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Guild Wars 2: Remastered

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this definitely would be nice, but i do not think that this is going to happen. i highly doubt they have the people and resource to keep the promised updates coming _and_ remaster gw2 (especially after the whole thing about having to boot out good chunk of staff). it would be possible in future after they are done with making new content for gw2... but its more likely that they would move on to making gw3 (or maybe entirely different title) rather than spend their resources on upgrading old content.

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> @"ArmoredVehicle.2849" said:

> > @"Veryl.7861" said:

> > Nonetheless there are many many people who suffer from overheating computers and low framerates still dedicated to GW2 for a reason. It's a perfect unique game with it's own lore and own way of storytelling. This could be easily solved if it was so easy to convert DX9 to DX12 Ultimate (with RTX and Ansel provided by Nvidia)

> > Now I can't look in Anet's wallet so I don't know if it's too much to cost to buy licences for a new engine but heck.. there are even free possibilities like Unreal engine provides us nowdays.


> Just a few points I'd like to mention here.


> - People who suffer from overheating problems can break down to multiple factors (dust, clogged ventilations, dried up thermal paste, background tasks using cpu power), while GW2 is CPU intensive it doesn't stress it as much as one would imagine, the game is certainly not to blame here.

> - You speak of RTX as if everyone can afford or has one, also don't forget some GW2 players are also AMD users.

> - DX12 is a dead end API being locked to 1 OS and the Xbox (which is still Win10 based), Vulkan would be a much wiser choice due to its' wider cross platform support while still offering the same level of performance.


not to mention that Unreal Engine isn't free at all for big companies, only non-profit companies can use it for game releases.

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  • 1 month later...

This is Raymera and I have some thoughts:


-I cringe every time I see half-aced animations like handing something off or 2 people interacting or even pushing a button. I wish those were a bit tighter as if I'm ACTUALY interacting with a world a not my animation space is interacting with that items interaction space. I want things to actually connect.


-Transitions are also important. I know its a game but enemies blinking in to attack and then dying and blinking off is offputting to me. A slow disintegration or them melting into the earth or smoke poof, something, would be great and immersive.


-There should be an option to turn off visual noise from other players like there is one to see them detailed or not. Do I really need to see their Elite skill every time if it doesn't matter in the particular situation that I am in?


-I have seen newer textures and glow effects for weapons and now we need more realistic and dynamic physics. Like when something explodes and earth chunks fly up and then down disappearing by clipping past the earth in a little lame.

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It is truly amazing how many "experts" come out of the woodwork for threads like this. Less than 10% of you have ever installed a game engine IDE, let alone developed a game professionally using one. I'm sorry and I'm not trying to be mean. GW2 getting a remaster is a pipe dream. Anet are already firing on all cylinders just to deliver the content we are currently getting. They don't have a secret stash of money or a second studio to run parallel projects. Anything they do in the background takes away resources from the foreground. "I don't mind if there's no new content for a few years." You must not have been around during the content droughts surrounding Heart of Thorns. No one was happy when that happened.


Switching game engines is not a simple thing. Nor is it what you think it is. When you say you want more beautiful graphics, yes the engine plays a part. But so do the polygons on the models themselves. So do the textures which come with a pixel count. If Taimi is made of 10,000 polygons and her texture is 2048x2048... and you upgrade the engine from DX9 to DX12... Guess what? Taimi still only has 10,000 polygons and a 2k texture. You successfully accomplished almost nothing. Maybe the game will run smoother, and maybe the shaders will be a bit more pretty. But at the end of the day when you ask for a REMASTER, you are asking for a lot more than you think. You are basically asking Anet to make GW2 again, rolling the clock back to 2012. And we the players will have to wait for YEARS for a prettier version of the game we are already playing, with no new content, just a spit-shine.


