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Server trolls getting old


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I've really been wondering for a while now if there's anything that can be done about server trolls. SBI has had a player hanging out in our EB all day every day doing nothing but talking trash in map chat, openly giving info to the other servers we go against, and refusing to leave until we pay him to do so. He just keeps talking about 'destroying the server.'


It's getting really old, and clearly reports aren't doing anything. Can anything be done about people like this?

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I do not believe that will act against someone just trash talking nor giving info to other servers.


They have responded to inappropriate comments, and siege trolls in the past.


Now, I am not sure what your server defines as trash talking, but short of profanity, being racist, or belittling a specific group, ( and likely I am forgetting at least one or two more things) then I am not sure they will

Act on that.


Giving info to the enemy? Well, that has been part of the game for at least as long as the game.

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Ya there is something you can do. Mass block the player, or really the key is just have noone interact with them. Just completely ignore them. THey will get bored and stop if noone plays with them. Every time someone engages with them they are getting what they want.


Basic human psychology here.

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> @Chaba.5410 said:

> The only thing you can do is report for verbal abuse and block and ask everyone else to do the same unfortunately.

> @xDudisx.5914 said:

> Do a mass campaign for everyone to block him. Ask all organized guild members to block him.

I've come across "Everybody block xy" that often and it makes me want to block whoever is screaming that. Hey, I'm old enough to know myself whom to block.

I mean the title of this thread is: "Trolls are getting old" <-- confirmed!



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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> I do not believe that will act against someone just trash talking nor giving info to other servers.


> They have responded to inappropriate comments, and siege trolls in the past.


> Now, I am not sure what your server defines as trash talking, but short of profanity, being racist, or belittling a specific group, ( and likely I am forgetting at least one or two more things) then I am not sure they will

> Act on that.


> Giving info to the enemy? Well, that has been part of the game for at least as long as the game.


I'm reporting all of the offensive things he keeps saying.

I guess I could also be pointing out he's been messing with our siege today too; taking golems to be destroyed and such.

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TC has had trolls banned in the past (briefly) for similar behavior - screen shots of them in action are useful - I did help get a siege troll banned for a few weeks once thanks to a full journal of them siege capping/supply draining our structures so we could not defend. Keep reporting them and eventually you might get a vacation from them at least, I don't know of any that have received a permaban. I have most of the verbal ones blocked at this point (every time there is a relink I have fresh people to block and I feel bad for our new link encountering the full halitosis of our native trolls) but the ones that disrupt game play are just the cream of the poop pile.

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if you are on Alpine Borderlands, you use your alt account on the opposing sever and set up a treb to blow them apart with, as a Treb will reach into the safety area, and, even if they have buff up.. it an still kill them.. unless they fixed that.. been a few years since A Blue player motivated me to go to that length.

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The best you can do is **report, block and move on**. If together as a community enforce this simple trick it should lessen the attention said troll gets and they'll grow bored. Unfortunately if people keep giving in to the bait, it only feeds the troll more and they will continue their rampage.


It really saddens me such melancholy players exist that desire to cause chaos amongst players.

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> @Never.8571 said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > I do not believe that will act against someone just trash talking nor giving info to other servers.

> >

> > They have responded to inappropriate comments, and siege trolls in the past.

> >

> > Now, I am not sure what your server defines as trash talking, but short of profanity, being racist, or belittling a specific group, ( and likely I am forgetting at least one or two more things) then I am not sure they will

> > Act on that.

> >

> > Giving info to the enemy? Well, that has been part of the game for at least as long as the game.


> I'm reporting all of the offensive things he keeps saying.

> I guess I could also be pointing out he's been messing with our siege today too; taking golems to be destroyed and such.


Well he has just as much right to report you for reporting him. You are abusing the report system for your own personal benefit. I guess I could also point out how this serves nobody any good. He hurt your feelings, we get it we've all been there, you did your little vent, now its time to move on.

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