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the market is ruined...


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i was so exited with the new xpack, but... it also gave problems.

because you made the xpack so nice. many old players came back to the game.

but the trading post is ruined (for me)

i worked my ... off to make kudzu and put all my hard earned gold in it so i can finally (hoped this) put it in the trading post

and getting a nice amount of gold to buy upgrades or other nice gem store skins.

BUT, i finally made kudzu, i had to sell the lover pre to be able to put kudzu in the trading post because i had no more gold. (yes a bit gold to put the pre in the tp)

i am out of materials. i put kudzu in the trading post 8 days ago and i now have 16 others that undercut me, and few are sold already. i got undercut in few minutes when i put mine at it.

with this ruined marked its very hard for poor ppl to make gold. before this xpack it was easy to sell crafted items. and the hard earned gold of it is all spend on kudzu. and things we craft are worth less then before PoF. so making gold is hard.

problem is, there are many nice skins coming with halloween and now also there are nice skins in the store.

rich ppl ingame have their best time now. gem price is very low. all items are very cheap. they buy in and sell later for even more profit.

poor ppl cant make gold. have to wait weeks to sell something. and if we want those nice skins we have to pay maybe hundreds of euros for the skins.

its a bad time.


so maybe drop the price for the gems for real money? if you buy through the game...

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_maybe drop the price for the gems for real money_


You’re asking ANet to take a decrease in their profits, which affects the people they can hire, can pay, the amount of content that comes out, just so you can buy the skins you want?


Why not do the content that pays well instead like high level fractals and be sure to do your daily each day for 2 gold in a few minutes.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> _maybe drop the price for the gems for real money_


> You’re asking ANet to take a decrease in their profits, which affects the people they can hire, can pay, the amount of content that comes out, just so you can buy the skins you want?


> Why not do the content that pays well instead like high level fractals and be sure to do your daily each day for 2 gold in a few minutes.


Yep agreed anet isn't un-intelligent when come to making money. that's what it all about to them in the end. Just like all gaming companies best we get used to it. Adapt or move on.

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Making a legendary to sell for a profit is a **huge** gamble at any time. Doubly so when an expansion is coming out because there's so many changes at once the market, for everything, is in chaos.


I'm not sure selling a legendary is a good way for a 'poor' player to make money because it's such a gamble - you could make a lot of money but you could also lose a lot of money and if you don't have a lot to begin with that will hurt. Also, my understanding is it's a long-term "investment", unless you're so rich that you can afford to lose the cost of the listing fees flipping legendaries.


I'm not an expert by any means but I think you'd be much better off going for lots of small sales rather than one big one. I managed to make almost 20g yesterday doing the Auric Basin meta event and actually paying attention to which items to sell, which to salvage and then sell and which materials to refine or craft before selling. 20g in a day is almost unheard of for me (and when I have done it it's by selling materials I saved up over months), but I really wanted a Jackal mount ASAP and had spent all my available gold on mini raptors.

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The prices for mats are currently low because people unloaded their inventory to get gold to buy the new mounts. This won’t be a forever thing. Soon enough ANet will release new Legendaries, new recipes, new skins that require crafting, and the excess mats will be used up. As a player who farms for my daily gold my pocketbook has been hit too. But it’s not a forever thing. It will go back up, even if it takes a while.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> The prices for mats are currently low because people unloaded their inventory to get gold to buy the new mounts. This won’t be a forever thing. Soon enough ANet will release new Legendaries, new recipes, new skins that require crafting, and the excess mats will be used up. As a player who farms for my daily gold, my pocketbook has been hit too. But it’s not a forever thing. It will go back up, even if it takes a while.


There is also a lot of salvaging going on right now which IMO is saturating the market

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> @kharmin.7683 said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > The prices for mats are currently low because people unloaded their inventory to get gold to buy the new mounts. This won’t be a forever thing. Soon enough ANet will release new Legendaries, new recipes, new skins that require crafting, and the excess mats will be used up. As a player who farms for my daily gold, my pocketbook has been hit too. But it’s not a forever thing. It will go back up, even if it takes a while.


