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Posts posted by LucianDK.8615

  1. I think the greatest problem with these masteries is that theres little to no thought involved with it, and its a lot to spend time on building up. But really, why? It doesnt matter for almost all the content with so many people in the zone. Call out something and people come running if you tag up, things dies maybe a little slower, but thats it then.

  2. > @"Funky.4861" said:

    > You know, now that i've seen the hatched chili node for 1/4 of the price (tp) i paid for it (vendor) i'm just going to wait and see if the same thing happens with this node. 50g is a lot to ask for if it's just a reskin/reuse of the hatched chili (can't be consumed/sold) and we only get 3 eternal ice; which is better than the normal 1 or 2 hatched chilis i get from the rip-off home instance node.


    > Edit: it's bugged for me too.


    doesnt seem like theres a sellable version of this one.

  3. > @"Random Wax Orc.7695" said:

    > > @"Tuna Bandit.3786" said:

    > > I have a vision issue and am colorblind.


    > The 1st, 3rd and 8th reply are extremely inappropriate. Attacking or judging the OP based on your own experience and preferences is unfair. The original post was quite clear and just because the loss of focus and contrast isn't an issue for everyone, doesn't mean it isn't game-breaking for some people.




    The op claims not listening to 'us', he do not speak for everyone. Thats why people are speaking against him, especially with the claim that he cant see anything with the whiteout. It changes nothing in the center of the view.

  4. > @"Adzekul.3104" said:

    > My impressions (story done, map fully explored):

    > 1. Map was not up to the usual amazing standards for map design. I guess we can't expect superlative design every time, but it has become a routine. It leaves this one a bit underwhelming, if I am honest. Something has to be cut, but it is a bit sad that it is map quality. Speaking for myself I would prefer to see you cut weapon/armour collections instead.

    > 2. Story was short. Not a tragedy, but not amazing either. Mildly refreshing to have a short story once in a while. So long as it does not become the routine.

    > 3. The usual gates around having to do events after you complete the first instance seemed less painful than in the past.

    > 4. I very much dislike the weapon or armour collection philosophy. My fear is it will be mandatory for the next legendary trinket, and I am not happy about this. The time sink is massive and this is not what I am looking for from this game. Also, I am not finding the weapon skins to be so interesting. I guess the incessant "we want new weapon and armour skins" feedback from forums is a problem I could highlight. The vocal minority do not speak for all.

    > 5. Lack of legendaries does not bother me. Frankly I consider the Gen 3 legendaries to be far too expensive to craft, and many of them do not look legendary enough. Why on earth anything should consume 11 000 mithril is beyond me, and makes the expectations of the designers/decision-makers out of sync with the players in my opinion.

    > 6. No horrible final boss fight (like Season 2 and Season 3 and some of Season 4). I felt this one was quite good. Not every player is an Arah dungeon solo-er and the "death is meaningless, you will auto-rez or you can respawn multiple times during the boss fight" design philosophy is a real immersion-killer for me.

    > 7. There are more mastery points from the story/map/achievements than you need to fully unlock all masteries, and this is a good thing, but it still means you have to do a tonne of content on the map. By my calculation, you can skip 2 mastery points ... so I guess the full weapon collection (oh God, how painful -- and why the design facination with 32 slot bags?? how many more times will you guys try to hook the player base on the unappealing material/time sink that is 32 slot bags??)) and either the food collection or the 15x meta. To be fair, 15 times is better than the 25 for Dragonfall.


    > Summary: mild positives, mild negatives, and one potentially major negative, depending upon the requirements for the next legendary trinket.


    Gen 3 legendaries? I think you are mixing up something. Weve only had Gen1 and Gen2.

  5. With how much it was hyped, it have turned into a completely irrelevant dud. Every champion where it might have mattered gets zerged down so fast that the system might as well not exist. Save opening colored chests, and giving a buff on the sanctum boss, Ive not seen -any- use for it at all. The two raven abilities is much better intergrated in the zone. One useful in the meta, and the other to remove forcefields.


    Feels like it was something that only looked good on a designer paper, whereas the practical use ingame is showing how little it actually matters.

  6. > @"basilmemories.9186" said:

    > I love, _LOVE_ how people are saying "it's a wvw mount" like that changes anything. Imagine this conversation if we were talking about a car:


    > "oh nice, I can use this car... but it's really bad on any unpaved road, can I get better tires or something for offroad use?"

    > "it's a car for roads"

    > "...yeah, I know that. -Ooh look, there's an idea for something called an 'SUV', it goes offroad and onroad! Is that possible?"

