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Posts posted by videoboy.4162

  1. People keep claiming that ANet stopped selling armor in the gem store, because people didn't want armor in the gem store. That's false. People asked ANet for better balance between the amount of armor in the game and that in the gem store, because we went for a very long time getting the majority of armor in the gem store only. People asked for BOTH.


    I've never understood WHY it takes this particular game so long to make armor sets. I've played other games that were able to put out quality armor at much faster rates and GW2 is a far superior game. Maybe they need a team that only makes armor, weapons, and outfits, but nothing else? Then they could TRY to put 60-65% of it in the gem store and the other 35-40% in game.

  2. It seems like it would be an easy way for Anet to bring in some more cash. Especially since there are so many animals, already in the game, that we can't tame. They could just use a lot of those skins that they've already got made, then add more later.

  3. > @"Narcemus.1348" said:

    > > @"videoboy.4162" said:

    > > > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > > > In a lore sense, I figured my original character passed away into The Mists and the character I play in Guild Wars 2 is her descendent, named for her great (times a dozen) grandmother and even sharing her ancestor's predilection for lavender and the Ranger profession. :)

    > >

    > > I do a very similar thing, but on a slightly larger scale. Almost all (maybe it was all?) of my GW1 characters shared the same last name and that family has thrived over the centuries and still exists in GW2 ^_^


    > Same here! I always RP'd that all my characters were members of a prominent trade family that had buildings set up in all of the major trade ports. In the end, my Main, who became the head of the family after the death of his father during the Searing, retired back to Lion's arch where he ran the trade company well, eventually allowing the family to gain noble status in Kryta. Many of my other characters died in noble pursuits, my Nightfall main died with Koss attempting to finish off Joko. My Canthan main lead a resistance against the Ministry of Purity that likely ended poorly. My perma-pre is my main's beloved sister who died in the searing. She lives through the same day always in the memory of her brother. The younger brother, who I am playing as now, will eventually sail off into the sunset attempting to find new lands to explore or people's to trade with.


    > My GW2 human is a descendant of my Main, though he became a guardian rather than a Necromancer. My main Sylvari is a Necro, though, and I RP that he saw my Main in the Dream and lives to emulate him.


    That is awesome!

  4. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > In a lore sense, I figured my original character passed away into The Mists and the character I play in Guild Wars 2 is her descendent, named for her great (times a dozen) grandmother and even sharing her ancestor's predilection for lavender and the Ranger profession. :)


    I do a very similar thing, but on a slightly larger scale. Almost all (maybe it was all?) of my GW1 characters shared the same last name and that family has thrived over the centuries and still exists in GW2 ^_^

  5. > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > > @"videoboy.4162" said:

    > > Could you tell us what was planned for her, had Utopia come about? (I figure that could be different enough from what might be revealed about her in GW2, to actually get an answer ^_^ )


    > I don't remember her having any "cliffhanger" after Prophecies, so I doubt she'd figure anything more in Utopia than any other random NPC we've interacted with.


    > There *were* story hooks planted in the Beyond storylines, and since they at some point mentioned they wanted to make the founding of Ebonhawke for Beyond I figure her story would have come up there.


    Unless I'm confusing her with someone else, she just vanished after going to visit the King and nothing else was said about her.


    Edit: I had the right name, she's reported missing after going to seek help from King Adelbern and we're never told what happened to her.


    "After struggling for a while to obtain said help, she is reported missing, her last known location being Old Ascalon."



  6. I don't see a topic with her name in it, so I'll bring her up.


    Could y'all either tell us what happened to her?




    Could you tell us what was planned for her, had Utopia come about? (I figure that could be different enough from what might be revealed about her in GW2, to actually get an answer ^_^ )

  7. > @"X T D.6458" said:

    > > @"videoboy.4162" said:

    > > If it isn't possible to make them usable by everyone, then maybe change the name so everyone knows that particular merchant isn't usable by them? It stinks to run up to the merchant and then have nothing happen. lol


    > I would think it can be changed because the one use merchant express is usable by other people.


    It's only usable by **SOME** other people. It's really odd.

  8. They either need to just swap over make race-specific armors/outfits OR separate them into three classes: Asura, Charr, and Human-like. It seems like either of those ideas would be easier than making 4-6 versions of one armor set or Outfit and result in better quality items for Charr and Asura. As long as they kept an equal rotation, so that one race didn't constantly get more things than another, I don't think players would be put off too much either.

  9. > @"Chasind.3128" said:

    > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > You can see all the GW1 elementalist armour together here: https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Elementalist_armor

    > >

    > > I think the new outfit looks like the Istani or sunspear ones. Admittedly the female version also looks a bit like the elite Luxon armour, but the male version is completely different.


    > I'm aware of what the gw1 armors look like, and it looks nothing like those.

    > It comes off more canthan than elonian.


    If you're aware of what they look like, then you should know it looks nothing like any of the Canthan armors from GW1. It's almost the exact style of the Sunspear Elementalist armor, with the patterning being more like the Istani Elementalist armor.

  10. Now that we have the awesome Elonian Elementalist Outfit, I'd love to see the Elonian Paragon armor be brought over (and keep the high heels on the female version, because it's looks like really cool dress armor!)


    The armor in general: https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Paragon_Elonian_armor


    The heels: https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/thumb/e/ec/Paragon_Elonian_armor_f_dyed_left.png/268px-Paragon_Elonian_armor_f_dyed_left.png


    Edit: I still have no idea how to make pictures show up on this new forum. =(

  11. > @"Cyrin.1035" said:

    > > @"videoboy.4162" said:

    > > > @"Cyrin.1035" said:

    > > > Yes, everything OP said and double braided pigtails pls:

    > > >

    > > > https://m.imgur.com/9x5ql1J

    > >

    > > I love that picture! I'm not sure if that's a Human or Norn, but I know the humans have the double braid already (My Soulbeast wears them ^_^)


    > They do?! Would you be up to posting a screenshot of the hairstyle? I'd love to use that for one of my characters.


    This is the one in the game: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/0/05/Unique_human_female_hair_back_11.jpg/355px-Unique_human_female_hair_back_11.jpg


    I looked at that imgur picture again and that character has at least three braids, so it must not be the same one. Sorry for the confusion.



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