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Dear ArenaNet team, please create new content for PVP, i love the pvp mechanics of the game is the best game in pvp mode i have played i dont want to change to another new game because every day is getting more and more bored of the same content, this is not a dead line post or that im gonna quit the gam just take a look to that section i know there is more players like me thinking that PVP is the future for guild wars 2 and needs new maps, mechanics, cosmetics, new modes, best of luck and i love gw2

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> @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> What future? The only thing that has a future is Guardian.


I wish. Beside the lame ass symbol FB build, almost every guardian build was killed was the balance update.


And sPvP, is semi dead. Maybe next expansion will see some action.

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I feel you.


Some content patches would be great, and balance patches; no matter how big, do not count as content patches.


Credit where credit is due though, we just had mini-seasons(2v2), and Swiss come out. Regardless of reception to either, it was some of the most content sPvP has received in a while.


And to start floating ideas... You know what would be a refreshing, relatively new piece of content?

A separate SoloQ and Teams ranked Arena + Leaderboard :o :o :o

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The future of guildwars2 ranked pvp? 1vs1 bc too less playerbase.

From time to time they implement new skins so ppl come, grind it & leave asap bc toxicity and heavy balance errors.


Unranked is a requirement for grinding things in ranked and (hopefuly) everyone who play this know it.


The mode died in 2017 with the kickout of ESL bc the game is very unbalanced.

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Haha, oh my sweet summer child, when did you join gw2?

Conquest mode is eternal, we had deathmach but they deleted it (god knows why), GvG non existent (despite game name). Over 8 years they only added tournaments (so basically same mode, just better rewards) and now 2v2 (everyone knew that its gonna be guardian+necro combo pwning around, well what a surprise).

As old gw player i see the only hope for new modes and something fresh in new expansion. Cantha might give some Alliance Battles like we had in gw1.


Speaking of gw1, we had JQ, FA, TA, RA, HA, AB, GvG and god knows if I forgot something else, and all of those modes were alive. GW2 is like League of Legends, same map over 10 years with minor changes, just less diversity (atm 148 champions with different builds vs 9 classes with one or two viable builds).

Kinda sad if you ask me, even BGs like in WoW could be fun.

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> @"woodsnico.7426" said:

> Dear ArenaNet team, please create new content for PVP, i love the pvp mechanics of the game is the best game in pvp mode i have played i dont want to change to another new game because every day is getting more and more bored of the same content, this is not a dead line post or that im gonna quit the gam just take a look to that section i know there is more players like me thinking that PVP is the future for guild wars 2 and needs new maps, mechanics, cosmetics, new modes, best of luck and i love gw2




nothing wrong of being optimistic and hopeful. The question to be asked is, will optimistic and hope be enough to turn the game around in a healthy positive/fun competitive way?

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