Smarter plan: Make Guild Wars 3. Make it with an upgraded engine using all the latest tech they can muster. But that's also a long shot because Anet is still suffering from the layoffs right into covid lockdowns. Right now they are developing living world AND the Cantha expansion. They are stretched thin already. There's no way they are going to be able to do any of this extra stuff any time soon.


P.S. - Someone mentioned Unreal Engine 4? That will never happen for one very simple reason: UE4 is owned by Epic Games. Anet already has their own proprietary engine. They aren't going to suddenly abandon it and start paying Epic a portion of their profits. Don't get me wrong, UE4 is a great engine, I've used it myself. But that just isn't going to happen. It would be far better for Anet to upgrade their own engine. Porting to UE4 is not as simple as dragging "gw2.exe" into the editor and clicking "build". No, it would be a massive undertaking, and Anet would have to pay Epic a portion of their profits just to use the engine. With Anet's own proprietary engine, they don't have to pay anyone, and they get to keep their pipeline intact.

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> @"HotDelirium.7984" said:

> This is Raymera and I have some thoughts:


> -I cringe every time I see half-aced animations like handing something off or 2 people interacting or even pushing a button. I wish those were a bit tighter as if I'm ACTUALY interacting with a world a not my animation space is interacting with that items interaction space. I want things to actually connect.


Hi Raymera... animator here. You have just identified one of the most challenging things to do in a game engine. Very few games manage to pull it off flawlessly. And if you are thinking of a cutscene or cinematic, that's trickery. That is almost always hand keyed to look as good as possible, not a dynamic interaction. Gameplay animations require dynamic interaction because it has to respond to the infinite number of ways a player might play the game. That's really hard to do well, especially in an mmo. Games like Assassins Creed use special tech to drive contextual animations to make the character's hand reach for a ledge or touch someone's shoulder. Those systems may be possible in an mmo, but are considered unnecessary and wasteful when the primary concern is making sure that combat runs smoothly with hundreds of players fighting at the same time.



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> @"Xenon.4537" said:

> Someone mentioned Unreal Engine 4? That will never happen for one very simple reason: UE4 is owned by Epic Games. Anet already has their own proprietary engine. They aren't going to suddenly abandon it and start paying Epic a portion of their profits. Don't get me wrong, UE4 is a great engine, I've used it myself. But that just isn't going to happen.


They clearly want to use the Unreal Engine 4, because they are trying (for some time now) to hire a "Lead Unreal Engineer" with "Robust experience with Unreal Engine 4". Source: https://boards.greenhouse.io/arenanet/jobs/1988141


Of course it is unclear, if this will be for GW2 or GW3 or some other unannounced console-title.


I do not believe they will port GW2 to the UE4 engine, but it seems new games will not use Anets own and very old engine anymore.


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> @"Xenon.4537" said:

> Switching game engines is not a simple thing. Nor is it what you think it is. When you say you want more beautiful graphics, yes the engine plays a part. But so do the polygons on the models themselves.


The game already uses two different rendering "versions", at least when it comes to post processing. At the very least they can upgrade the visuals on the pre-Draconis Mons maps to use the "newer" version. That's gonna be relatively easy, as most of the character options (skins, outfits, armor, mounts, gliders and so on) are already created to look good on both versions which leaves us with environment details only. I think the end result would be worth it, not only because the "newer" visuals are superior to the old ones, but also because it has the potential to shave time in creating new items in the future, as they won't have to make sure it looks good on two separate post process settings. And if you take a look at some outfits and mounts they DO look drastically different in Path of Fire maps vs Core maps.

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> @"Veryl.7861" said:

> > @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> > First of all, GW2 engine is based on the GW1 engine, but it is heavily modified. Although it is called an engine, it is not a package easily distributed to third party's, it is an integrated part of the game.

> >

> > But more important to how it could be done, is why.

> >

> > It would give better graphics, but with a price. People would be forced to upgrade their PC or laptop to better performance. One thing GW always did good is that it was easily accessible to new players who never played a game before. By changing things it would mean also changing this. It would also move the audience of the game to a more hard-core audience.

