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Everything posted by DeanBB.4268

  1. Are you completing achievements, or are you referring to Dailies? Cuz dailies have a maximum.
  2. If you want that, just max crafting on one character. Then you can switch to whichever is needed by paying the fee.
  3. "Best food for WvW parties?" Hmmm...Salt? :astonished:
  4. I just keep something like food in the very first invisible slot, thus marking the beginning of the bag.
  5. I'm not a fan of the idea. If it were just an "endless dungeon" I'd be more interested. Otherwise, it invalidates your gear and build, which I find annoying anytime a story forces that upon me.
  6. > @"Dayra.7405" said: > Max load for flying: > * 1/2 a Charr or Norn > * 1 Human or Sylvari > * 2 Asura > > If overloaded, you have a 50% change of falling to dead and you need to redo the quests to reacquire the mount :) So....it'd have to be more like a Transformer then? Two (or more?) Norn combine their mounts into MegaMount?
  7. Mounts are not so hard to get, if one doesn't mind breaking the story (that's for another thread - search for it). Other than having their work (play?) done for them, I don't see how it would be fun for the passenger. If anything, perhaps a new basic mount more like the warclaw that new players who have purchased the expansions can acquire? (Ugh, now I', slipping into that other post...)
  8. Let's add all the summoned critters while we're at it: rock dog, golem, bird (from armor), summons (from consumables), etc.
  9. @OP, Remember that new players won't really be experiencing what you are experiencing right now. They will be experiencing what you experienced in 2016 when you started, only the game has grown even larger since then. New players will have a *ton* of new content to play through and most likely won't get to IBS and such for quite a long time. There will be some, I'm sure, that play 20 hours a day and burn through content quicker, but what game can really keep up with those types of players? And good news! GW2 is the kind of game that you can take a break from and not miss out on anything. Just do a daily logon to make sure you don't miss any content deliveries and keep those logon rewards rolling, and go play something else for a while. I have to do that every year it seems.
  10. If you are patient, you can do easy WvW dailies, which reward potions to advance a reward track. Big Spender, Veteran creature, kill 5 guards, kill a guard/claim land, monument, take 2 camps - all easy to do, depending on how active WvW is. There are times when I go there and there are just enemy players everywhere, so I skip it. If you are after legendaries, then use that reward track and skip the warbeast entirely. If you have any interest at all in WvW, then acquiring the warbeast simplifies things.
  11. If you don't like the look of a Legendary, just apply a new skin. Problem solved.
  12. > @"Obtena.7952" said: > ... there isn't a sub so you aren't paying for anything into the future. This game is built around the idea that you play and enjoy it for what it is NOW, not what it might be in the future. But by purchasing non-consumable items from the gem store, I am investing in the game's future. I am trusting that by spending money on items, those items can be enjoyed for years to come. Yes, I understand that Anet really owns it all and I'm more like renting blah blah blah... but I am investing in their game and hope to continue enjoying it for a long time.
  13. @OP, when you leveled up, and were presented with the level up rewards, did you bother clicking on any of the info links provided in the "level up guide"? They are there for exactly what you request, info for new players. I'm guessing based upon the new "Tiffy Wiffy Guides" Anet has been publicizing that not many players bother to seek out that info, which is abundantly available on the wiki. But don't say that Anet doesn't provide it. If new players quit because of lack of info, it is just them not being willing to find answers that is to blame. Maybe how it can be better provided is the question? Maybe 30 second you-tubes that younger gamers will bother watching is the answer?
  14. Me being lazy and all, I finally got around to unlocking the griffon last Friday. Yeah, I know... Anyway, it was bad enough playing my alt accounts, which are all core-only, when they didn't have gliding and mounts. And now that I'm enjoying the griffon, it's even worse. I don't do too much with them anyway, but when it is an easy day to do dailies on all (gather+vista+veteran/spender), I do so.
  15. Anet's chosen path is elite specializations, so you are better off developing suggestions that fit within their framework. I really don't see any new professions being added, just elites. Would you be happy if they added a profession with EoD and it had one choice, when all the other professions then had three? Plus, most of what you are suggesting sounds an awful lot like a Weaver - a sword wielding, dual-focused magic user. I would hope another elite wouldn't be added that overlapped so much.
  16. Honestly, if you want to get basic mounts and then play through Core Tyria, just get the Raptor and Springer. That will be more than sufficient for everything until later mounts and their masteries are needed to progress in the desert. I too am on NA (server doesn't matter, just EU or NA) and could help/carry you through that far. Are you EU or NA?
  17. "open dune field all good deserts have" That's just your view. I live in Phoenix, Arizona, and I think the variety of desert climates presented in PoF is good. To me, endless dunes would not be a realistic representation.
  18. I use the healing, rifle, and rocket turrets with a flamethrower build. Works fine for what you are describing. And those turrets come in handy for many events or hearts, defending vs. waves of enemies.
  19. I'm not opposed to the idea...but do we need yet another light show/effects source? I'd rather see infusions be reworked and separated into their own equipment slot. Kinda like how they reworked gathering tools to separate form from function.
  20. Both. Outfits are nice when a change is needed. Armor is best.
  21. > @"paShadoWn.5723" said: > Like in RIFT? Please? You are probably getting nothing but crickets due to (apparently) some very specific request, which one would only understand if they understood "gear requisition quest" and "like in rift." Those mean absolutely nothing to me.
  22. Considering Anet would have to change their systems to accommodate this suggestion, it would actually be more work than just adding new choices the normal way. They would have to separate "paid for" gems from "traded for" gems. They would have to filter the makeover/hair kits to either not show the "paid for" options or perhaps gray them out/flag them. Or add an entirely new system, something like shiny Celestial Gems that can only be acquired for real money, then start offering things only for Celestial Gems. Doesn't sound so good to me. Just add more choices, please. I'm afraid we may have to wait for the expansion, though.
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