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Posts posted by XenoSpyro.1780

  1. even if most people wanted world pvp it wouldnt work. core maps too small, no way to separate teams without returning to race wars other than dividing players up into mercs and factions. the game would just be flooded with the same top 3 meta builds (just like now lul). no one would really be able to DO anything because NPCs would either be constantly dead or camped. this game would actually be a s***show and the population would flatline

  2. If anything this game isn't disturbing or disgusting enough. Doesn't even deserve its softest of all T ratings really. Can someone make a Brutal Gw2 mod pl0x?


    > @"Irreverent.3594" said:

    > Cats. GW2 has weirdest looking cats in history of MMO cats. Their faces... oh no one is staring at me right now... i... i think they are up to

    Got nothing on Low Detail chicken portraits.


  3. > @"Thundabolt.8541" said:

    > Every day I grow more bored of this pre millennial masculinity front. Are things just never allowed to be cute and appealing? Is there some kind of fear of cute things affecting the way you play? I'm almost certain this is the same attitude of "female charr shouldn't wear feminine clothing" and "the SAB weapons break muh immersion".

    > I don't believe there's such a thing as "too many cute things". I just think people are trying way too hard to be manly men.


    Imagine trying this hard to be anti-cool and anti-badass, by writing off legit concerns as a front. I'm actually astounded that you didn't attach the typical post-millenial buzzword 'toxic' to that.

  4. How to fix hammer :

    - Buff all base damage to compete with damage that Greatsword offers through speed. GS and Hammer should be polar opposites of each other since they are the only two two-handed War melee choices.

    - Move current Hammer 3 to replace Auto Chain 3, and make new Hammer 3 a thrust attack that gives 300 range non-cleave knockback. (Use Sword 3 animation)

    - Increase the effing range (apply this to GS too) so that the obviously longer two handed weapon has a higher reach than a stupid dagger. (In fact make this true across the entire game. I'm not sure why range mechanics are completely avoided for melee weapons.). If the animation actually looks like it should hit, then it should hit.

    - Bring back confusion. If it was really "useless" then there was no reason to remove it. As far as I'm concerned its a bit of free extra damage. If this was useless, then so is Sigil of Air/Fire, and also Body Blow bleeding. The "Useless" argument is even more dumb the better your Might generation is.

  5. Net Shot should have some width added to it (first off to reduce "Obstructed"). I'd say about 300 Radius (negotiable) might be about right. Also increase target limit to 3. When more than one target is hit, nearby targets are pulled towards that target. If just one target is hit, normal Net Shot behavior would be used instead (No pull, just Immobile.)


    Functionally, it would be very similar to Gravity Well or Dragon's Maw. Side benefit is it would make up for the lost utility of firing behind the user.


    The animation would be quite literally a wider net (not as wide as Speargun 5) that when it hits, would visibly wrap around the target(s).

  6. > @"Tao.5096" said:

    > I'm thinking if turning all mobs except NPCs

    But mobs are NPCs


    > @"Tao.5096" said:

    > pointless combat mode

    You get experience, drops, and in some cases Achievement progress. Hardly pointless.


    OP, I have grand idea for you. No one has ever thought of it before. If you want to avoid combat so badly, just go around mobs and use movement skills.



  7. > @"Einlanzer.1627" said:

    > Does anyone have the math on what, for example, switching from Berserker to Soldier does for your offensive and defense?

    Sort of. I've done some barebones calculations with a friend in sPVP by taking a series of Engi Pistol power auto attacks (supposedly more consistent damage) ignoring non-crits, writing them down, and then averaging out the numbers, and then doing the same thing with different toughness amulets, and cross referencing the results with one another.


    I've basically figured out that 0 Toughness = full damage, obviously. 560 = about 10% Damage Reduction, 900 = about 20% DR, 1200 = about 30%. You could maybe factor in a shield (another 61), Thick Skin (180)/Stalwart (240). Difference between Light and Heavy is 291. It's not great, but Toughness itself isn't completely useless, whereas Power is. (TLDR never use Soldier) So all I ask is that if you are going to use Toughness, please at least find a way to crit reliably.


    Vitality is different in that it's less useful the more base health you have. So it's only really handy for Thief/Ele/Guard, which is where Marauder comes in.


    Condition damage doesn't have to worry about it as much. Between all the runes/sigils, traits, and countless food options, you can still squeeze out a LOT of condi time even in full Rabid gear. Expertise is a little bit overrated.


    > @"yusayu.3629" said:

    > Stats don't matter for open world

    If that's true then you should start running a power dps build in nothing but Nomad gear with Dolyak runes. Yeah have fun with that.



  8. I just got the same issue a couple days ago. Completely blank BLTP and Gemstore. The funny part is, the day prior, I had just listed a Legendary. HMMMMMM


    Deleting cache, and FlushDNS and resetting my local IP/DNS to dynamic doesn't work (althought it did somehow boost my loading speed to where a large map like Div or LA loads in under 5 seconds as opposed to 10 or 20).

  9. The level of uninformed in this thread is too damn high.


    > @"TheAgedGnome.7520" said:

    > WoW Classic is Blizz's act of desperation to stem the hemorrhage of subscribers. It will be a flash in the pan.


    If you only knew how many unofficial servers Blizzard had shut down, especially [the most recent one.](https://www.polygon.com/2016/4/11/11409436/world-of-warcraft-nostalrius-shutdown-legacy-servers-final-hours "the most recent one.") Blizzard even lied and said "the data was lost" and clearly didn't want to do it until recently. The WoW playerbase have been calling for classic servers for quite a while now. EverQuest has classic. Runescape has Classic. It's a thing that people want.

  10. > @"Deniara Devious.3948" said:

    > **Those engineer rifle nerfs make no sense**. Hip shot nerf would be huge (no tracking --> strafe left and right to avoid rifle) and Arenanet specifically allowed engineers to shoot net backwards with rifle #2.


    Not even the common courtesy to buff damage and/or velocity to match Ranger. Talk about not being asked out for dinner before being eff'd. Thanks Anet.


    So what's next? CC received while in Jump Shot is 2x more effective? Rifle skills have a random chance to backfire?


    > @"zinkz.7045" said:

    > From: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/33724/game-update-notes-march-27-2018

    > Net Shot: Fixed a bug that prevented players from being able to fire this skill at targets behind them.

    Yup. Balance team is ran by Moas.





  11. If Anet attempted to add any actual depth to the game in the form of racial/class bonuses/drawbacks, Bethesda would sue for copying TES. That's also why we don't have personal customizable homes. All that and the sheeple would scream "HURDUR COPYING WOW AGAIN" again.


    It's why 90% of the writing in this game assumes you're a Human or MAYBE a Sylvari.

    Oh, and you also can't drown in this game, even without a rebreather. You can't copy Quake either.


    I hereby give this game the award : Mist Potential

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