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Everything posted by Astralporing.1957

  1. > @"The Greyhawk.9107" said: > Except it is. The Chinese New Year *IS* a Lunar New Year. That's only because at the moment they introduced it in GW2, they couldn't really call it the Canthan new year.
  2. > @"Khisanth.2948" said: > > @"Astralporing.1957" said: > > > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said: > > > My only problem is the consistency of the immunity. Either all breakable objects should be immune, or none. That being said, given the large amount of different objects that would need updating throughout the game, I imagine it would be a significant undertaking for a minor issue. > > Ever tried to do AC burrow events with a party consisting of all condi dps players? That wasn't minor issue :anguished: > > > > Some might argue attempting to do the event is already an issue. I'm not talking about the burrow at the beginning, before spider queen. This one can easily be skipped, after all. I am talking about two events, one on path 1 one on path 3, that are necessary to progress the dungeon. > @"Khisanth.2948" said: > > @"Parasite.5389" said: > > The definition of trying to get blood from a stone > > Pretty easy to make earth elementals bleed. Also air ... Indeed. Earth, air, fire, ice elementals can bleed and be poisoned. Fire elementals and destroyers get damaged by burning. Risen can be poisoned... and so on, and so on. So, basically, Anet has already decided that in case of enemies, consistency is more important than trying to make things more complex for the sake of "common sense". As such, there's really no reason why the interaction between condi damage and objects should not be consistent as well.
  3. > @"Dawdler.8521" said: > At some point, developers have to say... "acceptable losses". In this case they seem to be saying that about dx12
  4. > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said: > My only problem is the consistency of the immunity. Either all breakable objects should be immune, or none. That being said, given the large amount of different objects that would need updating throughout the game, I imagine it would be a significant undertaking for a minor issue. Ever tried to do AC burrow events with a party consisting of all condi dps players? That wasn't minor issue :anguished:
  5. > @"Hoover.6394" said: > > @"Fueki.4753" said: > > Nothing of the "Lunar-maned" name strikes me as Asian. > > I guess Lunar new year sounds just like a nightly event for you? One thing with "lunar" in its name being asian-themed doesn't mean all of them are. It's not like Asia has some sort of monopoly on the moon, after all. For example, [Lunar Wolf](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lunar_Wolf) is something that also exists in this game, and has nothing to do with Cantha or asian themes at all.
  6. There are two types of "voluntary" subs. Either useless ones noone's likely to pay, or those that are far less voluntary than they seem. Or, to be precise, only the latter ones, because the former ones are, as i said, useless, so noone is going to use them, except as a shortterm mistake to be corrected fast. Basically, if you want players to pay a sub, it either has to be obligatory, offer advantages significant enough to persuade a lot of players to pay it, or remove some significant _disadvantages_ that are big enough people would be willing to pay to get rid of. Generally, the idea is that the subless experience needs to be significantly worse, or players won;t feel motivated to pay the sub. As you can guess, introducing any of those options in a game that so far worked on b2p model might cause the players not willing to start paying sub to get at least a bit annoyed (to put it mildly).
  7. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said: > The art team does know how to fashion oriental dragons: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mini_Mystical_Dragon > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mini_Snow_Flurry_Dragon Or, one can just look at Kuunavang in EoD trailer.
  8. > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said: > Mystic coins have deflated and inflated between 90s and 2g since I started playing. It isn't fixed. It changes based on demand. While there are indeed some shortterm dips and spikes in the MC price, the overall longterm trend is visibly upward. It's **not** level. And before you say "inflation", i'll add that this trend is also upward if you compare it to the market as a whole. There's very, very few commodities on the market with such a longterm steady one-direction trend.
  9. > @"Fueki.4753" said: > I think it's fine. > It's a mostly player driven economy and thus shouldn't be artificially restrained. It would have been a "mostly player driven economy" if the supply was not artificially restrained by Anet.
  10. > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > > @"Astralporing.1957" said: > > WvW armor lets you just play the WvW content in whatever way you want. "PvE" armor requires you to play PvE in a very specific way, that lies outside of how most PvE players spend time there. The similar case for WvW would be if you could progress WvW armor only by doing one, specific WvW activity (for example, only by capturing red keep on desert borderland, and only limited number of times per week. Or, say, by winning GvG matches in obsidian sanctum arena - again, only limited number of times weekly. Although frankly i am not sure if there even **is** a WvW activity that would be as niche as raids are for PvE). In that way, current WvW path is vastly superior for WvW players than Raid one for PvE players. > > I know, i just said that's the reason why it takes longer. Because you "just do it" by playing, no collections, no nothing. The time gates are a bit "meh", they shouldn't be THAT severe but whetever, at least you don't have to do anything else. In that case, i agree. Although i would be remiss not to point out the fact that at the time wvw armor was introduced, there were less raid wings, and the time disparity was significantly smaller. At this moment, the time is 22 weeks of full rewards for base WvW set, 29 weeks for mistforged variant. For Envoy it is now much faster (6 weeks for first set, 12 weeks for second one, or 10/20 weeks respectively if you don't convert divinations). At the time WvW armor got introduced however (August 8, 2017), we've had only 4 raid wings, that offered 13 LI total per week. That was 12 weeks for a first set, and 24 for any subsequent one. Which was still faster for the first set, but very comparable for any subsequent one. Basically, since that time the acquisition time for legendary armor from raids got halved, but WvW one is still at the exact same place it was then. This caused things to get unbalanced a bit.