> >

> > I personally also think that in this light, this is not the right moment to do so. We are moving to a new era with streaming games. That would be the perfect time to do such a thing. It would mean that people with poor specs can still play this upgraded game. People with poor internet could still play it in the classic way and only those with poor specs and poor internet would be left behind.

> >

> > But at this moment it is too early to take such a step. Maybe in 2 - 3 years.


> > @"coso.9173" said:

> > all MMOS slowly or quickly get better graphics, and those who can't get a better PC have to sadly suck it up and can't be used as an argument for not upgrading it. if it was the case we would still be playing text only adventure games or Atari.

> > it is expected that new games will require better pcs. and it is expected that MMOs have to be contantly upgrading their graphics too, it shows on all of them if you compare the vanilla zones to the newer ones.

> > But sometimes it isn't enough anymore and a massive overhaul is needed. like the remastered mode in BDO or the new character models in WoW. Now the question is if gw2 is in that moment now or not.


> I've experienced playing Guild Wars 2 on a laptop i3 or desktop i5 before I started upgrading.

> I could barely play with 5fps and because gw2 is the only game I've play, this forced me to upgrade to i7 with a 4gb graphicscard.

> I know I'm not the only one that thinks the engine of GW2 demands alot of cpu and memory...

> Even now with my new specs I get around 70fps wich is really high running this game,

> Although the majority of other games running 100fps smoothly and have better graphics I do not agree that gw2 is optimized for an audience that have low spec systems and lags/spikes in ping are everywhere.


> Streaming games heh.. That era will be far from now... People across the globe already complain about pings higher than 100.

> I know all about ping and scrapping textures from games to higher FPS and ping but GW2 needs a tremendous PC if you wish to play on max graphics.

> So I do agree that maybe it's moment is not now... But definately the moment to start discussing.


> Hopefully Arenanet's developers feel the same


I played GW2 for 4000 hours with 10-25 fps on lowest settings from 2012-2014 lol

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> @"Veryl.7861" said:


> Nonetheless there are many many people who suffer from overheating computers and low framerates still dedicated to GW2 for a reason.

> Van Marle




I should be playing this game right now, not league of legends and maplestory. But because my lappy's getting old, and I myself am on a budget i dare not approach gw2 to not fry it to crisp and shorten it's lifespan. it's been like this on my previous laptop too. Massive overheating, crashes (that's not an issue nowadays thankfully) and having multi-core processor and decent gfx card only to have the game butcher one core while not making proper use of others.


Fix the damn game, make it multi-core an run cool on any reasonable specced laptop, your own code is making your playerbase more scarce!


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If we're going to ask Anet to remaster a game, I'd rather it be GW 1 to be honest. The fact that GW 2 engine is the same as 1 tells me that 1 could look that much better and feel that much better with smooth animations and controls, not to mention jumping!


In an ideal world I'd love both games to be brought up to modern standards of smoothness and beauty, but time doesn't let us live in an ideal world. With limited time I'd rather they reinvigorated the franchise with a Guild Wars 1 remastered edition.


That being said, I would not want them to take time away from working on the new expansion for GW2. If we want the expansion and a remastered project done right then they will each need the full attention of the team. Nothing feels worse to the player, in my opinion anyways, than getting a half-ass release on a hyped game. It just ruins the reputation of the game and the company and does more damage than taking the time to do it right the first time.


That's my two cents anyways.

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  • 4 weeks later...

> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> I'm not against it unless it impedes or delays future content. This is very much way, way low down the priority list vs actual content.


> Personally if something needs working on graphically, it is less the engine etc, but more the visaal noise with all the horrific infusions, particle effects and other eye sores which have become a plague in this game and have very much taken away from what was a decent base art style for the game in favour of trying to clash as many out of place things as possible.


