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Posts posted by XenoSpyro.1780

  1. > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > You know what, looking into it, yeah, inventions needs a rework badly, too.

    > Weirdest thing in that whole trait line: the minor grandmaster trait grants additional healing power if you have regeneration...

    It's meant to be used with Healing Turret or Elixir H, with grant Regen. It also synergizes with the cleanse-regen trait in Alchemy.



  2. >unique and really interesting mechanic..... Altruism Engi

    Ah yes, spam mortar kit, spam stow, spam rune trigger, so interesting. much creative, smash 1 button harder than a Smash match, aka a QTE


    Wow. A 10 second cooldown (still shorter than all heal and cleanse skills) and suddenly the sky is falling. You should be happy Anet blessed you with a still overperforming 10 seconds, rather than bring it up in line with other elite trigger runes with 45, 60, or 90 second cooldowns.



  3. > @"Fenella.2634" said:

    > First, I think people are taking Joko's trash talking way too seriously. ;)

    Especially, since the PC has an ace card that trumps Joko's "don't kill dragons" speech. Aurene.

    > @"Obliviscaris.6937" said:

    > The moment my character turned down the Elonian wine from Zalambur at the casino meeting, I knew she was not well.

    Damn. If only we had a _system_ in place that adjusted a characters _personality_ or behavior based on your actions or choices. Can't quite put my finger on it.


  4. In my opinion, turrets could just use some additional features and number tuning.

    The current overcharge is one of those dual edge sword situations. Good for toolbelt skills, bad for only one overcharge.

    Solution : Overcharge automatically using the old overcharge durations, or do away with the overcharge system completely, and compromise using a sort of permanent use scenario.

    Example, Heal turret currently heals you twice, and allies once at half value, and proc Regen every so often. Instead, remove Regen/overcharge as well as the water field, and replace with a hard heal every time the turret pumps. Make it equal to the old heal rate (5040 per 15 seconds), which would be 1260 per 4 seconds (4 seconds being the time it takes in between pumps.) Basically the Engi version of the Signet of Courage, or a slow group Healing Signet, or a stationary long term version of Medic Gyro.

    My proposed change is intended to make the turret function like an actual turret rather than a lesser Mending. If you want a lesser Mending, this is what Elixir H was meant to be before Alchemic Tintures was removed.


    If turrets are too easy to destroy, they need damage reduction as well as crit-immunity. On top of that, Wrench repair needs to be way more than 5 and 10%. More like 25 and 50% per swing.

    Bring back the feature that gave turrets knockback when destroyed.

    Rifle and Rocket specifically need more damage and on-hit effects while not overcharged. Some better range wouldn't hurt either.

  5. Warrior Longbow is a condition weapon, best used as a Berserker. Invest into Condi stats and runes with +Burn duration.

    Yes, skill firing is unfortunately slow, and I wish it was better able to contend with Power Ranger Longbow to some degree, starting with arrow velocity.

    Arcing shot is a pretty decent (not great) Power skill, but it's only useful to Condi's as a blast finisher.

    > @"Taril.8619" said:

    > Well, this is due to Warrior is seemingly supposed to be the "Martial" class, with little to no magic

    I have a theory that all classes occasionally use some form of magic to use some skills, despite being inherently physical. Please explain Rampage or Bull's Charge physics if it's not assisted with magic.

    > @"Taril.8619" said:

    > They could do with retconning in some magical affinity..... introduce more Combo Fields into Warriors arsenal

    They did this already, it's called Spellbreaker.


  6. > @"Marasmic.6819" said:

    > Sorry for bumping an old thread, but has anyone actually poked through the source code on this to see what it's actually doing? I really want to try it out, but I don't trust software coded by some random guy on the internet.


    There was already a debacle on Reddit last year because of a bunch of whiners flaming the creator. Follow the links to (or google) the Github page. It's nothing more than a Direct3D9 to Direct3D12 wrapper. No different than, Sven's Glide to GL, DXVK, or DGVoodoo. Built for GW2 specifically, the wrapper alleviates overhead in D3D9 that causes framedrops when turning, and generally offers a mild average framerate increase depending on your hardware.


    The worst that has happened was occasional crashes that were fixed LONG ago during the Thunderpeak season, and more recently in the Bjora strike, the walls wouldn't render. That was also fixed in the next update. Compatibility with other mods through chainloading has also improved over time.


    I literally never play this game without this wrapper now, because now I can play with all max settings barring models and shadows, except in core Tyria zones where Ultra shadows is usable. If you don't believe me, I can upload Shadowplay videos with the RTSS overlay running.



  7. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > There is a good reason for that your range is a straight line his is a bowed arc so it hits further if they are above you.

    Good lord this is still such a bad argument. An arc doesn't mean one weapon should have more range than another weapon despite both being listed with the same value, regardless of whoever has the high ground. It's completely unfair to bullet weapons. It is a fact that arrows have more distance than bullets, and it doesn't matter why. So the solution is : Change the system, or change the labelling.


    Apparently none of you have done the math. If you drop Ranger Longbow 1's real range to about 1200 units, then the extra distance those arrows get will equal 1500, matching the skill description.

    Or alternatively, if arrows travel 1500 units, then projectile disappears. Curve or no curve.


    I also want to point out that the Ironsight transforms projectiles to arrows (even affects down skill 1), yet they still act as bullets, and don't magically gain range buff.

  8. > @"kurfu.5623" said:

    > Using Asmongold as a reference to back your arguments totally invalidates whatever point you were trying to make. That guy is an AH.

    The irony is, you didn't provide anything really insightful or useful to this thread. So I assume everyone else can just write you off as white-noise.


    > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > It's a business though ... no one should forget that.

    Everytime I see a variation of "it's a business" or "companies only care about profit", I'm remind of older games where that wasn't true. I specifically think back to Sierra telling Gaben (or Gaben telling his crew, whichever it was) "Don't worry about how long it takes or how much it will cost, just try to make the best game possible."


    It's almost like you can place quality above profit and still come out fine. This is a lost art.



  9. > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > Yes for example, we'll never see Season 1 instances again...oh wait...

    You mean those 4 instances with a 5 minute "boss" fight apiece?

    You mean those instances that just released less than 2 weeks ago after years of players banging that drum?

    You mean those instances that you don't have access to until you own and/or complete the chapter?


    I couldn't imagine what it's like being that cocky.


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