> There is also a lot of salvaging going on right now which IMO is saturating the market


Hmmm. There’s always a lot of salvaging. How about when the HoT meta with the multi chest loot was going on? People were salvaging a lot then too.

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> @titje.2745 said:

> i was so exited with the new xpack, but... it also gave problems.

> because you made the xpack so nice. many old players came back to the game.

> but the trading post is ruined (for me)

> i worked my ... off to make kudzu and put all my hard earned gold in it so i can finally (hoped this) put it in the trading post

> and getting a nice amount of gold to buy upgrades or other nice gem store skins.

> BUT, i finally made kudzu, i had to sell the lover pre to be able to put kudzu in the trading post because i had no more gold. (yes a bit gold to put the pre in the tp)

> i am out of materials. i put kudzu in the trading post 8 days ago and i now have 16 others that undercut me, and few are sold already. i got undercut in few minutes when i put mine at it.

> with this ruined marked its very hard for poor ppl to make gold. before this xpack it was easy to sell crafted items. and the hard earned gold of it is all spend on kudzu. and things we craft are worth less then before PoF. so making gold is hard.

> problem is, there are many nice skins coming with halloween and now also there are nice skins in the store.

> rich ppl ingame have their best time now. gem price is very low. all items are very cheap. they buy in and sell later for even more profit.

> poor ppl cant make gold. have to wait weeks to sell something. and if we want those nice skins we have to pay maybe hundreds of euros for the skins.

> its a bad time.


> so maybe drop the price for the gems for real money? if you buy through the game...


Op says they are poor, yet made a legendary. That Word poor, I dont think it means what you think it means...

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> @Danikat.8537 said:

> Making a legendary to sell for a profit is a **huge** gamble at any time. Doubly so when an expansion is coming out because there's so many changes at once the market, for everything, is in chaos.


> I'm not sure selling a legendary is a good way for a 'poor' player to make money because it's such a gamble - you could make a lot of money but you could also lose a lot of money and if you don't have a lot to begin with that will hurt. Also, my understanding is it's a long-term "investment", unless you're so rich that you can afford to lose the cost of the listing fees flipping legendaries.


> I'm not an expert by any means but I think you'd be much better off going for lots of small sales rather than one big one. I managed to make almost 20g yesterday doing the Auric Basin meta event and actually paying attention to which items to sell, which to salvage and then sell and which materials to refine or craft before selling. 20g in a day is almost unheard of for me (and when I have done it it's by selling materials I saved up over months), but I really wanted a Jackal mount ASAP and had spent all my available gold on mini raptors.


this is the first xpack for me that i play when its released, i started playing gw2 again in march 2016 and then i bought hot. i didnt expect this, guildys made a greatsword legendary and sold in within 3 days. i had 550 gold made something that sold for 62 gold each (excl fees) x4 and the rest i sold t6 mats of laurels. and later i needed them myself but i had near 500 laurels. i didnt know that a legendary is a gamble.




> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> _maybe drop the price for the gems for real money_


> You’re asking ANet to take a decrease in their profits, which affects the people they can hire, can pay, the amount of content that comes out, just so you can buy the skins you want?


> Why not do the content that pays well instead like high level fractals and be sure to do your daily each day for 2 gold in a few minutes.


yes :D i dont do fractals i only make money with crafting and selling mats or loot i get. i only do simple skill less events :)


> @Zaron.1987 said:

> Lol another thread to the existing 1000 th q.q threads about gimme moar gold for my stuff.


ofc, we bought an xpack, isn't that already enough money giving to anet? we buy an xpack and our market got broken so we have to spend even more money?

i mostly try to buy skins for gold to gems and sometimes i buy gems if i have no other option like infinite unbound gathering tools. was 600+ gold that i didnt have.


but i think i am the only one who thinks like this. i think am not mmo player enough to understand...