> At least in my opinion anyway


I play a lot of MMOs and I hear this comment a lot - "More content, who cares about future-proofing" - the problem is: you actually need to future proof. I played GW2 a lot, I still open it from time to time, but in recent years I have been completely unable to get a single one of my friends on it. It just looks too dated. There is plenty more modern / remastered alternatives to play. And sadly, that goes for me too. When I started playing, I was in awe. I have hundreds of screenshots. I loved the environment and the exploration so much... today I log in from time to time, I still enjoy the gameplay, but sadly it really feel like playing a really old game at this point.


Which is a really really bad thing for me, GW2 has so much great stuff I'd love to play it more still. It's only going to get worse.


Every online game I still play from the last decade has done something of sorts. See WoW, EVE Online or Warframe just to name a few of the old ones, who did a great job updating and still pretty much run on every teapot in your house. If you don't iterate on your tech, you are risking becoming a niche old game (i.e. less community, less income, less content) - and I'd hate if that's where GW2 ends up.


> @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> First of all, GW2 engine is based on the GW1 engine, but it is heavily modified. Although it is called an engine, it is not a package easily distributed to third party's, it is an integrated part of the game.


> But more important to how it could be done, is why.


> It would give better graphics, but with a price. People would be forced to upgrade their PC or laptop to better performance. One thing GW always did good is that it was easily accessible to new players who never played a game before. By changing things it would mean also changing this. It would also move the audience of the game to a more hard-core audience.


> I personally also think that in this light, this is not the right moment to do so. We are moving to a new era with streaming games. That would be the perfect time to do such a thing. It would mean that people with poor specs can still play this upgraded game. People with poor internet could still play it in the classic way and only those with poor specs and poor internet would be left behind.


> But at this moment it is too early to take such a step. Maybe in 2 - 3 years.


This is honestly just not true. GW2 does not run well *at all*. I have a really really beefy modern build, in GW2 I get the same framerate I get in Monster Hunter World, fully maxed, with high resolution texture pack installed (and additional 40gb DLC). It's a night and day difference in graphics.


Just 2 years ago with my old PC/CPU I was having way better FPS in *Black Desert Online* than in GW2.

With my laptop, I can play all of the games I cited above *way better* than GW2. I did hours on those, lower graphics but no biggie. Not true for GW2 (moreover, why should I play GW2 with low FPS / low setting when I can play another good game that at least runs smooth?)


Last but not least, streaming is already here (I'm currently playing The Division 2 with some friends and my SO and they are all streaming it, we are playing hardcore, no issues. Side to side with my SO I can ofc see difference with mine - 4k HDR - but really, it's still good enough that it feels like sci-fi to me). And updating your tech takes time anyway.


> @"Xenon.4537" said:

> It is truly amazing how many "experts" come out of the woodwork for threads like this. Less than 10% of you have ever installed a game engine IDE, let alone developed a game professionally using one. I'm sorry and I'm not trying to be mean. GW2 getting a remaster is a pipe dream. Anet are already firing on all cylinders just to deliver the content we are currently getting. They don't have a secret stash of money or a second studio to run parallel projects. Anything they do in the background takes away resources from the foreground. "I don't mind if there's no new content for a few years." You must not have been around during the content droughts surrounding Heart of Thorns. No one was happy when that happened.

> [snip]


If Anet is really in such a position, I must say, it is more important than ever to have a long-term plan. Creating content as fast as they can to keep *current* players engaged can only get you so far and has so many points of failure. While I doubt support for DX9 will cease or any other GW2-breaking events will take place, the game it's gtting older. New players have plenty of alternatives. Performance is not good enough to justify.


While I admit the game so far has great retention (because it's really good), all trends seems to indicate a slowly reducing player base. I'd be ready to bet the main issue is that the game looks and feels old, even compared to older games that got updated.

I realize this is anecdotal but I'll write anyway: one time at my place after getting a new input device (an Azeron FYI - loving it) a few friends of mine asked to try it out and I let them on a few games, one of which was WoW. They used to play WoW (and GW2 for what matters) with me, and they got surprised by how much better WoW looks now compared to what they remembered. They both ended up playing again with me for a while. I had no luck trying to get them back in GW2, even if they admitted the gameplay was better.