    > "It's a car for roads"

    > "yes? And I'm asking if you can make it into a car that can also go offroad. Look the design specs are here! I invested a lot of time on upgrading it, so I'd like to be able to use it somewhere other than roads. It's not even a complicated ask."

    > "yes. but the car goes on roads"


    > "because it goes on roads."


    > And unlike real life, we're talking about wvw and they're clearly an opponent, so thankfully you can vent your frustration by stabbing them in the face... but it doesn't make their argument any less terrible.


    > If the devs give it functionality, will it make it a "must-have" item that people complain about getting and feel locked out? Well two points:

    > 1) That already exists in the form of ascended armor.

    > 2) That already exists in the form of Griffon, Beetle, and Skyscale.


    > So unless they magically make it so you don't have to grind 40 levels of he- I mean fractals and maps, and unless they lovingly airdrop those unlocks into everyone's account like, yesterday, I'm guessing that's going to still be a thing.


    > A more important argument to make is "what extra functionality can we give it?" Because raptor has distance, springer has height, jackal has speed and teleportation, manta has danger evasion and water speed, griffion has distance in flight, beetle has speed and crash tactics, and skyscale has hover and vertical flight. God what do we need, what do we need...?


    > Oh right, a dedicated combat mount! Oh man I wonder if the warclaw fits that flavor? You think? possibly?


    > Yes, all the mounts have engage skills that do more than damage. So, here's what you do, the warclaw's pounce does a nice chunk of damage, and then inflicts taunt. Don't mess with the speed, don't need to really do anything else. If you want to fancy it up there can either be extra damage to champs, or a buff to your squad. That's pretty much what everybody wants: just a little tweak to make the ol 'claw useful in pve too. You use the warclaw to mop up mobs or get a good first hit in on a world boss. it's a one-time use thing in a fight, so there won't be as much pressure to get it as, you know, ascended armor stuff. And it doesn't require much coding at all, just up damage in pve or give a status effect that ups damage in pve, and inflicts taunt when the pounce engage skill is used. It doesn't take much time any money away from the devs at all, and it's nice for use pve folks who DID grind wvw to obsessively collect all the mounts on their account.


    > That last one is mostly for me though. I have a problem and I admit it.


    Warclaw should remain a wvw only mount, or people would qq over having to do wvw to be 'competitive'. It already have a lot of abilities, but for WvW only. I can well imagine that Gw2's spagehtti code cannot handle different skillloadouts between wvw and pve for a mount.

    Just face it, its nothing but a show off mount in pve. Theres no role left that wouldnt infringe on other mounts, save underwater

  7. > @"otto.5684" said:

    > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > > @"Vavume.8065" said:

    > > > I propose unlocking current elite spec weapons to be available to it's core profession without taking the elite spec trait line, to be clear, lets say you allow revenant the ability to use shields without needing to spec into herald. This would open up a lot of new builds and theory crafting, and freshen up the game a bit, and also would probably be very easy to implement.

    > > >

    > > > I do not feel that elite specs are or should be defined by a weapon. So I would like to see this gating removed, and going forward new weapons could be added to the core profession, and elite specs would just be a traitline.

    > >

    > > Yes. Imagine mirage with a shield. So much fun to fight against. Yay.


    > It has to be limited to PvE only.


    > Honestly, I think the easiest addition would be cross class. Like elites, you can take a full line from another class, instead of elite, with some skills. And to be limited only to open world PvE, then eventually available in entire PvE (never to come to PvP).


    > In any case devs are too lazy. All they can do is one map and 1 hours story every 2-3 month. This is why I have not spent a cent since after PoF release and probably never will.


    We already had dual class in gw1, it proved too hard for the devs to balance and we never saw it in gw2 as well.

  8. > @"LadyKitty.6120" said:

    > Well, heals-wise, Harbinger Shroud has 1684 + 2.0*healing power as barrier output to allies. Desert Empowerment has 1050 + 0.67*healing power. Initial barrier is same with Desert Shroud and Harbinger Shroud. From what Kitty tested, you can't trigger Desert Empowerment by other means than using F1 Manifest Sand Shade (though the damage part of Manifest Sand Shade hits whenever you use any F-skill).

    > Harbinger Shroud has 798 + 3.0*power as direct damage, 6 stacks of torment for 10 seconds and 2 boons converted.

    > Desert Shroud has 840 + 3.2*its special weapon strength as direct damage (according to wiki, it doesn't scale from your actual stats. Not sure if that's also case with Harbinger Shroud 'cause no mention on it) and 7 stacks of torment for 10 seconds (1 stack per pulse).


