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Posts posted by VDAC.2137

  1. > @"wrathmagik.3518" said:

    > > @"VDAC.2137" said:

    > > Alas, yes, though I keep buying gaming mice... I tried to start with changing how I move (removing turn right and turn left keybinds and only keeping strafe) but having to hold the right mouse button down constantly (instead of briefly as I do now for adjustments) was very uncomfortable. I have yet to find a solution that really works for me.

    > >

    > > How are your tool tips popping up? This doesn’t happen to me — I think I have to hold the mouse over the skill for longer or rightclick to see them? I can’t recall now but I definitely don’t have them flashing onto the screen during combat, etc.!


    > Mines always in my face. During combat etc. If you know how to make it go away I'd be in your debt forever :)


    My apologies for the misinformation! :anguished: I wasn’t noticing them, crazy as that sounds! It would be better if the didn’t always pop up, but at my resolution (assuming that affects their size?), their briefly popping up doesn’t bother me too much, to the point that I’d ceased registering them. Sorry to disappoint! :disappointed:



  2. Alas, yes, though I keep buying gaming mice... I tried to start with changing how I move (removing turn right and turn left keybinds and only keeping strafe) but having to hold the right mouse button down constantly (instead of briefly as I do now for adjustments) was very uncomfortable. I have yet to find a solution that really works for me.

  3. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"VDAC.2137" said:

    > > It would be nice if there was a place/mechanism specifically for dueling. I quite enjoyed that aspect in SWTOR; there was an in-game mechanic to challenge anyone to a duel and if there was any interference, the duel was automatically interrupted. It would be cool if there were arenas or something specifically for duels in GW2. :)


    > Like custom arenas, EotM, OS, or the guild hall arenas?



    Oh, I didn’t know that’s what EotM and custom arenas were for! And what is OS?

  4. > @"Ravij.9856" said:

    > So I was discussing with some guildies on what could possibly top mounts for the next story and I was thinking; why not finally implement the Tengu as a playable race? Everyones speculating we're going to Cantha next and that'd be a perfect moment to add Tengu!


    Both gliding and mounts really changed how one could play the game — both in new maps and old. New playable races could be interesting, whether enough to warrant the work involved is debatable, but certainly would not be an addition at the same level of gliding and mounts and would have no effect on how existing players experience the game.


    I hope the next expansion is something really different — lots of underwater content or going to the arctic and fleshing out Norn character options and lore. As to what new mechanic could be added, I wait to be pleasantly surprised. :)

  5. > @"Chichimec.9364" said:

    > Neither of the top two choices really captured my reaction but the second one was the closest. I liked the whole thing a lot but wasn't thinking of it in terms of farming. Not sure how to explain it but the real enjoyment for me was being a part of something that a whole group of players was doing together. Usually I play as a solo roamer but this felt like a group effort as we raced through the reward tiers. That feeling did flatten out a bit once all the tiers were completed but the individual metas were still fun, especially ones I hadn't done before or hadn't done in a long time.



    My feelings exactly! :)

  6. I enjoyed the extra rewards and participation in these metas. I did more than I normally would, including the PoF metas which I’d never done before, but “farming” them would have diminished the fun for me and honestly, is not rational to do beyond whatever level you enjoy. The rewards were a nice bonus, yes, but not worth exhausting yourself for and I suspect those who did were hoping for an extra rate drop and again, that just is not rational. If you buy 500 lottery tickets, you technically have a better chance of winning than if you buy 1, but the chances are sooo infinitesimal as to be statistically irrelevant.

  7. It would be nice if there was a place/mechanism specifically for dueling. I quite enjoyed that aspect in SWTOR; there was an in-game mechanic to challenge anyone to a duel and if there was any interference, the duel was automatically interrupted. It would be cool if there were arenas or something specifically for duels in GW2. :)

  8. > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > @"Dreddo.9865" said:

    > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > This complaint doesn't make sense ... MC prices are **controlled** by market demand and supply. If you think they are too expensive because you want to buy them, there are people that think they are too cheap because they want to sell them. The price on the market is a balance between those ... it couldn't be any MORE under control than it already is.

