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Posts posted by Eekasqueak.7850

  1. I don't think he'd last long if he ends up stirring a dragon with his plan. He's still a small fry compared to the elder dragons. Also I think the scarab plague is less of a threat than it's being treated as. The level of tech and understanding is on such a different level than when it first popped up. When was the last time you heard of the bubonic plague threatening a society?

  2. Warhorn but make it either able to change the rev's skillbar to add more ranged choices or summon things. Maybe even give it an icy theme and have one if the Kodan from the first game as a legend. (Though that could work for great sword too which would be my second choice)


    Edit:Or just main hand warhorn because that hasn't been done before.

  3. > @"Opopanax.1803" said:

    > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > Crossbows could just be a rifle skin IMO


    > No, because we need more ranged weapons in the game so we have more ranged weapons skills.


    So make spears useable on land like we see paragon NPCs doing.

  4. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > > > Hmm but can I get people helping me for it if I get a squad?

    > > >

    > > > Yes, but you don't need to make a squad. Just invite anyone who wants to help up to a max of 5 ppl. Doesn't help with the flying bit, but it will speed up the dps

    > >

    > > Will do! Thanks, I think I can get through the flying bit.


    > Just make sure you are clear to anyone joining you aren't making a team for the "Migraine" achievement. That's the proper 5-man version which is a lot harder


    Yeah, I'm just trying to make it through all the story content.

  5. So I got to Mordremoth after fighting through blighted Eir and Blighted Canach but I kept dieing on the final glider stage because of getting knocked down by the rocks. I think with enough time I can do it but first, is it possible to get a group of people to go with me for it to make it go faster, and is there anything I can do to make it go faster? The Eir fight takes forever with my Dragonhunter guardian.

  6. > @"bearshaman.3421" said:

    > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > > @"bearshaman.3421" said:

    > > > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > > > I noticed I can only choose quaggan, grawl or hylek as Asuran on the Wiki but it says if I play with someone else I can get a different racial sympathy, if I do the quests for my race will I be unable to do that? I really want to get racial sympathy with the Skritt.

    > > >

    > > > Each race has a choice of 3 from Ogre, hylek, skritt, quaggan, grawl ( I think that's all of them). It's fixed for each character race. If I had to guess, asura have experimented on skritt too much for them to ever get close to asura?

    > > >

    > > > Only Charr, Human, and Sylvari can get Skritt for that mission.

    > > >

    > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Personal_story#Chapter_V_.E2.80.94_Helping_Hands_.E2.80.94_Level_50

    > >

    > > Yeah but the wiki says if I do the mission with another player I can get that sympathy.


    > Right! So how that would work is, you would have to be in a party with someone else who is playing one of those three races, you have to have not done those missions on that character yet, they have to start each of the parts of the personal story (not you), so you're just along for the ride, the story will revolve around them, and I think you would have to do this from the mission where you pick a race to help all the way through to completing those missions.


    > I think that will work, but I've never tried it.


    Right, the part about having to not have done it was what I wanted to know.

  7. > @"bearshaman.3421" said:

    > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > I noticed I can only choose quaggan, grawl or hylek as Asuran on the Wiki but it says if I play with someone else I can get a different racial sympathy, if I do the quests for my race will I be unable to do that? I really want to get racial sympathy with the Skritt.


    > Each race has a choice of 3 from Ogre, hylek, skritt, quaggan, grawl ( I think that's all of them). It's fixed for each character race. If I had to guess, asura have experimented on skritt too much for them to ever get close to asura?


    > Only Charr, Human, and Sylvari can get Skritt for that mission.


    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Personal_story#Chapter_V_.E2.80.94_Helping_Hands_.E2.80.94_Level_50


    Yeah but the wiki says if I do the mission with another player I can get that sympathy.

  8. I noticed I can only choose quaggan, grawl or hylek as Asuran on the Wiki but it says if I play with someone else I can get a different racial sympathy, if I do the quests for my race will I be unable to do that? I really want to get racial sympathy with the Skritt.

  9. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > You could change to 2F Authorization. You can use something like WinAuth on your computer, or one of the Smartphone or landline apps.


    > Good luck.


    I already have that! It's just that it doesn't want to let me log on to a new account without the e-mail verification.

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