  11. > @"vicky.9751" said: > ff14 lets you buy glamour prisms for free which do the same thing. I dont see why it has to be gated to daily login here or map completion. On the other hand, in truth FF XIV's glamour wardrobe system is vastly inferior to GW2's one. And by saying "vastly" i mean exactly that - FF XIV's system, compared to what we have here, is _very_ primitive and limited. I'd love to have in FF XIV something that would be even half as good as the wardrobe here.
  12. > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > > @"Ashantara.8731" said: > > > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > > > Same for WvW and PvP armors and backpacks. > > > > I disagree on this. For those you simply have to play WvW/PvP. Raid armor also requires you to remember dozens of things that need to be done in and outside of raids in order to finish your collections - it's a lot more stressful than simply playing a certain game mode. > > > Yeah, that's why WvW armor requires about 10x the amount of time to make. Which isn't balanced in my opinion because you have TacO, Youtube and all sorts of guides for that armor, the collections aren't that "stressful", come on. But that's why WvW armor takes longer to make. WvW armor lets you just play the WvW content in whatever way you want. "PvE" armor requires you to play PvE in a very specific way, that lies outside of how most PvE players spend time there. The similar case for WvW would be if you could progress WvW armor only by doing one, specific WvW activity (for example, only by capturing red keep on desert borderland, and only limited number of times per week. Or, say, by winning GvG matches in obsidian sanctum arena - again, only limited number of times weekly. Although frankly i am not sure if there even **is** a WvW activity that would be as niche as raids are for PvE). In that way, current WvW path is vastly superior for WvW players than Raid one for PvE players.
  13. > @"Voltekka.2375" said: > Also known as sarcasm. May fly over people's heads quite often. Well, if that was an attempt at sarcasm, it was not too well done (because if it indeed _was_ supposed to be sarcasm, it was hardly visible, and i'm not even sure what it was aiming at). But let's pretend i actually believe that. It just means you admit that it was not an argument for anything at all. Duly noted. > Anet wants people to try different modes. I am in favor of this. I want raid skins? I better raid. I want Warbringer? I better wvw. I dont like the mode? I wont get it. It IS that simple. Dumbing down stuff to please a minority kills a game. People get bored. They leave. No incentive whatsoever. You don't want the situation where the people that are there for incentive only, but do not care about the content itself outnumber those that do care. Because that often ends badly. Badly, as in "people leave". There were more than one cases where a lot of PvE players went into WvW or SPvP to farm for something. In all the cases it ended the same - first the population of that content spiked up, but after the first wave of PvErs got what they wanted and left, the new population always stabilized somewhere _below_ the level from before the event. Because not only the people that went in there for farming left after they obtained what they wanted, but also, by playing for a different reason and in a different manner than those that frequented the content before, they disrupted the play and lowered the enjoyment for them, thus causing some of them to quit. It has been so for all 3 WvW "seasons" long ago. It was the same for SPvP Legendary backpack, for Warbringer, for the WvW mount... And i am sure everyone just loves those SPvP afker farmers, which i am sure help the SPvP population immensely. It is reasonable to want players to _try_ different modes, but if you push them into doing more than just shallow dipping to see whether they might like the content, in the end it does _not_ end up beneficial for said content. Not unless the content is _all_ about farming, and nobody actually likes it for itself anyway.
