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Captain Kuro.8937

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Posts posted by Captain Kuro.8937

  1. Its pretty easy solution to fix KP mentality .

    Reduce the rewards in the LFG (true/false) and increase them in Guilds.

    Any push to place random peaople in Guilds , is a welcomed one , to create bonds


    Edit: Or you can get full rewards , for the first 3 times you had initiated the party in the LFG .

    Let someone else enlist/start the LFG

    A person demanding such huge amount of KillProof , surely will invite another 1-2 members in his party , to start the group under a different leadership .

    It will be like a mini-guild self-containing all these high skilled players

  2. I like the idea


    They could implant something Gigantic(free mmo) (i am sorry Ms Mod , before Gaile) , where a huge ceature acconmpanies your commander and absorve damage done to your zerg .

    Up to 90% is absorved and a ticking Dot on the commander, or the zerg (based on how building are NOT under your control - 1500/2000 /2500 damage per sec) + a creature abilities like Yashuo Windwall or an earthworm tremor (that reduces its spellcds based on how much LESS building you have conqered) .


    If both yours and the enemy creatures are outside in the same time . They start fighting each other + no spells can be cast from them anylonger +but they still absorve damage done to your commander or zerg .

    They only thing you can do is :

    a) command them to turn 180 degree , in order to hit their vitals organs from their backs , but forcing the enemy creature to turn around they would sucrifice a portion of their health and take a blow

    b) wait till the enemy commander have taken enought damage (survive 15 sec) and will be highlighted as bright as day to kill him .

    c) Go behind the enemy beast's back and try to nuke him , splitting the zerg potential offensive power (the enemy commander can force the crature to turn his back , in an other direction)

    d) wait till the creatured absorved powered , stops after 30 sec (euxastion)



    Creatures and abilities , can be sold in the Gemstore

  3. What if some asian kid could control the boss , from his smartphone , while he plays ''hack and slash''!

    Or looking from the boss back (3rd person view) , limiting his view and seeing some mini shadows as opponents ?

    (even if its a GW2 boss or BnS World Boss or Lineage Dungeon Boss , or simply facing Npcs


    In his screen he is doing a campaing/

    /playing god of war with his son attreus/

    shadow of murder /

    /trickster shapeswift god /

    /playing as a mischief Okami Tha posses Npcs and trip down players in a Watered down form of the ingame gw2 or leaping through various ncsoftgames/

    /as a player's pet or go in his body fighting infections and offering buffs or improving-replacing the player attacks-spells. And reading some lines in the walls, from the bio the possessed player have wrote for his character

    /transforming into toaster that generate more hype and it will destroyed... Soon

    /going from 1 place to the ''endgoal'' to get his loot , while a red circle limiting /forcing his to fight the raiders/ppl (when they start attacking the Npc Bossin their own game))

    At 20% of the Boss HP , the player disconect from the Raid and he face Npcs to get his daily reward/get to endgame.

    Or the player can call upon the Power of Tyrannia , if the fight is unfavored to him /reducing the rewards he get in the end , that kills all players is his schreen or empowering with huge amount of energy for 10 sec (teleporting out of the raids in the end) and keep doing his own NPC slaghuter till the endgoal

    While the Raiders face an 20% Enraged+buffed up Normal NPC boss , to get their own reward

  4. How about using top stats as a friendly +1 button to a player that we like

    (giving him extra +1 rating on his next win/-1 if lost in his next match up , if that player ''ACCEPT IT'') .


    If that recieving player , pass some rating tiers (1400/1450/1500/1550 etc ... once) the player that gave him the +1 will get some bonus PiP in end of the season , or every week.


    So either sucfrifice your earned top stats/PiP to ''gamble'' on ppl that you think that have a fighting chance and get rewarded at the end , or ''cash in'' your end match rewards NOW .


    Mostly it will be used for L33T players to punish other players or sabotaze then , but they spent less time typing and afking


    If the player that recieves the +1 , didnt had a single stat (damage-healing...etc) less than the 15% avarege of the match/all ppl (he was afk) , he ACCEPTS THE QUEST istantly> meaning +1/-1 on win/loss on his next match (or only the negative effect -1 , if you are also reported him for afk)



  5. > @"Chaba.5410" said:

    > - (Once suggested in the past) Enforce a 2v1 against a winning server by making the two other servers temporary allies. Although I feel there are better negative feedback mechanisms that would make this suggestion unnecessary.


    A less costly idea with little negative feedback would be :

    Random roamer finds Ancient Orb , that last 24 hours in his inventory .

    He can throw it on the ground where only the Commanders can pick it up (and the player is rewarded for each commander that pick it up) .

    Commander can cleanse this Orb amd apply a fragment of it , in his ''NEWLY'' captured Stractures ( his server and himself get rewarded with extra PiP + silver , as long as he hold it and that Commander is Online) .

    If the enemy team captures all your heavy stractures (Keeps+ Towers+ Castles) in all maps , he ''steals'' your Orb mechanic for 3 hours (while you loose it) .

    So our Commanders should be carefull , that if they use the Orbs , then the biggest enemy server will rolfstomp you 24/7 .


    Your commander allthought can drop a fragment on a gound (most likely near the respanw area of the least overpowered team) where they can Apply Orbs to their newly stractures (or escord a caravan with it)

    Forcing the Biggest team to conquer ALL yours and the lesser teams heavy stractures to ''steal'' this mechanic .


    If the Biggest enemy server finds the ''dropped Orb in the ground '' and take it or captured everything , the need to apply it to **_''NEWLY'_**' captured heavy styractures (in most cases , there will be few) .


    Edit: Or simply throw the Orb ...lure the enemy commander ...get marked...get killed... kill his headless Zerg

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