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Posts posted by videoboy.4162

  1. > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > > @"videoboy.4162" said:

    > > I'm still having a lot of trouble getting the Adventurous Melody to drop from Adventures. Are there any tricks to this?


    > Besides becoming awesome at all the adventures?


    > Personally I just did the two in TD and sometimes Tendril Torchers. There are several other easy ones especially after some of the changes but I couldn't be bothered.


    I do the Scrap Challenge one a lot, because I can get gold in that. been working on this for a few months, but no dice. lol

  2. > @"Nicolo.2418" said:

    > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > Hey all. Just got the news a few minutes ago. We're a go to run a "monthly" tournament this Saturday October 5 at noon PDT.

    > >

    > > A few notes. The tournament infrastructure still has some big flaws to fix. What we've done for now is gotten more robust tools to try and resolve issues with the tournament manually, should they come up.

    > >

    > > Even given all this, I want to be clear that there is still a chance something could go wrong that we're unable to recover from.

    > >

    > > We're still in progress on the full fixes we need. Expect to hear more about them in the future.


    > rly.. you give us a hand full days time to plan the weekend and make sure to be there + rebuild a team after months of break without a clear date.... i would at least give ppl around 2+weeks time. Now this mAT will be more boring then ever before

    > At least you talk with us ! thumbs up for that


    > @"Nicolo.2418" said:

    > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > Hey all. Just got the news a few minutes ago. We're a go to run a "monthly" tournament this Saturday October 5 at noon PDT.

    > >

    > > A few notes. The tournament infrastructure still has some big flaws to fix. What we've done for now is gotten more robust tools to try and resolve issues with the tournament manually, should they come up.

    > >

    > > Even given all this, I want to be clear that there is still a chance something could go wrong that we're unable to recover from.

    > >

    > > We're still in progress on the full fixes we need. Expect to hear more about them in the future.


    > rly.. you give us a hand full days time to plan the weekend and make sure to be there + rebuild a team after months of break without a clear date.... i would at least give ppl around 2+weeks time. Now this mAT will be more boring then ever before

    > At least you talk with us ! thumbs up for that


    It sounds more like they want to do a live test on their new infrastructure, than just restart the tournaments. I think it's a good call, even if the notice ended up being short, because it'll give them a better idea of what needs to be fixed or strengthened.

  3. This is probably in here a few dozen times, but seeing Murakai made me want to say it.


    I think you should sell GW1 ARMOR. Either alone, in sets, or some combination. A few could be in-game rewards, but I think it'd be an easy cash cow with all the GW1 players in GW2. It should also take less time than making brand new armor, because the design part is already done (minus Charr and Asura). That just leaves the construction phase.

  4. > @"miraude.2107" said:

    > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > > @"Greener.6204" said:

    > > > A list of the voice actors in the prologue [can be found here](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Talk:Bound_by_Blood "can be found here").

    > >

    > > Yes, so it is as stated earlier: still the same actress, just with different intonation. Can't imagine why she was told to do it differently now - perhaps her performance was considered too sexy for a game like GW2?


    > Well, Balthazar almost killed her and then the whole shaken faith thing. I didn't get the feeling that it was a different VA, more that it was someone trying to be upbeat and supportive for their partner while also being a bit tight-lipped since a god tried to kill her, that god deals with flames and, oh joy the FLAME LEGION IS HERE. So I wonder if she was given the direction to sound like someone recovering from a trauma and not her voice was too 'sexy.'


    I think you're right about why she sounds like that, especially based on how she acts at the very beginning of this story.


    Edit: If I'm reading this correctly, Tom Abernathy confirms that you're right.





  5. This is a serious question and not just a complaint. I don't know much about coding a video game. Is it not possible to create some code or a program that tracks PvP matches and auto-punishes match manipulators.


    For ex) I just played a match with a Chrono. Less than one minute into the match, the person got angry. After that, they would spawn, run to Waterfall, and go to sleep. When enemies immediately ran there, the Chrono didn't fight back at all. Repeat until match was over.


    Can player actions be tracked or is it something that cannot be coded?

  6. > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > I looked this over and thought to myself....

    > If Mike O had said even half of this stuff I would have been over the moon and bought into every last word.

    > But Mike Z has proven time and time again that he starts a hype train with buzzwords like "expansion-level" only to underwhelm. We're now at the point where even filler content designed to keep us busy between releases is busted beyond fixing.

    > We're waiting longer between releases than we have since the beginning of S3 and he's let us know that the map variety and cadence of delivery that some of us really enjoyed as central to our experience in this game is no longer "on the table".

    > And he's managed to use community memes to sell it to a large part of the fanbase.


    > What would have been a time for me to get very excited about this game is now generating skepticism.

    > I'm very much "wait and see" about S5. Mike Z's hype pieces are a big reason why.



    He says this is their goal for S5:


    "Actually, we want to be faster now than in the last season. Our current priority is that we try to have something exciting in the game every month. For this we have the living world, but also festivals that take place regularly. In addition, there are those, as we call them internally, bonus events in which you should defeat, for example, World Boss."


    Even if some of it is just filler, it still sounds better than S3 lol


  7. > @"Menadena.7482" said:

    > So if we are getting new episodes monthly does that mean they are taking a few months off before the end of the year? Or just that they have not told us about all the episodes in the next 4 months (which seems a waste not to have mentioned at their event)?


    It's almost guaranteed that they'll take a long break toward the end of the year. They've stated before that several people leave the country to visit family at the end of every year and they had no intention of stopping that. I may be wrong, but I think they've done that as far back as the first Guild Wars too.

  8. > @"Robert Neckorcuk.1502" said:

    > Hello there!


    > Just wanted to pop in and say that we have identified Sparkfly Fen as one of the more server intensive maps, and we are monitoring the numbers to see if there is something we can do to improve them.


    > -R


    Thanks for taking the time to respond!

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