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Posts posted by XenoSpyro.1780

  1. > @"Yannir.4132" said:

    > Stop facetanking skills then! Don't let them breathe.


    All of the best skills on Core are all close range. The only time you can reliably attack at range is Rifle auto which is just lol and even worse with no cleave. By design, you have no choice but to facetank, or at the very minimum fight within 600 units.

  2. > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > Merciless hammer was just trash. Now its mediocre and still gets outshined by the other 2 options. In what build did you need an obvious power weapon that applied confusion?

    Even on straight Zerk gear, extra damage is extra damage. They should have just kept the confusion. What was it, 4 stacks for 900 that can be reapplied over and over?

    Do I even need to mention the hard-ons pure Condi Bowserkers ought to be getting?


    Personally, I just like the feedback of generating pink clouds.


    > Hybrid warrior? Dont make me laugh

    Grieving might want a word with you.



  3. > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

    > Firebrand needs to drop A LOT of sustain to give a mediocre amount of quickness.

    Imagine that. You have to drop something to gain something somewhere else, and not have everything at once. Good.

    > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

    >Seems like ANET just wants a flat out nerf to boons, period.

    Good. There's too much boonplay happening anyway.

  4. > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

    > Yes, the whole "hero's journey" to The Mists and back was truly legendary. Joseph Campbell would have been proud. That was great story telling.


    You're dead for all of an hour max. That entire scene was pointless, or at least only serves for that cringeworthy "Death was overrated." line.

    If the player character was instead knocked unconscious, nothing would be different, but at the very least could lead to an actual good joke later when you're knocked out again before Amala.


  5. > @"Dace.8173" said:

    > More to the point, if Elite specs were the same power level as Core then Free to Play players would have less incentive to get an expansion.

    So we're in agreement that Elites are P2W and have effectively ruined most of the game. Got it.


    Can we start calling this company EAnet now?

  6. > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > Passive healing or not, you get 6880 jimmy.

    > The NET TOTAL healing is what counts.

    You people are throwing around the wrong numbers. I don't know why you're using 20s as an arguing point when Mending has been 15s for quite a while now, and is traitable for 12. Your net total per 15s is 5160.


  7. > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

    > But I thought this kind of play was fun and enjoyable?

    > The only reason I got the kill was by baiting him, let him get cocky, as the only way you get the kill is by them over investing, other wise it's just reset after reset.

    Even with a victory, that was the stupidest thing I've ever watched. To think it's worse with braindeadeye.

  8. Back in the good old days, sound quality settings actually changed the sound quality.

    > @"DrewCady.8902" said:

    >throttles voices

    >amount of voices.

    Not.. whatever this is.

    You want to help the low spec? Add in options for <44 khz/bitrate, and disabling reverb.

    The setting itself needs more detail too. Instead of a slider, it needs to be a dropdown with popup that describes what changed, like the graphic settings.

  9. This weapon is underwhelming.


    Make burn autos baseline.

    Move BA to Arms / Swap spots with Unsuspecting Foe.

    Add 20% speed to trait.

    Both Arcing and Smoldering need a burn.

    Velocity increase also needed. I've seen paper airplanes fly faster than these arrows.

    Burst needs to pulse once per second, instead of the molasses rate it is now.

  10. > @"Astraea.6075" said:

    > but we don't have any information about how technically difficult this might have been to implement.

    Too technically difficult to make upgrades pull from gear again. A system that had already existed.

    Too technically difficult to make upgrades excluded from Salvage All. A system that had already existed by proxy of upgrades being unsalvageable.

    Too technically difficult to make upgrades salvageable by clicking. A system that currently exists.

    Too technically difficult to make a new option called "Salvage All/Avoid Mote". Could be made to exist as shown by the introduction of salvaging by rarity.


    mfw : https://media.tenor.com/images/a6c2c70dfa7185e8c75376429a8e2063/tenor.gif


    I suppose the plethora of broken events in this game are also too technically difficult to fix? They go untreated for months or even years after all.

  11. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > I don't even know if this thread represent a bannable offence


    Hidden rule. If it doesn't represent a bannable offense, it does represent a bannable offense.

    Discussing about bannable offenses is also a bannable offense.

    Discussing about banners and fences is also a bannable offense.

    Oh.. dear me. Goodbye.

  12. You really don't need that much power for the game to run. I've previously ran on an 850m and 465. You have to check in the NV control panel if the game is even using the right graphic processor. In-game, disable Shadows, Reflections, use the lowest model count, and turn on the Limit effects tick.


    > @"Hot Boy.7138" said:

    > people say this, but fact is pretty much any cpu above an i5 2500 is good enough for Gw2

    10000 Volatile magic says this game can run on a Core2 or i3.


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