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Posts posted by VDAC.2137

  1. > @"Kelpersey.7614" said:

    > Hi there! I'm Kelpersey or Aegia, as most people know me. I'm a 23 year old who's been trying to get the skyscale since I got the expansion almost 2 months ago. Now I know that doesn't seem like much, but as someone with crippling pain, I'm barely able to get on and play GW2 without having to log off less than a hour later. What this means is, it'll take me upwards of a year to finish all the hearts and collections needed for the Skyscale, I'm at the last part due to me pushing through the pain to try and rush it, only to realize I have to go around various maps for an undefined amount of time and try to collect all the materials without collapsing.


    > Now I know that doesn't seem too difficult, but I can barely move my arms at times and this makes playing very difficult. On the days where I can move better, I can play for a couple hours happily before reality sets in and I have to go crawl into bed and cry. I worked for over 130 hours to get the griffon, and now I feel like it's going to be more than that for me to get the new dragon.


    > A-Net, please keep the disabled players in your thoughts for how you design things, some of us aren't as able bodied as they others and will never be able to finish some collections.


    So sorry to hear about the difficulties that you are struggling with! :anguished: I hope that you are able to get a controller and that makes he game more comfortable for you! If I understand correctly, have you finished the collections and are now working on map currencies? Are there particular ones that you are having difficulties with? Some definitely take longer than others! Do you farm home LWS4 instances? There are a lot helpful people who have all the home nodes for a guaranteed 3 of each currency a day. Might grouping with another player help make completing some of the hearts or other events easier? I’m only at the fifth episode/map now, but if I can help on any of the other maps, feel free to message me (I’m online most evenings, NA CST).

  2. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"VDAC.2137" said:

    > > You’re talking about the rarest items which are purely cosmetic and many are quite ugly anyway and only expensive because they are rare.

    > >

    > > Most MMOs make you grind and sacrifice to RNG just to get geared properly so no, GW2 has the best RNG. And if you don’t like the odds, you can sell your coffers and BLCs to those who do enjoy opening them, so you have options. :)


    > Very true. The thing is, though, that, regardless of whether you like those super rare items or not, you are hoping for the drop because you want that gold. The addictive aspect can make you blind to the fact that - in the process - you are wasting more gold (and possibly real money) than you would have gotten out of it had you been super lucky. So, it is exactly like the lottery, hence countries considering to ban RNG loot boxes from all games. (I just wonder why they don't ban the lottery and casino gambling as well.)


    I just wanted to point out that if those items weren’t super rare, then few people would be hoping to get them — supply and demand make the items expensive so there can be no such thing as a 500g common drop, for instance, unless it was that price to sell to vendors, in which case gold itself would be devalued and the price of everything on the TP would go up. I don’t find it fun to purchase or do things for the rare lucky instance, so I don’t. Those who feel differently are free to do so but there is no sense in then complaining about how much time/money you spent in that case.

  3. > @"Zuldari.3940" said:

    > So what you are saying is the games rng is rigged really low ? , got it! BTW thats terrible...talk about chasing phantom carrots you will never get. GW2 has the lowest drop rates and worst rng of any mmo i have played. I used to complain about wow and its drop rates , gg gw2 sure showed them. I have opened about 2k of them myself, and i have got a bunch of dyes most of which i had, one saber, one mini.


    You’re talking about the rarest items which are purely cosmetic and many are quite ugly anyway and only expensive because they are rare.


    Most MMOs make you grind and sacrifice to RNG just to get geared properly so no, GW2 has the best RNG. And if you don’t like the odds, you can sell your coffers and BLCs to those who do enjoy opening them, so you have options. :)

  4. > @"AllNightPlayer.1286" said:

    > I would prefer restored …

    > * Human female running animation

    > * Human female idle animations


    I wouldn’t want the former human female idle animations (all for it being optional though). I do prefer the former female running animation. It isn’t a big deal to me, but then I do mostly play sylvari.