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > @kharmin.7683 said:

> > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > The prices for mats are currently low because people unloaded their inventory to get gold to buy the new mounts. This won’t be a forever thing. Soon enough ANet will release new Legendaries, new recipes, new skins that require crafting, and the excess mats will be used up. As a player who farms for my daily gold, my pocketbook has been hit too. But it’s not a forever thing. It will go back up, even if it takes a while.

> >

> > There is also a lot of salvaging going on right now which IMO is saturating the market


> Hmmm. There’s always a lot of salvaging. How about when the HoT meta with the multi chest loot was going on? People were salvaging a lot then too.


Good point. How was the market then?

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Every market has its ups and down. If the way you make gold is on a downturn market then you either have to wait it out or diversify. If you don’t do high skill events there’s still medium skill, such as doing dungeons for gold and mats. Or you can check out things that you can craft to sell that still turns a profit. It’s simply not reasonable to ask the company to take less profits when the problem is your gold income.

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> @kharmin.7683 said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > @kharmin.7683 said:

> > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > > The prices for mats are currently low because people unloaded their inventory to get gold to buy the new mounts. This won’t be a forever thing. Soon enough ANet will release new Legendaries, new recipes, new skins that require crafting, and the excess mats will be used up. As a player who farms for my daily gold, my pocketbook has been hit too. But it’s not a forever thing. It will go back up, even if it takes a while.

> > >

> > > There is also a lot of salvaging going on right now which IMO is saturating the market

> >

> > Hmmm. There’s always a lot of salvaging. How about when the HoT meta with the multi chest loot was going on? People were salvaging a lot then too.


> Good point. How was the market then?


Depends. Ectos dropped in value, other items (as I recall) either were already low or weren’t affected (mid range mats).

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> @dchsknight.3042 said:

> > @titje.2745 said:

> > i was so exited with the new xpack, but... it also gave problems.

> > because you made the xpack so nice. many old players came back to the game.

> > but the trading post is ruined (for me)

> > i worked my ... off to make kudzu and put all my hard earned gold in it so i can finally (hoped this) put it in the trading post

> > and getting a nice amount of gold to buy upgrades or other nice gem store skins.

> > BUT, i finally made kudzu, i had to sell the lover pre to be able to put kudzu in the trading post because i had no more gold. (yes a bit gold to put the pre in the tp)

> > i am out of materials. i put kudzu in the trading post 8 days ago and i now have 16 others that undercut me, and few are sold already. i got undercut in few minutes when i put mine at it.

> > with this ruined marked its very hard for poor ppl to make gold. before this xpack it was easy to sell crafted items. and the hard earned gold of it is all spend on kudzu. and things we craft are worth less then before PoF. so making gold is hard.

> > problem is, there are many nice skins coming with halloween and now also there are nice skins in the store.

> > rich ppl ingame have their best time now. gem price is very low. all items are very cheap. they buy in and sell later for even more profit.

> > poor ppl cant make gold. have to wait weeks to sell something. and if we want those nice skins we have to pay maybe hundreds of euros for the skins.

> > its a bad time.

> >

> > so maybe drop the price for the gems for real money? if you buy through the game...


> Op says they are poor, yet made a legendary. That Word poor, I dont think it means what you think it means...


Considering GW2 has almost no "cost of living" expenses terms like 'rich' and 'poor' are highly subjective. I've known players who complained they were poor because they "only" had 300g and others who thought they were doing really well and could (eventually) buy whatever they wanted when they had 50g. I think the more important measure is how fast you can make gold but again that's subjective. Earlier I mentioned managing to make 20g in a day and I'm sure some people would see that and wonder what kind of amateur casual player would be proud of making such a tiny amount, or need to go out of their way to do it.


(Although the same is true in real life - I've spoken to millionaires who insisted they're not rich, just making 'a decent living' and people who can't afford a house who brag about making "crazy money". I'm closely related to 2 of them so it's not about their upbringing either.)

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Not hugely surprising really. Kudzu is a fairly ugly longbow by most peoples standards. I mean, a charr holding a bow made of daisies - not good. Similarly, most people who want one, have one as its years old and there will soon be a spanky new legendary longbow to work for that's probably going to be super awesome.


