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Posts posted by LucianDK.8615

  1. Elementalists are a high damage class. And i think you are mixing up something. They have more skills than anyone else in the game due to their 4 element swapping. Having different spells on all weapons that you can toy with as you dynamically change attunements. Definitely not a half class.

    Staff is generally considered a weapon to use in groups. Dont stare yourself blind on it as the only choice.

  2. > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > > People whom bought the garden plots have just as much right to their feature theyve paid for. And disabling the glyph is far less harmful than disabling the plots.

    > > > >

    > > > > On another note, isnt glyph of reaping only really useful with herbs? Since theres rarely wood or ore in range for it to work, unlike herbs.

    > > >

    > > > You can slot the glyph into any gathering tool that takes glyphs. If it's slotted into a sickle it grabs all nearby nodes a sickle would gather. If you put it in a logging axe it will gather from any nearby node a logging axe would gather from.

    > > > You can take the glyph and put it into an axe and for example grab all the wood from the Elder Wood nodes near Pagga's in the same amount of hits it would take you to grab one.

    > >

    > > I am aware what it does. My question is, do you really gain much benefit from mass reaping wood and ore? Over just having it to mass reap herbs? Theres miniscule amounts of ore or wood clumped up compared to herbs. Just doesnt seem worth it right there.


    > No, it reality it's much less useful on trees/ore as there are very few spots in the game where the nodes of wood and ore are close enough to proc the effect. Having one in your logging axe or mining pick would actually be pretty wasteful. I tested it pretty hard after I got mine.

    > Buying three wouldn't be what I would call optimal or a smart move.


    In the bugs forums theres a qqer having bought 3 of glyph of reaping for ore and wood as well, which I can only shake my head at. I think industry is a better glyph for wood and ore. Increased gathering speed. Though while I have a significant selection of glyphs, ive been sitting on 3x glyph of volatility for main use for a long time now. Ive mainly been using them to buy zone improvements in ls4. and leather shipments to sell. And id expect a new something magic glyph will be released for ls5.

  3. > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > People whom bought the garden plots have just as much right to their feature theyve paid for. And disabling the glyph is far less harmful than disabling the plots.

    > >

    > > On another note, isnt glyph of reaping only really useful with herbs? Since theres rarely wood or ore in range for it to work, unlike herbs.


    > You can slot the glyph into any gathering tool that takes glyphs. If it's slotted into a sickle it grabs all nearby nodes a sickle would gather. If you put it in a logging axe it will gather from any nearby node a logging axe would gather from.

    > You can take the glyph and put it into an axe and for example grab all the wood from the Elder Wood nodes near Pagga's in the same amount of hits it would take you to grab one.


    I am aware what it does. My question is, do you really gain much benefit from mass reaping wood and ore? Over just having it to mass reap herbs? Theres miniscule amounts of ore or wood clumped up compared to herbs. Just doesnt seem worth it right there. Id think glyph of industry would be more useful for ore and wood.

  4. anet is not going to appease the few glyph owners, ascended cooking his their new lovechild. Judging from the wait till next patch, its not rated as a severe issue. Many have use of ascended feasts. And would be impacted by it turned off, no, you can absolutely not expect it to be turned off to appease you. The last ill say on the matter.

  5. People whom bought the garden plots have just as much right to their feature theyve paid for. And disabling the glyph is far less harmful than disabling the plots.


    On another note, isnt glyph of reaping only really useful with herbs? Since theres rarely wood or ore in range for it to work, unlike herbs.

  6. > @"CuChulainn.5940" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > @"CuChulainn.5940" said:

    > > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > > It wouldve been far more problematic to disable home instance plots. Especially since 2 have been available for years, a completely unfeasible change to ask for. And ascended food is their new hot thing, of course they are not going to disable that. Especially in the wake of the recent instance sharing causing prices to plummet until it was fixed. With the glyph of reaping threatening to undo the fix and make problems again.

    > > > >

    > > > > I can only imagine they are working on redesigning the glyph to work properly. May not be as straightforward as you think, gw2 is after all full of spaghetti code. Be glad a fix is coming and you aren't going to wait years for a bug fix.

    > > >

    > > > The easiest most sensible solution would be to turn off ascended plants until they worked with glyphs. Not denying people glyphys that worked just fine before ascended plants became a thing, and for which people paid good money for, expecting the glyphs to work. Someone did not have their thinking hat on when they came up with this silly solution to wait two weeks for them to figure out how to make ascended plant reaping work properly with the Reaping glyph, when limiting factors as to who owns an ascended plot/ has the chef mastery or not.

    > >

    > > That is absolutely not the most sensible solution, there would be a huge outcry against it, vs just a relatively few in comparision with the glyph. No,you are the least evil here im afraid. Just wait till next update.


    > Pardon? We all lived quite well with out ascended plant production, for many the past 7 years. It is a new feature that apparently is half baked and not working as intended. Arenanet also made Glyphs, which did and do work as intended, but for many, is a small minor glitch when it comes to ascended compatibility issues that arose from a new update.


