of hand.


    eh, i think more often balance patches would slow it down


    people making threads over and over again cause the time between them has people worried that balance isn't coming




    honestly...after playing deadeye....i kinda agree with them.....its easy to beleive balance isn't coming when a class like this exists (give it stability plz)

  16. > @"Zoltreez.6435" said:

    > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > > @"Zoltreez.6435" said:

    > > > > @"Methuselah.4376" said:

    > > > > Hmm I think that's too strong a mechanic. RS 2 already has projectile destruction. I do get what you mean, but this is where you use your out of shroud skills to hamper their movement (cripple and chilled for example) and then burst them down with shroud skills.

    > > >

    > > > PFFFF joking right ? its not like most of the other classes dont have Teleports.. invis... blinks... leaps.. stacked on each other or 6+ dodge in a row that also removes these condies...

    > > > Also burst them down with shroud skills ( the rare times they don't/cant get away from you for a few sec ).... immune... immunes everywhere.....

    > > >

    > > > but no Prob we have SHROUD !!!! Our only defense againts EVERYTHING that has our ONLY real Mobility ability in it :D

    > > >

    > >

    > > how about we reduce the shroud decline rate (Aka how much shroud hp is lost per secound even without enemy hitting you)

    > > and extend range of Death's charge from 600 to 1200 (same as warrior GS)


    > and a Knockdown or Stun at the end of that Death charge and its a deal..... the animation is too slow the enemy will fall a sleep before deaths charge reaches them from 1200 at least make it worth it..


    knockdown or stun would be a bit much (for a charge i mean)


    the blind could be replaced with a 1/4 secound daze though (similar to thief pistol 4) for interrupt.

  17. > @"Zoltreez.6435" said:

    > > @"Methuselah.4376" said:

    > > Hmm I think that's too strong a mechanic. RS 2 already has projectile destruction. I do get what you mean, but this is where you use your out of shroud skills to hamper their movement (cripple and chilled for example) and then burst them down with shroud skills.


    > PFFFF joking right ? its not like most of the other classes dont have Teleports.. invis... blinks... leaps.. stacked on each other or 6+ dodge in a row that also removes these condies...

    > Also burst them down with shroud skills ( the rare times they don't/cant get away from you for a few sec ).... immune... immunes everywhere.....


    > but no Prob we have SHROUD !!!! Our only defense againts EVERYTHING that has our ONLY real Mobility ability in it :D



    how about we reduce the shroud decline rate (Aka how much shroud hp is lost per secound even without enemy hitting you)

    and extend range of Death's charge from 600 to 1200 (same as warrior GS)

  18. > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > as much as i want this skill nerfed.........theres a bigger issue

    > >

    > > AoE Hell. aka the Scourge spam.

    > >

    > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/9Nkt7Wn.jpg "")

    > >


    > But that is the PoF meta, scourge+spambrand, and next expac will ad more aoe spam , they will keep adding more AOE spam over and over, it makes bad players look good... rather than know what and whom they need to hit.


    > For the player who say gw2 gameplay is good, they are new to mmo's or just plain bad that need this kind of AOE spam to feel good :astonished:


    > Game was made for bad players ;)


    > Tip;

    > ANet need to remove some AOE from the game, and aoe that does direct damage cant condi, within some exceptions like Metor Shower and alike skills, if AOE could be reduced, gameplay would be better and some skills like MS could have it's number of targets increased.


    > TDLR: Less AOE and cleaves spam overall, but stronger aoe's, this is the main issue on class design and balance and in what game balance is lacking, Classes are being designed with to much spam and aoe due the nature of the bad pve of this game.

    > That is hurting the pvp gamemodes.


    they defenitly need to trim down the AoE to make single target more viable again.


    as well as make some way to reduce condition dmg. like maybe the healing stat also reduces condition dmg.

  19. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNAR4Ync0AlbitbCW2A0biFtBLuCeBDhUZgUwGYKAkAOAA-jVCBQBA4JAoQ1fiwBBYLKzKy+DSSJYf0NwgLAgWUaAA-w


    this is mine, its basically based around doing anything and everything.


    with alot of hp recovery/stun breaks. (every skill is ment to be used. even the signet which can give u a 6k heal if surrounded by enemies. and using it wont lose you the +25% movement cause u have dagger)


    basically use GS in combat, switch to dagger to use its 2 skill for a heal or in case conditions are proving problematic(dagger 4 fixes it). but mainly stick to GS for dmg and its passive heal


    switch to shroud to break stun/movement debuffs.

    and switch to shroud when you low hp. hit 4. and let vamperic heal you up (and downed allies. its a pretty nice heal)


    for WvW i switch the daggers for a staff. and maybe suffer for a well


    for PvE, i tend to switch suffer and chilled to the bone for bone minions and flesh golem. as minions also help to heal you (vamperic <3 )



    it wont be the best in any one field, but its good in all, and if played right (using shroud at the right times), you'll find yourself being the only one not being killed in meta events. and ending up being a "necro medic" with that shroud 4.


    if you can't get marauder stuff, just switch it with knight. or a combo of soldier/knight.

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