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Posts posted by XenoSpyro.1780


    > @"Bern.9613" said:

    > Invigorating Precision: The healing based on critical damage has been reduced from 15% to 10%. The healing percentage of this trait is now increased by an additional 10% when the thief is under the effects of fury. <----once again, does anyone even use this?


    You have 20% Lifesteal. Why WOULDN'T you use this now?



  1. And here I am questioning why isn't there an option to completely DISABLE skill animations and character models from other players that aren't in your party, and simultaneously increase model count for enemies so you're not getting pummeled by 10 Veteran Invisible McGee The Jack-off's.

  2. As far as I'm concerned, it doesnt hurt to trade off a half or all Zerk trinkets for Captain or Knight.


    Condi is able to cheese it's way without that trade through Rabid, and Settler/Apoc. Expertise be damned, there is already enough durations through runes and traits.

  3. > @"Wyrd.1432" said:

    > firebrand with an ascended weapon and jewelry but the rest exotics. Haven't had the time or resources to get a full set dedicated to any particular build as the ascendeds are random drops with some crafted depending on available recipes.


    Well there's why. You're probably running a random assortment of stats. Focus on Power or Conditions (or even a possible mix) for decent damage. For that class, invest in some Vita too. You can craft, buy from TP, or buy from Temple karma vendors.

  4. > @"Arimas.3492" said:

    > Kits may be our greatest asset but they definitely need updating. Notably Bomb, Tool and FT cause all of those right now are pretty lame.

    All they have to do is make Jugg apply to all kits and most problems go away.


    Tool auto could use a speed boost too. It's not like the in-game wrench is a 20-pound monkey wrench.



  5. > @"Robban.1256" said:

    > False , healing signet is at the top of the highest healing for a warrior and can't be interrupted, here's from my post on the old forum + spb healing:

    > Healing

    > Comparisons between our heals to show how much hp/min you heal with them:

    > Healing Signet – 344 hp every 1 sec * 60 = 20640 hp/min + active healing×2=(6960hp)= 27600hp/min

    > Mending – 6520hp every 15sec * 4 = 26,080 hp/min

    > To the limit– 9100 hp every 30 sec (with full adrenaline) = 18,200 hp/min


    I like how you decided to go by an arbitrary minute instead of the more realistic approach of comparing heal rate against other skills cooldowns. You completely ignore all context too.

    HS carries 5160 healing in 15 seconds, pre patch it was 5730. Mending heals for far more, and even removes conditions as opposed to just "ignoring them for a tiny bit". Not impressive. LuL

    HSig heals more in 30s (10320) than untraited TTL (9100), but you're using TTL without speccing for Shouts and getting the complete 10,100 per 24. lul.

    Two hits of Mending (13040) per 30 still wind up being better in the long run.


    I also like how you cheated and included "Active Healing" in when calculating Passive. Did you actually forget that you don't gain Passive signet effects during a cooldown? Using the Active heal will reduce the total heal. Don't tell me that those numbers come from Adrenal, because that can be used with any other heal skill.

    Way to skew the results to make HS look more powerful than it actually is. It wasn't even that amazing pre-nerf.

  6. Missed opportunity for all players to be equal to or slightly above the average mook NPC as far as the story is concerned.


    Except what we have are hundreds of The Main Hero / The Commander.

  7. This whole thread should be the next chapter achievement. "Defend Rytlock at the Citadel jury."

    At least 3 or whatever objectives of evidence or argument to prevent imprisonment. The achievement makes it a critical success (fully trustworthy decision) as opposed to an ordinary "pardon" success (leadership questioned) kinda like with what happened with the Asura-pestilence situation.


    Or you could be a total d**k and instantly condemn a DW member out like you're voting someone off the island.

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