    It would be nice, if it wasn’t too much work to implement, to have idle animations optional or even have options to choose from. If they made some nice personality/animations available in the Gem store, perhaps this would make it worthwhile? I do enjoy the idle animations of the mounts — LOVE Nightfang Griffon! I am mostly neutral on the current character idle animations.

  5. > @"TheTerroriser.6489" said:

    > I decided to go ahead and consume them and it added them to the collection. I wish it said you need to consume them, I thought that was a trade off if you already had/didn't want to do the collection


    Glad you figured it out! Items that only need to be obtained for a collection are, I believe, now labeled as “only having value as part of a collection and can be sold.” To my knowledge, consumables never count toward a collection until they are, in fact, consumed.

  6. I don’t know what the items are offhand, so this might not be relevant, but if they are equippable, they’ll need to be made account bound at least to count toward the collection (like the mystic weapons for the HoT specialization collections, you can’t make them for the collection and then sell them; you have to bind them to count toward the collection).

  7. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > >

    > > Also i assume most ppl care about communication because largely se4 was rather weak on content delivery

    > How was it "weak"? It was somewhat slower than LS3, but during that time, we got three new Mounts. What did we get during LS3 that was as epic?


    Agreed! I think the LW just keeps getting better and then getting mounts added as well has been fantastic! I didn’t get to play LWS1 but hear it wasn’t great and then most of LWS2 was “meh” for me (in large part because I didn’t know the supporting cast), loved HoT, LWS3 was good until the Shining Blades / Livia stuff that to me felt forced and out of nowhere but I did like many of the maps and the music and still visit them, PoF just okay to me but LOVE mounts, then LWS4 I have enjoyed more overall, more good maps and music, and I actually feel more invested with many of the characters, including Braham, whom I confess I kind of hated during LWS3. Yes, there are parts which I would have liked different, but isn’t that always the case? :)


  8. > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

    > > @"VDAC.2137" said:

    > > It’s not just in raids. I joined a fractal group via LFG already in the middle of a boss fight and several people down. I tried to simultaneously clear adds and work on getting people up but was not able to turn the tide. I was then told flat out that based on my DPS I was ****. :( No reason to argue or wait to be kicked. Now that situation in particular I did not go in trying to do my max rotation on the boss — what would have been the point??? But knowing that I my numbers are being watched and monitored... I know I am not the best but I think I pull my weight and I’m always working on improving... Anyway, I haven’t joined a PUG fractal group since then, which is my loss as I more often have had good experiences... :pensive:


    > Do you run ArcDPS yourself and monitor your own dps? The reason I ask is that I’ve seen a fair amount of people say (in the past) they’re “pulling their weight” and “they feel like they’re doing a lot of damage” when they’re actually doing 1/3rd the dps Of other players. Now I don’t condone people being toxic about dps, but they may have had a point even if their delivery was nasty or abrasive. The best thing you can do is to block, move on, and try to learn from the experience and get better.


    > If you aren’t running Arc I’d recommend running it. It’s probably the biggest and most important self help tool if you want to really improve and see your own performance. It’s good that you are trying to improve already as well! That’s the right mindset and attitude to have!


    > Additionally, you should get it so that you can *know* that you pull your weight instead of just *thinking* it. And you’ll also be able to know if other people are pulling their weight as well! You’d be surprised how little damage 90% of players do! On Chak Gerent for example I was in a 45 man squad for Nuhoch doing 25k+ and 40 of those players were doing 6-8k dps. That’s a HUGE difference! And it’s not like fractal or raid players are always in the 25k bracket either.


    > Tl;DR: Toxic people who use DPS meters to be toxic are nasty and I’m sorry that happened to you. Get the DPS meter yourself so you can actually see how you’re doing (if you don’t already have it) and work on improving, which will decrease the amount of times you run into toxic players (not possible to never run into toxic people) and show you how well you’re doing so that you can say with confidence “I’m pulling my weight”


    I haven’t been, no. I reference sites like Snowcrows for effective builds and skill prioritization, etc., and then go by game feedback, i.e., what keeps me alive and brings down foes fastest. I confess I’ve avoided meters in part because of the mentality and use I’d encountered around them, people focusing on their numbers to the detriment of the group/encounter as in the old meme of DPS standing in aoe crying to be healed because interrupting their rotation even to take a step would ruin their numbers. But as you and others have pointed out, it is a tool and I should not deprive myself of its utility simply because others misuse it (as in the instance I gave, I was trying to rez people when I joined a group already on their way to wiping when I joined the group — I’m sure my numbers were crap, but what were they doing lying on the ground? Anyway... :lol ).