It doesn't have to happen all at once. Pretty much no one does it that way (I'd cite BDO as an exception, but truth is, that was probably quite feasible for them to do).

Just plan it, for years to come, a piece at a time. I lack both expertise and knowledge of the current state of the game to suggest anything. But as a developer myself, this is something that needs to happen. And the more they wait, the worse it'll be and the greater the possibility it'd just be too late.


> @"coso.9173" said:

> all MMOS slowly or quickly get better graphics, and those who can't get a better PC have to sadly suck it up and can't be used as an argument for not upgrading it. if it was the case we would still be playing text only adventure games or Atari.

> it is expected that new games will require better pcs. and it is expected that MMOs have to be contantly upgrading their graphics too, it shows on all of them if you compare the vanilla zones to the newer ones.

> But sometimes it isn't enough anymore and a massive overhaul is needed. like the remastered mode in BDO or the new character models in WoW. Now the question is if gw2 is in that moment now or not.


^ TL;DR: this

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> @"Haiku.7812" said:

>This is honestly just not true. GW2 does not run well at all. I have a really really beefy modern build, in GW2 I get the same framerate I get in Monster Hunter World


I'll rephrase, GW2 is working as intended.

GW2 is not a WoW copycat and does not target only existing players of the genre. It also targets people who are absolutely new to gaming and mmo. So the game is designed to lean heavily on the CPU. This means the game runs on most systems (for example, it runs on my laptop with an integrated intel GPU and it is playable). The downside is that people with high-end systems have not as good gameplay as with games that are designed with a different mindset. This effects gets stronger where people have a high-end GPU, but a CPU with huge amounts of cores where each core in itself is poor.

This is in my opinion as designed as it was the same with GW1. That also played on my low end laptop with integrated GPU and had the same complaints from people with high end systems.


The main issue here is the entitlement. A company makes designdecissions and people with a high end system thinks they are entitled to a system that performs perfect on their system. The fact that this would mean the game would play lesser to those with lesser systems is to them of no importance.

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> @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> > @"Haiku.7812" said:

> >This is honestly just not true. GW2 does not run well at all. I have a really really beefy modern build, in GW2 I get the same framerate I get in Monster Hunter World


> I'll rephrase, GW2 is working as intended.

> GW2 is not a WoW copycat and does not target only existing players of the genre. It also targets people who are absolutely new to gaming and mmo. So the game is designed to lean heavily on the CPU. This means the game runs on most systems (for example, it runs on my laptop with an integrated intel GPU and it is playable). The downside is that people with high-end systems have not as good gameplay as with games that are designed with a different mindset. This effects gets stronger where people have a high-end GPU, but a CPU with huge amounts of cores where each core in itself is poor.

> This is in my opinion as designed as it was the same with GW1. That also played on my low end laptop with integrated GPU and had the same complaints from people with high end systems.


> The main issue here is the entitlement. A company makes designdecissions and people with a high end system thinks they are entitled to a system that performs perfect on their system. The fact that this would mean the game would play lesser to those with lesser systems is to them of no importance.


I didn't research far on the issues, but from what I learn, I can't agree with you: there's lots of people with issues, and the game doesn't take advantage of multiple cores properly, and seems to be instead highly dependant on high speed single cores - which is really an old issue with games in general and is becoming more and more obsolete, expecially since AMD got back and it is now pretty much standard for budget gaming.


Even if it was a deliberate choice (which, to be honest, I highly doubt due to the attention to design and the initial push to exploration, views, etc), it's really aging really bad really fast.


Do you want to try gaming without having a gaming PC? There are lots of cheaper options including phones, consoles, and streaming nowadays.