  14. > @"Aavataris.5720" said: > > @"Astralporing.1957" said: > > You are totally wrong: > It is the same as they do in Fractals now (take an existing map, add new elements from other maps and increase the difficulty, both by AR and by stats). If you think making a fractal instance requires a minimum programming, you are very wrong. Remember, making fractals out of already existing LS1 dungeons took them several months, and they only had to cut them in two. > > In fact, it is much cheaper to take existing maps and have enemies already created (under the excuse that it is a Fractal) than to create new maps, with new enemies and stories. It's like Obvious. No, you can't just apply some type of "fractal type scaling" to an open world map and suddenly make it work with a small and uniform group of players. Open World areas are _not_ uniformly scaled for a set player group of constant size. Some places are okay for solo, other (especially some meta boss events) require a lot more players. There's no way to make an automatic scaling to make such a map a properly balanced instance. For example, Tequalt scaling _starts_ at 30 players (i believe). If you let 5 or 10man group enter that map, then either they'll get wiped by tequatl with zero chance of survival, or (if the map gets scaled down) they will roll over most of the other parts of the map. Or both. So, basically, you will end with Anet having to _manually adjust all the mobs on the map_. Notice also, that a fractal map has a clear progression path, where you kill mobs/do events in a certain order until you clear the map. Open World maps don;t have any such mechanic, so you would have to add those as well. Yeah, that's a minimal amount of work all right.[/sarcasm]
  15. > @"KidRoleplay.3615" said: > There's a way to make a custom ingame playlist that's shown somewhere on the wiki, which even includes what plays on death. I've never done it but found the possibility neat once I heard of it. Perhaps someone more enlightened than I can link you to it. Custom playlist options do indeed exist, but are extremely limited. It's not very useful if you only want to replace few specific music tracks but _don't_ want to change the rest.
  16. @"Aavataris.5720" said: You do realize, that > replacing the normal with much more difficult enemies and some new rules and > With a minimum of extra programming do **not** go together all that well?
  17. @"Voltekka.2375" Okay, i will rephrase it (although by this point i'm pretty much sure you;re only pretending you don;t understand what i am talking about) 1. You pretended to care about WvW/SPvP not getting their path to gen2 legendaries, as if you felt that PvE getting alternate path to obtaining some legendary stuff without WvW getting one would be unfair. 2. When i pointed out, that you can always ask for a WvW-specific path, you admitted, that in reality not only you don't care about it, but you don't want it to happen at all. That pretty much shows, that the first "argument" was used in bad faith. If you were arguing in good faith, you should not have mentioned the "but what about the ~~children~~WvW" argument at all, but honestly admitted from the get go that you simply don't like the idea of alternate paths to content rewards. Instead you opted for trying to misdirect the issue, hiding behind fake arguments, and only revealed your true thoughts after being pressed further. But, as you say, you do you.
  18. > @"Arheundel.6451" said: > Companies like Square Enix can release class info 2 years before the actual expansion drop Can they? The Endwalker expansion is slated for Q4 2021, we still know only about one of the classes (and it's mostly just class name and role), and know only the role (but not the name) of the other. So, care to tell us what exactly did you know about that expansion back in Q4 2019? Just to remind you, at that time we were only at patch 5.1.
  19. > @"mindcircus.1506" said: > > @"Astralporing.1957" said: > > if you don't change your looks everyday you will get enough from just playing. I mean, even daily login rewards produce quite a number of those. > This may be true for *you*. > Different people interface with this system in different ways. I play a lot of alts, I have both gear loadouts filled on most of them. When I go through periods where I am not playing WvW or doing a lot of map completes I start running out. I currently have less than a dozen charges despite leveraging things like festival vendors. > I assure you the ones gained from login rewards and "just by playing" do not always meet my personal needs. I am not nearly the altoholic that some are, and I do not change my appearance as often as many do. I on the other hand _am_ an altoholic, like to keep my looks updated, don't WvW or SPvP, and don't specifically farm for transmutation charges. And yet i have close to 1k of them.
  20. Problem is, not everyone likes the same races. Make a storyline covering a specific race, and you will get a lot of responses of "But why X?" or "Why not Y instead?". We're already hearing some of those with the main race storyline focusing, but at least we have only 5 main races, so everyone can always hope that "their" race will be next. There's a lot more than 5 of the non-playable races, and not every one is equally liked (or disliked). Also, last time people asked for a Mursaat storyline, Anet obliged... by removing the race from the game. Shortly after we learned the same happened to the Forgotten, which some other players wanted to see more of. Same with a certain dragon. ...so, be very careful what you ask for.
  21. > @"mindcircus.1506" said: > > @"Fuchslein.8639" said: > > How can you farm transmutation charges in PVE in the same mass like PVP or WVW without spending gems or gold? > Map completion offers a guaranteed transmutation charge any time you do not get a BL Key. There are a number of maps in this game that can be completed in less than 15 minutes. > Roll alt, tome alt to 80 and complete the following maps: > Black Citadel > The Grove > Divnity's Reach > Rata Sum > Hoelbrak > Bloodstone Fen > Silverwastes (depends on meta for the last HP) > Dry Top (may depend on events for speed run) > Lion's Arch > Southsun Cove > Drizzlewood > Dragonfall > If you are an efficient killer and can complete the hearts quickly add: > Ember Bay > Siren's Landing > Lake Doric > Sandswept Isles > > Then Delete the Alt and start again. > This is faster than the rate at which you earn them in WvW/PvP.. Or just do the 5 race cities and Lion's Arch, in which case you don't need to get any levels at all. But in reality, if you don't change your looks everyday you will get enough from just playing. I mean, even daily login rewards produce quite a number of those.
