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Everything posted by DeanBB.4268

  1. How about, "Why are you notifying my core-only accounts that this content is available?" I have no plans to ever upgrade my extra accounts. Yeah, I know the answer is, "Because I signed up to receive notifications."
  2. That happened to me recently, and I thought I had done something wrong/clicked the wrong response. Glad to know it wasn't me!
  3. I've never experienced this, nor has my family (4 other players) complained of it. Can you try a different keyboard? Or temporarily map your W to another key to see if that solves it?
  4. I don't know about Level 0, but maybe an endless mini tonic?
  5. I run dual monitors with the cursor freely moving off the game screen, so it works. This question was asked recently, so try searching for it. I'm not in-game, so can't tell you what settings I picked.
  6. It's worth it. Each race's story gives achievements, mastery points from the story, even more if you do the bonus stuff in season2 etc.
  7. Any kill has the potential to drop a precursor. Otherwise, it is just unid gear. It's not like GW1 where killing a specific critter could drop a specific green weapon.
  8. They offer convenience. They cram all the vendors, crafting, etc into a small space. I have the Divinity Reach pass, which is convenient to get to a good home instance plus DR activities, and the Mist Sanctuary, which returns you to your open-world location when you exit. Not all of them do that, so if that is your desired functionality, research first.
  9. But comics "excel" at retcon/resurrect/rebirth/recycle/reuse! Might as well bring in the pros if you're going down that path!
  10. Agreed. Just like we thought there would never be mounts. But you are correct, nobody knows.
  11. They should just hire Marvel to do the writing for them. Problem solved.
  12. Maybe you can hire more than one, or when housing arrives with EoD, hire different staff. I'm hoping for Bates/Thomas-type interactions, but realize that is a lot to hope for (for those who understand).
  13. None. But if I had to pick one of the existing NPC races, I'd go with Skritt.
  14. > @"kharmin.7683" said: > > @"Random Wax Orc.7695" said: > > Apple has long claimed that their computers run PC software better than PCs run PC software. They have even claimed that PC software on a Mac runs bug free, regardless of how buggy the software might be. So, there has never been a reason to make an Apple version of any software, because Macs are magic! > > > > I am on team Anet on this. I am not on Apple's team corporate marketing. Using Anet resources to keep up with the Apple "change for change sake" treadmill is a waste. > > It's not change for change sake. It's forcing consumers to purchase something to continue the revenue stream. Wait. Apple/Mac is an MMO? :open_mouth:
  15. There are currently over 50 jumping puzzles, and I believe they all reward AP's when first completed. Cumulatively, that's enough for a reward chest (plus or minus, not sure they all reward 10 AP). I wouldn't want to see them changed to require some sort of check point or really anything to make them more difficult. If "time trial mode" or somesuch were to be added, just have that be above and beyond the normal JP requirements. But really, this is Anet. When do they ever go back to change old things? Retreat! is not their motto, Charge! is! :)
  16. I agree. Used 5 keys and now have 2 bank slots taken by these potions. I should have paid attention to the first chest I opened and saw each potion applied to one of the four masteries, rather than letting you pick where to apply it. But yeah, xp is easy and endless in this game, so a fairly worthless guaranteed item.
  17. No, one random potion. I spent 5 keys and am storing 2 potions until I can use them.
  18. > @"Chyanne Waters.8719" said: > The reason GW1 is still active is so people can work on the Hall of Monuments if they want. While that is certainly true, it is not the entire reason. My son and a friend just re-played it, even bought new full accounts, just for the nostalgia of doing so. My son then had linked accounts of course, so got all the free goodies in GW2 that he unlocked along the way. I don't think they have played GW1 since Genshin Impact came out, though, so even nostalgia only goes so far. They enjoyed it, though. After playing GW2 I would have a really hard time going back to GW1.
  19. I assumed it would let you pick which mastery, or apply it to whichever area you are in. Instead, it gives 4 different potions. So if you aren't planning to use them, it means storing them. Ugh. Thanks. I only used 5 keys and unlocked two things, so it was ok.
  20. I don't believe the Branded Mounts pack includes the added mounts - roller beetle and skyscale. If it did, you would see that offered in your mount skins choices, even if you haven't unlocked a mount yet. I know I have a skyscale skin unlocked yet haven't finished unlocking the skyscale itself.
  21. You can trade 1/day for a Provisioner Token. Not much, but it is something.
  22. I had all but the fractal spoon, so just solo'd the first fractal until I failed. Repeated until the spoon dropped. Really didn't take long.
  23. Otherwise, you can apply the skin to any greatsword, without the legendary perks.
  24. From the wiki re: Dusk: Crafted once per account after completing the Twilight III: Dusk collection.
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