The market is telling you that the item you are selling is old, sad and about to be replaced by a new model. Hence selling it is going to be a struggle and that seems to be about right.

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It's an fantastic time to fill up the own storage with rare mats by cheap conditions. Also it's a good time to craft. Crfated Bolt about 8 Weeks before PoF launch. It was pretty expensive to me. Now i'm crafting Bifröst and a second Bolt at the same time. Bifrost is for me and the second Bolt is for the time when the launch dust has been sattlet. Then i will sell it.

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> @chronometria.3708 said:

> Not hugely surprising really. Kudzu is a fairly ugly longbow by most peoples standards. I mean, a charr holding a bow made of daisies - not good.


Actually even designing the my little pony bows was not good. I could have had/made both a long time ago, but no way would I be caught dead with them on my ranger or dragon hunter etc. Hopefully the new models will be something much better.

But back on topic, the more the prices drop actually doesn't reflect how much the item the cost to make or obtain , but how much people want them and in this case, not so much,

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> @titje.2745 said:

> > @Danikat.8537 said:

> > Making a legendary to sell for a profit is a **huge** gamble at any time. Doubly so when an expansion is coming out because there's so many changes at once the market, for everything, is in chaos.

> >

> > I'm not sure selling a legendary is a good way for a 'poor' player to make money because it's such a gamble - you could make a lot of money but you could also lose a lot of money and if you don't have a lot to begin with that will hurt. Also, my understanding is it's a long-term "investment", unless you're so rich that you can afford to lose the cost of the listing fees flipping legendaries.

> >

> > I'm not an expert by any means but I think you'd be much better off going for lots of small sales rather than one big one. I managed to make almost 20g yesterday doing the Auric Basin meta event and actually paying attention to which items to sell, which to salvage and then sell and which materials to refine or craft before selling. 20g in a day is almost unheard of for me (and when I have done it it's by selling materials I saved up over months), but I really wanted a Jackal mount ASAP and had spent all my available gold on mini raptors.


> this is the first xpack for me that i play when its released, i started playing gw2 again in march 2016 and then i bought hot. i didnt expect this, guildys made a greatsword legendary and sold in within 3 days. i had 550 gold made something that sold for 62 gold each (excl fees) x4 and the rest i sold t6 mats of laurels. and later i needed them myself but i had near 500 laurels. i didnt know that a legendary is a gamble.




> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > _maybe drop the price for the gems for real money_

> >

> > You’re asking ANet to take a decrease in their profits, which affects the people they can hire, can pay, the amount of content that comes out, just so you can buy the skins you want?

> >

> > Why not do the content that pays well instead like high level fractals and be sure to do your daily each day for 2 gold in a few minutes.


> yes :D i dont do fractals i only make money with crafting and selling mats or loot i get. i only do simple skill less events :)


> > @Zaron.1987 said:

> > Lol another thread to the existing 1000 th q.q threads about gimme moar gold for my stuff.


> ofc, we bought an xpack, isn't that already enough money giving to anet? we buy an xpack and our market got broken so we have to spend even more money?

> i mostly try to buy skins for gold to gems and sometimes i buy gems if i have no other option like infinite unbound gathering tools. was 600+ gold that i didnt have.


> but i think i am the only one who thinks like this. i think am not mmo player enough to understand...


Sorry but you gambled ... big money earning potential ... with a big risk. Your guild friends did something you didn't ... they sold at the right time. You're selling at a time where there is LOTS of new things for people to spend their gold on ... and NOT spend their gold on your stuff. This has nothing to do with a ruined market ... it has everything to do with not understanding that market.


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oké * it i will do halloween event and then i move to another game and see if it’s sold with winter event. thanks for the help and info. i already thought about a break from guildwars 2 because frustration. but don’t know what to buy. call of duty ww2 or need for speed payback or stick with battlefield 1. :) and yes you can say buy gems for that money. no. already paid 80 for path of fire :)

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