Also, MMOs are a really poor point of entry due to their complexity. GW2 is indeed a bit more new-player friendly than other games, but to be fair, not so much as you might think. It's still an MMO with lots of systems layered on one another.


There's also the issue of personal preference. I'd not personally play a game at 5 fps, and I don't know many people who would.


I can't see how entitlement fits. I played GW2. I still do from time to time. It runs good on my PC. But I really can't consider that "well optimized".

My SO plays on an old 2012 PC, gaming casually. We tried to play together GW2 a few years back, did run poorly and was therefore poorly received, went on to another game. For comparison, we played current WoW and Black Desert for months on that same PC. I keep citing MMOs because I realize it's a different use case from traditional games. Still think GW2 is the odd one in the bunch so far for not addressing the issue.


Thing is: if you game, you probably have a dedicated GPU, even a really cheap one like that one or the one in my laptop. If you game, you usually cheap out the CPU.

If you don't game, I have a really really hard time believing that GW2 is a sensible and viable option for you to start, anyway. I'd love to see stats on that. Pretty sure it's extremely rare.


If you can only game with an integrated card, I'm sorry to hear that, but please realize you are the absolute minority on PC and you should not expect games to be *optimized* around your situation. Also please realize that updating does not necessarily mean it won't run for you anymore.

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I think sometimes we forget that the folks working at ANet are - gasp - gamers too! I'm sure most (if not all) the devs in a position to speak up on the matter are aware that other games have pulled off ports, and that it may be hard to imagine GW2 sustaining its current place in the market in the long, long term without a technical overhaul of some kind.


As others have mentioned here and elsewhere, it's probably just a business decision in the end. Can such an overhaul be done? 100% sure it can. At what cost? This is where things get trickier. My guess is that ANet has decided it's okay to (1) work on it very slowly and without fanfare, or (2) just not do it and hold out on a major technology change until their next title.


Either way, I don't really care. I enjoy the game as it is, and my computer (with a bit of help from d912pxy) runs it pretty well even in LA and meta events. I capped fps at 60 for the longest time, and recently decided to turn it down to 30. It looks less milky smooth, sure, but my laptop fans actually turn off now while the game is running. Having fried several laptops at this point through a combination of work and gaming, the 30fps limit is a small price to pay for me.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Haiku.7812" said:


> > Even if it was a deliberate choice (which, to be honest, I highly doubt due to the attention to design and the initial push to exploration, views, etc), it's really aging really bad really fast.

> GW2 is built on GW1 code. It was a design choice.


I Stand corrected then. I still think that's a decision that aged poorly and it's not properly optimized in the first place, not taking proper advantage of multiple cores.

Of course we are talking of something a decade old - I thought it was a great game and still think it is - but that's the point, it's a decade old tech.


> @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> I think sometimes we forget that the folks working at ANet are - gasp - gamers too! I'm sure most (if not all) the devs in a position to speak up on the matter are aware that other games have pulled off ports, and that it may be hard to imagine GW2 sustaining its current place in the market in the long, long term without a technical overhaul of some kind.


> As others have mentioned here and elsewhere, it's probably just a business decision in the end. Can such an overhaul be done? 100% sure it can. At what cost? This is where things get trickier. My guess is that ANet has decided it's okay to (1) work on it very slowly and without fanfare, or (2) just not do it and hold out on a major technology change until their next title.


> Either way, I don't really care. I enjoy the game as it is, and my computer (with a bit of help from d912pxy) runs it pretty well even in LA and meta events. I capped fps at 60 for the longest time, and recently decided to turn it down to 30. It looks less milky smooth, sure, but my laptop fans actually turn off now while the game is running. Having fried several laptops at this point through a combination of work and gaming, the 30fps limit is a small price to pay for me.


TBH both are fair to me. Either a remaster or GW3 would be fine for me - we are talking years anyway.


I just hope they have a long-term plan. I'd hate to see GW2 becoming niche and dwindling. I really hope they are planning on staying current and ahead of the game

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