  22. > @"Voltekka.2375" said: > Yeah, "like in your case here". Assumptions, "fake arguments", whatever. Each mode has its exclusive skins. Like it or not, that's how the game works. Want something? Earn it. I cant raid, meaning i wont get them armorskins or AP, and thats ok. But trying to devalue other peoples' time, effort and dedication to get something... Kinda doesnt seem right, to me. See? If you dislike the idea, you _can_ say this straight out. You don't have to hide it behind pseudoarguments suggesting that you are "defending" WvW players, or that they'll get slighted somehow. It's not like you actually care about it, after all. And _that_ makes it a "fake argument".
  23. > @"Yggranya.5201" said: > So, there was the mist, and it was the after life (in some way) until the human gods came, invaded and twisted it for their purpose? Well, depends if it's GW1 or GW2. In GW1 "human" gods _created_ Tyria, so there wasn't really anything before them in here. And they weren't even human gods in the first place - they only "imported" humans from some other place after their previous servitor race (the **Forgotten**) started dying out. In GW2 lore version, human gods came into Tyria later. It's probably then when they created their own domains in the Mists near Tyria as well - and then used those domains for the souls of their human followers. And, while indeed the "base" for the soul recycling seems to be the Mists, and Underworld (and other god domains) seem to be a modification, made for humans only, it's not like humans (and human gods) are the only ones that tinkered with it. As i pointed out, both Dwarves (that, whether in GW1 or GW2, were there before humans) and Sylvari have their own life/death cycle that is separate from mists, and completely independent from human gods. Tengu have something they call "the Sky Above the Sky", but it's as of yet unknown if it's a place as real as Underworld is, or just some philosophical/metaphysical concept. It's entirely possible there are/were other such systems, and we just haven't heard about them yet. > I wonder if the human gods were like the elder dragons of their world, until they decided that they want it all. "Rescue" their slave race who they mutated from some apes with magic to look like them, or changed their own appearance to fool the gullible and took off, Or if some humans figured out how to absorb magic, stole it all and doomed their planet, and "rescued" their lesser brethren as servitors who can worship the ground they walk on. As i said, that depends on whether you are operating on GW1 or GW2 lore. In GW1 version, gods pulled humans from some other world (and no, we don't know how voluntary that was for those humans "invited" in, although some info about Dwayna suggests she intended for Tyria to be a place of a peaceful refuge. WHich is almost certainly **not** what Balthazar intended, though). In GW2 there's no explanation given at all, but considering how the things we've heard from Kormir in PoF inform us about gods' personalities, it's entirely probable they were escaping some catastrophe (but one that was probably not so potentially immediate than the one with elder dragons here, since they _had_ the time to take at least some of their followers then). As far as the original appearance of the gods, it's hard to say... but i'd say that it is telling that the two oldest cases (Melandru and Dwayna) are always depicted with wings, while the younger gods (we don't know much about the origin of Lyss and Illia, but we do know they are younger, just as we know that Grenth, Balthazar and Abaddon are replacements for older deities) are not.
  24. > @"Naxos.2503" said: > > @"Astralporing.1957" said: > > > @"Naxos.2503" said: > > > Sometime, you die more than usual. In those cases, you even get to visit the afterworld ! Which is strangely human themed for some reason. > > Considering that the underworld is a domain of one of the _human_ gods, that's not surprising at all. > > > > From that point of view yes, but what happens to Charrs/Asuras/Sylvaris/Norns ? I wonder if lore wise something crop up for them. Dwarves, if i remember, before the Rite were ending up as part of the Great Dwarf (i don't know how it works now), and Sylvari supposedly return to the Dream. Some other races might have their own life/death cycle as well. Most though just end up as parts of the Mists directly. And sometimes there are some special arrangements - for example, we do know that at least some of the Charr ended up in the Realm of Torment, due to the Flame Legion essentially signing up under Abaddon.
  25. > @"Voltekka.2375" said: > The reply was meant as an answer to the "2nd gen have 2 recipes", recipes which are pve only. So? Is an existence of one alternate method (introduced because some players asked for it) an argument against another? I don't think so. > Op asks for the skins rather than the functionality of legendary back and armor. If you are a supporter of being able to get pve raid/wvw/spvp exclusive skins outside their respective gamemodes, ask for it. I have asked for it, more than once. And you know what is practically guaranteed to happen then? Someone shows up, and says "but what about WvW?". And when i tell them if they want a WvW version, the can always ask for it, i learn they aren't really interested in one (and often don;t even play WvW). Like in your case here. Seriously, if you care about getting a WvW path to some PvE legendaries, ask for it. If you do _not_ care, don't use it as a fake argument against alternate methods somewhere else.
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