  9. I’m in favor of more emotes in general although not a high priority option, they are fun and I would pay for an expanded collection or individual emotes if I liked them (I enjoyed collecting the dance emotes in SWTOR).


    > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > Just gonna leave these here:


    > https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Emote

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Emote


    > Hard to understand why the 2nd list isn't at least the same as the 1st.


    It makes sense that the instruments aren’t since those are now actual items. Thank you for the links! :) I didn’t know about some of these. Plus, I always expected doing the emote command while targeting something would make it at the target and didn’t realize I needed to type it.

  10. I’m generally in favor of customization options but this particular option isn’t high on my list. I’m glad the poses and idle animations are fairly neutral and wouldn’t want them to be otherwise unless it was a selectable option. I would be furious if my necros were suddenly forced to be stooping!

  11. I don’t do any metas on a daily basis. I usually complete 3 PvE dailies (for the AP and 2g) but if I don’t feel like it for whatever reason, I don’t. I don’t want to turn a game into a job! =)


    Yes, the amalgamated gemstones make me more likely to do the metas if I am in the area, except Desolation; I’m not bothering with that again because unless you get to the final boss you get nothing (SOL if you’re too aggroed to mount or WP). I do the HoT metas more often than PoF because they’re more fun and give rewards much better and many feel epic (esp. Dragonstand!).

  12. GW2


    I would not even consider GW3 unless I got to basically transfer my GW2 stuff, which wouldn’t happen, so no.


    Plus, I am sooo tired of all the Cantha cries, imagine if it was GW3 — would these same people be demanding we visit every region from both GW1 and GW2 all over again??? We’d never see anything new.

  13. No, it’s really no problem to do core Tyria and HoT on foot, but mounts make it much more fun! :) PoF would become a dreadful slog, not only because of the few WPs but all the aggro, it would take forever to get anywhere on foot alone.

  14. Ideally, it would have been nice to play it after the core story, yes (I didn't start GW2 until late 2016), but I don’t think it would be worth the amount of work it sounds like it would take to implement. Perhaps the best option would be to expand the recap? I didn’t feel like I knew any of the characters and largely as a result of that, had a reeeally hard time getting into LWS2. Plus, I had no idea Taimi had health issues until the episode in LWS4, which felt out of nowhere since I don’t recall it ever having been mentioned (but I’m told it was in LWS1).

  15. > @"Drakortha.6974" said:

    > I'm still hoping for this :)


    Me too! I know there are lots of players out there who love sylvari and a fernhound jackal that leaps forward in a swirl of leaves instead of sand seems like an obvious perfect fusion! =)


    Considering how long it’s been requested by so many, I hope they are planned for release but perhaps being saved for conjunction with a sylvari-focused LW episode or similar! :3

  16. I don’t want GW3, thank you, but preferably continued growth of GW2, which we have been receiving. Elona is cool but I would be disappointed if the next expansion were to another human land. I’m hoping for lots of underwater or an expansion featuring the norn and I hope the story and lore of the sylvari is continued and grown along the way too. :3


    But guess you won’t be enjoying whatever we have in store — don’t let the door hit you on the way out! :p

  17. > @"crewthief.8649" said:

    > Maybe I should have made this a question. Is there no one else that finds this strange? Especially in a game affectionately referred to as "fashion wars", it seems very strange to me that metal, leather, and cloth wouldn't have separate dye channels. Especially cloth and metal having separate dye channels. Seems a no-brainer to me...


    Agreed 100%

    Different materials should always have separate channels; you can always choose to make different things the same color. I’m still working on collecting the funerary armor so can’t comment on that specifically, but from your description, it does seem odd.