    > >

    > > I am sorry but your argument doesn't hold value. The supply is not 'playerbase controlled' but heavily influenced by the devs' decisions. We 've all witnessed how many leg needed materials (T6 mats, ectoplasm, etc) have gone the other way and that happened not due to ...lower players' demand but due to developers altering the supply methods.


    > Which maybe should tell you that the devs are just fine with the current price of Mystic Coins and the supply, demand, and means of obtaining them.


    > Keep in mind that in one of the threads from people complaining about Mystic Coins is that someone from ANet came out and said that most of the coins are sitting in people's banks. Meaning players are hoarding them.


    > T6 materials are used in a variety of other non-legendary tier items, many of which are exotic or rare tier - items meant to not take very long to make. Mystic Coins are used in very few things that are not legendary tier or items that are obviously meant to take a decent bit of time to obtain. Comparing to T6 materials is not a valid comparison given the differences in their usage.


    I bet a lot of people forget about them or don’t realize that they’re tradeable. I know I didn’t for a long time and thought them a semi-useless accumulating item since I was not planning on crafting legendaries...

  9. > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

    > They are 1.49s insta buy 1.42s buy order and constantly going up with no decline in sight.


    > Can you please add more ways to get this item? It's making legendaries more expensive to make and the only unfarmable item for legendaries in the game.


    > It makes it very unfun to make legendaries when this items price is high.


    It’s true they’re costing more now than they have in a while, but the price fluctuates over time and they have been this expensive before. It is odd that the price is increasing now rather than when Exordium released. I guess people used up their stockpiles and haven’t had a chance to replenish?


    Besides log in rewards, Mystic Coins are also an occasional drop in fractals (tiers 2-4 and more frequently from 99 and 100 CM) and when the Mystic Forge is a daily. As has been mentioned, there is also a Ley-Line Anomaly daily that rewards one.


  10. > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > I instead want racial skills removed and their effects instead rolled into

    > * Combat-usable Novelties (mostly the transforms such as Norn Elites)

    > * Racially themed skill "skins"


    I’d make a sylvari engineer if I could have them make plant turrets like those in many of the story instances! Of course, no reason a sylvari couldn’t make normal tech turrets, but it would be sweet to have the option! :)

  11. There are many generous people with full home instances — that’s three of each currency without having to do anything. You could meet the currency requirements in less than three months without ever visiting any of the maps. I would play the maps to whatever level you find fun and then take a few minutes to gather from home nodes daily and be patient. Just pointing out there are options to grinding if you’re starting from zero map currency as I was.

  12. > @"MDove.2391" said:

    > > @"VDAC.2137" said:

    > > > @"MDove.2391" said:

    > > > Tried 2days to Right click-Preview Mount Select Skins in BL...Nothing comes up.

    > > > Maybe my mouse?

    > > > Thought I'd ask. Thanks.

    > >

    > > This confused me too! You cannot actually preview the mounts until you buy these packs (unlike the awakened mount pack for instance). So you need to reference the Wiki to see what mounts are available in each of these packs.


    > Funny. Was trying to follow the Directions...Can get past Balthazar but, not past Computer screen. Duh-uh.

    > Thank you, much.


    Lol, happy to help! I tried following those directions too and for a long time thought it was bugged, until I finally one and saw how it worked! ;)

  13. > @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

    > > @"VDAC.2137" said:

    > > > @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

    > > > > @"VDAC.2137" said:

    > > > > > @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

    > > > > > > @"Menadena.7482" said:

    > > > > > > > @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

    > > > > > > > Sure, they can make it works like bag slots.

    > > > > > > > Each slot cost you 1k gems, and you need to unlock it on every single character you want to use this feature.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > How is that of use? Doing it this way is 3k/character vs a new set of unbreakable tools/char is 2k.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Only 2k? Why are people even asking for this thing then? Just buy the tools and be over with.

    > > > >

    > > > > Lol! You must not play a lot of alts...

