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Posts posted by XenoSpyro.1780

  1. Swap around Final Thrust and Flurry. Unroot Flurry. Make Final Thrust ALWAYS cause bleed. Give Savage Leap evade frames and Bleed. Change Impale to immediately cause 5 torment stacks to allow Rip to be used reliably. Make Rip unblockable and give some bleeds. Change Riposte to only and always strike at the end of the block cycle. Remove Adrenaline Rush and allow Riposte to give adrenaline with every block. Increase Riposte Power scaling from 1 to 1.5, and give some bleeds. Increase all sword base physical damage by 10-15%.


    There, I just made sword Power capable without overshadowing Axe, and fixed Condi being underwhelming.

  2. Best non-pure-Zerk alternative is to run either part-Vita, or part-Tough, or an even split that DOESNT include Soldier gear. Don't touch Soldier with a 10 foot speargun.

    Some combos to try out are: all Marauder gear, Mar armor + emerald (Knight exotic) or Captain (ascended only) trinkets, Zerk + Knight/Cap. If you're using an axe, traiting will make up for missing Ferocity and you should still have somewhere in the range of 190-210 crit damage.


    You won't be an actual tank, but it's the difference between taking a bad hit and still standing, versus going down.

    Dodges be damned, you are GOING to get hit sooner or later. Not having any damage reduction or extra health is antithetical to RPGs.

  3. Define "low spec". I test ran this game on an i7 930, and it only ran slightly worse than on an overclocked 1700. You'll be fine.


    Verdant Brink is the most draining area in the game with the LA crafting area being a close 2nd. If you can play through that, you can play through the rest of the game. Put everything at the lowest and call it a day.

  4. > @"Sylosi.6503" said:

    > > @"zoopop.5630" said:

    >GW2 is just a glorified tab-targeted game that aims for you, which is by far the most passive aspect of this game.


    I'd agree with you, except click targeting and click untargeting is horribly unreliable and doesn't always register.




  5. Have to? You could just not use it. That gives the same affect of it not being there at all, except the difference is that a dev didn't listen to your garbage suggestion that impacts everyone else.


    So yeah. Don't like AH because 'muh diversity'? Just don't use Defense.

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