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Posts posted by LucianDK.8615

  1. > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > sounds like you are asking for especs to be made baseline.

    > >

    > > No, he wants core skills and traits to be less good when an espec is active.

    > >

    > > And when you dont use the espec they become better.

    > >

    > > In my opinion that would be a nightmare.


    > Its called a trade off. Elite specs werent meant to be a upgrade, but thats what they turned in to with ANETS inability release balance patches that are meaningful, and when they do, they either over kill a spec or a class or the patches are super slow. They -should- have been side-grades where you gain something but lose something else. All elite specs that ive used are straight up powergains and its made the game even more of a nightmare than it was for balance. Im hoping anet keeps going down the path its started where an elite spec feels like you have to give something up to use its abilities.


    Reaper loses access to the death shroud, and is pretty much locked at melee range.

    Scourge is a lot more fragile with no second health bar, and the shades have steadilly been nerfed down.



  2. > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

    > > > In PvE, Scourge isn't really viable for most content. You now have to make the choice of your F skills being at your shades or at yourself. For anything that requires any movement at all, you can no longer place shades.

    > > >

    > > > This basically relegates it to just open world and a couple of encounters in instances. Everything else, either your target moves, or you have to, or both, meaning you give up offensive and/or defensive abilities whenever you place a shade.

    > >

    > > I am strongly wondering why people isnt making use of Sand Savant in pve. Much larger areas of effect, and easier able to keep up with movement, and much easier to contain larger groups of mobs. And you have the full expertise/boon/damage reduction. But you give up higher torment damage.


    > I have used Sand Savant in some open world but it works better in old content. New mobs and boss mobs move around a lot more. Shades are like a variant of wells so expect the same problems.


    > Scourge dps has been nerfed so much it is not very good in PvE, instanced or open world. Best PvE bet for me is to play a hybrid of support (barrier + heal) and whatever dps I can manage. No reason not to bring Epi in open world zerging, either as the newer content frequently has adds.


    > Small shades are more flexible in use. No shades might be better now but I am still experimenting, when I log on, that is.


    According to SC scourge is at 28.8k, whereas Reaper is at 31k. Its not that long since Reaper last was on the wrong side of 30k. But mobs in the expansions is often sturdy enough to live long enough to make epidemic useful, compared to the papercutouts of core tyria that falls over when you just look at them. But I think you do use less time on Shade casting with sand savant, allowing you to cast other spells. On the other hand, less sadistic searing.

  3. > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

    > In PvE, Scourge isn't really viable for most content. You now have to make the choice of your F skills being at your shades or at yourself. For anything that requires any movement at all, you can no longer place shades.


    > This basically relegates it to just open world and a couple of encounters in instances. Everything else, either your target moves, or you have to, or both, meaning you give up offensive and/or defensive abilities whenever you place a shade.


    I am strongly wondering why people isnt making use of Sand Savant in pve. Much larger areas of effect, and easier able to keep up with movement, and much easier to contain larger groups of mobs. And you have the full expertise/boon/damage reduction. But you give up higher torment damage.

  4. > @"chicos.7165" said:

    > And ehm.... Why I can't use my mount on wvw and someone else can ? :(


    Because there is a wvw specific mount called the Warclaw, that have to be earned through a wvw collection, as well a warclaw track to finish.

  5. > @"Westenev.5289" said:

    > Give it three dodges and the allied zone speed buff in PvE, and it'd probably become a second jackal. Not sure why we'd need a second jackal, but I also can't see how it could hurt either.


    The jackal would still be superior because of the sand portals. The warclaw have no role or purpose in pve.

  6. Think deeply about what you are saying, if you add a new weapon for core. If its too good, everyone will be using it, neglecting any others. an underwater weapon was a safe pick, given how little that takes place underwater. Its just like mounts, at one point you just cant add more or they make older mounts irrelevant.

    Also, new core items needs to have a role. If they do not, then what is the point of adding them?


    espec weapons works because you are making a choice about it.

  7. I remember seeing an awful lot of posts in the forum begging for epidemic to get nerfed, due to its pve power. But yeah, I know non healer scourge barriers is utterly pathetic now. How is the healer side holding up?

  8. Seems people havent learned to use the skyscale properly. It makes the vertical content of HoT a breeze to navigate. With double or quadruple dash, you can shoot up to locations or ledges you couldnt get over in time with the griffon. Seriously -learn to use the dash!-

    Tip: When wanting to fly down with a skyscale, dont. Its much slower than merely walking the skyscale over an edge and plummeting.


    For me, the griffon and springer have been collecting dust now. The skyscale is by far much more flexible in movement ability. And your space bar tapping finger will love you for no longer having to manually flap to keep up the griffon. I just cant play the flappyburd griffon anymore, so bad at flying ahead and missing a desirable target to land at by inches.

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