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Posts posted by XenoSpyro.1780

  1. Get a bit of toughness. Captain or Knight stats on all trinkets, keep Zerk on armor and weapons. Take the Greatsword trait with Might Makes Right, use bursts often and dodge for days.

    > @"iczek.9628" said:

    > in addition with Healing signet is amazing.

    Don't do this. Mending straight up heals more and then some, made even better ever since the base cooldown was reduced from 20 to 15, and then made into a Physical skill, which brings it down to 12 seconds when traited. Plus, those conditions aren't going to remove themselves. Use this alongside Shake It Off.



  2. > @"zaxziakohl.5243" said:

    > The falling damage trait actually has a place. But it's not really combat related

    This is more of a map design problem not introducing enough verticality (don't be funny and say HoT) than the traits themselves. This is why people reference WvW a lot because those maps have many steep hills, cliffsides, and of course walls.

    Instead of removing FDR, it would make a lot more sense if it was moved towards traits that most builds probably use anyway. Peak Performance is probably the only one that actually gets it right. In previous threads I would always suggest Mecha Legs or Short Fuse, because Grenadier is only ever really useful to... SURPRISE... grenade kit.


    Whatever. I'm beating a dead centaur.



  3. > @"hugo.4705" said:

    > "Starting at level 10, engineers can now swap weapons while out of combat, gaining an additional pair of weapon slots on their Hero panel."

    > YES GOD YEeeeeeeeS!!!!!!

    Holos and Scraps rejoice.. again.. I guess?

    This is still pretty useless as Core Power unless we get maces. Unless you think having offhand shield with no mainhand is worth your time.

    Same for Core Condi. I'm sure Blunderbuss will give amazing bleed. /s


    I see this as only being decent for having the same weapon type slotted for swap procs, which only works if you're kitless otherwise it's redundant. Oh, and non-combat only. So it's basically a weapon-only equipment loadout anyway. Who is this update for again?



    The Goggles change is also a little.. weird. Specifically for anti-blind, it's a nerf in a game where blind is practically spammed, or at least it feels that way. For general condition immunity, it's misplaced. I would sooner replace the Lightning Aura on AED with Resistance than give it to Goggles. The toolbelt skill? Giving it an AoE reveal isn't useful in PvE since every mob that has stealth, Reveal doesn't work on at all. I've not seen it work once. Bandits, skelks, doesn't matter. At the very LEAST, you make use from the 10x Vulnerability, but now it's just nothing. Will the passive version be affected at all or what?


    The new Goggles seems decent for WvW/Pvp though IF you're already running Rocket Boots. While we're here I want to point out that Gadget toolbelt skills should be listed as Gadgets, just like Elixirs are.


  4. If I were in charge of the narrative, next update I'd temporarily call off the "chasing Bangar" arc, and have the player given the choice to hold the burial and ceremony at either Grothmar (surrounded by Blood) or at the Vigil Keep. (These would probably function best as shared instances rather than open world.) An extra option if you are Vigil, you decide it's held at the Keep for the sake of duty regardless of your opinion. I also have a small idea for a mini event where rifle wielding characters Engi, Deadeye, and Warrior, or all players by virtue of bundle items, participate in a 21-gun salute. Could function similar to the training heart rifle portion in south Queensdale.


    Returning to Bjora, you wander off on your own with Raven's help to get a more clear cut vision of Almorra's last stand. Make this one an instance where you control her directly much like we controlled Caithe way back whenever. Lw2?

  5. It's not you and there's nothing you can do about it. Don't waste your money buying another mouse, because that's not going to change anything. You're going to have to get used to it or figure out if you're better off running Action Cam.


    Right click camera turning is broken in 2 ways. You obviously got the "game ignored my click" bug.

    The second bug, my personal favorite, is where it turns just fine but your cursor changes position anyway instead of freezing on hold like it's supposed to. If you try to use targeted AoE skills when this happens, your marker will appear to teleport to whichever side of the screen. I get some bad skill misses because of this.


    Between mouselook problems, the "skill goes straight to cooldown on use" thing, mounts randomly strafing when pressing forward, and mounts not moving backwards at all sometimes.... wow this game honestly has the worst controls in all of PC gaming.

  6. > @"Alukah.2063" said:

    > Fall damage traits aren't needed, but they were an option to reduce risks while doing certain tasks. Why remove the option if it's doing no harm to keep it?

    Having additional risk is fine. This game needs it tbh. Outright removing it is change for the sake of change. This is why I'm in favor of making FDR tagged Combat Only, and if needed, migrate this property to a trait that might make more sense as part of a regular build. Examples, the FDR on Grenadier ought to be moved to Short Fuse or Mecha Legs, and from Peak Performance to Brave Stride (or leave PP as is). Sometimes mergers just make more sense to me.

  7. "Overcomplicating". One line of text is overcomplicating. Jesus this removal is pointless.

    If you really wanted to address Fall Damage Reduction traits only being taken for JPs, all you have to do is just add "Combat Only". Then you're free to buff or rework the rest of the trait to make taking FDR as part of a regular build make sense. An example is to simply move FDR to Mecha Legs and change the Grenade aspect of it to something else that fits the traitline. Buff the Grenadier trait with something else and you're done. Something like Peak Performance is fine as is however. If you REALLY wanted to change it, I'd say only reduce fall damage for every enemy it hits.


    >in a post-glider/mount world

    Yeah, that's great but you can't mount in combat, hence my emphasis on the "Combat Only" tag, Only takes a couple more seconds of critical thinking and creativity, Anet.

  8. > @"witcher.3197" said:

    > absolutely no redeeming qualities

    Somebody missed Pyre's independence arc

    >When Anet decided to make Charr playable in GW2 they felt it necessary to change how the playerbase viewed the Charr.

    Wow, it's almost like a lot can change in the span of 250 years coughUnitedStatescough

  9. > @"Clyan.1593" said:

    > Cantha: Yeh yeh, I know, there is a big schism among the community about this.

    The only schism here is "Don't piss off Asian countries" because cultural mixing.


    The part that kills me is that the DR Cantha District could have easily been kept in the US and EU servers. Gotta bend that knee tho.

  10. Upcoming Fractal Instability : "Fat characters have 50% chance to fail attacks that have Leap finishers. A failed Leap attack will cause a 3s knockdown that ignores Stability, and 3s slowness condition. Your dodge rolls now cause damage, Launches enemies for 300 units, and is a blast finisher."

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