  18. > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > Also remember that you can go to the griffon roost, and iirc any of the spots where there were eggs, to get a new loaner Griffon.


    Any of the marked griffin roost spots — the abandoned egg spots only give you a griffon when you first collect them.


    To collect the eggs in Vabbi, I started from the Sanctuary with a griffon, worked my way up one of the rock formations to gain some altitude, and then flew to the destinations.

  19. If I had to choose one from among the mounts that I have (no flying yet), I would choose the Shrine Guardian jackal. All the mounts are fun to use but this is the one I use most often and was the first mount skin I bought. I also like the primeval jackal for my phantom-themed necro, and the love how customizable the effects are through the dye channels!


    The original raptor looks great but I also really like the lizard-like primeval raptor — great skins!


    I love Petey and the roller beetle is super fun! For me I will only buy skins that keep him a beetle — will buy the scarab skin when it becomes available again.


    Griffin, wow, so many lovely skins! I bought both of the premium skins but there are many others that I would like to get eventually as well. Skyscale also has a great original skin and the lovely Shimmerwing! Yes, I’m crazy, three premium skins now for mounts I haven’t yet unlocked! :lol: Working on it!


    I do like the springer and skimmer mounts as well, especially the utility of the former and the smooth gliding movement of the latter. No skin has jumped out as me as a must buy and I do like the original appearance of the skimmer. The only mount with no appeal to me is Warclaw because it looks grotesque/gargoyle-like to me, but I had little interest in WvW anyway.


    Improvements? I _need_ a sylvari jackal that dashes forth in a swirl of leaves! Other than that, no complaints and thank you, Anet, for making GW2 mounts so delightful! :3

  20. > @"Pifil.5193" said:

    > > @"VDAC.2137" said:

    > > > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

    > > > I'm pretty sure if they cranked out another general mount adoption set right now with skyscales mixed in, people would be upset...people WITH skyscales because all they want is new skyscales, and not to get skimmers and bunnies via RNG, and people WITHOUT skyscales for the opposite reason.

    > >

    > > No, because for those you have the option of either RNG or select. Personally, I think they should have added them to one or more of the existing sets and brought those back to the Gem store — those who had already collected the other skins then get a guaranteed Skyscale unlock if they decide to go the RNG route while the rest of us still have options.

    > >

    > > Selling THEMED skins for the various mounts as a pack makes sense to me but releasing a set of skins for one mount really does not imho. :confused:


    > Actually, yes, because the select licence is a lot more expensive and this has historical precedent: people _were_ upset because they got griffon skins or rollerbeetle skins and they don't have that mount or don't like it. Look at the old mount threads and you'll see plenty of examples.


    > They've tried different tactics, large grab bags, small grab bags, themed sets and sets for a particular mount. I'm just glad to get 5 new skyscale skins now rather than waiting months for the next licence to be ready.


    > This just seems to be one tactic they use, it doesn't mean that they won't add them to future mount adoption grab bags.


    Ah, I hadn’t seen those threads and I didn’t realize that you could get through RNG a skin for a mount you didn’t have. And it does make sense to offer the mount skins in different ways and at different price points and it is impossible to make everyone happy! For me, I like the original Skyscale and love the Shimmerwing; I don’t _need_ anything else but am always happy to be wowed. B)

  21. > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > I don't understand why they not just sell singular skins. I would've feel much more prone to buy something when i don't have to plonk down 30 euros, or grind the gold, for a few default skins. I really don't see why they should aim only for the whales who want to spend loads of money on this game rather than those who casually want to buy something.


    > By that I mean, 2000 gem packs are not something I lay down the gems for that often and think about twice or thrice before actually deciding if that is really worth it. If it were maybe 400 to 1000 gems with, less content but smaller increments I would feel much more compelled.


    > And I did pay the money for the War Eternal Supply-drop as that was actually a good deal, or at least interesting.


    Agreed, the War Eternal supply drop was a great deal and something fun to look forward to each week! =) For 2k gems I want variety or I must really love it (I’ve bought four premium skins).

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