    > > > >

    > > > > I have one full set and only one pick axe with my leather glyph. There is very little benefit to me buying more tools. I would l, however, appreciate and pay a reasonable fee for unique slots for these tools so that I would not have to remember to unequip them.

    > > >

    > > > So do you mind playing 1k gems per char per slot, for the convenience of not having to move your set around and keeping all your glyphs?

    > >

    > > Definitely, that’s WAY too much! A shared inventory slot is at most 700 gems and for the account! I would expect to pay more to unlock shared gathering tool slots, yes, but it would need to be a one time cost for the account for me to even consider it.


    > Then you stick to shared inventory slots, and just move tools around. Or buy a set for each alt.


    Duh, yes, that’s what I do now — use my shared inventory slots that is. I am simply expressing what changes I would find beneficial and what I would be willing to pay for. I am as entitled to my priorities and preferences as you are yours. :unamused:


    I think @"Udolpho.1209"’s idea is best; it increases convenience and would actually encourage me to buy more gathering tools. :)

  14. > @"MDove.2391" said:

    > Tried 2days to Right click-Preview Mount Select Skins in BL...Nothing comes up.

    > Maybe my mouse?

    > Thought I'd ask. Thanks.


    This confused me too! You cannot actually preview the mounts until you buy these packs (unlike the awakened mount pack for instance). So you need to reference the Wiki to see what mounts are available in each of these packs.

  15. > @"Udolpho.1209" said:

    > I'd rather they re-worked BL endless gathering tools to be more like **outfits**. You unlock the tool's animation and you unlock the glyph. Then you decide what appearance and what glyph you want on each character, and it's easy to swap them out.


    > I don't know if it's possible to change that... but that would be the ideal solution.


    > I buy a lot of the tools for the visual effects, in addition to the convenience. If you only buy 3 and leave it at that, then a special 3 slot account-wide shared gathering inventory slot makes sense. But if you support the game by buying more than that? I'd have the same problem I have now with switching and storing. It would actively discourage new players from buying more than one of each of the gathering tools. But if they worked like outfit unlocks, sales of unlimited gathering tools and shared inventory slots would be unaffected.


    I like that idea! I would be more inclined to buy additional looks and utilities that I like if I choose which of those I’d unlocked for a character and same with glyphs! I appreciate that the glyphs are freely swappable, but I don’t want to have to do a bunch of juggling/set-up every time I switch characters. It is enough that now I double-check “Did you put your gathering tools away?” :lol:

  16. > @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

    > > @"VDAC.2137" said:

    > > > @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

    > > > > @"Menadena.7482" said:

    > > > > > @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

    > > > > > Sure, they can make it works like bag slots.

    > > > > > Each slot cost you 1k gems, and you need to unlock it on every single character you want to use this feature.

    > > > >

    > > > > How is that of use? Doing it this way is 3k/character vs a new set of unbreakable tools/char is 2k.

    > > >

    > > > Only 2k? Why are people even asking for this thing then? Just buy the tools and be over with.

    > >

    > > Lol! You must not play a lot of alts...

    > >

    > > I have one full set and only one pick axe with my leather glyph. There is very little benefit to me buying more tools. I would l, however, appreciate and pay a reasonable fee for unique slots for these tools so that I would not have to remember to unequip them.


    > So do you mind playing 1k gems per char per slot, for the convenience of not having to move your set around and keeping all your glyphs?


    Definitely, that’s WAY too much! A shared inventory slot is at most 700 gems and for the account! I would expect to pay more to unlock shared gathering tool slots, yes, but it would need to be a one time cost for the account for me to even consider it.

  17. Okay, I’ve changed my mind about this item! I thought it wasn’t worth it to me because of the times when I’ve used several within an hour to take part in a bounty or HP train, etc., but since this has come out, I’ve noticed how many times I’ve used the single use when this one would have worked as well — deciding to do a dungeon with a group only to discover the character you want to bring doesn’t have any WP on that map, joining maps for meta events, etc. Anyway, I finally bought one today and actually think it a good investment for altoholics like me. ;)

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