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Posts posted by LucianDK.8615

  1. If you want mounts, you need to buy the expansion. Besides, do you realize how long the Warclaw will take to unlock in wvw? Doubly so if you are new to the game and the warclaw unlock rush is long over. What you are trying to push here is completely out on left field.


    A pver is far better served by using their time to gain the -correct- pve mounts instead of the warclaw. The pof mounts will be earned a LOT faster.

    Dont push the warclaw as something to aim for to a pver, when its not meant to be a pve mount. Especially with it being obtainable in wvw.

  2. The warclaw and its skills are meant for wvw only. It has no purpose in pve for that exact reason. Plus that you need to grind out its skills a lot slower than people can achieve pve mount masteries. And considering its unlocked through WvW, youd already have to be interested in that mode.


    And think about this: Anet does not want to have mounts that directly obsoletes each other. The raptor and the jackal have unique differences. Theres no reason or place for a third mount infringing on their place.


    As I see it, the main use for a Warclaw for a PvEer is to help grinding gifts of battle. Which is fine enough for me. We have enough pve mounts already. So no, this will never happen, nor should it happen.

  3. > @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

    > Aerial combat and underwater combat are exactly the same thing; 3 dimensional combat. And seeing as how underwater combat was hugely disliked and abandoned, why exactly would aerial combat be any different?


    > Yes Bloodstone fen had glider offensive abilities, and while one or two people may have personally liked it, the reason you never saw it again is because clearly it wasn't a big hit.


    The glider attacks had a major advantage over underwater combat. All abilities was ranged. Meaning significantly less issues in reaching and aligning yourself with your target so you can melee them.

  4. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > > > > Nice bit of info to see but is the 1 ep per quarter indicative of all future quarters? doesnt q1 consist of Jan Feb and March? Ep1 in jan, lunar festival likely in feb and what does that leave us for march?

    > > >

    > > > Given ep2 launches right at the end of Jan, I'd expect ep3 to hit somewhere after SAB in April anyway. Which about 2.5 months between releases

    > > >

    > > > If memory serves, they said Drakkar wont release with the episode, but shortly after. So that would prob be Feb if correct

    > >

    > > I guess all depends on the quality and quantity of the visions update, im personally a fan of smaller but more frequent updates since anet cant really nail big updades and their replayability but ep1 was too small story wise even for me.

    > >

    > > Id rather they try and stick to this 2 month schedule tho we'll have to w8 and see. Super bummed about the lack of fractal and raid news honestly, strikes are cool but where is the incentive for ppl to move further.

    > >

    > > All of all im happy we are seeing the first steps of a roadmap but this q looks relatively weak imo, still it must have taken alot of internal discussion within anet to actual give us deadlines for once.


    > Well any communication is better than none. And this is a lot better than anything else we got, but yes I feel sorry for the instanced players who have nothing to latch onto here. I will take what they serve here though - it is something


    > Ep2 will likely be very short again. I suspect Drakkar is going to be a significant boss which means a lot of resources devoted to it. Which is good - we really need a proper epic scale World Boss. We haven't really had one for a long, long time now. Not since HoT really and Gerent/Dragonstand. But, another miniscule story entry is not something that I will be happy to see.


    Episode 2 will be the other half of Bjora marches.

    And Visions of the past? Perhaps its ls1 bought back.

  5. Core Necro desperately need an identity. So turning it into condi dps, I agree with. Scourge is increasingly pushed towards support, indeed. But you forgot something. What about the scourge traits giving concentration and expertise per shade? As well sadistic searing?

  6. > @"Uden Reavstone.3426" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > Necromancer staff is pretty weaksauce in pve. The pretty much only use for it is rapid tagging in open world groups, nothing more.


    > Or loading the enemy up with condis before switching to s/d or s/t. In four attacks, you got at least two stacks of bleed, one poison, fear, weakness, chill, whatever condis are on you, and, depending on your traits, burn, torment, and/or vulnerability. And this is all AoE which, with the right trait, is unblockable and you a kitten-ton of life force. Doesn't seem like "weaksauce" to me. Now the aa does kind of suck, I'll give you that.


    I repeat, PvE. Not WvW were scourges use with their sand shades for massive area denial.

    Staff have no role for dps necromancers in pve. Your alt weapon set is far better served with a warhorn.

  7. > @"Ben K.6238" said:

    > > @"Arkham Creed.7358" said:

    > > > @"Ben K.6238" said:

    > > > Props for putting that much thought into it. I'm not sure this would be my cup of tea, but I'm more interested in the basics of how combat is structured (e.g. is it about timing attacks/blocks or counterplaying them, what strengths/weaknesses do players have to deal with, what's party composition like) than the specific details regarding each class.

