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Posts posted by LucianDK.8615

  1. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > I'm not forgetting anything, if you play solo minion master (or not), you won't take _unholy sanctuary_ whether it's regen is high or not. If you play in group, you just won't take _death magic_.


    > There is to much bonus into _Death carapace_ to even think about taking _unholy sanctuary_ if you happen to take DM and you don't want to use minions. This "buff" is a wasted one and the very design of the change is a cancer for the game. No trait should allow sustain to disregard healing power.


    Ah, I think i misread what you said.

  2. > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > Will this make them op? or will they underperform still due to buffs to the wrong thing?


    I think you need to be more specific about what you are asking for. Its fairly minor buffs that have arrived this time, and nerfs to scourge.

  3. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > I'll make it simple. The reason why this game balance is a mess is mainly due to ANet coming up with this kind of change:


    > > Unholy Sanctuary: This trait now heals a percentage of your maximum health each second while in shroud. This value is 2% in PvE and 1% in competitive modes.


    > While it's a buff that will be welcome (because players instinctively grasp at every straw you give them), design-wise this is an abomination that shouldn't ever be implemented into a game.


    > In practice, this change won't affect the choice of trait in _death magic_ and the split between PvE and competitive mode mainly lead the player to wonder whether ANet have any clue about what priority PvE players have. From the very beginning, you won't take DM in PvE unless you intend to "tank" because _death carapace_ exist. ANet can overbuff the necromancer health regen in PvE throught unholy sanctuary as much as they want, it won't change the fact that you will neither take the trait to tank nor take the traitline if you don't intend to tank and minion master thingy will benefit you more in open PvE.


    > Powercreeping a trait with an horrible design just to avoid trying to resolve the true problem of the trait. My respect for the balance team have gone down another bit...


    You seem to be missing that Death Magic and minionmastery have use when you are solo pve. I have a minionmaster reaper template swap for when alone, and standard power reaper in groups.

    But solo pve wise, I do not think Unholy Sanctuary can compete with Corrupter's Fervor at all. CF just plays far too well with Death's Carapace generation.


    But what I am really curious about, will the increased passive effect of Signet of Undeath be worthwhile for a pve power reaper setup at all?

    I know Shadow Fiend is frequently used for the 10% lifeforce on the haunt command skill with 20s cd.

    With SoU passive benefit increasing with 100%, we go from 2% lf per 3s, to 4% lf per 3s.

    Before, we were roughly we roughly looking at 1.4% lf per 3s from Haunt, but with the additional bonuses of the inflicted debuffs and a bodyblock. Which arguably well made up for the slightly higher lf generation of SoU.

    But now? Can haunt still compare when the Lifeforce gain from SoU is nearly 3 times higher?

  4. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > - the reward at the end is character based and daily and unrelated to which choices you make

    > >

    > > Untrue about that. I went in today, making choices before I had found the list. Only two of the four chests was available, the last two transparent. When I flipped choice 3 and 4 and ran back, the last two chests was available.


    > I should have been clearer. It's unrealted to which choices you make, but you have to make a choice at each statue.


    > I went through the instance today on 8 characters and chose choice 1 on every question and got all chests with each character. The fact you were able to change choices means you either did no make the choice the first time around, or the buff expired. You are unable to make choices once you receive the buff in an empty Raven Sanctum.


    > EDIT: and to expand on this, if the buff has not expired from the day before, you can just run through and claim the rewards the next day (while still being unable to interact with the raven statues). I've been doing this on 8 characters since the patches release.


    I -did- make all choices. Stand by one after you choose it. Then you have the option to revert and make another choice.

    And my buff had expired.

  5. > - the reward at the end is character based and daily and unrelated to which choices you make


    Untrue about that. I went in today, making choices before I had found the list. Only two of the four chests was available, the last two transparent. When I flipped choice 3 and 4 and ran back, the last two chests was available.

  6. > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > People have been asking for racial updates for 7 years, sadly Anet just ignores these things.


    The racials is just fluff abilities. If they became stronger, they would lead to people rolling only that race or having it demanded by raids. Anet have been quick to nerf racials if they became too good.

  7. Its consistent with earlier upgradable claims, like from the elegy/requiem armor, or the dragonsblood weapons. But yeah, the term is misleading. But I am left wondering, since this is half of a zone, that they might improve the skins with another tier when the zone is expanded in episode 2. Since even the restored boreal weapons is fairly bland with no particle effects.

  8. > @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

    > I enjoyed completing the masteries, as I always enjoy completing things, but now that I've got the essence abilities ... I don't really notice them. Now and then the special action will pop up when I've accidentally collected enough of one color and that's nice. But it's too much fluffing around to figure out what color to collect and what to use it on, even if there are some extra boons associated with it. I just kill things and if a bonus happens, that's great.


    > Using the colors for the chests was ...mildly inconvenient at first. By the time I completed the masteries i was able to open all the chests without paying any attention to what colors I've collected. So, no need to think about that either. /shrug


    > At least they're not poorly implemented and completely annoying trash like the oakheart vine. That's something.


    As said earlier, your buff stacks is irrelevant for the chests. All what matters is rank 2 of each mastery to be able to open small and medium chests.

  9. Revenants I personally find to be far more fragile than necromancers. Sure revenants can be survivable, but you need to be a lot more up on your game compared to a Reaper in sheer ease of play. Its like day and night between the two. Plus reapers have massive cleaving which only jalis vengeful hammers comes close to for a limited time.

  10. To make an example of things Anet have combined. You used to have two expedition boards when buying them for ls3 and ls4 for home instance. But not too long ago, they were combined into one, which easilly have room for future additions. I expect ls5 to be sold eventually.

  11. > @"Reverielle.3972" said:

    > > @"coso.9173" said:

    > > I think people are missing the point of it. It's MEANT to be annoying and cover the screen, it's meant to be there and cloud our visual range. It's not only an indicator. It's a debuff.

    > Precisely. It's really not that bad, but I think it's serving it's purpose.

    > It's not supposed to be an enjoyable experience. It's supposed to be something you want to get rid of. It's not subtle, it's supposed to make it harder to see, act, etc etc. It's a different kind of debuff; one that affects you as well as your character. Hopefully we get more like this in future.


    > For those that hate it, there is a workaround; get Raven's protection.




    Yep, I dont think the naysayers realize what the intent is. Get to safety and clear the stacks, get the buff and maintain it, and no problems at all.

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