    > You're telling me it is better to deny people who have paid good money for an item they purchased and have used as intended, the use of said item for upwards of a fortnight, rather than turn off a minor feature that needs repairing? My solution does not mean the denial of home instance plots as you suggest, only that " ascended" plot use be put on hold until they come up with a solution that is not half baked. You bring up moral equivocation into the equation.? I question your intellectual honesty sir and I say good day to you.


    As just said above, a lot more have paid money for the plots as well and having them for -years-, its far more important to keep those working. instead of disabling them. So no, the argument doesnt work there. And plots are -not- a minor feature, I grow my primers. You just gotta wait, and Anet clearly agrees that shutting off the glyph is the better situation.

  7. > @"CuChulainn.5940" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > It wouldve been far more problematic to disable home instance plots. Especially since 2 have been available for years, a completely unfeasible change to ask for. And ascended food is their new hot thing, of course they are not going to disable that. Especially in the wake of the recent instance sharing causing prices to plummet until it was fixed. With the glyph of reaping threatening to undo the fix and make problems again.

    > >

    > > I can only imagine they are working on redesigning the glyph to work properly. May not be as straightforward as you think, gw2 is after all full of spaghetti code. Be glad a fix is coming and you aren't going to wait years for a bug fix.


    > The easiest most sensible solution would be to turn off ascended plants until they worked with glyphs. Not denying people glyphys that worked just fine before ascended plants became a thing, and for which people paid good money for, expecting the glyphs to work. Someone did not have their thinking hat on when they came up with this silly solution to wait two weeks for them to figure out how to make ascended plant reaping work properly with the Reaping glyph, when limiting factors as to who owns an ascended plot/ has the chef mastery or not.


    That is absolutely not the most sensible solution, there would be a huge outcry against it, vs just a relatively few in comparision with the glyph. No,you are the least evil here im afraid. Just wait till next update.

  8. It wouldve been far more problematic to disable homeinstance plots. Especially since 2 have been available for years, a completely unfeasible change to ask for. And ascended food is their new hot thing, of course they are not going to disable that. Especially in the wake of the recent instance sharing causing prices to plummet until it was fixed. With the glyph of reaping threatening to undo the fix and make problems again.


    I can only imagine they are working on redesigning the glyph to work properly. May not be as straightforward as you think, gw2 is after all full of spaghetti code. Be glad a fix is comming and you arent going to wait years for a bugfix.

  9. > @"Nimon.7840" said:

    > Boys we can have hope:


    > > Greetings fellow Tyrians,

    > >

    > > We've been thinking about implementing the following changes and wanted to share them with you to hear your thoughts and feedback. We’re aiming to bring into line some of the more dominant builds and compositions of the current WvW meta so that new options can be brought to the table, so the bulk of the changes shared here are WvW-centric. This is not the full list of changes that are being considered for the next balance update.


    > "This is not the full list of changes"

    > I really hope, we get a meta shakeup for pve.


    > It's really annoying:

    > Condi bosses: mirage/renegade

    > Condi Bosses with adds: firebrand

    > Power bosses: thief/Dragonhunter


    > And that for several patches now. Time to nerf those classes.


    > If you can't give new raid content, making drastic changes is much appreciated.

    > You can create content by bringing whole new classes to raids, making them meta and making meta builds "only ok". That is like giving new content.


    > I have to say it again. I like it, that future balance updates can be discussed beforehand.

    > What I don't like about this post, is that anet isn't asking for specific class feedback.

    > Also: why not show the whole balance changes?



    You did notice that the changes was WvW and pvp only?

  10. > @"Shep.4026" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1034295#Comment_1034295

    > > The team plans to correct this in the September 17 release. We will update if this changes. Thank you for your patience and understanding.


    > I am not happy with this. Not at all. Disabling the Glyph of Reaping most likely has a wider impact than, lets say, disabling the ascended garden plots that are unwantingly being "reaped". If only one should be disabled, I say it should be the plot and not the glyph. I was okay with it being disalbed for a day or two, but for at least two weeks? No. I'm not okay with that. I paid money for it. Real. Life. Money. So no ANet, you may not thank me, as I am very impatient and do not understand this decision.


    A lot more would be unhappy if any plots was disabled. It was the least evil they could do, as far fewer have the glyph.

    You do realize that you are asking for all garden plots to be disabled? As you can grow ascended seeds on all 3.

  11. > @"adamkeenan.9426" said:

    > Initially I thought that it would work the same way as before. after the issue was resolved, but it's been over 17 hours and it is still disabled, which makes me wonder what changes they're implementing to the glyph and how that will after it value. For instance will this change how the synthesizers are reaped? Will the glyph only reap materials of the same name? Will the glyph only proc the additional strike given by boosters on the node being harvested and not on the nodes being reaped?



    The team plans to correct this in the September 17 release. We will update if this changes. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

  12. > @"WhatLiesBeneath.9018" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > So that makes it episode 0. It is even sized as a standard episode?


    > Its a prologue to set the stage, its a normal episode only its called prologue.


    Prologues is rarely sized near full episodes of something, hence why im asking.

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