    > >

    > > I see it as being more of an "opportunity cost" formula for combat. That is why I decided every class needed some sort of resource bar that drains and recharges through combat. While you'd have a basic combo attack, a standard block, and of course dodging, stronger foes and more powerful attacks would require slotted skills to deal with, and with resource management being so important players would need to carefully judge when to use that big flashy attack verses activate their shield skill. Think of it as a sort of Dark Souls-ish playstyle, but with basic attack and defense being no cost instead of tied to the stamina meter. Yes you can swing your sword a few times or block a hit here and there with no issue, but if you make a mistake and blow a chunk of your resource bar on a poorly timed attack or to evade an strike you could have otherwise sidestepped you're going to have a bad time. The "free" combat options are there so you're never helpless, but real master of the system requires you to understand how your specific resource works, and when to utilize it to fullest effect.

    > >

    > > Beyond this I feel like the loss of damage types in the change from GW1 to GW2 was more of a fault than the developers realized. While something as simple as "this attack does fire damage, and this one does blunt damage" might not seem like that big a deal, the ability to give enemies these variable resistances adds a layer of strategy and planing that the game currently lacks. Imagine how much more interesting those old dungeons would have been if you needed to stop first and think about the setting and story of it, anticipate the resistances and damage dealt by the creatures therein, and adjust your build accordingly for each one. Lacking this feature results in players just making a single "meta" build for all content, or all content of a given type. But having these variable damage types would force players to utilize the inherent build flexibility of Guild Wars, multiple weapon and armor sets, and the build template function in a way they currently just...don't. That's actually why I believe the game released and went so long without build templates; we don't actually need them. Most players rarely change up their builds as is, but multiple damage types in the game would necessitate doing so much more often.

    > >

    > > "Oh it looks like the next Living World chapter is in the Shiverpeaks, time to grab my ice resistance armor and fire weapon."

    > > "Oh this dungeon is in the jungle area? Time to grab my poison resist gear and throw a few more condition removal skills on my bar."

    > > "Oh we're fighting a dragon this time? Give me a moment to grab my armor piercing everything."

    > >

    > > You just don't see that in Guild Wars 2, and I feel like the game is weaker for it.


    > Seems like a reasonable observation to me. My hobby horse is how the Mesmer changed from a class that countered and disrupted its foes into just another form of DPS, and the removal of damage types has certainly added to that loss of strategy. That said, I don't believe GW1 ever made much of it either - a lot of players gravitated towards armour-ignoring damage skills and using different sets of armour for different content was never much of a priority. There's only a handful of places, e.g. farming Vaettirs, where a dealing with a specific damage type would become critical to your build.


    > A game in the GW series doesn't need to gate high-level gear behind that much grind, so it seems fair for a hypothetical successor to be designed with the expectation that you're switching between multiple sets.


    > I'm on board with the resource management thing. The lack of that made GW2 a very spammy game, and it's become more so over time. That said, I think it's fine to just call the resource "energy" for all the classes except where there's a specific reason they need a different one.


    Lack of resource management, are you kidding? It does exist

    Like Warrior adrenaline, Revenant energy, Thief initiative or Necromancer lifeforce.

  8. > @"Methuselah.4376" said:

    > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

    > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > > @"Lily.1935" said:

    > > > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > > > Seems like they want to force out dps scourges from WvW, they being too over represented. It feels like they are trying to push scourges wholly into a support role, ie barrier bot.

    > > > >

    > > > > Possibly. Last time we had nerfs this heavy handed (Condi reaper) the scourge was over the horizons. I'll choose my delusional and believe they're working on new elite specs. *cries in denial*

    > > >

    > > > But Im kind of wondering, if neither Reaper or Scourge is allowed to have viable condispecs, could a hypotetical third espec be condi oriented from the beginning?

    > > > I think Reaper lost viable condi because it proved too difficult to balance together with a power spec. Also because of promoting the scourge as condi master.

    > > >

    > > > And in scourge they crammed far too much into the package. Scourges was gods at the beginning of Pof. now only pale shadows of what they once were.

    > > Core is the condi spec.

    > >

    > > Core is underpowered (almost trash) on power gear, good on carrion amulet in pvp and totally broken/overpowered on trailblazer gear in wvw.

    > >

    > > In general lots of classes have broken trailblazer builds. After all these years anet is still not capable of balancing their condi mechanic. It scales too well with trailblazer.


    > I am having SO MUCH FUN in WvW with trailblazer core necro....and I usually HATE WvW ^_^ With Curses, Spite and Soul Reaping, Shroud lasts sooooo long, particularly with Signets of Suffering, Signet of Undeath, and Fear of Death. I am using Viper's trinkets for some power for my Life Blast.


    But are you actually able to kill anything?

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