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Posts posted by LucianDK.8615

  1. > @"SinisterSlay.6973" said:

    > That's kind of an mmo problem. Map changes apply to everyone. Gw2 sort of covered this flaw up with instances. But doing your personal story, it's jarring to see old lionsarch.


    Not entirely true there. WoW did that with phasing.


    Old Silithus turning into the wound where sargeras stabbed azeroth. And you can talk to a bronze dragonflight member to go back to the past version.


    Old arathi - new arathi

    Old Tirifal glades with old undercity. - siegemarked Tirisfal and inaccessible undercity.

    old darkshore and teldrassil - new darkshore and inaccessible teldrassil.


    lowbies will see the old version. Progress to battle for azeroth time and the maps changes.

  2. > @"eldrin.6471" said:

    > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > > @"FONGORE.7410" said:

    > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > > never? I mean, what are you grinding that you need?

    > > > >

    > > > > You see, Anet never said there would be no grind because obviously that's dumb; there needs something you can grind to keep you interested in the game. Anet was specifically talking about needing to grind to get access to content, either with gear grinds or unlocking content. So far, they have delivered.

    > > > >

    > > > > So let's be honest. The game never became a grind ... you're just finding things you want that require it. If you're going to define 'gilder masteries' as grinding, I guess you should stick with FPS games or something, because that's a pretty tame 'grind' that you can achieve simply by playing the game. I guess if you're not willing to play the game, then I can see where you apply that label to it.

    > > >

    > > > What do you mean they never said there would be no grind? In Anet own MMO Manifesto video Colin Johanson says at 1:35 "We just don't want players to grind in Guild Wars 2".

    > > >

    > > > It was in their public declaration before the game even came out.

    > >

    > > playing the game is not griding tho.


    > Skyscale collection gets in the way of playing the game and the claims of it being legendry are just kitten.Its no difrent to any other mount in the game.

    > mounts and masterys brought the unavoidable grind into the game and those 295 mastery lvls now represent a massive hurdle to new players.


    Only if you are a completionist. With mounts you can skip many of the hot mastery needs as they are completely bypassable.

  3. > @"zipain.5276" said:

    > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

    > > > @"zipain.5276" said:

    > > > Why not just make a large batch 1 time? This is not tedious at all compared to some other things.

    > > >

    > > > You want ascended food or not? Its not like its just a little better than its lower tier food, its like A LOT better. And theres a lot of very very cheap food to craft.

    > > >

    > > > I just found out what food I want, and I bought the seeds and make a massive batch, I go harvest, plant new, done.

    > >

    > > This is what I do.

    > >

    > > Tip of the day: Using item boosters and other farming boosts lets you harvest the varietal herb patches multiple times. The last time I made a batch, I planted 8 cilantro, and picked up 13 once I grabbed all of them. Planted 4 sesame, reaped 5.

    > >

    > > That's several gold with of free loot. If you have a spare toon, park one near the home instance, give them an item booster and give them a sickle with the Glyph of Bounty. You'll get several gold of extra loot with every wave of cultivated herbs.


    > Really!? Thats nice!


    > You need to use item boosters when you plant or when you harvest?



    sounds alike an exploitl

  4. > @"Drecien.4508" said:

    > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > You are exactly expected to re-plant after harvest. Yes.

    > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Garden_plot


    > Why would they make this plot the opposite of the others? thats just tedious.



    Think about it, you have to create lumps of mithrilium to be able to forge Deldrimor steel.

    If you didnt have to replant, it would be the same of being able to skip the lump step and devaluing it because the timegate is gone.

  5. The skyscale grind was nothing compared to finishing Vision. The x6 250 currencies is only bad if you cant wait with getting it and want it here and NOW! If you cant cope with grinding, ocassionally plug at it, buy from the npc in dragonfall. Home node instances. And the recent festival of four winds had ways of buying the currency.

  6. > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

    > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

    > > > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

    > > > Why do you need them anyway? They look kitten and aren't even ascended.

    > > Unlocking (any) six of the astral skins is part of the precursor collection for the legendary trinket Vision.


    > Ah kitten, that's what a friend meant in-game... I have to do that as well. Yeah it sucks then.


    Well its just being consistent with the other crafting tasks for Vision, needing tier1, such as the dragonsblood weapons or the elegy armor and i think that mist shard armor from dragonfall as well.

  7. > @"Shep.4026" said:

    > You know, aside from alternatively deactivating the plots, which I'll admit is just as bad, all other suggestions in this thread would be better than the current solution. Deactivating ascended plants and seeds, even going so far as to taking all of these of the TP and sending them back to the sellers would be better than deactivating the glyph. Why? Because the former are played for, the latter are paid for. With REAL LIFE MONEY! Simple as that, end of discussion. At least almost...


    > The thing is, the player base can basically be devided into two groups: the players (majority) and the payers (minority). These two groups live in somewhat of a symbiotic relationship. The players can't stay without the payers. The payers won't stay without the players. If you take away enough shinies or just that one wrong shiny from a player, he/she will leave. With much less hesitation than a payer, because a payer has much more invested into the game, literally.


    > So, @"LucianDK.8615" is right, they're not going to change it, but not for the reasons he stated. It's because it would impact A LOT of players, while the current solution only impacts the payers, and not even all of us (oh, yes, in case you didn't gather: I'm a payer). The risk of losing players by deactivating all things related to ascended harvesting was simply too high, while the risk of losing payers by deactivating the glyph was fairly low. How do I know that? Because I'm still here and I bought my 5 Shared Inventory Slots yesterday. We payers, we're fools, but necessary fools.


    > Here's the silver lining: we payers, we should be thanking ANet, because in the end what counts most is keeping the game healthy. And the current solution best serves that purpose.


    > I have a rule in life which I try my best to live by and I'm going to modify for this discussion: the key to a happy game, is a happy player. And just as irl, that sometimes means that the payer has to bite the sour apple.


    Dont forget that two of the three plots are paid for as well. Hence why the whole disabling plots idea is ludricrous compared to merely disabling a glyph only a minority have. And the plots have just become more widespread with the free one, that likely inspired more to buy the last 2 plots.

  8. > @"AriaFiresong.7023" said:

    > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > > @"AriaFiresong.7023" said:

    > > > Why disable anything at all? The point of collecting the nodes is to be able to share them. Seems like enabling things is the right and proper way.

    > >

    > > Apparently ascended seeds are not supposed to be shared.


    > Doesn't make sense. Ascended food is by design shareable, so no fault in the materials shared. If they don't want it to persist past a day, put an expiration on the plants themselves.


    The issue was that others could come in and loot your ascended seeds and you did not have to replant them. There was people letting their entire guild in to loot them. And you had no more expenses in replanting them, as long you didnt loot them yourself. Then anet made them unlootable by others, but glyph of reaping bypassed that.

    When the seeds could be shared, the prices of them plummeted. Now they are much more valuable again.

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