    > Kitty committed a test to see what'd be their real numbers. In the quick test, Desert Shroud did a total of 2293,5 damage in average while Harbinger Shroud did average 1957 damage. So, in this test Desert Shroud did 17,1% more direct damage and due to difference being that high, Kitty would assume that Harbinger Shroud uses your actual weapon strength in damage calculation while Desert Shroud's virtual weapon strength is slightly stronger. The test was done with ascended weapons so with stuff like exotic weapons, the difference is most likely bigger.


    > Combined with Sadistic Searing's extra burns if you use punishment skills in your build, Herald of Sorrow is somewhat noticeable dps loss and you should only take it if you're doing pure healing, you need more boon corrupts or if you you deem some extra barrier on allies helpful at a raid boss. (Kitty personally likes giving peoples barrier before greens at VG and during Gorseval's rampage etc.) In endgame PVE, if that barrier makes a difference between some dps getting downed or not getting downed or power-heavy squad having full scholar uptime at a boss with high dps pressure, the increase in squad dps can be worth the minor personal dps loss.


    in that case you might as well go all out healer barrier bot scourge to have them way more effective. I know the barrier strenght was dramatically cut to scale with healing power instead.

  9. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > > > > it seems like a spikey skill no?

    > > > >

    > > > > Compare with base desert shroud.

    > > >

    > > > which takes 6 seconds of pulsing. not a spike.

    > >

    > > Which doesnt matter if harbinger doesnt have the damage.


    > it needs a buff. its meant to be a spike skill. ok?


    That we can agree on now. The whole topic was to try to figure out what the meaning with the skill was. Especially in light of it being weaker than desert shroud.

  10. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > > it seems like a spikey skill no?

    > >

    > > Compare with base desert shroud.


    > which takes 6 seconds of pulsing. not a spike.


    Which doesnt matter if harbinger doesnt have the damage.

  11. > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > Desert Shroud is not a defense only skill.


    > You are correct. I totally misunderstood Desert shroud and Harbinger Shroud. Both are personal defense, both have power and condi damage.


    > Where they differ is in persistence (duration.) DS spreads damage over time while HS crams it into a shorter time period, possibly for better use on moving targets. I will have to try using it that way. LF cost is lower and the "detonation" appears to share barriers.


    Im not sure if if im misreading something, but Harbinger shroud seems to have way less damage than Desert Shroud does. DS have a hefty chunk of power damage, wereas HB have high torment.

  12. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:


    > I've pinpoint the reason we have a different point of view. Where you see the shroud, I see the life force. You differenciate shrouding yourself behind life force and using life force to gain barrier While I don't. I take a shortcut and simply say: "whether it's core, reaper or scourge using your life force to shield yourself is your main defense".


    > And for me that's the source of the problem, as long as the life force is the main source of defense of the necromancer and it's e-specs, there is no possibilities for the necromancer to specialize because you just can't remove this main source of defense unless it's from utility skills that would consume LF.


    > > I struggle to understand how you would want to see necromancer and its elites some times to be honest it kind of seems like you dont want them to do anything. other than kind of exists with even less defense then they already have.


    > I don't mind the core necromancer shielding itself in shroud. Honnestly, it's fine. That said I'd like to see the power of the necromancer less concentrated into it's shroud with some damage potential added into the core weapon and core utility skills. The death shroud not doing that much damage is fine because, however you put it, it's mainly a defensive tool.


    > I'd like the reaper to be the glassiest e-spec. Unable to shield itself but, through traits able to achieve incredible sustain at the cost of it's dps. _Blighter boon_ would have been able to achieve that for a reaper without 2nd health bar when it was affected by it's allies incoming boons.


    > As for scourge, like I said, as long as they remove most of the damage from the shades skills, It would be fine.


    > The problem of the necromancer is that defense and offense depend on life force. Core being a generalist that can't specialize is fine, however there is a need to let e-spec "sacrifice" defense or offense in order to specialize into something. What I want is simply that reaper become an offensive e-spec that have sacrificed it's survivability to pack some punch and scourge become a support that sacrifice a bit it's offense in order to support it's team. I know ANet tried to give this feel with various awful QoL nerf but the balance of the profession itself is wrong, having life force make the necromancer stronger in all aspects is fondamentally wrong, there is a need for a loss to be able to reach new heights and the loss (and gain) that ANet gave us up to now are just half-baked. Which is why the necromancer and it's e-specs stay in a realm of mediocrity however they build.


    Lifeforce is just a resource, nothing more. It could be compared with revenant energy, warrior adrenaline or thief initiative.

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